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Transcript of Lincoln

Lincoln’s Fear By Carl Clouse

Wednesday, October 3, 12

His fears

His belief that secession was unlawful by the states.

That states were physica!y unable to separate, his fears that secession would cause the weakened government to descend into anarchy

They had every right to leave the Union, but Lincoln vehemently refuted that assertion.

Wednesday, October 3, 12

“But it may have been the last point that he considered the most important to his argument: Secession would destroy the only democracy in existence and prove for a! time - to both future Americans and the world - that a government of the people could not survive.”,2012

Wednesday, October 3, 12

Only the United States was the only successful democracy in that time, that is why Lincoln feared that losing democracy would destroy the future of americans.

If Lincoln’s fear did come true it would have forever ended the hope of humankind everywhere for a "government of the people, by the people, for the people."

Wednesday, October 3, 12