Joel Young - BYM - UBF's

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Joel Young - BYM - UBF's

Truth, Lies & UBF’s

Romans 12 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual[a] act of worship. 2

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed (from what - to what?) by the renewing of your mind.

Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.












Luke: For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.

Isaiah: These people come near to me with their mouth and honour me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.












Are my core beliefs TRUE or FALSE?

Don’t invite myself to events. Keep to myself. Don’t include myself in conversations. Don’t ask for help.

Alone, shy, insecure.

“They don’t like me.”“They didn’t invite me because they don’t like me.”“I don’t fit in.”

There is no point trying to fit in.I only go when invited.When I am not invited it means I don’t belong.

I don’t belong. (KING LIE/Mis-belief)

Invite myself out when I want. Include myself in conversations.

Ask for, and offer help.

Warm, Satisfied, Relaxed

“I wonder if there is any chocolate in the fridge.”

“How can I contribute here.”“I’ll ask them if I can join in and give

them my number.”

I fit in here if they like me or not.This place is mine as much anyone's.

I can play a part in friendships & ministry.People need me and most probably like


I am a unique part of the puzzle.I belong.

I am part of the family.

LiesLies are from the Enemy (‘the father of lies’ -John)

Lies are the devils native language (John)

Lies block you from hearing God (John)

Lies are evil

Lies destroy

Lies provide a foothold for the devil

Lies are the real enemy/root of the problem

Maintains Delusion = Pain when reality bites.

How does this affect your thoughts on spiritual warfare?

TruthTruth is from God(Jesus is the Son of God) (‘I am the way, the truth…’)

Truth is all Jesus speaks. (‘I tell you the truth’)

Truth is from the Spirit of Truth

Belief in Truth Sanctifies (John 17:17+2 Thes)

Truth Protects (Psalms+)(Eph 6)

Truth sets us free (John)

Truth guides us (Prov)

Keeps us in Reality – Greater Stability

Truth requires context. Without context scripture

can become a lie that binds you.

Lie that looks like truth




3.5 UBFs – Bruises of the HeartWhat feeling makes me throw all my toys out of the cot (act like a child)?

What are my buttons?

What feeling will I do anything to avoid?

What feeling did I vow to never feel again?

People can manipulate me by ‘making me feel’…

Get a HUG for your MIND

DO the OPPOSITE! (Get used to it.)

find a way

to oppose yourself.

expose yourself to your UBF.

Or keep doing what you have always doneand always get what you have always got