NUREG/CR-5057, 'Aging Mitigation & Improved Programs for ...accepting this mission envelope for the...

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Transcript of NUREG/CR-5057, 'Aging Mitigation & Improved Programs for ...accepting this mission envelope for the...



Aging Mitigation andImproved Programs forNuclear ServiceDiesel Generators

Prepared by K. R. Hoopingarner, F. R. Zaloudek

Pacific Northwest LaboratoryOperated byBattelle Memorial Institute

Prepared forU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission


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NUREG/CR-5057PNL-6397RG, RM, R1, R2

Aging Mitigation andImproved Programs forNuclear ServiceDiesel Generators

Manuscript Completed: October 1989Date Published: December 1989

Prepared byK. R. Hoopingarner, F. R. Zaloudek

Pacific Northwest LaboratoryRichland, WA 99352

Prepared forDivision of EngineeringOffice of Nuclear Regulatory ResearchU.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionWashington, DC 20555NRC FIN B2911


Recent NRC sponsored aging research work on nuclear service diesel gen-erators has resulted in a recommendation that an improved engine managementprogram should be adopted for aging mitigation and reliability improvement.The center of attention should be to ensure diesel-generator operationalreadiness. This report emphasizes a "healthy engine concept" and recommendsparameters to be monitored to determine engine condition. The proposed pro-gram and approach recommended in this report represent balanced managementwhere diesel generator testing, inspections, monitoring, trending, training,and maintenance all have appropriate importance.

Fast-starting and fast-loading tests of nuclear service diesels causesvery rapid wear of certain engine components. This report documents thisaging and wear mechanism and recommends ways to largely eliminate this uniqueaging stressor. Current periodic intrusive maintenance and engine overhaulpractices have been found to be less favorable for safety assurance thanengine overhauls based on monitoring and trending results or on a need tocorrect specific engine defects. This report recommends that the periodicoverhaul requirements be re-evaluated.

Diesel generator research on aging and wear is sponsored by the U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research.The research reported in this report was conducted by Pacific NorthwestLaboratory (PNL), which is operated for the Department of Energy by BattelleMemorial Institute.




The Nuclear Plant Aging Research (NPAR) Program was established by theNRC's:Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, Division of Engineering, Elec-trical and Mechanical Engineering Branch, to evaluate the effects of aging onselected safety-related components, systems and support systems. It isaddressing how the aging process may change current safety margins of keycomponents in safety-related systems and how aging degradation can initiatefailure.

The NPAR study of diesel generator aging was performed in two phases.In Phase I, plant operating experience and data were used to produce a newdata base related to aging, reliability, and operational readiness of nuclearservice diesel generators. Phase II is chiefly concerned with aging miti-gation measures.


This-report proposes a management, testing, and maintenance program foremergency diesel generators that was developed as a product of Phase II ofthis effort. The proposed program would lead to three expected results:1) the reduction of several of the stressors identified in Phase I that havebeen shown to accelerate aging of diesel generators, 2) an improved state ofreliability and operational readiness, and 3) improved confidence in thefuture availability and reliability of the diesel-generator.

The proposed new program would integrate testing, inspection, monitor-ing, trending, maintenance, and other elements for a better diesel generatoraging mitigation approach. The new recommended program is further describedin Section 5.0. The more important elements of the new proposed program aresummarized in the following paragraphs.

An improved diesel-generator testing program including slow starting andloading would induce little aging effects in the emergency diesel-generator.By contrast, the current fast starting and loading testing requirements canproduce substantial harm and significant aging effects through the productionof large mechanical and thermal stresses, inadequate lubrication during ini-'tial acceleration, high rotating and sliding pressures, overspeeding, etc.During the monthly testing program, adequate data should be collected forabqut 30 engine operating parameters that Could indicate degrading perform-ance or an impending component failure. These parameters of interest aredetailed in' Appendix A of this report. For many important components such aprogram could then detect approaching performance failure and'allow orderlyrepair. Monitoring and trending will not be able to detect all degraded


performance, of course, but the deterioration that will be detected is sig-nificant for aging and reliability concerns. These recommended tests arepresented and further discussed in Section 5.2.

Condition monitoring and trending is an important development to showthe possible presence of long-term component or system degradation. Thisactivity should detect many potential component/system failures before thesystem actually fails. Cost and safety benefits would accrue from the avoid-ance of both equipment damage and unscheduled downtime by anticipating thesefailures and providing timely repair/maintenance. The monthly test programshould ensure that the operating parameters listed in Appendix A are withintheir maximum and minimum limits as applicable. However, it is not necessaryto trend every parameter for effective results. Deviations from normalengine conditions towards either maximum or minimum allowed limits need notbe trended until perhaps fifty percent of the allowed range of values isexceeded. Obviously, the chief safety concern is to operate the dieselgenerator within the manufacturer's recommended values. When a limitingvalue is being approached the utilities should trend the approach to avoidfailures and schedule repair before limits are exceeded.

Several recommendations were developed regarding maintenance proceduresand training. One important recommendation is that teardown of the dieselengines solely for the purpose of inspection should be avoided unless thereis a definite indication that its operation is degraded or there is animpending component failure based on performance data trends. Analyses offailure data have also been performed by the U.S. Navy and the airlineindustry which show a definite average, short-term adverse effect of suchteardowns on the engine reliability.

Understanding of the governor, as well as the engine/generator, must bedeveloped by providing the maintenance staff with adequate training andmotivation. The staff associated with each plant should be given trainingequivalent to that offered by the specific engine and governor manufacturerthat supplied the engines for that plant.

Finally, it was recommended that engine inspections and preventivemaintenance be increased to mitigate the aging and wear results of thevibration stressor. This maintenance should focus on the engine or instru-mentation mounted on the engine or the engine skid. Normal engine vibrationshave a known and severe influence on control system instruments and theircalibration. Vibration cannot be eliminated, but its effects can be miti-gated by keeping fasteners/fittings tight and by frequently recalibratinginstrumentation subject to this vibration.


The role of the diesel generator safety mission related to the agingstudy is reviewed in this report in Section 3. To respond to a large-breakLOCA event with a corresponding loss of all offsite power, a diesel generator


needs to start promptly and deliver its full emergency loads until the emer-gency is over. This mission profile is the basis and focus of current regu-latory requirements'and testing.: With over 100O.reactor years of operation'in U.S. regulatory history without a large-break LOCA event for primary"'watercontainment and with the recent Criterion 4 (leak-before-break) rulemaking,it may be concluded that the true mission'envelope for the diesel-generatormay be redefined with consequential benefits..

For a loss of offsite power, with or without'a small-break LOCA event,the related needs for emergency electrical power and-the diesel' missionprofile are much less stringent. In.this case, the need for power'isextended to about'5 minutes or so and the emergency power level needs.arereduced, but the time duration for emergency power may remain for severaldays. Thus, in summary it appears that the prevention of station blackout isthe most realistic mission envelope.

,The most probable risk-responsive requirements for the diesel-generatormissionhare very high reliability with the durability to produce power over 3to 4 days until the emergency passes and the reactor cooling requirementsrapidly drop off. This is essentially the 'station blackout" issue. But,accepting this mission envelope for the diesel-generator system also resultsin the reduction in aging degradation'of many important engine componentsthrough l1ess harmful test requirements. A more practical mission envelopefor the diesel generator system appears to be:

a total duration - 2 to 3 days

* diesel start and load time - within 5 minutes

! power level - less than calculated full load (core and containmentsprays not needed). Also, by usual design practice,,less than theengine'nameplate rating'by a conservative margin.

.~~~~~~~~~ .,g .

In consideration of the mission analysis it appears that safety concerns arebetter served by testing the engines for reliability rather than maximumstarting accelerations and very rapid loading which it seems is not needed.


The NPAR'was originally intended to develop research for NRCconsideration related to potential safety'problems caused by the aging ..process.- General applications of the study results were expected to be usedfor 1) diesel reliability improvement,' 2) plant technical specificationmodification, 3) improvement of resource applications by the NRC and theutilities, and 4) development of specific research information needed tochange some regulatory requirements. All of these end uses of the research'have been accomplished or are under active consideration. Collectively, thesafety implications of these changes and research recommendations areimportant..


Current regulatory requirements for fast-start testing, fast engineloading, and overload testing are being reconsidered by the NRC. In asso-ciation with certain nuclear plant technical specifications, these currentrequirements may lead to greater future safety problems and unreliability.Regulatory guide requirements for routine testing have been proposed toinclude slow-start testing, slower engine loading, and diesel overloadtesting objectives that can be supported by the study results.

NRC Regulatory Accomplishments

In response to various industry proposals, research information, and NRCstaff initiatives much has been accomplished in the area of diesel-generatoraging and reliability. The current status includes much activity and the NRCstaff accomplishments reported in this summary may soon be out-of-date.

Based on various historical conditions the NRC staff has issued Regula-tory Guide 1.155, "Station Blackout" in August, 1988 which identifies a needfor a reliability program. This reliability program for emergency dieselgenerators is intended to maintain and monitor reliability levels selectedfor compliance with the Station Blackout Rule 10 CFR 50.63 (6/68).

Regulatory Guide 1.9,- Revision 3, "Section, Design, Qualification,Testing, and Reliability of Diesel GEnerator Units Used as Onsite ElectricPower Systems at Nuclear Power Plants" is in the final NRC approval processand is expected to be issued in 1989. It integrates into a single guidematerial previously addressed in Regulatory Guides 1.108, 1.9 Revision 2 andGeneric Letter 84-15. Regulatory Guide 1.108 will be withdrawn after theissue of Regulatory 1.9, Revision 3.

A Research Information Letter was issued by the NRC during 1989 whichrecommends a balanced program of testing, inspection, monitoring, trending,and maintenance for aging mitigation and for assuring diesel generatoroperational readiness. The recommended guidelines for this reliabilityprogram follow the results and recommendations included in this report. TheNRC in November 1988 issued a report to the NRC staff proposing changes tothe standard technical specifications including many examples obtained fromthe NPAR diesel generator task.

Proposed NRC Actions

Regulatory Guide 1.137, Fuel-Oil Systems for Standby Diesel Generators,has not been revised since October 1979. Aging considerations for the systemand the fuel oil contents needs to be addressed. The scope of the changesrecommended are outlined in Section 7.1 and include reducing the needed fueloil storage to a 3 to 4 day supply, defining tank lining materials, address-ing independence and redundancy guidelines, and reconsideration of thespecifications for stored fuel to include usual and expected aging changes.

The standard technical specifications including diesel generator speci-fic issues needs to be addressed. The research information gathered in theNPAR Diesel program suggests that current technical specifications are not


always conservative nor effective. In particular, those related to fastengine starting and loading, frequent sensor calibration, engine startupduring abnormal plant conditions, frequent starts and special test require-ments need to be carefully evaluated.



ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.0 INTRODUCTION . . . ... . ......... .

1.1 BACKGROUND . . . . . . . . .. . .. .


2.1 SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . .. . .


2.2.1 Aging Related Failures and Their Causes..

2.2.2 Aging Trends . . . .. . . . .

2.2.3 Correction of Aging-Induced Failures . . .

2.3 STRESSORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. 0 . . .

0 . 6 . .

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0 # 0 . *

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2.9n *


2.4.1 Improved Diesel Generator Testing . . . . . . . . . .

2.4.2 Condition Monitoring and Trending . . . . . . . . . .

2.4.3 Maintenance Training, and Inspection . . . . . . . .


3.1 MISSION ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3.1.2 Related Mission Studies ...............



4.0 MAINTENANCE ISSUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4.1 MAINTENANCE/RELIABILITY STUDIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4.2 IMPLICATIONS FOR NUCLEAR SERVICE EMERGENCY DIESELGENERATORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .













* xi

4.3 MAINTENANCE/REGULATORY ISSUES . . . . . . . . . . .


5.1 TESTING, MONITORING AND TRENDING . . . . . . . . . .

5.1.1 Recommended Periodic Testing and Monitoring




Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5.1.2 Other Periodic Monitoring . . . . . . . . . .

5.1.3 Testing After Specific Faults and Maintenance

5.1.4 Trending of Performance Parameters . . . . .

5.2 INSPECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5.2.1 Weekly Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5.2.2 Monthly and Quarterly Inspections . . . . . .

5.3 MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5.4 TRAINING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . .

5.5 MODIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


6.1 OTHER DEVELOPMENTAL ACTIVITIES . . . . . . . . . . .


7.1 REGULATORY GUIDES .................

7.2 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8.0 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . 5.3

. . . . 5.5

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. . . . 5.6

. . . . 5.6

. . . . 5.7

. . . . 5.8

. . . . 5.9

. . . . 5.10

. . . . 5.10

. . . . 6.1

. . . . 6.2

. . . . 7.1

. . . . 7.1

. . . . 7.2

. . . . 8.1




2.1 Percent of Failures Due to Aging . . . . .. . . . . . . . 2.6-

2.2 Change in Failure Rate Over Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8

4.1 Types of Failure Behavior Observed in Age-ReliabilityStudies . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 4.2


2.1 System and Components Contributing Most to Diesel GeneratorFailures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3

2.2 Overall Causes of Diesel Generator Failure . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3

2.3 Systems and Components Subject to Aging-Induced FailuresResulting in Loss of Function of Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4

2.4 Causes of Aging-Related Failures that Result in Loss ofFunction or Reliability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4

2.5 Summary of Most Frequent Corrective Actions for AgingFailures . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8

2.6 Corrective Actions for Components Most Susceptible to Aging . . . 2.9

2.7 Workshop Participant's View of Major Aging Stressors . . . . . . 2.10

4.1 Results of Equipment Age-Reliability Analyses . . . . . . . . . . 4.3



Commercial nuclear power stations use large diesel generators to supplyClass lE emergency standby power to support the operation of emergency safetyand plant protection system loads. During a loss of power to the emergencyplant buses, the diesel generators must provide backup power to operate crit-ical reactor safety equipment. Generally, each nuclear unit is provided withtwo diesel generators, each rated at 3,000 to 10,000 horsepower.

The potential serious consequences of the failure of these diesel gener-ators to produce power following a loss of off-site power have caused consid-erable regulatory attention to be directed at their reliability. Sinceaging of the diesel generators and their associated systems could contributeto their failure (Davis et al. 1985), the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission(NRC) has included the consideration of diesel generators in the NuclearPlant Aging Research (NPAR) Program.

The NPAR program was established by the NRC's Office of Nuclear Regula-tory Research, Division of Engineering, Electrical and Mechanical EngineeringBranch, to evaluate the effects of aging on selected safety-related compo-nents, systems and support systems. It is addressing how the aging processmay change current safety margins of key components in safety-related systemsand how aging degradation can initiate failure. The goals of the NPAR pro-gram are to:

* identify and characterize aging and service wear effects which, ifunchecked, could cause degradation of systems, components, andcivil structures and thereby impair plant safety

* identify methods for inspection, surveillance, monitoring, andevaluation of the residual life of structures, systems, and compo-nents and civil structures that will assure a timely detection ofsignificant aging effects before a loss of safety function develops

* evaluate the effectiveness of operations, maintenance, repair, andreplacement practices in mitigating the rate and extent of degra-dation caused by aging.

The NPAR study of diesel generator aging was performed in two phases.In Phase 1, plant operating experience, data, expert opinion and statisticalmethods were used to produce a new data base related to aging, reliability,and operational readiness of nuclear service diesel generators. Phase II ischiefly concerned with aging mitigation measures. Phase I of this programhas been completed and the results of assessments of wear and aging expe-rience have been published (Hoopingarner et al. 1987, Vol. I and 2). Methodsfor testing and aging mitigation (Hoopingarner et al. 1988) have been pub-lished as part of the Phase II work.

The purpose of this report is to describe a proposed management, testingand maintenance program for emergency diesel generators that was developed asa product of Phase II of this effort. The proposed program would lead to


three expected results: 1) reduce stressors identified in Phase I that leadto accelerated aging of nuclear service diesel generators, 2) provide anenhanced state of reliability and operational readiness, and 3) provideimproved confidence in future diesel-generator availability.

The research reported in this document was conducted by the PacificNorthwest Laboratory (PNL), which is operated for the Department of Energy bythe Battelle Memorial Institute.


The aging of a nuclear service emergency diesel generator may be envi-sioned as the cumulative deterioration of components and supporting systems.This aging can lead to a loss of reliability to start, assume the definedemergency loads, and once started to continue to run for the duration of theemergency or, in case of routine operational verification testing, theduration of the test. This deterioration may be the result of wear, metalfatigue, oxidation, bacterial action, vibration, accumulation of deposits,maladjustment, etc., and it may occur gradually over months and years, orrelatively rapidly over a shorter period.

The necessity of achieving and maintaining a high level of diesel gener-ator reliability has long been recognized as an essential element of nuclearplant safety and has received considerable regulatory attention. During theperiod from 1959 to 1973, diesel generator availability was assured by test-ing conducted on a monthly basis and during refueling. In 1975, a report bythe U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) evaluated diesel generator failuresbeing experienced during this period and concluded that one specific problemwas dominant and identified it as the starting of the engine (AEC 1975).This experience led to the general perception that if a diesel generatorcould start, it would likely continue to accept load and continue to operatereliably.

In 1977, Regulatory Guide 1.108 (Rev. 1) was issued and it defined aroutine testing schedule that related the testing frequency to the number offailures being experienced. This guide requires that the diesel generatorsbe "fast, cold" started at intervals of at least 31 days. If two failuresare experienced in the last 100 valid tests, then the maximum test intervalis decreased to 14 days. If three failures are experienced in the last100 valid starts, the maximum test interval is further decreased to 7 days.Finally, if four or more failures are experienced in the last 100 validtests, starting tests must be performed at least every three days. Therequisites for a valid test are delineated in the guide. The thrust of thisrequirement was to encourage utilities with diesel generators with high fail-ure rates to make major improvements to avoid the high costs of frequentstarting tests.

"Fast, cold" starting refers to plant technical specification require-ments that the engine be started within 10 to 12 seconds from ambient condi-tions and fully loaded within 30 to 45 seconds. In general, if a licenseeuses a keep-warm system for either the jacket cooling system or the oil

1. 2

system or both, the thermal condition provided by these systems becomes apart of.the ",ambi.ent condition." The 10 to 12 second start time and 30 to 45second full-load time was. not specified in Regulatory Guide 1.108 'but wasdetermined from fuel cladding temperature calculations defined in 10 CFJ 50',Appendix K. These requirements were'then made a part of each plant's techni-cal specifications..,

'With Regulatory Guide 1.108 requirements in place and with some industrychanges in practice, starting failures were no longer dominant, and failuressuch as fatigue and wear of engine components from fast start testing wereobserved. In 1982, a summary of diesel generator performance presented tothe Advisory Committee for Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) recommended that1).routine test starts-on a,3-day.frequency should be eliminated, 2) testingshouldbe focussed on unreliable diesel generators and major repair actionshould be pursued, rather than Just more testing, and 3) when a failure hasoccurred,. an initial test of redundant units.should be conducted with afollowup test about every 3 days to provide increased' assurance that a newfailure'has not occurred (Beard.1982).

NUREG/CR-2989 reported ani'nvestigation of diesel generator reliabilitybased on data from the 1976 to 1980 period and concluded that their averagereliability was 0.975. Human errors and hardware'related common mode fail-ures were observed to be 0.2%. No one type of equipment failure was dom-inant. The most frequently observed failures were control and logic problems(14.7'%) followed by governor failure '(12.3 %). Several'actionswere recom-mended to'improve diesel generator reliabil'ity including 1) periodic governormaintenance, 2) performance of root cause. analyses,,3) adding corrosioninhibitors to jacket cooling water, 4)-upgrading operati'ng/maintenanceprocedures, and 5) installing an additional diesel generator unit.'

The NRC'recognized the possibility-of detrimental effects-of the verytesting that the diesel generators'. reliabil.-ity. In December of 1983', Generic'Lette'r 83-41 was'issued which requestedlicensees to provide information related to potential detrimental effects of'fast, cold" starts. This letter was followed by Generic Letter 84-15 inJuly 1984.which described changes, in requirements to improve'diesel generatorreliability. This action requested that the licensees take action to reduce"fast, cold",-starting'tests and e'ncouraged them to propose technical specifi-cation changes. The.generic letter also described'a goal-oriented reliabil-ity'programdeveloped by the staff and invited licensee comments;on thisprogram.

Recently, a major change has been-made to 10'CFR 60, General Design"Cri-teri~on 4,,which, accepts leak-before-break analysis and detection for largebore primary system piping-.This change could.jresult in a relaxation ofemergency diesel generator start.time, .but new criteria have not yet beenpromulgated. Studies by the Electric'Power Research Institute (Muralidharan1986 and Schwartz 1988) and others have indicated that the emergency powerrequirements are on the order ofA to 2 minutes for a loss-of-coolant.accident (LOCA)'with a simultaneous loss of off-site power and on the orderof 5 minutes or more for a loss of off-site power withou't a LOCA.


Although NRC is moving away from frequent fast-starting requirements andallowing some "slow-start" testing, the technical specifications for themajority of U.S. nuclear power stations still call for fast, cold starting,exclusively, for monthly tests of diesel generators. In addition, at thepresent time, most stations have not installed the necessary hardwaremodifications to permit both slow-start testing and fast-start response ofthe diesel-generator system.

The historical approach taken by NRC for assuring diesel generatorreliability had the objectives of developing statistical data on the pastreliability of the tested units and providing incentives to licensees toperform major mechanical improvements to reduce the expense of performingfrequent testing. However, it provides no information on the long-termdegradation of the performance of components and related systems which couldlead to future failures and which could be corrected before an actual failureoccurs or before a unit's reliability is compromised. The detection time tostatistically determine unacceptable performance deterioration is consideredto be excessive.

In response to these historical conditions, the NRC staff has acted bythe issue of Regulatory Guide 1.155, "Station Blackout" in August, 1988 whichidentifies a need for a reliability program. This reliability program foremergency diesel generators is designed to maintain and monitor reliabilitylevels selected for compliance with the Station Blackout Rule 10 CFR 50.63(6/68).

Regulatory Guide 1.9, Revision 3, "Section, Design, Qualification,Testing, and Reliability of Diesel Generator Units Used as Onsite ElectricPower Systems at Nuclear Power Plants" is in the final NRC approval processand is expected to be issued in 1989. It integrates into a single guidepertinent guidance previously addressed in Regulatory Guides 1.108, 1.9Revision 2 and Generic Letter 84-15. Regulatory Guide 1.108 will be with-drawn after the issue of Regulatory Guide 1.9, Revision 3 is consistent withindustry guidance contained in NUMARC-8700, Appendix D and with the recom-mendations contained in this report.

Many prior operational and testing practices deleterious to enginereliability and life, such as cold fast starts, have been deleted. Thedevelopment of Regulatory Guide 1.9, Revision 3 has utilized informationobtained through the NPAR Program, Diesel Generator Task.



Emergency diesel generators were included in the NPAR program because of1) the safely -implications of the failure of the diesel generators-during anemergency situation (Davis et al..1985), 2) the correlation of risk and agingtrends (Davis et al. 1985), and joint recommendations.of several NRC officesincluding Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), Nuclear Regulatory Research(RES), Inspection and Enforcement (IE), and Analysis and Evaluation ofOperational Data (AEOD).

For the purpose of this study, subsystems supporting the emergency die-sel generators were included along with-the diesel generators themselves,because together they form a complex.overall system which will fail to per-form its safety function if any component functions less than adequately.Specific components and subsystems considered as part of the diesel generatorsystem include the 1) diesel engine, 2) governor, 3) starting system, 4) tur-bocharger and intake combustion air system, 5) cooling system, 6) fuel oilstorage and delivery system, 7) lubricating oil system, 8) exhaust system,9) generator, 10) exciter and voltage regulator system, and 11) instrumentand control system. Not included in this study were the 1) remote controland surveillance system, 2) external electrical. power supply system supplyingac and dc power to various systems, prewarming system and the pre-lube sys-tem, and,3) Class IE electrical distribution system.


In the NPAR Program emergency diesel generator study, diesel generatorsystems as defined in Section 2.0 were evaluated tot1) determine which com-ponents .and subsystems were subject to aging, how they failed, and with whatfrequency, 2) determined the adequacy of surveillance, inspection, and trend-ing methods, and 3),-assessed.the role of maintenance and other industrial.practices in resolving aging' effects.. The overall objective of this studywas to provide information to assist the regulatory organizations.and plantoperators to understand the role of aging in emergency diesel generators.

The study to date was performed in two phases. Phase I, which was com-pleted and provided general background material forthis, report, was con-cerned'with defining which diesel generator system components fail and theprincipal causes of the observed failures. This work was based on failureinformation on components within the defined system boundary obtained fromthe Nuclear Plant Reliability Data System (compiled by the Institute forNuclear Power Operations), Licensee Event Reports, Nuclear Power Experience(Stoller 1982) and Emergency Diesel Generator Component Tracking System(compiled by TDI Owners Group). These data were analyzed statistically andreviewed subjectively by a panel of diesel experts to determine which compo-nents were most susceptible to aging, the principal causes of these failures,and the maintenance procedures that either contributed to failures or pre-vented them. The panel of diesel experts was made up of recognized indus-trial experts in diesel engine design, application, installation, operation


and maintenance. Current inspection, surveillance, and maintenance practiceswere reviewed to determine any relationships between these practices and thetype and number of failures being encountered.

Phase II of this study is underway and is the basis for this report.The principal objective of Phase II is to develop information and recommen-dations to assist regulatory organizations and plant operators to assuremaximum diesel generator reliability. This activity will be performed withinteraction with the NRC Staff, industry, and code and standards committees.


This report is based on the results of the Phase I activity of theDiesel Generator Aging Research Program which is reported in detail in(Hoopingarner, et al 1987). The principal issues addressed in Phase Iincluded the following:

* failures which occur most often in emergency diesel generatorsystems

* subsystems and components involved in these failures

* fraction of the failures due to aging

* observable aging trends

* important aging stressors

• potential corrective actions and mitigating measures.

About 500 reported diesel generator failure incidents occurring from 1965 to1984 were randomly selected from each of the 4 data sources listed in Sec-tion 1.1 to form a representative data base which resulted in 1,984 cases ofdiesel generator system failure. Diesel engines tabulated in this represen-tative data base included those manufactured by ALCO, Allis Chalmers, Cater-pillar, Cooper Bessemer, Fairbanks Morse, Electromotive Division of GeneralMotors, Nordberg, Transamerica Delaval, and Worthington.

2.2.1 Aging Related Failures and Their Causes

Systems and components that contributed most to all diesel generatorfailures are summarized in Table 2.1. The most significant causes of failureare summarized in Table 2.2. Of the 1,984 incidents of diesel generatorfailure in the representative data base, 1,064 were judged to be related tosome form of aging. Of these 1,064 aging failures, 629 resulted in the lossof function of the diesel generator system or impaired its reliability.Systems and components identified as being major contributors to this groupare shown in Table 2.3. The principal causes of failures that resulted inloss of function or impairment of reliability are summarized in Table 2.4.


TABLE 2.1. System and Components Contributing Most to Diesel.,Generator Failures

Percent ofSystems and Components All Failures

Instrument and Control Systems 25Governor 10Sensors 3Relays 2Startup Components 2

Fuel System 11Piping on Engine 3Injector Pumps 2

Starting System 10Controls 3Starting Air Valve 2Starting Motors 2Air Compressor 1

Switchgear System 10Breakers 3Relays 2Instrument and Controls I

Cooling System 9Pumps 2Heat Exchangers 2Piping 2

Lubricating System 7Heat Exchangers 2Pumps 2Lube Oil 1

Other Systems 28

TABLE 2.2. Overall Causes of Diesel Generator Failures

Percent ofFailure Cause All Failures

Poor manufacture or construction quality control 22Adverse conditions - vibration, shock 17Human error - maintenance 13Adverse environment - dust, humidity, chemicals, etc. 13Unknown 11Maladjustment/misalignment 8.Other 16



TABLE 2.3. Systems and Components Subject to Aging-Induced FailuresResulting In Loss of Function of Unit

Percentage ofSystems and Components Aging-Related Failures

Instruments and Control Systems 26Governor 12Control Air System 3Wiring and Terminations 2Sensors 2

Fuel System 15Engine Piping 7Injector Pumps 5Injectors and Nozzles 2

Starting System 10Starting Air Valve 5Controls 2Starting Motor 2

Cooling System 10Piping 3Pumps 2Heat Exchangers 2

Engine Structure 9Crankcase 3Cylinder Liners 2Main Bearings 2

Other Systems 30

TABLE 2.4. Causes of Aging-Related Failures that Result in Loss ofFunction or Reliability

Percentage ofFailure Cause Aging-Related Failures

Adverse conditions - vibration, shock 32Poor manufacture or construction quality control 23Adverse environment - dust, humidity, etc 15Human error - maintenance, operation 9Poor design - wrong application or component 7Other 15

The instruments and control system appeared to be the most vulnerableto failure in all categories. Within both this specific system and for allsystems considered, the governor was the single component most subject tofailure from all causes. The control air system, wiring, terminations, andsensors appeared to exhibit a significantly high failure rate, but consider-ably below that of the governor.


The analysis indicated that, for all systems and components, the primarycauses of failure could be grouped into vibration, thermal'and physicalshock, and other adverse conditions. In this group, vibration loosening wasthe primary mechanism of degradation. Vibration and vibration loosening werealso major matters of concern for the instrument and control system.

The fuel system was found to be second in aging-related degradation.Engine piping, injector pumps, and injectors experienced the most failures.The most prevalent degradation mechanism was vibration loosening. For theinjector pumps, failure mechanisms were distributed'between poor manufacture/construction, vibration, and environmental influences.

The third system most afflicted by aging degradation was the startingsystem with the air admittance valves, controls, and starting motors beingthe most troublesome components. Adverse environmental conditions wereidentified as the principal cause. Poor system'des'ign also appeared to be amajor contributor to failure. These findings indicated that, in general,these systems may be designed without sufficient consideration for potentialdegradation due to moisture intrusion with subsequent corrosion, fouling, andother damage.

In the study, cooling systems were found to experience aging degradationof piping, pumps, and heat exchangers. While pump and pump failures werecaused principally by vibration loosening of fasteners, the causes of heatexchanger failure were distributed between vibration, environmental factors,and manufacturing/construction quality. Vibration damage to heat exchangerswas generally caused by loose internal components.

The fifth most cited system in the aging study was the engine structure.Components found prone to aging failures included the crankcase, cylinderliners, and main bearings. Crankcase. failures were due to vibration andimproper operation. Cylinder liner failures were associated with poor manu-facturing/construction, thermal stresses, and design problems, while the mainbearing failures were caused by oil contamination, poor maintenance, anddesign.' These failures tended to occur early in the service life anddeclined to less importance after five years of operation.--

2.2.2 Aging Trends

An analysis of the data base to determine trends in aging related fail-ures as plants become older is summarized in Figure 2.1. This figure showsthe not unexpected fact that as plants'grow older, the percentage'of failuresfrom aging increases. The percentage of aging failures appears to increasefrom about 45% the first year of plant commercial operation, at which timethe diesel generators might have had several years of testing and operation,to about 65% in the 15th year. This, does not imply that the numbers offailure's are inc'reasing,-only that the 'aging related fraction is larger.

To put Figure 2.1 in the proper perspective, it should be noted that thenumbersiof failures decline continuously with increasing plant age. This isdue to two factors, less failures per plant and fewer plants in eachincreasing age group. Another point to be made is the effect of better

I nn

I Good Data I Limited Data0 0 so XV-


CO 60 4



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Age of Plant at Time of Failure (yr)

FIGURE 2.1. Percent of Failures Due to Aging

operational and maintenance performance in reducing diesel generator fail-ures. If plants could somehow reduce all failures due to human errors,faulty new components, and similar causes then the only expected failurecauses remaining would be time-dependent degradation and wearout failures.In this case, the aging trend would go to 100%. This operational andmaintenance improvement appears to be happening in the plants, thus, theincrease in the percentage of failures due to aging.

The analysis of the data indicates that the percentage of aging failuresdue to vibration, adverse environment, and overstressing from unanticipatedconditions stays relatively constant. Some components exhibit an early"burn-in" period during which they exhibit an increased aging failure rate,while others experience an increased aging failure rate as they becomeolder. For example, the following components seems to exhibit a decrease inaging failures after 5 years of operation:

* instrument and control system relays

* fuel system piping on engine

* starting air valve

* lubricating system heat exchangers

* lubricating oil

* crankcase

2 .6

* pistons

* breakers.

The aging failure percentage rate of the following components increasesslightly or remains constant after 5 years of operation:

* governor

* injector pumps

* coolant pumps

* cooling system piping

* starting system controls

* starting motors

* lube oil pumps

* turbochargers.

* electric generator

* switchgear relays.

A general review of the aging failure data indicates that manufacturing,construction, and poor design problems tend to be reconciled early. Timeindependent-causes of aging failure tend to be maintenance, operation, andmaladjustment/misalignment induced degradation. Time-dependent causes of-aging failure tend to be adverse operating conditions (e.g., vibration andshock) and adverse environmental conditions (e.g., dust, chemical exposure,etc.). It may be assumed that the change of the overall failure rate appearsas shown in Figure 2.2. Here the total failure rate exhibits an early"burn-in" period where the early problems from design, manufacturing andconstruction are discovered and resolved, thereby increasing the system'sreliability. After these problems are resolved, the time dependent failurerate stays relatively constant over a relatively long period. Finally, asexposure to adverse operating and environmental conditions increases, thetime-dependent failure rate should increase. Evidence of general wearout hasnot been detected.

2.2.3 Correction of Aging-Induced Failures

Actions employed to correct the aging-related failures reported in thedata base are summarized in Table 2.5. -This table shows that 78% of theaging failures were corrected by replacement of the aged part or by some formof maintenance such as realignment or readjustment. The types of correctiveactions performed on the components most susceptible to aging are summarizedin Table 2.6.


tA (T)

T -*

I1- Burn-In 1I - Maturity & I * Wearout -

FIGURE 2.2. Change in Failure Rate Over Time


TABLE 2.5. Summary of Most Frequent Corrective Actions for Aging Failures


Percent of Aging-Related FailuresCorrective Action

Replacement - same type of component

Maintenance - realignment or adjustment

Replacement - new or upgraded component

Repair - welding or replacement

Enhanced preventive maintenance












Redesign d

Only cylinder liners, pistons, starting air valves and cooling systemheat exchangers were identified as needing replacement by new or upgradedparts when an aging failure was encountered. The remaining systems and com-ponents were repaired by replacement with a similar part, adjustment, orrepair of the failed part. Secondary corrective actions included improvedmaintenance training, preventive maintenance, and improved management pro-cedures. These secondary corrective actions appeared to enhance the primary


TABLE 2.6. Corrective'Actions for Components Most Susceptible to Aging

System Component Action Code

Instrumentation and Controls Governor rs,mFuel System Injector Pumps m,rs,pm

Piping on Engine m,rsStarting System Controls m,rn,pm

Starting Air Valve m,rn,pmStarting Motors rs,pm

Cooling System Pumps rsPiping rsHeat Exchangers rs,mr

Lubricating System Pumps rsHeat Exchangers rs

Intake and Exhaust Turbocharger rs,pmEngine Structure Crankcase rs

Cylinder Liners m,rn

action. For example, the secondary corrective action for vibration looseningwas, generally, enhanced preventive maintenance, which, of course, would tendto prevent the recurrence of the original failure.


The statistical analysis of the failure data base resulted in the iden-tification and ranking of the stressors identified in Table 2.4 that can leadto the failure'of diesel-generator components. Another valuable ranking ofthese stressors and their relative importance was obtained from an industry-wide workshop on diesel generator aging held under the auspices of the NPARProgram (Hoopingarner 1987, Vol. 2). Attending were representatives of U.S.utilities, vendors, contractors, consultants, and the national laboratories..One of the principal objectives of this workshop was to obtain the industry'sperception of issues and problems regarding nuclear service diesel generatorsand to identify potential solutions.

The workshop attendees identified essentially the same aging stressorsas found in' the statistical analysis of the data base and summarized inTable 2.4. However, they ranked them in a somewhat different order of impor-tance as shown in Table 2.7. This table suggests that the principal stres-sors leading to the aging of diesel generator components are environmentallyrelated. The second, third and fourth most important stressors were, inorder; maintenance practices, testing practices, and operating practices.Additional important stressors were identified which included vibration,fuel/lubricant degradation, and gasket/seal degradation. It was apparentfrom the expressed concern about aging'degradation factors such as vibration,fuel/lubricant degradation, gasket degradation, and environmental'stressorssuch as dust, water, and heat, the workshop participants perceived thatdeterioration of diesel generator systems to be relatively influenced bytheir normal operating environment.


TABLE 2.7. Workshop Participant's View of Major Aging Stressors

Rank Major Stressors

Environmentally induced - dust, water, heat, oil, chemical, etc.Maintenance errors - inadequate training, etc.Fast starts and other regulatory induced factorsDesign inadequacy - wrong application, or poor componentOperation induced - inadequate training and skillsVibration inducedFuel or lubricant degenerationGasket, seal, or organic material degenerationInadequate spares - quality, storage, ordering problems, data andspecifications

CorrosionThermal stressManufacturing or quality problemsFatigue not related to vibrationOthers

The workshop participants identified several additional aging stressorsnot identified or adequately emphasized earlier in the statistical analyses.These included 1) periodic testing procedures that overstressed engine com-ponents and related systems by imposing frequent cold, fast starts to verifyoperational readiness, 2) operational and maintenance inattention caused bythe infrequent operation of the units and the highly formalized maintenanceprocedures for safety-related nuclear plant components, and 3) the absence ofany plant or industry-wide trending/failure analysis practices to identifyfailing components before they actually fail. Fully 60% of the workshop par-ticipants identified trending/failure analysis as the recommended method toameliorate aging failures in emergency diesel generators.


The NPAR Diesel Generator Phase I Study identified the system componentsmost susceptible to aging failure, and these components are summarized inTable 2.3. It also identified the stressors listed in Tables 2.4 and 2.7 asthose most important in causing these failures. Based on Phase I results,other input provided by the industry, and new Phase II research, it was con-cluded that a significant reduction of aging effects can be achieved and along-term improvement of diesel-generator system reliability can be obtained.The key to this reduction of aging effects and reliability improvement is1) the reduction in the fast-start stressor imposed by current regulations,2) the implementation of new recommended testing and trending procedures and3) improved maintenance practices. To provide this key, a new program isrecommended that would integrate testing, inspection, monitoring, trending,modification, personnel training and maintenance. The new recommended pro-gram is further described in Section 5.0. The more important elements ofthe new proposed program are discussed in the following paragraphs.


2.4.1 Improved Diesel Generator Testing

To eliminate the fast-start testing stressor that was perceived by the.industry representatives as one of the major causes of diesel-generator agingfailures, it was recommended that the presently required fast-start, statis-tically-based testing methodology be replaced with an alternate testing pro-cedure requiring slower starting and loading procedures used commonly innon-emergency power applications.

Diesel experts consulted during the NPAR Phase II research providedrecommendations regarding improved testing procedures to obtain data on about30 operating variables that would provide the necessary information toestablish engine/generator conditions (Hoopingarner et al. 1988). They alsoevaluated slow-start, slow-load testing in comparison to current fast-startand load procedures and concluded that the slower starts would adequatelytest all important system components. One possible exception is the loadsequencing relays which, alternatively, could be electrically and electron-ically tested using commonly available plant testing equipment to ensureproper operation.

A correctly managed monthly testing program involving slow starting andloading would induce little aging effects in the emergency diesel-generator.By contrast, the current fast starting and loading testing requirements canproduce substantial harm and significant aging effects through the productionof large mechanical and thermal stresses, inadequate lubrication duringinitial acceleration, high rotating and sliding pressures, overspeeding, etc.During this monthly slow starting and loading testing program, adequate datashould be collected for key engine operating parameters that could indicatedegrading performance or an impending component failure. For many importantcomponents such a program could then detect approaching performance failureand allow orderly repair long before the current testing procedure couldinduce the actual failure. Monitoring and trending will not be able todetect all degraded performance, of course, but the deterioration that willbe detected is significant. These recommended tests will be presented anddiscussed in Section 5.2.

2.4.2 Condition Monitorina and Trending

The diesel experts further recommended that some of the more importantdata developed in the operational surveillance testing described in Section2.4.1 be monitored and trends established to show the possible presence oflong-term component or system degradation. This should detect many potentialcomponent/system failures before the system actually fails. By anticipatingthese failures and providing timely repair/maintenance, cost and safety bene-fits would accrue from the avoidance of both equipment damage and unscheduleddowntime. From the monetary standpoint alone, the payback period from such amonitoring and trending program could be less than a year, based on non-nuclear service experience.

In contrast, the present testing program performed according to Regula-tory Guide 1.108 is a reactive process; it provides chiefly statisticalinformation on the ability of the unit to start and assume the prescribed


load. However, it provides no assurance regarding future engine operability.The engine status as indicated by this approach can be shown to lag trueengine condition by a year or more. Preliminary analysis by Monte Carlomethods shows that statistically one could expect to detect a 6% step changewith only a 60% probability in a 50 test series.

2.4.3 Maintenance Training, and Inspection

Several recommendations were developed regarding maintenance proceduresand training. One important recommendation is that teardown of the dieselengines solely for the purpose of inspection be avoided unless there is adefinite indication that its operation is degraded or there is an impendingcomponent failure based on performance data trends. Analyses of failure datahave also been performed by the U.S. Navy and the airline industry which showa definite average, short-term, adverse effect of such teardowns on theengine reliability.

It was also recommended that licensee maintenance organizations shouldnot treat engine governors as "black boxes" which are often left alone untila failure occurs. These governors were shown to be a major cause of enginefailure and must have regular and careful inspection, adjustment, and pre-ventive maintenance based on a firm understanding of its mechanism andservice needs.

This understanding of the governor, as well as the engine/generator,must be developed by providing the maintenance staff with adequate trainingand motivation. The staff associated with each plant should be giventraining equivalent to that offered by the specific engine and governormanufacturer that supplied the engines for that plant. Further, the person-nel should be provided with failure fault diagrams with defined correctiveactions for both maintenance and operation of the units. These trouble-shooting aids should list information on the most common causes of failure tostart and run along with a sequence of corrective actions. The availabilityof such information in a real plant emergency speeds up the process of-restarting the engines, when the failed component and problems are relativelyminor in nature.

Finally, it was recommended that engine inspections and preventivemaintenance be increased to mitigate the aging and wear results of thevibration stressor. This maintenance should focus on the engine or instru-mentation mounted on the engine or the engine skid. Normal engine vibrationshave a known and severe influence on control system instruments and theircalibration. Vibration cannot be eliminated, but its effects can be amelio-rated by keeping fasteners/fittings tight and by frequently recalibratinginstrumentation subject to this vibration.



U.S. nuclear power plants are-required to have both onsite and offsite.sources of emergency electrical power to assure that the plant can be shut-down without endangering public health and safety. In almost all plants, theonsite source of emergency power is provided by redundant diesel generatorswhich are called upon to supply power upon loss of the off-site sources. Thecapacity and capability of either the onsite or offsite sources is requiredto be sufficient to assure that 1) the nuclear fuel design limits and designconditions of the reactor coolant pressure boundary are not exceeded as aresult of anticipated operational occurrences and 2) the core is cooled andcontainment integrity and other vital functions are maintained in the eventof postulated accidents.

The design of the onsite emergency power system is governed by Regula-tory Guide 1.9 which references the requirements of The Institute of Elec-trical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) Standard 387-1977.


The redundant diesel generators supplying emergency power are connectedto one of two or more redundant Class IE electrical power distribution sys-tems supplying equipment capable of placing the plant in a safe shutdowncondition following an accident accompanied by a loss of off-site power.Each emergency generator is capable of automatically starting and accelera-ting to rated speed, and subsequent loading of all engineered safetyfeatures and essential shutdown loads, in the required sequence, within theminimum time intervals established by the plant's safety analysis. They aredesigned to be capable of continuous operation at rated load, voltage, andfrequency until manually stopped or automatically tripped. Generally, thediesel generators are started up if any engineered safety system is triggeredregardless of the availability of offsite emergency power. If the power fromthe offsite emergency buses is interrupted or degraded, the equipment loadsassociated with each Class IE distribution system are sequentially-connectedsuch that the voltage will not fall to less than 75% of rated voltage andfrequency will not be less than 95% of rated frequency. Generally, the die-sel generators are started and accelerated to full speed in approximately10 seconds and fully loaded within 1 minute if a loss of offsite power accom-panies the triggering of safety systems. If there is no loss of off-sitepower, the emergency diesel generators are operated continuously to maintainreadiness. Under this condition, other auxiliary equipment may be connectedmanually through administrative procedures to the emergency buses up to thecapacity of the emergency generators. This loading is especially importantwith port-scavenged two-cycle diesel engines which cannot be run unloaded forlong periods of time without the buildup of combustion product deposits whichcan threaten their continued availability.

The diesel engines used for nuclear service emergency power are verylarge and are the type commonly used in ship propulsion and stationary powerapplications. For these uses the engines are started and partially loaded


and then thoroughly warmed up before the application of full load, and oper-ated continuously for extended periods. With this type of service, theyhave proved to be very long lived and dependable. In nuclear emergency powerapplication, the conditions of service differ appreciably, and the stressotsdeveloped by this service can lead to accelerated aging. The more importantstressors include the following:

1. The engine is required to accelerate rapidly, producing maximumpiston ring-cylinder wall forces and bearing forces at a time whennormal lubricant films have not been completely formed. Theresulting metal-to-metal contact can result in cylinder wall andcam surface scuffing and accelerated main bearing and connectingrod bearing wear.

2. The rapid acceleration can produce amplified crankshaft torsionalvibration as the crankshaft rapidly encounters successive harmonicsof its natural frequency without opportunity for damping from nor-mal mechanisms. This amplification was thought to cause theobserved crankshaft cracking in some Enterprise engines which werenot equipped with torsional vibration dampers. Amplified torsionalvibration may also occur in other components such as the engine-driven water pumps and the camshaft and gears.

3. The rapid acceleration and loading of the engines without allowingfor thermal equilibration can lead to high mechanical and thermalstresses in the cylinder block and crankcase that can cause distor-tions of the engine structures. These distortions can, in turn,lead to metal-to-metal contact (scuffing) and accelerated wear ofcomponents. Such scuffing may also be a source of very high tem-perature and subsequent crankcase explosions.

4. Following the rapid acceleration to speed, an overspeed conditionoccurs as the governor acts to gain control of the engine rpm.This overspeed condition can result in increased stresses in engineand generator components that can accelerate mechanical wear andloosen generator wiring.

5. The turbocharger overspeeds immediately after rapid engine acceler-ation which could enhance wear, especially since the turbochargerbearing lubrication is not completely established at this time.

6. The brief periods of operation between long standby periods provideopportunity for bacterial growth and degeneration of the fuel andlubricants. Water from condensation or small leaks may also con-taminate the lube-oil system. Condensation can contaminate thefuel oil, which typically stays in the tanks for years because oflow use factors. Longer periods of operation help both of theseproblems.

Stressors associated with fast-starting and loading in response toaccident signals are certainly important. However, because of their fre-quency, the most important stressors are those associated with the periodic


fast-start-testing mandated by regulations that simulate the starting andloading sequence.that would be encountered.during an emergency. Real.emer-,gency.(unplanned) fast starts.amount to only.2% oft.all starts, and .the restare tests (EPRI 1987). Of the unplanned starts,'only about one-half wasfollowed by loading. On the average, there are oinly 5 incidents involving,loss-of-offsite-power in the U.S. per year '(EPRI.1987).

Testing programs and other guidelines for the diesel -generators arecurrently defined by Regulatory'Guides 1.9, 1.108 and.1.137 and include:

* capability.qualification tests'

* start and load acceptance qualification test's

* margin tests

* preoperational tests

* availability and proper functior, tests .(performed to verify thatsafety-related loads do not exceed the emergency generator ratingand that each unit is suitable for starting, accepting and supply-ing the required loads)

* monthly.availability tests performed while the reactor is in opera-tion' (fast starting with.assumption'of load up to the nameplaterating). If failures'are'.'experienced, test frequency requirements,could be dramatically accelerated as described in Section 1.1.

The role of the diesel generator safety mission related to the.agingstudy has been'reviewed with the following'results., To respond to a large-break LOCA event with a corresponding loss'of all' offsite power, a dieselgenerator needs to start promptly.and deliver its full emergency loads untilthe emergency is-over. 'This mission profile is the basis and focus of cur-rent regulatory requirements and testing. For small-break LOCA events with aloss of offsite power, the'related need's for emergency electrical power andthe diesel mission profile are much less stringent.. Inthis case, the needfor power is extended to about 5 minutes or so and the emergency power levelneeds are reduced, but the time duration for emergency power may remain forseveral days. ..

With over 1000 reactor years of operation in U.S. regulatory historywithout a large-break LOCA event-for.primary water containment and with therecent criterion 4 (leak-before-break) rulemaking,.it may be.concluded thatthe true mission envelope for the diesel-generator.may be redefined withconsequential benefits.' The most.realistic mission envelope appears to be:

* total duration" - 2'to '3days,,'

* diesel start and load time - within 5 minutes


* power level - less than calculated full load (core and containmentsprays not needed). Also, by usual design practice, less than theengine nameplate rating by a conservative margin.

3.1.2 Related Mission Studies

The 10- to 12-second starting time imposed by the typical plant Tech-nical Specification is the result of 10 CFR 50, Appendix A, requirementswhich mandate a conservative approach to mitigating a large-break loss of-coolant accident (LOCA) with a coincident loss-of-offsite-power. Recentl'y,the NRC outlined a new, more realistic, approach for performing LOCA analy-ses. Under sponsorship of the Nuclear Safety Analysis Center (NSAC),studies were performed by General Electric (Muralidharan 1986) and Westing-house (Schwarz 1988) to investigate the implications of this more realisticanalysis and calculation method for the emergency diesel generator startingtime.

Both studies revealed that considerable relaxation of the approximately10-second starting time requirements may be possible. The results of the.General Electric study indicated that the start time could be increased to'118 seconds in a typical BWR/6 without the peak fuel temperatures exceedingthe 22000F limit imposed by 10 CFR 50, Appendix K, for a combined LOCA andloss-of-offsite-power. In the Westinghouse study, it was shown that thestart time could be increased to 53 seconds in a typical Westinghouse four-loop plant without exceeding this 22006F peak cladding temperature limit.However, for starting times greater than about 45 seconds, containmenttemperatures may exceed limits for in-containment safety equipment makingthis the effective emergency diesel generator starting time limitation forWestinghouse plants.

The effect of extended emergency diesel generator start time on certainnon-LOCA accident scenarios was also investigated by Westinghouse. Thesenon-LOCA accidents include 1) steam system piping failure, 2) feedwater sys-tem piping failure, and 3) loss of power to station auxiliaries. In theseaccident scenarios, the emergency diesel generators must provide power to thesafety injection pumps and/or to the auxiliary feedwater pumps. It was con-cluded that the delay of power to the safety injection pumps accompanying a45-second emergency diesel generator start time was acceptable. However, itwas also concluded that a similar delay of power to the auxiliary feedwaterpumps would cause auxiliary feedwater to be delivered later than assumed incurrently accepted licensing calculations and, therefore, may cause a reduc-tion of existing margins. The amount of margin reduction was not quantifiedin the Westinghouse report.

A similar investigation of the effect of non-LOCA accidents was notincluded in the General Electric study.


The operating envelope of conditions for diesel-generators shouldaddress testing conditions, non-LOCA emergency power conditions, and LOCA


centered conditions. The testing profile and conditions are discussed inparagraph 5.1 and will not be addressed here. The recommended emergencypower mission then may-be reduced to a design envelope of conditions and amore realistic envelope of the most probable requirements for emergencypower.

At this time, LOCA-related rulemaking has not reduced requirements foremergency power, equipment qualification, and some other issues that appearto be closely related to the LOCA design requirements. Therefore, it isrecommended that present design requirements and large-break LOCA operatingconditions be retained for qualification purposes. But, as discussed in themission analysis and for aging concerns, there is little justification tocontinue with the routine testing of this equipment for fast-starting andrapid-loading capabilities associated with the large-break LOCA conditionsand requirements.

The most probable risk-responsive requirements for the diesel-generatormission are very high reliability with the durability to produce power over 3to 4 days until the emergency passes and the reactor cooling requirementsrapidly drop off. This is essentially the 'station blackout" issue. But,accepting this mission envelope for the diesel-generator system also resultsin the reduction in aging degradation of many important engine componentsthrough less harmful test requirements.- Several diesel experts have beenconsulted for assurance that a gradual engine start and load sequence does,indeed, test adequately for the mission requirements. A properly structuredtest program will test reliability and durability much more appropriatelythan current requirements outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.108. Aging issuesand concerns are also addressed in an appropriately structured test program,and the envelope of design and operational requirements may also be checkedwith reduced aging and wear effects.

The conservative diesel-generator mission profile, which should be thebasis for-testing and for setting certain engine control components, isrecommended to be established as follows:

* Reliability

- very high, greater than 0.95 for each engine

* Duration

- three to four days appears adequate

Start Time

- design and qualification, 45 seconds maximum

- routine testing for reliability verification, within 1 minuteshould be acceptable, but 30 seconds .is an acceptablecompromise with conservative margins

- other testing--no requirements


* Start and Load Time

- for design and qualification, 105 seconds maximum (BWRs)

- for design and qualification, 45 seconds maximum (PWRs)

- for routine testing, rapid loading should be avoided.(recommended gradual loading over a minimum time of5 minutes)

- for six months or outage testing, same as design and qualifi-cation time [if General Design Criterion No. 4 (leak-before-break) is further relaxed to include emergency power fast-starts may be eliminated].


Unresolved Safety Issue, USI A-44, "Station Blackout," has been resolvedby the issuance of the Station Blackout Rule (10 CFR 50.63) and RegulatoryGuide 1.155, "Station Blackout," released in August 1988. Section 1.2 of RG1.155 establishes the need for a reliability program. This is directlyrelated to, and supported by, the findings of the aging research for a needfor an improved aging mitigation program. Aging mitigation actions improvereliability and thus, in reality, the two programs have common needs andcorrective actions.

Generic Issue B-56, "Diesel Reliability" is currently in an advancedstage of the resolution process. Again, the reliability focus will result inresolution features and recommendations similar to the findings of the agingmitigation research. Release of proposed Regulatory Guide 1.9, Revision 3 isexpected to resolve this issue.



Emergency diesel generators in nuclear service already exhibit excellentreliability. In a recent suivey of U.S. of the reliability of diesel genera-tor in U.S. nuclear plants, it was reported that the failure rate was only1.4% for both testing and planned demands, and 2.2% for unplanned demandsbetween 1983 and 1985 (Wyckoff 1986 and Nuclear Engineering International1987). During these years, there were 0.075 losses of diesel generator powerper site-year of all durations and only 0.023 losses per site-year that werelonger than 30 minutes. On the basis of these data, It was concluded by EPRIand the Nuclear Safety Analysis Center (NSAC) that there is little opportun-ity for improvement. However, the consequences of a total loss of emergencydiesel generator power, during certain reactor design events, is so unaccept-able from the standpoint of public health and safety, that available andreasonable methods to further improve reliability cannot be ignored.

In addition to the reduction of aging stressors as discussed in Sec-tion 3.0, another avenue available to enhance emergency diesel generatorreliability and to mitigate aging is to employ a more focused maintenanceprogram. Cost-effective maintenance attention on the EDG units before fail-ures occur will improve their availability. In addressing maintenanceissues, it is useful to first examine maintenance/reliability programs inother applications.


Studies of maintenance/reliability practices used in airline and mili-tary systems were examined to determine the essential features of each.Specific studies examined were performed by United Airlines (Noland 1978) onaircraft power plants and the Department of Defense (Prichard 1984) on mili-tary shipboard systems. The concern in both of these studies was the devel-opment of an age-reliability analysis methodology and data that would supportdecisions on whether to overhaul machinery or equipment at predeterminedintervals.

On the basis of large amounts of data on the failure rates of many com-plex systems and components, it was possible In both studies to categorizeaging, expressed as the variation of the probability of failure with time,into seven different types illustrated in Figure 4.1.

The Type IV failure probability behavior suggests that the failure ratemay remain constant indefinitely and that overhaul of the equipment will donothing to improve the failure rate. In this case, it would, of course, beinappropriate to overhaul the equipment at any time unless it suffers damageor its performance deteriorates. The Type VI behavior indicates early"wear-in" or "infant mortality" followed by a stable failure rate. Infantmortality is the price often paid for overhauling equipment, and, in suchcases, there is little or no reliability benefit obtained from an overhaul.In reality, the type VI failure rate curve is closely related to the type Ifailure rate curve and perhaps represents the first part of the type I






















Failure Type I

..... .22*2 . .

Time Since Overhaul _







Time Since Overhaul -

Failure Type V... .......... :' . .C

Failure Type 11

.-.. ,*... * _. ~ ~ _ ,.,

Failure Type VI

.. .. . ..

Time Since Overhaul --- Time Since Overhaul -*-







0L Time Since Overhaul -

Failure Type IV

UX Time Since Overhaul *

FIGURE 4.1. Types of Failure Behavior Observed in Age-Reliability Studies

diagram. Type II, Type III, and Type VII behavior are the "classical" wear-out patterns showing definite increases of the failure probability especiallywhen the equipment exceeds a certain age. This equipment will benefit froman overhaul without the penalty of infant mortality. However, the totalfraction of equipment involved in these failure types ranges from 7 to 18% inthe two studies. Thus, the "classical" equipment percentage is much less


than anticipated by most knowledgeable people.- Type V behavior shows a pro-nounced'increase in failure rate followed by a steady failure rate. Overhaulof this equipment would be beneficial, but it is problematical if theimproved failure behavior is worth the cost. The other failure.behaviorsshown in Figure 4.1 are combinations of the above''basic behavior patterns.For these cases, some benefit in failure rate can be obtained, but it willrequire careful timing to assure that the overhaul is to be cost effective.With Type I behavior, timing is especially important because benefits fromavoiding "wear-out" behavior is counteracted by the "infant-mortality"behavior.

The results of the Department of Defense and United Airlines studieshave established the percentage.of systems, subsystems and equipment itemsexhibiting these seven types of failure behavior for a large data base ofshipboard and aircraft propulsion failures. These results are summarized inTable 4.1.

The results shown in Table 4.1 show the important fact that, in .73% ofthe equipment surveyed in the Navy study and 82% of the equipment consideredin the United Airlines study, Type IV and VI behavior was observed and rou-tine overhauls would not be beneficial over the time period studied.. For anadditional 9% of the equipment in the Navy study, and 7% in the. United Air-line study, overhaul was found to be of only transitory'benefit:(Type V) andof questionable value. Clearly, for only 18% of the equipment in the Navystudy, overhauls were necessary to maintain a reasonably low failure' rate(Types II and III). For about 30%, it could actually be harmful. Only 11%or less of the equipment in the United Airlines studies could benefit fromroutine overhaul.

The.basic conclusion of both studies was that a purely time-based main-tenance, at fixed overhaul periods, is ineffective in improving reliabilityof equipment and can actually cause more trouble than it cures. In fact,Prichard (1984) concluded that, without any available'performance data for aspecific piece of equipment, an equipment manager would be more often rightthan wrong in deciding not to overhaul it. Noland (1979) argued that sys-tematic diagnostic monitoring of equipment performance would.provide moreinformation of developing deterioration 'and would enable the application oftimely maintenance and overhaul such that overall reliability could be

TABLE 4.1. Results of Equipment Age-Reliability Analyses

Failure Navy United' Type Study Airlines

I 0% 4%II 14% ':2%

III . 4% 0%IV 41% 14%V 9% 7%

VI 32% 68%VII 0% 5%


enhanced. He also argued for a closer liaison between maintenance and designengineers in the identification of persistent deterioration problems so thatthe design engineers can more effectively engage in product improvement.


Nuclear service emergency diesel generator systems consist of thousandsof components. The percentages of components having the types of failurepatterns identified in the Navy and United Airlines studies have not beendetermined, but should not differ substantially from the experience of thereferenced research. If the results of these studies are extrapolated tonuclear service diesel generators, it can be concluded that through time-based maintenance there is less than a 20% chance of improving the overallfailure rate, even for a short time. This conclusion is further supported bythe results of the Navy study on shipboard emergency diesels. Although theseunits are generally smaller than nuclear plant diesel generators, the compo-nents and subsystems are similar, and they can be expected to behave sim-ilarly. The Navy study indicated that these emergency diesels, on an overallbasis, exhibited a Type IV failure pattern indicating that little improvementin the failure rate could be expected from a time-based maintenance programalone. The study indicated, however, that with Type IV behavior, improve-ments may be obtainable through long-term monitoring and trending. There-fore, a similar reliability benefit should occur for nuclear plant emergencydiesel generators through a well planned and executed trending and relia-bility program.

This conclusion was arrived at independently by PNL's diesel generatorexperts who also recommended a program of diagnostic monitoring and trendingto ensure diesel generator reliability. The details of their recommendedprogram will be described and discussed in Section 6.


Monthly testing for statistical information performed according toRegulatory Guide 1.108 with failure reporting is a reactive process with noassurance of future operability. A good overall program of testing, moni-toring and trending, on the other hand, is an active process that can detectmany incipient failures before a component or system actually fails. There-fore, it provides a method by which emergency diesel generator reliabilityand availability can be effectively increased.

To take advantage of the potential benefits of an improved testing, mon-itoring, and trending program on diesel generator reliability, it is recom-mended that regulatory attention on the overview requirements should bereviewed. Each utility should outline their overall emergency diesel gen-erator operation, test and maintenance program and especially their revisedinspection, monitoring, and trending activities. This regulatory attentionshould include methods proposed by the licensee to establish normal,degraded, and unsatisfactory performance for the EDG system.



This section presents a recommended diesel generator management programthat integrates testing, inspection, monitoring, trending'and maintenanceactivities. It was developed for the purpose of enhancing the reliability ofnuclear service diesel generators by a group of diesel engine experts workingwith PNL's NPAR staff in a'workshop reported by Hoopingarner et al'.: (1988).

The recommended program is similar to programs already successfully usedby many small.utilities that depend on diesel generators as a source of base-load or peaking power. It was developed with the intent of 1) reducing theaging stressors associatecdwith present regulatory test requirements whileproviding enhanced confidence in the diesel generator's capability to respondto accident situations, 2) providing information to-identify potentiallyfailing systems and components to allow their timely replacement/repairbefore a failure actually occurs, and 3) enhancing the utilities' response topotential or actual failures of dieskb1 generator components or subsystems.

The key elements of the recommended plan are as follows:

* Testing Monitoring and Trending - The approach of monthly testingshould be changed from the current regulatory approach requiringfast starting and loading-to a new approach that would allow slowerstarting and would enable the acquisition of surveillance informa-tion. This new approach would eliminate the fast-start agingstressor identified in Section 3.0 and would result in obtainingoperating data on key engine performance parameters as recommendedby studies described in Section 4.0. These parameters could'bemonitored and trended to either 1) ensure normal performance or2) reveal future engine problems. The recommended program oftesting, monitoring, and trending is described in detail inSection 5.1.

* Inspection Proaram - If not already performed by a licensee, a'program of weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual inspections -should be undertaken to assure that the effects of operating andenvironmental stressors are detected and repairs effected beforethey have time to cause a more serious condition or failure. The

-principal focus of these inspections should be on systems andcomponents identified in the Diesel Generator Aging Research pro-gram (Hoopingarner, et al. 1987). This inspection program is

- described in Section 5.2.''

* Maintenance Program - Amaintenance program responsive to the test-. 7ing,-monitoring, and-trending program should be undertaken. Tear--downs of a satisfactorily'perfotming engine simply for the purposeof 'inspection should be avoided unless the monitoring and trendingprogram indicates unacceptable degradation of a system or componentperformance.- Spare qualified parts and components should be on -hand to facilitate frequent or impending repairs predicted by the


trending activities. The maintenance program should include fre-quent calibration and servicing of instrumentation mounted on theengine skid. The recommended maintenance program is described inSection 5.3.

* Personnel Training - Training programs should reenforce the onsitemaintenance capability for systems and components identified as themost susceptible to aging degradation with particular emphasis on1) the engine governor and the instrument and control system.Plant personnel should be trained in the use of monitoring andtrending in the identification of required maintenance. Main-tenance supervisory staff should be provided with failure faultdiagrams with defined corrective actions to enhance maintenanceresponse speed to malfunctions, especially if they should occurduring a real plant emergency. This training program is describedin Section 5.4.

* System Modifications - The implementation of the above features mayrequire the installation and calibration of some sensors. Thesewill vary from engine-to-engine depending on the manufacturer anddetails of the installation. These gages and sensors do not needto be safety-grade equipment and need to be only local read-outtypes, such as dial-type pressure gages. The failure of thesegages will not typically lead to engine failure, especially withthe usual presence of plant operators. Modifications are furtherdescribed in Section 5.5.


Section 1 of this report discussed the basis for the diesel generatortesting requirements of Regulatory Guide 1.108. The requirements had theoriginal purpose of assuring diesel generator availability by routine testingunder accident conditions accompanied by a loss of offsite power as deter-mined by very conservative criteria defined in 10 CFR 50, Appendix K. Thestarting and loading times required varied from plant-to-plant, but typicallywere 10 to 12 seconds starting time and 30 to 45 seconds to full load.

Recent operating experience and research results discussed in Section 2have suggested that fast starting and loading during this testing has a dele-terious effect on engine reliability and can actually result in some enginecomponent failures. Furthermore, studies performed by EPRI and others dis-cussed in Section 3 have indicated that the fast starting and loadingrequirement mandated by 10 CFR 50, Appendix K is overly conservative.Instead, these studies indicate that the emergency power requirement is ofthe order of 1 to 2 minutes for a loss of coolant accident accompanied by aloss-of-offsite-power and 5 minutes, or more, for a loss-of-offsite-poweroccurring alone.


5.1.1 Recommended Periodic Testing and Monitoring Procedure

It is recommended that thq-primary purpose of monthly testing"should bechanged to a new approach ofsurveillance testing. The purpose of themonthly surveillance testing should be to obtain data on key engine perform-ance parameters that indicate-the trends in component and subsystem condi-tion. These performance parameters will provide both short-term and long-term trended information on degraded performance which can be a precursor forcomponent or.subsystem failure. For each engine manufacturer and Instal-lation, the licensee should be required to establish an overall testing'andmonitoring system that identifies these key paramenters and indicators. Asuggested list of parameters of interest for this purpose is presented inAppendix A.

The monthly.engine testing should follow the guidelines listed below:

1. The engine should be slow started following the manufacturer'srecommended procedures and loaded to'avoid the fast-start stressor.Good practice is to prelube the-engine, open-the indicator cocks-and roll the engine with the fuel rack in-the off position'and lookfor signs of water which would.indicate coolant leakage into acylinder. If no leakage is indicated, the' indicator cocks may beclosed and the engine may be started 'normally. Following starting,it should be allowed to idle for about 5 minutes at either alow-RPM, which is not close to any crankshaft critical speed, or atsynchronous speed. During this time, key engine parameters 'shouldbe recorded and the engine checked for unusual noises or noiselevels. The idle time for two cycle, port scavenged, enginesshould be limited to 10 minutes to avoid the possibility of exhaustmanifold fires. The engine should then be brought up to speed andfully loaded over a period of 10 minutes or more to allow thepistons and liners to-expand at the same rate'and','thereby,: reduce:wear on these components.' During acceleration through the'engine's'-critical speeds, acceleration should be swift, but not at maximumacceleration, i.e., -at less than full -fuel', rack setting. For -'regulatory purposes,- full engine test load should be defined-asthe plant deisign emergency load which-is,'generally, 70%''to 90% ofthe engine nameplate rating.

2. It is recommended that the test run time should be'between 12 and --14 hours and spread over three working shifts to:provide'the oppor-

tunity for plant personnel-to gain familiarity'with the-sounds of aproperly operating engine and operating procedures. Three sets ' should-be collected at 1-hour intervals, -or-more, during the'run.period. Due to fuel oil-:torage requirements and other plant-: "specific conditions, the recommended run time may not be entirelypractical at all plants. For these situations, the run time shouldbe until temperature stability occurs, about one hour, and the 'operational data (Appendix A parameters) should be obtained in twoperiods at least one-half hour apart.


3. The diesel generators should be started approximately 2 hoursbefore the end of a work shift. After the full engine test load isachieved and the engine temperatures stabilize, the first set ofperformance data should be collected by the shift personnel start-ing the engine. Another set of data should be collected at 1 to4 hour intervals; at least one set should be obtained by eachshift.

4. A detailed, written, test procedure and data sheets should be used.The data sheets should indicate maximum and minimum allowable val-ues for each significant performance parameter recorded. Data fromprevious tests should be readily available for comparison purposes.If any parameters fall outside of the acceptable range, the causeshould be determined by engineering/maintenance staff and the testdiscontinued, if the conditions threatens the integrity of theengine.

5. The test program should be scheduled so that within a few monthseach shift has the opportunity to start and load the engine. Thiswill provide an opportunity for all assigned staff to start theengine or to observe a start. Alternatively, the engine could beunloaded, shutdown and restarted each shift during the test toprovide this opportunity. These extra starts will not add to agingconcerns when properly performed on a prelubed and thermally stableengine.

6. Routine monitoring and trending of the diesel engine base vibra-tions and diesel start time may be performed. However, it isimportant to understand that normal variations in these parametersare extremely large and can be misleading. Other operationalparameters are more indicative of engine conditions and should berelied upon instead. These comments do not apply to generatorvibration which should be measured and monitored.

7. Data collection, recording, and instrument calibration processesand procedures should follow the plant's quality assurance require-ments for surveillance of similar safety equipment.

The slow-starting procedure recommended above is typical of the way thatlarge diesel engines are started by small utilities that use diesels forbase-load or peaking-power applications. In these applications, it is notunusual to achieve over 100,000 hours of operation in the 35 to 50 year life-time of an engine even with daily or more frequent starting and stopping. Itis not unexpected to achieve 20,000 hours or more between major overhauls.Therefore, the starting procedure recommended for these surveillance testswill not introduce any unusual aging stressors. However, if an engine hasnot been fast-started by a reactor emergency response signal in a 6-monthperiod, it should be fast-start tested in similar fashion as currentlyperformed to check that the control circuits operate within acceptablelimits.


An alternate method of fast-starting and loading the engine which-eliminates some of the fast-start stressors is as follows:

* Emergency start the engine to determine if it starts in theprescribed time (10 to 12 seconds) without load..

* Allow engine to idle for 5 minutes.

* Shut down the engine, then immediately restart it, using the fast- ,start system. Note: the engine start time and then the time tofull load to determine if the engine reached full load within therequired time period after starting.

This alternate fast-starting procedure will allow oil films and properlubrication to be established before load is applied and, therefore, reducewear. It should also verify the engine's ability to start and take loadwithin the prescribed times.

5.1.2 Other Periodic Monitoring

It is recommended that certain aging-related parameters and data shouldbe collected on a quarterly basis and during plant outages. Fuel oil, lubri-cating oil, and cooling water analysis should be done quarterly and theresults monitored and trended so that aging mitigation measures and actioncan be undertaken. Crankshaft deflection tests should be performed duringthe refueling outage and the 110% load test performed. During this overloadtest, all data listed in Appendix A should be recorded, but the principaldata of interest are cooling and lubrication system performance parameters,turbocharger temperatures, and cylinder temperatures.

5.1.3 Testing After Specific Faults and Maintenance

The present general practice is to fast start an engine after a mal-function and/or any significant maintenance to ensure engine operability.Because of aging concerns, this practice is not recommended. Other tests orrequalification measures may be superior to this practice. For-example,malfunctions attributable to human error or a clearly defined fault shouldrequire the specific correction for the error or fault and an appropriatecomponent test at most. Maintenance on a specific engine system or-componentshould require a subsystem or component test to ensure operability., In bothexamples, the engine should not be started or tested because engine opera-bility is adequately ensured by the less severe test procedure.

In cases of major engine rebuilding where highly stressed moving com-ponents are replaced (e.g., crankshaft, connected rods and other componentswhere metal fatigue is a conc ern or has previously incurred) the engineshould be operated for 3 x 10° stress cycles at design loads before theengine is returned to full operational status. This number of stress cyclesis generally accepted as sufficient to demonstrate high cycle fatigue -resistance in ferritic steels (PNL 1985). A load cycle is assumed to be onerevolution for a 2-cycle engine and two revolutions for a 4-cycle engine.


Engine cylinder liners, gear trains, bearings and, generally, pistons shouldnot be considered to be highly stressed and should not be subjected to suchstress cycle testing.

5.1.4 Trending of Performance Parameters

Without parameter trending, data monitoring would have little predictivevalue to the licensees and the NRC. The practice of trending involves theplotting of the data obtained for selected performance parameters obtainedduring the testing and monitoring activity versus total engine operatinghours. (Note that trending involves only the variable engine parameterslisted in Appendix A. Load and governor settings, for example, are notparameters that need to be trended, but they need to be held uniform fromtest-to-test and carefully recorded for each test.) Data plots should beretained over the lifetime of the diesel generator unit. To predict failure,or the time at which performance of the engine, component or subsystemreaches unacceptable limits, it is necessary to only consult these plots andobserve the rate at which the curves through the data points approach limit-ing values for each parameter. For some parameters, as discussed earlier,data taken from test-to-test will continuously trend to these limitingvalues, and, for others, the data values will remain constant over a longperiod of time, only to degrade rapidly at the end of life. An example ofthe latter is the lifetime performance of a bearing. For this case, bearingtemperature and oil pressure will remain virtually constant over longperiods; however, near the end of life, bearing temperature will rise rapidlyand oil pressure will drop. Unfortunately, the temperature rise may be veryquick and progress from about normal to abnormal and failure may occur in amatter of hours. Fortunately filter deposits in the lube-oil system, oilanalysis and other techniques are available to more directly detect bearingwear.

A key element of effectively using performance data trends to predictequipment failure is the prior establishment of limiting values for eachparameter, It is recommended that these values be established for eachdiesel generator unit by the licensee using information from the engine andgenerator manufacturer. Fortunately, experience with diesel engines applica-tions and electrical generation equipment spans many decades, and acceptableand unacceptable operation is well understood and recognized. Therefore, theprocess of establishing limits on operating parameters should be quitestraightforward. Another point is not all parameters need to be trended nordo they need to be trended over the entire range of values. For example, anoil pressure may start out at a value and would be expected to eventuallydrop to some minimum acceptable value. Trending may be deferred until theoil pressure drops to less than 50% of the acceptable operating range.


It is conventional practice that diesel engines used for marine and non-nuclear stationary power applications receive weekly, monthly and outageinspections, each with different goals. When these engines were adapted for


nuclear plant emergency power application, fewer inspections were assumed tobe required. It was perceived that this service required fewer operatinghours and was less rigorous than conventional engine service. However, ithas been found in the aging research program that nuclear emergency powerservice is, in reality, severe service, and a more complete inspection pro-gram could be extremely effective in mitigating aging problems and enhancingstart and run reliability. Therefore, a comprehensive inspection programinvolving weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual inspection is recommended.-This inspection program is described in the following sections.

These inspections should be performed by the same personnel who havepreventative maintenance responsibility for the diesel generators. Theyearly outage inspection team should include a manufacturer's representativeor a diesel consultant in addition to plant personnel. All inspectionsshould follow a prepared checklist and should be performed according to theplant's quality assurance program.

5.2.1 Weekly Inspections

In general, weekly inspections include day and shift inspections andshould follow the good practice standards for conventional diesel generatorsystems and the manufacturers recommendations. The inspecting personnel -should check for oil and water leaks, signs of vibration-induced loosening offasteners, and environmental stressor conditions identified in the aging'research (Hoopingarner et al. 1987). Such stressors collectively account forover 40% of diesel generator failures observed. -In addition, the enginegovernor and associated linkage should be lubricated and checked for freeoperation. Other items to be included in weekly inspection program are asfollows:

* The engine oil/water keep-warm system should be checked for correctoperation and temperature settings.

* Lubricating oil levels should be checked in the engine, governor,turbocharger and outboard bearing, as applicable. Also check forwater in the oil.

* The engine prelube system should be checked for correct oil leveland pressure, as applicable.

* Engine cooling water inventory and cooling system valve settings,should be checked.

* The air start system should be checked for air pressure, presenceof moisture downstream of the dryers, and valve settings.

* Breaker and relay status should be checked, especially followingmaintenance periods.


5.2.2 Monthly and Ouarterly Inspections

The monthly and quarterly inspections should concentrate on systems,subsystems and components identified in the diesel generator aging researchprogram as being particularly susceptible to aging such as the governor andthe instrument and control system. The power train and generator units needless attention since they are much less susceptible to aging-related failuresthan other engine components.

Monthly inspections should include, but not be limited to, the followingitems:

* Check filters and louvers in the combustion air and diesel roomcooling air systems.

* Check the position of the fuel oil duplex filter manual valve toassure that the fuel is being directed through one filter with theother held in reserve.

* Check for vibration loosening of fasteners or vibration induceddamage. Should be done while the engine is operating for bestresults.

* When a lubricating oil filter is changed, sample the surface andcut open the filter and visually examine it for unusual con-tamination or wear particles.

* With the engine running, check the engine and associated subsystemsfor oil or water leaks, and check for exhaust leaks.

* With engine running under load, check diesel exhaust smoke color ortake smoke meter reading.

The monthly inspection should also include the weekly inspection items andcan replace one weekly inspection.

Quarterly inspections should include the following items:

• Clean and inspect the strainers and filters in the starting airsystem.

* Sample the fuel oil in the storage and day tanks for 1) gum orjelly formation and 2) bacterial growth at any water condensatefuel oil interfaces.

* Sample the lubricating oil and analyze for wear particles, watercontamination, and oxidation.

* Inspect the fuel oil filters and replace at the recommendedfrequency or as shown by station procedures.


* Inspect the combustion air and exhaust manifolds, especially in'two-cycle engines, for oil and-carbon deposits that couldconstitute a fire hazard.,

* Inspect relay enclosures and control cabinets for dust and dirt andclear where necessary.

* With the engine operating, visually check all skid-mounted equip-ment for vibration loosening and damage, especially valve opera-tors, instruments', equipment mounts, and tubeland pipe fittings. -

* Check instrument and control settings and perform tests of anycomponents in this system that have been prone to failure ordeterioration, as shown by plant records.

* Check governor oil level, overspeed governor setting and governorperformance in controlling speed and frequency.

These monthly and quarterly inspections probably have the most value ifscheduled to follow closely the monthly start-run test. Signs of vibration-'induced loosening and problems associated with the environmental stressorsmay be detected before they have time to progress to a more serious conditionor to failure.


A preventative maintenance program should be coupled with the inspectionprogram recommended in Section 5.2 to discover and correct problems beforethey threaten the reliability of the diesel generator. Program attentionshould be principally directed at the important identified aging stressorsand equipment particularly susceptible to these stressors. -For example,vibration was the stressor identified to cause the highest percentage failurein diesel generator aging studies (Hoopingarner et al. 1987). Preventativemaintenance should focus on aging and wear effects of this stressor and 'emphasize calibration, repair, and replacement of skid-mounted instrumenta-tion, because of its potential sensitivity to this vibration.

One piece of equipment that should be given particular attention in thepreventative maintenance program is the governor, because its failure is amajor cause of engine unavailability. Governors must have regular and care-ful maintenance, adjustment, and preventative maintenance based on a firm.understanding of the governor and'its service needs.,

It is recommended that the spare parts inventory for each installationbe given careful consideration to assure that adequate spare parts are onhand to allow rapid repair/replacement of those parts that the trending pro-.gram identifies as requiring frequent attention. With an ample parts inven-tory on hand, failures or approaching failure can be dealt withexpeditiously.


Finally, it is strongly recommended that an engine not be torn downsolely for the purpose of inspection, unless the monitoring and trending pro-gram provides evidence of an internal malfunction or impending malfunction.It was indicated earlier that such disassembly could actually detract fromengine reliability. This should not be interpreted to imply that enginecomponents or subsystems with a known qualified lifetime should be operatedbeyond this lifetime, simply because monitoring and trending shows no diffi-culties. However, such positive monitoring and trending results should beconsidered by the regulatory staff to, perhaps, justify a longer qualifiedlifetime for the component or subsystem.


It is recommended that a minimum of two persons for each nuclear unit begiven maintenance training equivalent to that offered by diesel engine andgovernor manufacturers for their customers. Such persons should be at theappropriate working level; these persons should be used to train otherpersonnel.

Additional training should be given all maintenance personnel on thosecomponents and systems most susceptible to aging failure and on the effectsof the identified stressors for aging. The governor and instrumentation andcontrol system should be given particular attention in the training program.

The development and use of failure/fault diagrams by licensees is alsorecommended. These diagrams are trouble-shooting aids which list the mostcommon causes of each specific malfunction, such as failure to start, and arecommended sequence of inspections and corrective actions to correct themalfunction. The availability of such information could conceivably permitthe recovery and starting a malfunctioning engine in a real plant emergencywithin several minutes. Training would be required to implement thisrecommendation.


Many diesel generators in nuclear plants have already been equipped withpre-lube and keep-warm systems to mitigate the wear and aging effects offast-start testing. It is recommended that any engines which have not beenso equipped should be provided with these systems. In addition, a method ofusing the auxiliary pump or other equipment should be developed to assistthe lubrication of the upper crankshaft assembly of opposed piston enginesbefore planned or test starts. Such a system would reduce wear and aging ofthis assembly. Other engine types would also benefit from this practice forvalve deck lubrication and various other components such as the turbochargerthat are not presently receiving adequate lubrication during the faststarting and loading time period.

To avoid aging influence of vibration on the skid mounted instrumenta-tion and controls, it is recommended that they be moved to another location

5. 10

not subject to vibration where this is practical. This will avoid one of themost important stressors to the instrument and control system and couldresult in a substantial increase in the overall reliability of the dieselgenerator.



The integrated program of testing, monitoring, trending, inspection andtraining described in this report is complex and would benefit from a pilotdevelopment program Implemented with the cooperation of industry at one ormore nuclear power units. The objectives of this program are: 1) to createa program that will serve as a guide to all utilities in the development oftheir own effective and regulation-compliant program, 2) provide NRC withthe background information on the implementation and control of such a pro-gram, 3) develop data on the benefits of this program on diesel generatorreliability, and 4) provide preliminary cost-benefit'data for industry moti-vation. It is recommended that this work involve an independent organizationwhich can provide required technical supervision, evaluation of the results,statistical analyses, cost/benefit studies, and comparisons with the relia-bility of similar diesel generators in other plants not fully compliant withthe provisions of this program.

The work may be performed in 5 tasks as follows:

Task 1--Program Implementation - This task should provide thegroundwork for the implementation of the testing, surveillance, andtrending activities. It will include the development of

- testing procedures

- lists of specific monitoring data to be acquired

- definition of acceptable ranges of monitored data

- data sheets and recording procedures

- trending procedures.

. Task'2--Equipment Modifications - Review the installation of anyinstrumentation needed for the implementation of the monitoringprogram developed in Task 1 on the diesel generator to be studied.Implement other equipment modifications recommended in this reportas necessary. Such equipment modifications are anticipated to beminimal. Present diesel-generator installations have most of thenecessary instrumentation already in place.

Task 3--Training of Personnel - In this task, plant personnelshould be trained in the performance of the testing, monitoring,and trending program developed in Task 1. Maintenance personnelshould be given other maintenance training as recommended in thisdocument.


* Task 4--Monitoring and Trending - The program developed in Task 1should be performed over a period of less than 1 year. Modifica-tions to procedures, data acquisition methods, and items will bemade as the need is identified to streamline the program and toachieve maximum benefits.

* Task 5--Data Analysis and Reportinc - Maintenance activities andfailure rates experienced during the period of study should beanalyzed to determine reliability improvements and projected costsavings of this program. These results will be reported to the NRCand industry by means of periodic technical reports, topicalreports, and journal articles.

It is anticipated that the above program could be completed within one yearto obtain valid results, after cooperation agreements and other preliminaryactions are completed. If results are desired on a faster schedule, acceler-ated testing could be accomplished by a more frequent engine start-run andmonitoring schedule during the implementation period only.


It is recommended that a program be undertaken to develop the necessaryhardware and software to analyze the status of the diesel generator controlsystem and to report its status to operating personnel. These systemsshould, continuously or on demand, 1) determine the status of the engineemergency start circuits, unloaders, sequencers, relays, contacts, and allwiring and 2) provide a warning signal to test/operations personnel in caseof a possible malfunction or fault. The development of such a system is notnecessary for the implementation of the recommended testing, monitoring andtrending program; however, its availability will provide an enhanced state ofdiesel generator reliability, since it will enable plant staff to determinethe state of availability of this system without subjecting the diesel gen-erator to the aging stressors associated with fast start and run tests nowperformed to provide this information. Along with this development, regula-tory requirements must be reevaluated and revised to take advantage of this benefit.



The NPAR aging study was originally intended to develop data and recom-mendations for NRC consideration related to potential safety problems causedby the aging process. The general application of this study was extended inPhase II to use the diesel research information for 1) diesel reliabilityimprovement, 2) plant technical specification modification, 3) improvement ofresource application by the NRC and the utilities, and 4) development ofspecific recommendations to change some regulatory requirements.- All ofthese end uses of the research have been accomplished or are under activeconsideration. Collectively, the safety implications of these changes and -recommendations are important.


Current regulatory guides and requirements for fast-start testing, fastengine loading, and overload testing are being reconsidered by the NRC. Inassociation with certain nuclear plant technical specifications, these cur-rent guides and requirements may lead to greater future safety problems andunreliability. Regulatory guide requirements for routine testing have beenredefined to include slow-start testing, slower engine loading, and dieseloverload testing objectives that can be supported by the study results.Nuclear Regulatory Guide 1.108 addressing diesel-generator testing require-ments will be withdrawn and combined into a new single Regulatory Guide 1.9,"Selection, Design, Qualification, Testing, and Reliability of Diesel Gen-erator Units Used As Onsite Electric Power Systems at Nuclear Power Plants."Diesel Statistical probabilities, especially statistics based on 100 validstart'and run tests, are very difficult to defend on a technical basis due tothe very long time period needed to collect the data (maybe 5 years). Abetter regulatory approach is a monthly operational readiness test ("healthcheckup") of the diesel generator system. This concept has been included inthe 1989 draft of Regulatory Guide 1.9. This draft is supported by theresearch results.

Regulatory Guide 1.137, Fuel-Oil Systems For Standby Diesel Generators,has not been revised since October 1979. Aging considerations for the systemand the fuel oil contents needs to be addressed. The scope of the changesshould include the following important aging related considerations:

* The licensees should be encouraged to operate the engines and thususe and replace oil. Reasonable regulatory guidelines to matchRegulatory Guide 1.9 recommendations need to be developed to meetthis objective. For older plants especially, this could includethe relaxation of oil-on-hand guidelines to 3 to 4 days minimum.With modern transport possibilities, especially heavy-lifthelicopters, this is reasonable.

• The recommended tank lining materials need to be defined better.


* For common cause failure considerations, tank and equipmentredundancy needs to be addressed.

* A few other details need to be addressed to conform to revisedRegulatory Guide 1.9 and proposed technical specificationguidelines.


The plant standard technical specifications related to the diesel-generator system should be modified to add to safety assurance. The researchinformation gathered in the NPAR Diesel program confirms opinions developedby industry and regulatory personnel over many years of experience that cur-rent technical specifications are not always conservative nor effective. Inparticular, those related to fast engine starting and loading, frequent sen-sor calibration, engine startup during abnormal plant conditions, frequentstarts and special test requirements need to be carefully evaluated. Thisprocess has been started by the NRC staff.



Hoopingarner, K.R ., J. W. Vause, D. A. Dingee, J. F. Nesbitt. 1987. Agingof Nuclear Station Diesel Generators: Evaluation of Operating Experience.NUREG/CR-4590, PNL-5832, Vol.-1, prepared by Pacific Northwest Laboratory forthe U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C.

Hoopingarner, K. R. and J. W. Vause. 1987. Aging of Nuclear Station DieselGenerators': Evaluation of Operating Experience. Workshop. Volume Il '.NUREG/CR-4590, PNL-5832, Vol. 2, prepared by Pacific Northwest Laboratory forthe U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C.

AEC Technical Report. June 1975. Diesel Generator Operating Experlence at.Nuclear Power Plants. OOE-ES-002. '

NRC Regulatory Guide 1.108 Revision 1. 1977. Periodic Testing of DieselGenerator Units Used-as Onsite Electric Power Systems at Nuclear PowerPlants.

10 CFR 50, Appendix K. Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 10, Part 50Appendix K.

Beard, J. T. September 1982. Recent Operatina Experience with EmeraencvDiesel Generators. Presentation to the NRC/ACRS Subcommittee on AC/DC PowerSystems.

NRC Technical Report, NUREG/CR-2989. 1983. Reliability of Emeraency OnsiteAC Power'Systems.

NRC Generic Letter, 83-41. December 1983. Fast Cold Starts of DieselGenerators.

NRC Generic Letter, 84-15. July 1984. Proposed Staff Actions to Imorove andMaintain Diesel Generator Reliability.

Davis, T., A. Shafaghi, R. Kurth, and F. Leverenz. 1985. Importance RankingBased on.AAina Considerations of Components Included in Probabilistic RiskAssessments. NUREG/CR-4144, PNL-5389, Pacific Northwest Laboratory,Richland, Washington.

Stoller, S. M. 1982. Nuclear Power Experience. S. M. Stoller Corporation,Boulder, Colorado.

TDI Owners Group (TDI OG). 1985. TDI Diesel Generator. Desian Review andOuality Revalidation Report. Revision 1. Prepared by TDI Owners Group.

Hoopingarner, K. R., B. J. Kirkwood, P. J. Louzecky. 1988. Study GroupReview of Nuclear Service Diesel Generator Testing and Aging Mitiaation.PNL-6287, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington.


U.S. NRC. 1979. Regulatory Guide 1.9: Selection. Design. and Qualificationof Diesel-Generator Units Used as Standby (Onsite) Electric Power Systems atNuclear Power Plants. Revision 2. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,Washington, D.C.

U.S. NRC. 1979. Regulatory Guide 1.137: Fuel-Oil Systems for StandbyDiesel Generators. Revision 1. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,Washington, D.C.

Muralidharan, R. 1986. Effect of Diesel Start Time on BWR/6 Peak CladdingTemDerature-Licensing Basis Sensitivity Calculations. EPRI-NSAC-96, ElectricPower Research Institute, Palo Alto, California.

Schwarz, W. R. 1988. The Effect of Diesel Start Time Delay on WestinghousePWRs. EPRI-NSAC-130, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto,California.

U.S. NRC. 1988. Regulatory Guide 1.155: Station Blackout. U.S. NuclearRegulatory Commission, Washington, D.C.

Nowlan, F. S. 1978. Reliability-Centered Maintenance. AD-A066-579,prepared by United Airlines for Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense,Washington, D.C., December 1978.

Prichard, J.W. 1984. "Equipment Age-Reliability Analysis." Naval EngineersJournal, September 1984.

PNL. 1985. Review of Resolution of Known Problems in Engine Components forTransamerica Delaval Inc. Emergency Diesel Generators, PNL-5600, PacificNorthwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington.

Nuclear Engineering International. 1987. EPRI Finds the Reliability of U.S.Diesel Generators is Excellent. May 1987, pp. 54-55.

Wyckoff, H. L. 1986. The Reliability of Emergency Diesel Generators at U.S.Nuclear Power Plants, EPRI-NSAC-108, ELectric Power Research Institute,Palo Alto, California.








General Data

Date of testTime of testAmbient air temperatureBarometric pressureRelative humidity (if convenient)Total hours on engine (hour meter)Governor setting (manual or automatic)kW/loadVoltsKilovars

A. 1

ParameterGeneral Data Required Primary Use of Data

Generator Data (Alternator)-

Alternator winding temperature(s) 1.2.

Evaluate condition of windingsDetect loss of cooling capacity

Alternator bearing temperature (One or twobearings) (Oil temperature)

1. Detect bearing problems

Engine Cooling Water

Water pressure to engine 1 .2.3.

OrWater temperature to and from engine(water pressure at these same points alsochecks these conditions)


Ensure engine operability (mission safety)Detect plugged jacket water systemCheck pump condition

Monitor control val-ve operationMonitor heat exchanger performanceHigher engine load will increase temperaturedifference

Monitor heat exchanger foulingDetect incorrect control valve operation

OrWater temperature to and fromcooler (could be radiator)

engine water 2.2 .

Water temperature to and from raw water cooler 1.2 .

Monitor foulingWater pump operation

Fouling and water flow of turbochargerMonitor turbocharger loading

Water temperature to and from turbocharger(where water cooled). Exhaust gas AP andAT may also be used.

Water temperature to and from turbochargerafter cooler

Water pressure and temperature to and fromL.O. cooler

1.2 .

1. Monitor cooler fouling

1. Monitor cooler fouling


ParameterGeneral Data Required.

Lubricating Oil

'Oil pressure to engine

,Oil temperature to and from enginer(oil sumptemperature)

oil pressure to and from L.O. filter

0il,temperature to and from L.O.. cooler

Oil pressure to turbocharger

Oil0temperatureto -,and from turbocharger

Air to Enqlne . - ,

Ambient air temperature, barometric pressureand relative humidity (Note: These are onpave A.1.also.,)

Air pressure and temperature to turbocharger

Air pressure to-and from after cooler



1 .2.3.



1 .



I- ' lr. '11,, 5*

Ensure engine operabilityDetect filter pluggingTroubleshooting'.for regulating valve, engine,wear -

Detect incorrect oil, viscosity too low or high

Detect fouling'of heat exchangerMonitor control valve operationDetect low oil flow..

Detect filter element pluggingDetect-damaged elements (low delta p)

Detect fouling.Monitor control valve operation

Detect incorrect pressure regulating valvesetting -Ensure 'engine operability

Monitor turbocharger bearings

, It.. 1., PrimarvUse of Data

1. Needed for monitoring "standard air conditions"for,-efficiency calculations or trouble-shooting

1. Turbocharger efficiency calculations

1.- Turbocharger efficiency calculations '2. Air-side cooler fouling detection

ParameterGeneral Data Reouired Primary Use of Data


Exhaust temperature out of each cylinderCylinder No. 1Cylinder No. 2Etc.

Exhaust temperature to turbocharger turbine(preturbine temperature), more than onethermocouple may be required

Exhaust temperature from turbine

1. Monitor fuel injector performance2. Detect broken rockerarms, worn rings or valve

problems3. Acceptable balance between cylinders


Turbocharger efficiencySafety to ensure temperature limit to turbo-charger is not exceeded

1. Monitor turbocharger performance and condition

Fuel Oil

Fuel oil pressure to and from engine filter 1. Detect filter plugging or damage

Fuel oil pressure to and from fuel oil pump 1.2.

Monitor regulating valve adjustmentMonitor pump wear

Fuel Pump Rack Setting

All cylinders 1. Compare to cylinder exhaust temperatures forperformance (both should be reasonably even)

2. Monitor cam timing

Miscellaneous Data

Turbocharger R.P.M. 1. Monitor turbine efficiency2. Detect fouling of compressor discharge, turbine

conditions, or blade fouling3. Detect poor engine combustion

Crankcase vacuum or pressure 1.2.

Monitor excessive ring blow-byDetect faulty ejector/blower

ParameterGeneral Data Reauired Primary Use of Data

Misce, la eo .Dt (cntnudMiscellaneous Data (continued)

Amount of oil added

Lubricating oil analysis (quarterlyrecommended)

Engine cooling water analysis (quarterlyrecommended)

1. Monitor engine operation, ring wear and valveguide wear - . I ''


1 .2.

Detect wear particlesMonitor fuel oil dilution

Detect corrosion productsEnsure correct water chemistry

More optional quarterly monitoring could;Include: - I I


Firing pressures for each cylinder

Fuel oil metering/heat rate

1. Information on ring, valve, and combustionconditions when compared to rack position andexhaust temperature.

1. 10% degradation in fuel consumption rate isindicative of problems developing such asinjector fouling.


RG, RM, R1, R2


No. ofCopies

No. ofCopies


J. P. VoraU.S. Nuclear Regulatory

CommissionMS: NS217BWashington, DC 20555

20 J. J. BurnsU.S. Nuclear Regulatory

CommissionMS: NS217BWashington, DC 20555

A. W. SerkizU.S. Nuclear RegulatoryCommission

MS: NLN344Washington, DC 20555

R. LobelU.S. Nuclear RegulatoryCommission

MS: 1IE-22Washington, DC 20555

J. E. KnightU.S. Nuclear Regulatory

CommissionMS: 8D-20Washington, DC 20555

E. FabriBechtel Power Corp.P.O. Box 3965San Francisco, CA 94119

W. GoelzerPacific Gas and ElectricP.O. Box 56Avila Beach, CA 93424

J. FergusonNortheast UtilitiesP.O. Box 270Hartford, CT 06141

W. B. HendersonTrident Engineering48 Maryland Ave.Annapolis, MD 21401

A. J. Henriksen7731 N. Fairchild RoadFox Point, WI 53217

S. S. KasturiMOS25 Piermont DriveMelville, NY 11747

S. KotowskiVirginia Electric & Power Co.P.O. Box 402.Mineral, VA 23117

B. J. KirkwoodCovenant EngineeringP.O. Box 788Buena Vista, CO 81211

E. V. LofgrenSAIC, G6-1P.O. Box 1303McLean, VA 22102

P. J. Louzecky476 Sarsfield DriveRochester Hills, MI 48063

W. MonroePortland General ElectricCompany

71760 Columbia RiverHighway

Rainier, OR 97048



No. ofCoDies

A. MarionNUMARC1776 I St. NMSuite 300Washington, DC

No. ofCopies

J. E. RhoadsWashington Public Power Supply

System3000 George Washington WayP.O. Box 968Richland, WA 99352


R. NecciNortheast UtilitiesP.O. Box 270Hartford, CT 06141

G. SliterNuclear Engineering andOperations Department

Electric Power ResearchInstitute

P.O. Box 10412Palo Alto, CA 94304

J. E. ThomasDuke Power CompanyP.O. Box 33189422 South Church StreetCharlotte, NC 28242

H. WyckoffEPRI3412 Hillview AvenueP.O. Box 10412Palo Alto, CA 94304


50 Pacific Northwest Laboratory

L. R. DoddM. D. FreshleyK. R. Hoopingarner (31)A. B. Johnson, Jr. (10)W. B. ScottPublishing CoordinationTechnical Report Files (5)





Aging Mitigation and Improved Programs forNuclear Service Diesel Generators 4. DATE REPORT COMPLETED


S, AUTHOR(SI October 1989K.R. Hoopingarner S. DATE REPORT ISSUED

F.R. Zaloudek MONTH YEARDecember 1989


Pacific Northwest Laboratory ,IN OR GRANT "USTER

Richland, WA 99352 B2911


Division of EngineeringOffice of Nuclear Regulatory Research TechnicalU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission bPERIOD COVERED ilusiw 41b.i

Washington, DC 20555


13. ABSTRACT ovo e r)

Recent NRC sponsored aging research work on nuclear service diesel generators hasresulted in a recommendation that an improved engine management program should be adoptedfor aging mitigation and reliability improvement. The center of attention should be toensure diesel-generator operational readiness. This report emphasizes a "healthy engine:oncept" and recommends parameters to be monitored to determine engine condition. The)roposed program and approach recommended in this report represent balanced managementiherediesel generator testing, inspections, monitoring, trending, training, and main-tenance all have appropriate importance.

Fast-starting and fast-loading tests of nuclear service diesels causes very rapidwear of certain engine components. This report documents this aging stressor. Currentperiodic intrusive maintenance and engine overhaul practices have been found to be lessfavorable for safety assurance than engine overhauls based on monitoring and trendingresults or on a need to correct specific engine defects. This report recommends thatthe periodic overhaul requirements be re-evaluated.

Diesel generator research on aging and wear is sponsored by the U.S. NuclearRegulatory Commission (NRC), Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research. The research reportedin this report was conducted by Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL), which is operatedfor the Department of Energy by Battelle Memorial Institute.14 DOCUMENT ANALYSIS-. KEYWORCDSESCRIPTORS - - -

Nuclear plant-aging research, emergency diesel generator, EDG, agingstressor, aging degradation, EDG management, emergency power,recommended regulatory implementation





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