Mrs. Blaber The reporter was fired after she divulged information from a secret document.

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Transcript of Mrs. Blaber The reporter was fired after she divulged information from a secret document.

10th Grade Sat Quiz 2Mrs. Blaber

Divulge (verb)

The reporter was fired after she divulged information from a secret document .

Divulge (verb)

To tell To reveal

Abet (verb)

Lani refused to abet the criminal by hiding him in the back room.

Abet (verb)

To encourage (especially in wrongdoing)

Dogmatic (adj)

Because of the professor’s dogmatic teaching style, students were afraid to ask questions.

Dogmatic (adj)

Stubborn and arrogant about one’s belief

Insipid (adj)

I always add garlic and sesame oil to my tofu, otherwise it will taste insipid.

Insipid (adj)

Dull or lacking flavor Not at all stimulating

Extraneous (adj)

The professor felt that the extraneous paragraph detracted from the important information in the essay.

Extraneous (adj)

Not needed Not important

Coerce (verb)

Many parents coerce their children to play sports at a young age; this method can make their children hate sports.

Coerce (verb)

To force by using pressure, intimidation, or threats

Jaundiced (adj)

The soldier had a jaundiced view of Iraq after losing his wife in the Gulf War.

Jaundiced (adj)

Hostile prejudiced

Meticulous (adj)

With meticulous care, he crafted the mini dollhouse with 1,000 toothpicks.

Meticulous (adj)

Careful attention to details

Temerity (n)

I cannot believe that many teenagers have the temerity to consume alcohol and drive afterwards.

Temerity (n)

A foolish disregard of danger recklessness

Gregarious (adj)

Gregarious students are usually happy, and they create an atmosphere of fun in each class that they attend.

Gregarious (adj)

sociable Fond of the company of others