Post on 24-Feb-2016

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Sabrina Ermayanti. KEGANASAN P LEURA. Bagian Pulmonologi dan Kedokteran Respirasi FK Unand. Structure of the Thoracic Cavity. Pleural Anatomy. Lungs are surrounded by thin tissue cal l ed the pleura , a continuous membrane that folds over itself Parietal pleura lines the chest wall - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Bagian Pulmonologi dan Kedokteran RespirasiFK Unand

Sabrina Ermayanti


Structure of the Thoracic Cavity

Lungs are surrounded by thin tissue called the pleura, a continuous membrane that folds over itself– Parietal pleura lines the chest wall– Visceral pleura covers the lung (sometimes called the

pulmonary pleura)

Pleural Anatomy

Schematic diagram of pleural anatomy; s.c.=systemic capillary; p.c.=pulmonary capillary

selapis sel mesothelial   pavement-like cells melapisi permukaan pleura

sel yang aktif, sensitif & responsif terhadap berbagai rangsangan


Sel Mesothelial

Fungsi : transportasi dan pergerakan cairan dan partikel migrasi leukosit respon inflamasi sintesis sitokin, fc pertumbuhan & matriks ekstraseluler melepaskan fc utk merangsang deposisi dan pembersihan fibrin dan antigen

Sel Mesothelial

Cairan Pleura Volume: Normal sedikit (+) Noppen et al. 8,4 ± 4,3 ml.

Terdiri dari : protein (tu. albumin,globulin, and fibrinogen) sel (tu. Sel mesothelial , monocytes, and


Pd manusia 75% macrophages 25% lymphocytes < 2% mesothelial cels, neutrophils and eosinophils

Neoplasma Pleura Primer

• benign (jarang)LipomaFibromaEndotheliomasAngiomasCysts

• malignant mesothelioma Secondary

• >> adenocarcinoma paru, GIT, ovarium


Insiden penggunaan asbestos stlh PD -2

[McDonald 1987]

Negara Industri : 2 per satu juta ♀ 10 - 30 per satu juta ♂

♂ = 10 x ♀

Resiko >> daerah galangan kapal

5-7% dari orang yang terpapar asbestos 50% tidak ada riwayat terpapar asbestos

Occupational Exposure to Asbestos AS >> th 2004 = 2.300 paparan > th

30-60 Eropa Barat >> th 2018 = 9.000 > th

70 Laten period 20 - 40 tahun

Paparan dg gedung yg diisolasi dg asbestos sangat jarang [Hughes et al. 1986; Lilienfield 1991


Manifestasi KlinisGejala Umur 40 – 70 th 2/3 kasus Riwayat terpapar asbestos 20 th

sebelumnya atau lebih Nyeri dada nonpleuritik

menjalar ke abdomen atas / lengan

Sesak nafas >> BB , batuk kering dan

dyspnea bbrp pasien demam tdk


Manifestasi KlinisTanda Tanda –tanda efusi pleura

I = cembung, pergerakan tertinggal Pl = fremitus < Pk = redup – pekak A = Suara nafas -sp (-)

Clubbing finger Atrial fibrillation

Pemeriksaan Penunjang Ro thoraks 70-95% efusi pleura efusi masif 50% hemitoraks tidak jelas gambaran tumor pleura

Pemeriksaan Penunjang CT Scan toraks pleura menebal terutama pleura mediastinum irreguler volume hemitoraks yang kena bervariasi 30-42% mengecil

Pemeriksaan Penunjang Sitologi cairan pleura3 Tipe sel

• Epithelial Type : 50 % of cases most often confused with adenocarcinoma

• Mesenchymal Type : 16 % of cases

• Mixed Type : 34 % of cases

Pemeriksaan Penunjang Sitologi cairan pleura

Pemeriksaan Penunjang MRI Bronkoskopi Biopsi pleura

Tertutup Terbuka VATS

Diagnosis (2) Cardinal Characteristics [Boutin 1998]

• Age between 55 - 65• Previous occupational exposure to

asbestos• Pleural Effusion• C.T. / MRI (with nodular lesions of the

parietal pleura)

StagingI Confined to ipsilateral pleuraII Involves chest wall,

mediastinum, pericardium or contralateral pleura

III Involves both thorax and abdomen or lymph nodes outside thorax

IV Distant metastasis

TreatmentThere is no single treatment which has

proven effective...


ChemotherapyImmunotherapyGene Therapy

Tumor metastase ke pleura Insiden : penyebab efusi pleura eksudat no 2

setelah parapneumoni efusi

Tumor primer kanker paru kanker payudara 75% limfoma lain2 Ca ovarium, sarcoma, Ca lambung, Ca kolon, Ca pankreas, Ca buli2


Manifestasi Klinis Gejala dan tanda efusi

pleura Gejala dan tanda tumor


Pemeriksaan Penunjang

Ro toraks CT Scan toraks

Sitologi cairan pleura

Biopsi pleura

Pemeriksaan Penunjang

Tes Immunochemical Adenoca CEA; MOC-3,1; B72,3; Ber-EP4 & BG-8

Tumor marker pd cairan pleura CEA; CYFRA21-1; SCC antigen;SSEA-1

Penatalaksanaan Punksi cairan pleura Kemoterapi sistemik Radioterapi Radiasi mediastinal Pleurodesis Indwelling Pleural catheter Pleuro-peritoneal shunt