MEETING MINUTES - Garney Construction CMAR Kickoff 01... · MEETING MINUTES MEETING: Castroville...

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Transcript of MEETING MINUTES - Garney Construction CMAR Kickoff 01... · MEETING MINUTES MEETING: Castroville...


MEETING: Castroville WWTP Capacity Expansion Project – CVL14259

PROJECT: Pre-75% Submittal Review Workshop with Design Team

(FNI) and CMAR (Garney)

RECORDED BY: Jackie McMahon

DATE: January 27, 2016

LOCATION: Dallas – Dallas Mavericks

Ft. Worth - Freese

Austin – Colorado River

San Antonio - Alamo

ATTENDEES: City of Castroville Freese and Nichols (FNI) Garney

Larry Heinrich Trooper Smith

John New

Gennady Boksiner

Coby Gee

Michael Sherer

Michael Robertson

John Manning

Nathan Light

Curtis Spraggins

Jason Cocklin

Jackie McMahon

Brent Millar

Mike Gardner

Marcus Grace

Scott Setter

Wade Pierpoint

David Farkas

The following reflects our understanding of the items discussed during the subject meeting. If you do not

notify us within five working days, we will assume that you are in agreement with our understanding.

Action Items and Decisions made are summarized below. For a more detailed record of the meeting,

continue on to the third table on page 6.



1. This meeting is to be considered the official kick-off meeting between

the CMAR, Design Team and City. John N.

2. A rotating fine screen will remain the specified equipment for the

headworks. Gennady

3. The approximate volume of sludge to be removed from the basins

before demolition will be included at a note in the plans and in the bid

form for a more accurate bid estimate.


4. The 10” line abandoned in place will be temporary plugged during

construction. The 18” line abandoned in place will be hot tapped

during construction.


5. Demolished concrete will be reused wherever possible to minimized

hauling and disposal costs. All

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6. If possible, KFA to use a temporary line for the 2nd influent line during

construction. All

7. The electrical building is to remain in the same location. All

8. The use of pre-cast concrete for the construction of the administration

building is acceptable. Larry

9. Type 304 material is acceptable to use instead of Type 316 stainless

steel for all new unistrut, anchors, support systems and fastening

hardware at all locations except the chlorine contact basin.

John N.

10. Aluminum stairs are acceptable for all applications, providing final

approval from Michael R. John N./Larry

11. Concrete will be used for the construction of the secondary clarifier

baffles. Larry

12. Hollowed metal doors are not acceptable, since they will rust out. Nathan

13. Thrust blocking will be provided for gravity pipes and restraint joints

will be provided for pressurized pipes. All

14. The pour temperature of the concrete will be adjusted to 95/100°F

with the use of a high range water reducer. Michael R.

15. Garney will produce Division 01 specifications, which FNI will cross

check before pertinent submittals. Trooper/Mike

16. Garney will produce a pre-bid package for process equipment,

meaning pertinent FNI technical specs will be developed and finalized

prior to 100% design.


17. At 75% design workshop with City and CMAR, review equipment

vendors to move toward a final decision. Trooper

18. A regular weekly or bi-weekly meeting will be held between Design

Team, City, and CMAR representatives to discuss project progress and

action items.






1. Send Geotechnical Report to Garney for

reference. - Jackie 2/1/16

2. Confirm TCEQ permit discharge regulations

and discuss with Larry. -


Coby 2/5/16

3. Coordinate meeting with City to determine

what equipment operational variables are of

greatest importance. Use this information to

assist with development of Bid Packages.

- Garney 2/12/16

4. Update bid package list and put together a

list of items needed from FNI for bid

package development.

- Garney 2/12/16

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using FNI Div 1 specs

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5. Finalize technical specifications and

performance requirements relating to

equipment for bid package for internal QC.

- FNI 2/29/16

6. Develop a list of current manufacturer

quotes to send to Marcus for reference. - Jackie 1/29/16

7. Create Action Item List from meeting

comments to distribute to team. - Jackie 1/29/16

8. Develop updated project schedule to take

into account CMAR involvement. -


Jackie 1/29/16

9. Send Trooper weekly availability

(times/dates) to set up a regular meeting

between CMAR, City, and Design Team.

- Larry/Marcus 2/3/16

10. Develop a contact list to distribute to team. - Jackie 1/29/16


11. Check with Ovivo to see if it is possible to

reduce the deck size at the BNR without

affecting the integrity of the splash guard.

AS-M1 Coby 2/5/16

12. Follow up with BNR basin equipment

manufacturers Ovivo and WesTech for

quotes to ensure Ovivo’s bid is

competitive. Discuss results with Marcus

Grace to determine next steps.

- Coby 2/5/16

13. Investigate possibility of raising the pump

motors out of the explosion zone of the

BNR basin (E-6, note 1), report to Garney,

and update plans as necessary.

AS-M3 Coby/Jackie 2/5/16

14. Pothole locations in the field to identify

how much sludge will need to be cleared in

the basins prior to demolition.

C-3 (1) Larry/Garney 2/10/16

15. Calculate sludge volume from potholing

results in Item 5 and include approximate

sludge volume to be removed in Note 3

sheet C-3 and in bid form for a more

accurate bid estimate.

C-3 (1) FNI 2/12/16

16. Determine salvageable equipment and

identify on plans. C-3 (1) FNI/City 2/12/16

19. Add note on sheet C-3 to temporary plug

10” abandoned in place line during


C-3 (2) FNI 2/12/16

20. Update plans/specs to show hot tap into

18” line by the existing chlorine contact


C-3 (2) FNI 2/12/16

21. Excavate/Investigate to determine what’s

in ponds to avoid unexpected costs/change


C-4 (1) Garney 2/10/16

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22. Coordinate with City to determine where

to dispose of/reuse soils and demolished

concrete. Include disposal locations and

reuse instructions on plans.

C-4 (1) FNI 2/10/16

23. Determine thickness of walls and depth of

existing sludge drying beds for more

accurate bid estimate.

C-4 (2) Garney 2/10/16

24. Check with Ovivo to see if common wall

construction of the BNR and relocation of

the splitter box is possible.

C-5 (1) Coby 2/5/16

25. Contact KFA (Alan Draper) to see if it’s

possible to use a temporary line for the

second influent line from the lift station

during construction.

C-5 (1) Michael S. 2/5/16

26. Investigate available space around

administration building to see if enough

room is available to construct a larger, new

administration around the existing


C-5 (2) Coby/Jackie 2/10/16

27. Coordinate on use/desire for pre cast

concrete construction of the

administration building.

C-5 (2) Nathan/

Marcus 2/10/16

28. Maximize distance between secondary

clarifier and nearby 18-FE-PVC pipe to

increase available open area during


C-5 (4) Coby 2/12/16

29. For by-pass pumping purposes, verify

existence (or lack thereof) of two outlets

from the existing secondary clarifier and

verify if 10” line is still operable.

CD-M2 Larry/Garney 2/10/16

30. Coordinate preferred construction

materials for the chlorine building and any

resulting updates to the plans.

CH-A1 / CH-



Marcus 2/10/16

31. Determine locations of Mechanical Details

1 and 2 (sheet SD-18) on site plan. SD-18 FNI 2/12/16

32. Verify elevation will not be an issue with

the sludge feed cavity pumps at the sludge

holding tank.

SH-M6 Gennady 2/12/16

33. Review all clarifier comments with

structural engineer and address as


SC - ALL Jason 2/12/16

34. Determine need for pressure valves in

deep structures. - Michael R. 2/12/16

35. Coordinate on potential electrical

contractors. -

John M. /

Scott 2/29/16

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36. Update Note 34 sheet G-2 to allow for type

304 pipe at all locations except chlorine

contact basin.

General Coby 2/12/16

37. Clarify use of thrust blocking and

restrained joints on gravity and pressure

pipes in Note 6 sheet G-2.

General Coby 2/12/16

38. Adjust specifications to reflect maximum

acceptable pouring temperature to be

95/100°F with use of high range water


General Michael R. 2/12/16

39. Include spacing/location of joints in

drawings. General Michael R. 2/12/16

40. Coordinate concrete mix design for quality

control purposes and ensure same product

is used for the entire project.

- Garney 3/11/16

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Review PACER/Introductions/Sign-In

• Introductions were made for the City of Castroville (City) representative

(Larry Heinrich), design team (FNI), and CMAR (Garney).

• Trooper reviewed the purpose of the meeting: for Garney to provide

comments on the pre-75% submittal which FNI will incorporate into the final

75% submittal to the City.

• John New confirmed that this meeting will count as the kick-off meeting with

the CMAR.


BNR Deck Size (Comment AS-M1)

• Garney asked if the deck size of the BNR could be reduced to eliminate cubic

yards of concrete on the outside perimeter; decreasing schedule time and

saving money.

• Coby/Gennady noted that deck was the manufacturer’s (Ovivo) standard size

and served as a splash guard.

• Coby will contact Ovivo to see if reducing the BNR deck size is possible while

maintaining splash guard protection.


BNR Basin Equipment Manufacturer(s)

• Garney inquired about the manufacturers contacted for the BNR basin

equipment, and noted their concern that relying on one manufacturer will

result in a high bid.

• Trooper noted FNI is focused on Ovivo, but also considering WesTech.

• Coby confirmed that right now, Ovivo is the sole source for the BNR

equipment and ensuring it works together; noting that Castroville has a

proprietary system that requires custom parts and that changing the

manufacturer will change the design.

• FNI team is currently investigating to see if the different systems from

different manufacturers can be bid in the same structure.

• Coby will follow up with manufacturers of BNR basin equipment (Ovivo and

WesTech) for quotes to ensure Ovivo’s bid is competitive. Coby will then

discuss findings and next steps with Marcus.


Headworks Screen

• Marcus asked if FNI was set on using a rotating fine screen for the headworks.

• Gennady said yes; the rotating fine screen is ideal because it is one piece of

equipment (doesn’t require a washer, less expensive overall), very robust,

and ideal for the anticipated flow range.

• Decision made: Stick with specified rotating fine screen for the headworks.

• Larry mentioned he would like to sit down with the design team and go over

equipment options for the entire treatment plant.

• Trooper/Gennady to organize meeting with the City to discuss equipment

options, which will potentially include a tour of different sites with

equipment in place to discuss pros/cons with the operators.


BNR Basin Motors (Comment AS-M3)

• Garney asked if it was possible to raise the motors out of the explosion zone

of the BNR basin (E-6 note 1).

• Coby/Jackie to investigate, report back to Garney, and update plans as


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Demolition Plan (Comment C-3 (1) [Note 3 and 9])

• NOTE 3: Contractor shall de-water basins and clean out sludge/solids prior to


o Garney noted that this item could prove to be a very expensive bid

item based on the wording and worried about the amount of sludge

in the basins, but that the site visit showed there actually wasn’t a lot

of sludge.

o Gennady stated that while the wording of the note might give the

impression that there will be a lot of sludge, it is still critical to

remove the sludge and clean the basins before demolition.

o Larry (City of Castroville) and Garney to pothole locations in the

field to see how much sludge is in basins.

o For additional reference, Jackie to send Geotech Report to Garney

for review.

o FNI to calculate sludge volume from field results and include the

approximate amount of sludge to be removed in Note 3 for a more

accurate bid estimate. The quantity calculated will also be included

in the bid form.

• NOTE 9: Salvage items for owner as indicated on plans or specs, otherwise

remove and dispose offsite.

o Garney asked FNI to identify items to be salvaged.

o FNI/City to coordinate on salvageable equipment and FNI to

incorporate in plans.


Demolition Plan [Garney Comment C-3 (2)]

• Garney asked if the 10” line to be abandoned in place will have a valve or will

be filled.

• Coby confirmed that the 10” line is not currently used and already


• FNI will add a note to the plans (sheet C-3) to temporary plug the line in


• The 18” line by the existing chlorine contact basin was also discussed. It has

no valve; and the decision was made to hot tap into the line. FNI will update

the plans and specs accordingly.

• Discussion shifted to the TCEQ outfall permit and whether or not discharge

was allowed to the river before reaching 0.7 MGD capacity. Trooper/Coby to

discuss the permit with Larry and confirm discharge regulations.


Demolition Plan [Garney Comment C-4 (1)]

• Garney asked about the disposal location demolished concrete, and if it was

possible to reuse in some way to reduce hauling/disposal costs. The

possibility of lining the pond for bank stabilization was mentioned.

• Coby noted that there is old asphalt in the ponds. Garney to excavate and

determine what’s in ponds to avoid unexpected costs/change orders.

• FNI will discuss with the City to determine where to put/reuse demolished

concrete and soils, and will include on plans (general notes).


Demolition Plan [Garney Comment C-4 (2)]

• Garney inquired for the depth of the existing decommissioned structure

(existing sludge drying beds).

• Trooper/Coby noted that there are no original drawings.

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• Garney to determine the thickness of the walls and depth of existing sludge

drying beds for more accurate bid estimate.


Site Layout [Garney Comment C-5 (1)]

• Garney asked if the second influent line from the proposed lift station is

included in this contract.

• Trooper responded that KFA is responsible for the line in question; which

Larry stated will be completed around March 2016.

• Discussion followed regarding connection to the KFA line, and ways to

maximize open space to allow for simplified construction and sequencing.

o Trooper noted the line could not be taken to the existing lift station,

since existing pumps could not handle the flow.

o Garney inquired if common wall construction could be used at the

BNR to increase open area. Gennady noted that common wall

construction, which necessitates relocating the splitter box, may

negatively impact hydraulics.

o Coby to talk with Ovivo and see if common wall construction of the

BNR and relocation of the splitter box is possible.

• The team decided the best plan of action would be for KFA use a temporary

line. Michael S. will contact KFA (Alan Draper) to see it’s possible to run a

temporary line so as to save money and make for easier construction.


Admin/Elec Building [Garney Comment C-5 (2)]

• Garney asked if it was possible to move the electrical building and

administration building.

• Electrical Building

o Trooper noted that if the electrical building was moved, electrical

conduit cost would be increased.

o Electrical building to remain in same location.

• Administration Building

o Garney asked if possible to use pre-cast concrete, instead of masonry,

in construction for scheduling purposes. They outlined the possibility

of constructing the new building around the old, and demolishing the

old structure from the inside. The space required for this option is

about 3 ft. on each side.

o Larry confirmed the City is okay with using pre-cast concrete, but

would want the same façade/layout.

o Coby/Jackie to investigate space availability around the existing

admin building.

o Nathan/Marcus to coordinate on need for pre-cast concrete



Site Layout [Garney Comment C-5 (4)]

• To increase available open area for construction, Coby will maximize the

distance between the secondary clarifier and nearby 18-FE-PVC pipe.


Power [Garney Comment C-5 (5)]

• Larry confirmed the City is working on redirecting the necessary amount of

power to the park.

• No action additional action to be taken.


Chlorine Contact Basin (Garney Comment CD-M2)

• Garney inquired if FRP or Masonry Baffles could be used instead of Cast in

Place concrete in the chlorine contact basin.

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Marcus to supply contact information for local precast companies.

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• Gennady noted that FRP baffles do not perform as well as concrete.

• Coby noted that the design team doesn’t know the , making concrete the

ideal for simplified specifications. Garney stated that if cast in place concrete

is used, sequencing of the chloring contact basin becomes a critical item.

• Discussion turned to construction sequencing and by-pass pumping options.

To get a better idea of the feasible bypass pumping options, Larry to check if

the existing secondary clarifier does indeed have two outlets. Larry/Garney

to field verify if 10” line is still operable.


Chlorine Building (Garney Comment CH-A1/CH-M1)

• Garney asked if precast concrete could be used to construct the chlorine


• Nathan noted that while this is possible, the building must be insulated to

meet code, which may increase costs. Garney stated their preference for pre-

insulated pre cast concrete.

• Nathan/Marcus to coordinate on preferred materials for the chlorine

building and any resulting updates to the plans.


Mechanical Details (Garney Comment SD-18)

• Garney requested Details 1 (Typical Section Flexbase Road) and 2 (Heavy

Duty Typical Section Flexbase Road) of the SD-18 to be located on the site

plan where needed.

• FNI will locate and place details for 75% submittal to the City.


Sludge Holding Tank (Garney Comment SH-M6)

• Gennady will verify that elevation is not going to be an issue with the sludge

feed cavity pumps at the sludge holding tank.


Secondary Clarifier Comments (SC sheets)

• Garney asked if FRP launders would be acceptable.

o Larry confirmed that the City would like to stick with concrete.

• Garney inquired if pressure relief valves were necessary. Jason said the

pressure-relief valves were included in the drawings but still needs to

determine if they are needed. Michael R. confirmed that he also needs to

verify if pressure relief valves are needed in the deep structures.

• Jason will review clarifier comments with his structural engineer and

address as necessary. Michael R. will determine need for pressure valves in

deep structures.

• With 6” minimum of crushed limestone specified for the secondary clarifier

no. 1 gravel fill, Garney mentioned this would be an opportunity to use the

crushed concrete from demolition (discussed in above in item 8).


Electrical Drawings

• On drawing E-12, Garney requested FNI eliminate the power panels due to

corrosion concerns.

• John M. responded the panels are not put inside chlorine building, and that

stainless steel will be used to address corrosion issues.

• John M. agreed with Garney’s manhole access comments.

• John M. agreed that there is no need for pre-submittal meetings, only if

crunched for time.

• John M. and Scott will coordinate on potential electrical contractors.


General Drawings

• Garney asked if it would be acceptable to use type 304 instead of 316

stainless steel as specified in Note 34 sheet G-2. John N. responded that using


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type 304 was acceptable for all locations but the chlorine basin. FNI will

update the note accordingly.

• Garney requested clarification of Note 6 on sheet G-2 that requires thrust

blocking or restrained joints at all fittings. Trooper stated the preference for

thrust blocking on gravity pipes considering the shifts caused by current and

future construction. Coby will clarify note 6 to specify thrust blocking to be

used on gravity pipes and restrained joints to be used for pressure pipes.

• Garney asked if it would be acceptable to use aluminum stairs for all

applications. John N. and Larry Heinrich gave the okay, providing approval

from Michael R.

• Garney asked if hollowed metal doors could be used instead of aluminum.

Nathan replied they could not, since hollowed metal doors will rust out.

Nathan also noted RFP doors would be unviable.

• In response to a query about time between concrete pours of construction

joints, Michael R. directed Garney to the concrete forming spec.

• Garney noted that specified max concrete pour temperature, 90°F, will be

very difficult and expensive to achieve and requested the max allowable

temperature be upped to 98°F. Michael R. agreed that if a high range water

reducer is used, a 95/100°F pour temperature is acceptable. Michael R. will

adjust pertinent specs to reflect this.

• Garney requested the spacing of construction joints, and the max horizontal

spacing, to be delineated. Michael R. clarified that the joints in question are

not construction joints but will put proposed joints in drawings


Equipment Packages/Pre-Order

• Garney to sit down with City and determine what’s important to the City

(price, support, dependability, meet spec, maintenance, schedule and


• Gennady inquired how the warranty will work if manufacturers providing

equipment so early; to which Garney responded that the warranty will be

addressed in bid documents to make clear what is expected.

• Garney will put together an equipment package and pre-order equipment.

Marcus will update the bid package list and put together a list of items

needed from FNI. Right now, the following needs have been identified:

o Finalized technical specifications and performance requirements

(Design team to develop per updated schedule).

o Current list of manufacturer quotes (Jackie to send to Marcus).


General Items/Project Schedule

• Jackie to create Action Item List and distribute to team to track

incorporation of Garney’s comments and ensure project momentum is


• Trooper/Jackie to develop an updated project schedule and distribute to

the team.

• Garney will produce Division 01 specs, which FNI will cross check.

• Garney will coordinate concrete mix design for quality control to ensure the

same product is used for the entire product.

• Marcus and Larry will send Trooper their weekly availability (times/days) to

schedule a regular meeting time.

• Jackie to develop a contact list to distribute to the team.

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or mechanical restraints