Manual for Post-Processing Highlight RTI & Creating PTM Images

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Transcript of Manual for Post-Processing Highlight RTI & Creating PTM Images

©2015 West Semitic Research

Manual for Post-Processing Highlight RTI

& Creating PTM Images

For Mac & PC Computers

Reflectance Transformation Imagining: Post-Processing on a Mac 2

Introduction This manual provides a step-by-step guide on how to post-process a series of Reflectance Transformation images into a final PTM (Polynomial Texture Map) file to be viewed by using the InscriptiFact Standalone Viewer ( or Hewlet-Packards PTM Viewer (see below for link).

Software Post-processing requires the use of the following programs:

• Adobe Photoshop, Camera Raw and Bridge • RTI Builder For Mac or PC


• PTM Viewer & Fitter: Go to: ( Under “Download PTM Viewer Application”, click on Mac or Windows Version and example data files Under “Download PTM Fitter Program”, click on Mac or PC Version

• Java: • InscriptiFact Standalone Viewer:

• Create Folders and Placement of Programs: Mac File Placement 1. Create a folder in your Applications folder called “PTM-HP-Mac”. Place the

following files inside this folder: PTMfitter (Unix Executable File), PTMviewer (Unix Executable File) & PTMviewer application. Locate these files in the download folder of your browser application. Look for PTMViewer and PTMFitter folders. Open these up and drag over the files needed.

2. Place RTI Builder program into your Applications Folder. You may also, add an application icon to your dock.

PC File Placement RTI Builder, PTM Fitter & PTM Viewer can be placed on the C: drive. No specific nesting of files is required. Note that the PC version is currently configured for 32-bit machines, but may still run on your 64-bit machine.

Reflectance Transformation Imagining: Post-Processing on a Mac 3

Post-Processing RTI Images Create A Folder:

• DO NOT put any spaces in any of your folder or file names or RTI Builder will not create an RTI or PTM

• Create a folder inside of the RTI shot series folder you want to post-process called: jpeg-exports; i.e. Korean_Training/usc6711_2_side/jpeg-exports

OPEN Bridge:

• Scroll through the folders in the left side pane until you locate the folder containing the Raw sequence images. Click on the folder; Select ALL (Command A) and Open in Camera Raw (File: Open in Camera Raw)

Reflectance Transformation Imagining: Post-Processing on a Mac 4

• ADJUST Images as necessary:

1 - Select all

Reflectance Transformation Imagining: Post-Processing on a Mac 5

2 - White Balance: click on the White Balance Eye Dropper tool at the top of the image pane. Use the Eye Dropper on the dark gray square in the color checker.

Reflectance Transformation Imagining: Post-Processing on a Mac 6

3 - Deselect the color checker shot. To do this, put the cursor over the color checker shot and deselect by Command/Clicking. 4 – In the right side pane under “Basic” mode, Move Blacks to 0.

Reflectance Transformation Imagining: Post-Processing on a Mac 7

5 – Tone Curve Mode: In the right side pane, under the Point tab, place points on the line and move it to show a slight S-shaped curve.

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6 – Detail Mode: In the right side pane, set sharpening to 0 7 – Rotate Images if needed

Reflectance Transformation Imagining: Post-Processing on a Mac 9

8 – After all adjustments have been made, click “SAVE IMAGES” located on the lower left side of the image pane. Save images as follows: Select Folder: select the “/jpeg-exports” folder inside your series shot folder File Naming: Image name, e.g., CT_6711_2_side, add a “_#” after the name. In the second box, choose “2 Digit Serial Number” Begin Numbering: 01 File Extension: .jpg Quality: Maximum

9 - Click “DONE” on the Camera Raw pane once all jpegs are saved.

Reflectance Transformation Imagining: Post-Processing on a Mac 10

OPEN RTI Builder Program: 1 – Project Name: (use the Raw images file name without the numbers)

2 – Choose: a) Highlight Based (PTM Fitter) for normal pictures; this choice creates .PTM files; .PTM files have a size restriction of 3000 pixels on the longest side. b) Highlight Based (HSH Fitter) for objects with issues getting proper light distance; can render specular enhancement better; this choice creates .RTI files; .RTI files can create larger image files than .PTM

3 – Click “Start New Project” on the bottom left of the RTI Builder pane.

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Next Page: • Click “Open Folder”, then browse to the folder that contains your RTI series shots

and click on that to open. DO NOT go into the RTI series shot folder to the “jpeg-exports” folder.

• Once the images load, click “NEXT” located on the lower left of the pane.

Reflectance Transformation Imagining: Post-Processing on a Mac 12

• Place a highlight box around the ball with your cursor • Click “Add Area”, then adjust the box to better fit over the shiny ball

• Choose Red or Black Ball • Click, “Detect Sphere” – this function results in a large sphere displayed in the

“Sphere 1” box.

Reflectance Transformation Imagining: Post-Processing on a Mac 13

• Click on the “Image Scale” bar and move it towards 10 until the entire ball is

shown inside the pane. • Fine adjust circle around the ball (Useful tip: click on one of the pictures to see

the ball outline better)

• Click “Set New Center” (use only if you changed the circle over the ball); nothing will happen after you click “Set New Center”

• Click “NEXT” located on the lower left of the pane.

Reflectance Transformation Imagining: Post-Processing on a Mac 14

• Click “Highlight Detection” • Click “NEXT” located on the lower left of the pane.

Reflectance Transformation Imagining: Post-Processing on a Mac 15

Next Page: If you chose Highlight RTI PTM Fitter at the beginning:

• Click “Find” to locate the PTMFitter file: /Applications/PTM-HP-Mac/PTMfitter (you should only have to find this once per computer)

• Choose a file size and PTM Type: Create one full sized or large image file and one small image file. “Actual size” and “PTM Type” go together in the following combinations:

1). Use LRGB w/Actual Full Size to create a full size large file; or when the light was not far enough away from the object; sometimes LRGB will make gold & clay objects look green so use RGB instead.

2). RGB does a better job of reproducing color but it does not allow for full size image creation. Specular enhancement is much shinier in RGB. If you choose RGB, click on the “Resize” box. If the longest side is horizontal, resize “New Width” to 2750. If the longest side is vertical, resize “New Height” to between 2450-2550.

• Click on the “Use Crop” box under Crop Properties if desired. Crop out the shiny ball at this stage if possible.

• Output File Name: delete “cropped” from the file name displayed, if you cropped. • Click “Execute”

• Once the large .PTM has been created, resize to 1000 pixels on the longest side and click “Execute” to create a smaller image file.

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If you chose Highlight RTI HSH Fitter

• The HSH Fitter automatically shows up in the fitter location. • .RTI’s are larger than .PTM’s. To adjust size the longest side between 3900-4500

pixels. • Follow the remaining steps listed above for Highlight RTI PTM Fitter.

View RTI’s Created:

• To View RTI Images created, GO TO: RTI Processing/ Finished Files, click on the .PTM or .RTI files to open them.

Reflectance Transformation Imagining: Post-Processing on a Mac 17

Reprocessing an exiting file: • Open the RTI Builder program • Click on either Highlight Based (HSH Fitter) or Highlight Based (PTM Fitter) • Click on “Open Existing Project”

Reflectance Transformation Imagining: Post-Processing on a Mac 18

• Browse to the folder containing the original Raw files along with the finished files. In that folder is a file ending in .XML. Choose the .xml file an

• After you choose the .xml file, you will see the following dialogue box:

• Choose “Yes” since you want to make changes, i.e., cropping or resizing.

Reflectance Transformation Imagining: Post-Processing on a Mac 19

• Choosing “Yes” will take you to the last screen in RTI Builder where you can make your desired changes.

• Once you make your changes, create a new name for the file. If you retain a file name of a previously post-processed file, the new one will overwrite the old one.

• Click “Execute” to create you new post-processed file. If you have any questions, please contact Marilyn Lundberg at Post-Processing for Mac