Maximizing Your Prayer L Ife

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Maximizing Your Prayer L Ife

 Presented by Rev. Alicia Tyson-Sherwood

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Are you going through something? Do you want to develop a stronger prayer

life? When I think about it some of my best

prayers happens because of my test/trial/ affliction.

Is your prayer life effective?

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What is a good praise to sing before and after prayer? Why?

Creating an atmosphere of praise in your car, home, and office.

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When you pray, what do you do in most cases?

A.You say what you need to sayB.Pray until you know you have broken

through his throneC.Don’t know what to say, so I don’t pray or

let someone pray for meD.CryE.None of the above

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What do I need for God to do or What do I need to do for God?

How come in these days of economic uncertainty, we do not believe God?

Why am I always behind the eight ball? Why don’t I bring people to church with me?

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The intimacy that I long for in my physical relationships should be the same way I feel about God

Closer than close God should be the first person that you turn

to in crisis Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and

lean not unto Psalms thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5

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I CANNOT PRAY I can not say OUR if my religion has no

room for others and their needs I can not say Who ART IN HEAVEN if all my

interests and pursuits are in earthly things I can not say HALLOWED BE THY NAME if I,

who am called to bear His Name, am not holy

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Soul Cry is indicative of our ancestral roots

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I can not say THY KINGDOM COME if I am unwilling to give up my own sovereignty and accept the righteous reign of God

I can not say ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN unless I am truly ready to give myself to His service here and now.

I can not say GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD without expending honest effort for it, or by ignoring the genuine needs of others

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I can not say FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US if I continue to harbor a grudge against someone

I can not say LEAD US INTO TEMPTATION if I deliberately choose to remain in a situation where I am likely to be tempted

I can not say DELIVER US FROM EVIL if I am not prepared to fight in the spiritual realm with the weapon of prayer.

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I can not say THINE IS THE KINGDOM if I do not give the King the disciplined obedience of a loyal subject

I can not say THINE IS THE POWER if I fear what my neighbors and friends may say or do.

I can not say THINE IS THE GLORY if I am seeking my own glory first

I can not say FOREVER if I am too anxious about each day’s events

I can not say AMEN unless I honestly say “ Cost what it may, This is my prayer.”

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Prayer Circle of Purpose Prayer Circle of Praying Until Something

Happens It’s Important to Pray Whenever the Spirit

Leads You Respect People’s Privacy Not to be Prayed

on, pray silently Pray for each New Disciple