iStrategy - The Realities of Mobile App Tracking & Attribution

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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The Realities of Mobile App Tracking & Attribution

Transcript of iStrategy - The Realities of Mobile App Tracking & Attribution

CEO at HasOffers @peterhamilton

Peter Hamilton

Realities of Mobile App Attribution

We all know the trends...

Mobile Advertising is growing at nearly 100% Year over Year.

2013$7.29 Billion(predicted)

2017$27.13 Billion


80% of smartphone usage is "In-App"

Mobile Apps VS. Internet and TV

Which means...

App Advertising is Exploding!

The big spenders.

The up and comers.

Biggest Mobile Advertising Channels

Just one problem...

How do you track app installs? Cookies?

Cookies don’t work with mobile apps.

Instead we need other identifiers.

Tracking Link/URL

DEVICE IDENTIFIERS collected including Apple's IFA, Android ID, etc.

Web traffic includes header information such as IP address, Device Type, Device OS, etc.

App Store Redirect

The user is redirected to the iTunes App Store or Google Play.

App Install/Open

User opens the app for the first time.

An SDK in app collects DEVICE IDENTIFIERS for matching.

100’s of Partners with Mobile SDKs

Virtually every potential mobile advertising partner has an SDK. The shear resources required for implementing more than one, maintaining, and still keeping app performance up is impossible.

Attribution analytics for mobile apps.

Advertising Flow w/ a Mobile App SDK

Clicks from MULTIPLE Publishers

Standard “last click” attribution

The industry standard carrying over from the web is to give publishers credit for providing the last credit before the user downloads an app, makes a purchase, or drives a result. One central attribution technology prevents overlapping or duplicate conversion.

Verifying the last click

{Postbacks} - Closing the Loop

Close the loop with your advertising partners by pushing conversion/install information as well as in-app events to your advertising partners.

Test Test Test... and test again

That means testing your app attribution before you push it live to the app store as well as test each channel before you launch a campaign live. This will lower the amount of discrepancies you may deal with later.

If you don’t you’ll end up with this...

Comparing Performance and LTV

You need real-time reports to quickly test new campaigns, make adjustments, and study the LTV of your marketing and advertising.

Lifetime Value per Channel (LTV)

Current mobile analytics solutions

Unbiased Attribution

● Conflict of interest with publisher partners.

● Attributes to the last click. ● Works with any advertising partners.● Allows you to easily add new partners. ● Valuable for internal cross promotion.● You own the data.

You own the data.

All customer/user level data belongs to you, the advertiser. The data you collect with an unbiased platform falls inline with your own privacy policy. You decide who you share information with and how.

So what’s next in app attribution?

Any questions?

CEO at HasOffers @peterhamilton

Peter Hamilton