Introduction to Social Media

Post on 22-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Introduction to Social Media

  • 1. Social Media is like a highly refined magazine written around your interests.

2. It equals: fascinating reading, quick learning and meeting people who like to read the same magazine as you. 3. The magazine evolves as you contribute to it. You start to be seen as a respected author. 4. Your ideas are unearthed, accepted, challenged and enhanced by people who are interested in the same topic as you. 5. Your interests evolve and you start to become interested in what other magazine authors are writing about. You can then get to know them very quickly. 6. Meeting face-to-face is then very focused, as youve already had a meeting of the minds. 7. The tailored presentation style of your magazine leads to greater efficiencies in your life. Including a reduction in emails. 8. Translated into a business context, this means: increased engagement, positive word-of-mouth, enhanced culture, new ideas, improved customer service, closer involvement with your customers and increased sales. 9. It is so much simpler than some expect. 10. Find your magazine. 11. Happy reading! Enhance my thinking: add a comment Ideas & thoughts excitedly crafted together through conversations between: Samantha Bell Joanne Spain Images: