Influence of multimedia technology in english language teaching.

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Transcript of Influence of multimedia technology in english language teaching.

Influence of Multimedia Technology in English

Language Teaching.

Presented by.












English in India today

Why English is important

Teaching English as a second language

Aims of teaching English as a second language

Schooling in India


ELT in Tamil Nadu

Problems faced by the vernacular medium students


Characteristics of multimedia computer assisted language teaching and


Purpose of the study


Technology in education

Definitions for technology

Technology and learning

Need of educational technology

Scope for educational technology

Forms of educational technology

Pedagogy and technology

Chapter –III

Teaching tools

Importance of using teaching multimedia aids


Necessity of application of Multimedia technology to ELT

Problem arising from application of multimedia technology in ELT

Chapter –IV




Influence of Multimedia Technology in English Language





English Language Teaching is one of the fastest growing sectors in the world.

The use of new technologies is an integral and driving component of this growth

(White, 1988).

Language teachers have been avid users of technology for a very long time for

effective teaching. Gramophone records were among the first technological aids to be

used by language teachers in order to present students with recordings of native

speakers’ voices, and broadcasts from foreign radio stations were used to make

recordings on reel-to-reel tape recorders. Other examples of technological aids that

have been used in the second language classroom include slide projectors, film-strip

projectors, film projectors, videocassette recorders and DVD players.

During the 1970s and 1980s standard microcomputers were incapable of

producing sound and they had poor graphics capability. This represented a step

backwards for language teachers, who by this time had become accustomed to using a

range of different media in the foreign language classroom. The arrival of the

multimedia computer in the early 1990s was therefore a major breakthrough as it

enabled text, images, sound and video to be combined in one device and the

integration of the four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

English in India Today:


Pre- Independence English occupied a very important place in India. It

was the official language of the administration, medium of instruction and

subject of study in the Indian schools and university level. Knowledge of

English became a fashion of the day. It is an important foreign language that

has attained the status of link language in different countries of the world.

English language has occupied an important place in the education system of


English was supreme in the pre-Independence India. It was the language

of administration a compulsory subject as the school and colleges, and the

medium of instruction for the subjects at the school, college and the university


It occupied an important place in courts, commerce and industry.

Besides being a link and library language I India, it is our major window on the

modern world. The students’ current needs for using English in daily life are

restricted for making some enquires, taking examinations, producing

occupational letters, application, complaint etc.

The potential need could be determined by considering the role of

English which plays outside schools. English is widely used for inter- state,


state centre, communication between government at the highest level of state

administration, in business, industry, and banking. English is still the most

favored medium of instruction and examination at the highest levels of

university education. Proficiency in English will therefore be of very high

utilitarian value for our students. Once they leave school, they go to higher seats

of learning such as universities or technical institutes for advance studies or

take up employment which will be an asset. Many social transactions in their

daily life demand a good knowledge of English. These skills once acquired in

schools will constantly be in use within and outside the educational setting.

Why English is important:

The English language is extraordinary adapted and receptive that it

inherent with varied ease and readiness. It takes to itself all the materials from

almost everywhere in the world, and has made the new elements of other

language of other language its own. Academic English has a number of

varieties, which is associated with particular academic subjects or disciplines

like Arts, Sciences and Social sciences. It is common for scholars under each

discipline to establish their own language, conversations and practices.


English has its dominance in almost all the major fields like Commerce,

Computer, Science and Technology, Medicine, Agriculture etc. it is this growth

that has made this language indispensable.

Today, any corporate sector, especially IT companies would find their

business curtailed if their employees cannot speak English. No nation today,

however great or isolated, dares to rely on its indigenous language only

countries like China and France have realized the need for English and have

started to teach their young generation English. Hence, there is a great

demand for English teachers in these countries. For a multilingual society like

India, we need a binding factor to express ourselves. It is an accepted fact that

an individual can function best through the language which he/she acquire

naturally, which is commonly their mother tongue, and the individual

aspiration of one’s life can be fulfilled best, when one is allowed to function

in one’s mother tongue. However, it is a difficult problem to use regional

language in each and every state, because translation of Government rules,

orders about the regulations can be misleading. Hence, the Government of

India stuck to English as link language in the country.


The early years of the 20th century have created a widespread increase

not just in the speakers of the language but also in speaking Standard English.

During earlier times, research was done and inventions were published in

language like Latin, French, Germany and Russian. But now with a wider

audience for English research publications, works are done in English rather

than in any other language. Hence, translating these works and giving new

names for these inventions has now become a hectic process in other languages,

because there is an information time lag between English and these languages.

It is for this reason that higher education is mostly provided in English, since all

the words which are in these subjects will not have an exact meaning in native

language. Hence, there is a growing need to study a foreign language for those

who opt to pursue their higher studies.

Teaching English as a second language:

English is taught as a second language in almost all the schools in India.

Second language acquisition in general understanding, speaks about the

language that is used for learning in classroom contexts. There are a number of

differences between an adult and a child learning a second language. The non-

English medium students are taught English in Tamil by unequipped teachers.

Hence, the non-English medium students, when they enter colleges, have


problem with the language to cope with their studies. They need to develop the

required language skills for participating in all the aspects of their college life,

while they also have to strive hard to develop mastery over their content writing

with other students as well. This skill is known as Cognitive Academic

Language Proficiency (CALP) by Cummins.

Most of the students in India face this hindrance in learning. This is

because a vast majority of them study in Government schools, where the

medium of instruction is largely the mother tongue, and these are students, who

belong to the category of first generation learners. In schools, English is taught

through literary pieces like prose and poetry. Almost of the students fail to

realize the importance of English. They realize it only at the time of their

placements in the final year, but then it becomes too late. “English is destined to

be in the next succeeding centuries more generally the language of the world

than Latin was in the last or French is in the present age”. (Rajagopalan)

Today English is the mother tongue of 75% of people, who belongs races

and countries. No language, ancient or modern, can be compared with English

in its geographical distribution. English has become a popular vernacular

tongue since Europeans and non-Europeans all over the earth are making

increasingly the use of English as their ‘second language’, because for them ,


English and information are interwoven; perhaps, one half of the mankind has

chosen English to communicate with those, who do not speak their own


The aims of teaching English as a Second language

A teacher should know what his instructional task is and what he is

trying to achieve by teaching English. A teacher without the knowledge of aims

is like a ship which has no harbor to reach. The aims of teaching English in

India is quiet different in compare with western countries.

In India English is taught as a foreign language. Hence the main aim of

teaching of English to help children acquire practical command of English so

that it may be useful to them in everyday life.

Practical common of English means that the Indian children should be

able to read, speak, write and understand English. They should learn the

language for the purpose of utility

English is an important international language. According to Thompson

and Whatt, there are four aims of teaching English to Indian school children as

a second language.


1. To understand simple spoken English

2. To understand simple written English

3. To speak simple, correct and idiomatic English

4. To write simple, correct and idiomatic English.

Schooling in India:

In India, a maximum number of students study in their mother tongue till

their schooling. Later they join in colleges for higher studies, where the medium

of instruction is mainly English. It is at this point that these students face a

crisis. Many students are faced these daily challenges of learning a language

other than their mother tongue. They find it very difficult to learn their subject

in English. So, they start to memorize the terms and other things and they try to

clear their exams. Hence, they lose their reasoning power. Once the exams are

done, the students forget the things that they memorized and it gone once

forever. This is because English is looked as foreign language to be taught as a

subject and not as a language.

ELT in Tamil Nadu:

“The language agitation in Tamil Nadu was a much pro-English as it was

anti-Hindi”. This quote speaks the attitude of the people of Tamil Nadu towards


Hindi and English. English has a special place in this state. Parents want their

children to be in schools, where English is the medium of instruction, for they

believe that the chances of their sons and daughters realizing their academic

goals are high, when they have good proficiency in English.

Since this has been the attitude of the majority of the people, irrespective

of their positions in the society, there has been a great demand for English

medium schools, and other private institutions that offer courses on spoken

English. Even small towns and villages have been positively affected, and

English medium schools have flourished because of this demand. But, students

from economically backward families cannot afford to enroll themselves either

in this institution or to get help from their parents; hence they study in

Government-run schools. Students of regional medium schools are exposed to

English language only for a maximum of forty minutes a day in their schools,

because English is taught only as a language paper and not as a medium of

instruction. And in their Board exams, these students are concerned only with

the lines that are to be memorized, and question-answers that are to be

reproduced in their exams. For these reasons, they rely on the simplified version

given in the market guides. Hence, there is hardly any chance, where they

would have practiced the language. So, when these students enter college, they


find difficult to learn their subjects, because mostly in colleges except their first

language paper everything is taught in English.

Problems faced by the vernacular medium students:

The adoption of regional language as a medium of instruction in primary

and secondary level has its repercussion on higher education, because of the

well-known fact that at college level in our country, there are a few colleges,

where the subjects are taught in the regional language and not in English.

The Tamil Nadu Government adopted Tamil as medium of instruction

for the students, learning Mathematics, physics Chemistry and Biology in

schools under its control, through it runs a few English medium sections in each

class from six to twelve. The other schools form a major chunk of school

population in the state. English is given no more attention than other subjects to

get promoted to higher classes. They do not seem to make any attempt to make

the learners in these schools aware of the role of the English language in their

future, especially in higher education and in jobs. Besides, no attempt seems to

be made to use English as means of communication so that the learners are

competent users of English by the time they enter their colleges.


When a student enters college from a regional medium school, his

greatest difficulty is in adjusting himself to the medium of instruction, which is

English. At times, lectures and professors are forced to use their mother tongue,

though they are supposed to deliver their lectures in English. This is because the

lecturers stuck to English fail to communicate with their students. As a result,

there occurs a steady corrosion of learning and teaching English in colleges.

Students from English medium schools are very good or at least far better in

English than students from rural regional medium schools. Hence, in colleges

where students are in a process of learning a second language and in a process

of using it as a main stream language, they produce utterances in spoken and

written form, which are mostly erroneous.


The development of science and technology has push forward modern

teaching Technology and caused the deep change of the educational idea.

Multimedia plays an important role in all the stages of second language

acquisition. Multimedia tools are used widely by second language learners.

Multimedia can provide a sensory and real learning experience; it presents a

greater potential for learning (Lindfors, 1987).Practice has proved that there is


incomparable advantage of teaching approach in the multimedia compared with

traditional method.

Modern Multimedia Teaching Technology has substituted the static, stiff

teaching aids, and participated in object teaching, like injecting a stream of

fresh blood into class instruction especially play guiding, amazing unique

function on students’ thinking in image, combination technique of the

multimedia. Such as animation, audio-video, etc.

Characteristics of Multimedia Computer Assisted Language Teaching and


With constant popularization and development at full speed of

multimedia technology that the computer used, the computer second language

teaching of the multimedia has already become a kind of inevitable trend, and

influenced all aspects of the second language teaching. The numerous scholars

and teachers have already begun to explore it in this aspect. It gets to

outstanding achievements. The key characteristic of the multimedia technology

includes the diversification of information carrier, interaction, controlling and

integrating aspects. The multimedia computer in English language teaching and


learning, as a kind of teaching way and supplementary means, has various kinds

of characteristics.

Purpose of the study:

Multimedia is becoming indispensable in the classroom. It allows

teacher to diversify their teachings, display more information, and enhance

student learning. It helps them save time and energy; it allows for more

attention to be paid to the teaching content. There are different multimedia tools

available for effective teaching. The tools are,

Audio Streaming



And Video.

The above tools are called as teaching aids which are all used by the teacher to

explain the subject effectively to the students. At the same time the tools give

them an enthusiastic mood to learn more in their subject and it helps to learn to

face situations and challenges. It broadens their level of acquiring knowledge in


any field which they feel more interested. Through the tools one can learn

proper Pronunciation and accent. It helps them to improve their writing skills,


There are different purposes for analyzing the multimedia tools. Some of

them are:

To decide whether the multimedia tool has had the efficacious


To identify what the effect the multimedia tool has acquired in the

beginning stage

To justify future course of action

To identify areas for development in a multimedia tool

This study is to find out either the urban government school students or rural

government school students uses more and in effective.


Technology in Education


Technological development is an extension of man’s power over nature. As

Marshal Mcluhan explains, ‘A shovel extends man’s arms; a bow and arrow

extends his reach in another way, clothing extends his skin; an automobile

extends his leg; telephone extends his voice and hearing; writing extends his

memory and now computer extend man’s central nervous system’:

(i) In the other words, technology is providing a man with powers which

can possibly be attributed to superman. More-over technologies of

today are undergoing many utility oriented trends.

(ii) Firstly there is a trend towards miniaturization. Teachers are now

getting transistorized units which are smaller, lighter and more

compact. Lighter weight makes such equipments more portable, and

portability in turn gives rise to flexibility in use.

Secondly, there is towards simplicity. There is something like

personality of a gadget. If the personality is complex, the users get

scared. But once the device is simplified such that it is used easily, it

becomes more valuable.

Thirdly, there is a trend to combine various units now on the market.

For example, the slide projector and tape recorder once two separate

units. Now, we have tape-activated projectors are various kinds. In


this way, various types of two-in-ones and three-in-ones have come

into being and are proving useful devices for class room or for

individualized instruction.

With the advent of computers not only many gadgets like electronic

tutors, electronic data network, interactive cable television, video text

have been developed but capabilities of existing media technologies

can be enhanced to improve teaching-learning processes.

Some of the standard definitions of Educational Technology are,

As defined by Commission on Instructional Technology,USA, “Educational

Technology is a systematic way of designing, implementing and evaluating the

total process of learning and teaching in terms of specific objectives, based on

research in human learning and communication and employing a combination

of human and non-human resources to bring about more effective instruction”.

According to the Association for educational communication and

Technology, USA has defined as “Educational Technology is a complex;

integrated process involving people, procedure, ideas, devices and organization


for analyzing problems and devising implementing, evaluating and managing

solution to those problems, involve in all aspects of learning”.

An overview of such definitions as given above would reveal that the

educational technology is a systematic way, a process involving the application

of a systematic way, the application of the scientific knowledge to improve the

efficiency of the process of learning and instruction. In brief, ET (educational

Technology) is developing a source of education which uses a host of methods,

techniques and resources that assist the teachers and support the students in

their effective learning.

Technology and Learning

Growing emphasis on enhancing students’ self- directed learning focuses

on individually and socially constructed meaning. To foster and support critical

thinking and reasoning students must be given opportunities in the classroom to

use technology. Technology fosters and supports a constructive approach to

learning when used as a tool in the process of making meaning and supporting


Technology can facilitate the process of meaning making as well as the

sharing of results. As classroom access to communication and information


technologies increases and as vast amount of information become available in

digital format, students will need to be literate across a variety of

communication technologies.

Need of Educational Technology:

There are many problems relating to education in India which need

immediate attention and action. The major problem include large classes;

heterogeneous classes with intra and inter-individual difference; lack of

textbooks, source material and equipments; lack of provision of teaching aids

and another hardware in schools, etc. these problems can be tackled effectively

with the help of Educational Technology. Large number of students can be

taught efficiently and effectively at low cost. Individual difference among

students can be taken care of by programmed instruction which can be adjusted

to the individual’s pace of learning.

There is need to supply human learning scientifically so that instruction

can be designed and organized to facilitate student learning. This can be

achieved with the help of ET. The process of instructional design and system

approach can be used to fulfill this need.


To provide education to a large number of poor and deprived students at

their door-steps, scattered over a vast area in the country, correspondence

education is being offered. The distance education system supported by

television, computer, etc. it can be used to provide quality education to large

number of students with a lot of flexible and open system using appropriate

media and technologies.

Scope of Educational Technology:

The concept of educational technology has undergone change. It not

only includes use of media and technologies in Education, but also includes the

designing the process of teaching and learning. It helps in creating and

organizing learning environment which includes formulation of instructional

objectives, curriculum planning and designing, its transactional strategies and

evaluation of pupil learning and achievement. It also includes management of

learning and overall education.

Educational technology covers all level of schooling and also higher

education including professional education like engineering, management,

medicine and latest technology courses. Its utility in making teaching-learning

more effective is now realized.


Educational technology can be utilized by all teachers with different

subject specialization. It can apply across different subject areas with high

effectiveness in bringing about desired learning outcomes.

Educational technology is basically the application of systems approach

to education, i.e, analyzing the process into serial steps which lead to

achievement of goal and objectives. By using systems, economic, political and

social can be established to make education a more powerful instrument for

country’s human resource development.

Forms of Educational Technology:

Education technology is a multifaceted concept. Over a period, it has

taken several forms depending on the focal concern. The main forms of

Educational Technology are follows:

Teaching Technology

Instructional Technology

Behavioral Technology

Teaching Technology:


Teaching Technology is that form of ET which increases the

effectiveness of teaching. In order to make best use of the available resource, it

is essential that all persons engaged in the teaching profession understand the

mechanism and dynamism of teaching technology and provide education to

their students.

Instructional Technology:

Instructional technology is that form of ET which focuses on behavior

modification under certain learning conditions to optimize pupil learning. It

takes care of the individual pupil’s abilities and pace of learning. Programmed

Learning is one of the contributions of this form of ET.

Behavioral Technology:

Behavioral Technology is another form of ET in which desired change in

student’s behavior is the main concern. Method and techniques are developed to

make desired behavioral changes. B.F.Skinner has been a pioneer in behavioral

technology. In fact, this form of ET includes the previous two forms- teaching

and instructional technologies. It is based on the assumption that teacher

behavior is both social and psychological; teacher behavior can be modified;


reward and punishment play an important role in behavior modification; and its

observable and hence measurable, etc.

Kinds of Educational Technologies:

Hardware Approach

Software Approach

Hardware approach

Educational Technology has two kinds as per the approach being used.

The first kind is hardware. It is also known as “Technology in Education”.

Under this kind of educational technology, hardware including equipments,

machines such as projectors, TV and computer, etc is used to make education a

more effective and powerful instrument of pupil development.

Software Approach

The second kind of Educational technology is called software. It is also

known as “Technologies of Education”. Under this kind of educational

technology, software aims at increasing the learning-teaching methods and

strategy, evaluation, procedure, etc. These are based on psychological principles

governing human behavior.


Pedagogy and Technology:

The other concept of Educational Technology is “Technology of

Education”. It emphasizes pedagogic functions of technology. The ET helps to

provide various kinds of learning experiences. Print medium presents verbal

and visual material, which generates new thinking and modifies perception of

the learner. The output signals of most machines are auditory or visual or both.

They provide vicarious experiences. These experiences are substitutionary in

nature. The learner imagines his participation in the events are too big for the

classroom (E.g.. Solar system); or too slow (E.g. the sequence of opening into

flower); or too inaccessible (E.g. defusing bomb). With appropriate visuals the

reality is controlled by making them smaller or bigger; slower or faster; and

with recorded sound realism is further created by presenting original speech of

a leader, sound effect. Not only this sound may be amplified, slowed down or

confusing noise may be edited out.

Educational technologies have been always keen to develop repressive

devices so as to enable the learner to explore more freely, inform him about the

consequences of his action and allow him to learn at his own pace. Computer

technology is seen to be filling this gap.


Chapter –III

Teaching tools/Aids

Curriculum developers and instructional designers collaborate with

skilled teacher and subject experts to create effective, integrated learning


strategies which strengthen teachers’ professional skills, make optimal use of

classroom time, and broaden student access to learning materials (Richards,

2001). The tools can be categorized into two,

Visual Aids

Audio Aids

Visual Aids: There are visual aids like chalk-board, flannel board,

bulletin board, flash cards, slides, charts, maps, sketches, models, animation and

video etc. out of these black board and chalk are the commonest one.

Audio aids: Software which is used for pronunciation practice, radio and

tape recorder etc.

Visual aids bring in the classroom and brighten up the class room

atmosphere. They provide interest in the lessons and make the students to learn

more their subject. Visual aids help the teacher to create situation for teaching

the beginners. Audio helps in providing speech training to pupils. They enable

the students to retain items for a longer time.

Importance of using teaching Multimedia Aids:


Teaching aids are great assistance in teaching any subject, language and

science, etc. During the time of language teaching the aids has given more

prominent because of the following purposes.

Variety: They provide variety and keep the class lively and in more

interest. At the same time it provides the adequate knowledge and information

regarding their subjects.

Effective Teaching: By the use of the aids a teacher can teach lessons

more effectively rather than simply make them understand. While teaching the

teacher can create a new situation to think more about their subject to acquire

knowledge and information.

Concrete: Aids make things concrete by making an appeal to the senses.

What makes an appeal to the senses reinforces memory and makes the lesson

and the learning more interesting. Students learn their lessons with more

interest and involve in various activities which are all conduct by the teacher.

Provide interest and inspiration: Aids provide interest and inspire

students to seek more knowledge, without interest no one is ready to learn

anything. So interest is the primary thing for learning any language. At the same

time inspiration is important to do further study.


Reduce teacher’s talking and discussion: Aids reduces teachers talking

and discussion in the classroom while teaching. When a teacher shows a model

or video, need not explain everything to the students because it provides them

the enough knowledge to comprehend certain things.

Forming language atmosphere: Audio-Visual aids help in creating the

language in the class. When a second language video played in the classroom

there will be different atmosphere appears, it allows the students to understand

pronunciation, accent, stress etc.

Reduce the over-dependence on mother tongue: The use of aids in a

foreign language class helps the teacher to reduce the over-dependence on

pupil’s mother tongue. Here vernacular language does not receive more


Necessity of Application of Multimedia Technology to English Language


(i) To motivate students’ interest in their study

Nowadays, the prevailing traditional teaching methods and

situations are unpopular while multimedia technology featuring


audio, visual, animation effects naturally and humanly make us

more access to information. In addition to this such characteristics

as abundant-information and crossing time and space, multimedia

technology provides a sense of reality and functions very well,

which greatly motivates students’ interest in study and their

involvement in class activities. Students can experience the

subject which strengthen him a knowledgeable one.

(ii) To promote students’ communicative Capability

Traditional teaching has less importance in the students’ capacity

to understand certain a language and hampers their understanding

to structure, meaning and function of the language, and makes the

students passive recipients of knowledge. So it is difficult to

achieve the target of communication. With teachers’ instructions

leading students’ thought patterns motivating students’ emotions,

the multimedia technology classes set in new-type internet

classroom seek combination of teaching and learning and provide

the students greater knowledge. The PPT English teaching can


activate students’ thinking; the visual and vivid course ware

transform English learning into capacity cultivation. And such in-

class activities as group discussion, subject discussion, and debate

can also provide more opportunities for communication among

students and between teacher and students. So multimedia

technology teaching has separate inspired students’ positive

thinking and communication skills in various social practices.

(iii) To broaden students’ knowledge to acquire meaningful

understanding to Western culture:

The multimedia teaching can offer the students abundant

information; the output of multimedia comprehensive English far

more plentiful than textbooks, and it displays vivid cultural

background, rich content and true-to-life language materials

whish are much natural and closer to life. Not only could learners

improve their listening capacity or ability, but also learn the


western culture. Acquiring information through various channels

can equip the students with knowledge and bring about

information-sharing among students and make them participate

actively in class discussion and communication. The combination

of human-machine communication and interpersonal

communication leads to overall development of students’

listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

(iv) To Enrich Teaching Effect:

Multimedia teaching enriches teaching content and makes the best

of class time. It breaks the “teacher- centered” teaching pattern

and eventually improves class efficiency. It is very common that

the school and university students have their leaning effectively.

Always English classes are very large crowded more in

classroom. During such circumstances, it is highly difficult for the

students to have speaking communication. The utilization of

multi-media sound lab materializes individualized and co-

operative teaching.


The traditional teaching model predominantly gives prominence

on teachers’ instruction, and the information given was limited.

On the contrary, multimedia technology goes beyond time and

space, creates more vivid, visual, authentic atmosphere for

English learning, induces the students’ initiatives and economizes

class time meanwhile increases class information.

Problem arising from Application of Multimedia technology in English

language teaching:

(i) Major means Replaced by the assisting one

The application of multimedia technology is an assisting aid to

achieve the projected teaching effect. While, if fully dependent on

multimedia devices during teaching, the teacher may be turned

into slaves to the multimedia and cannot play the leading role in

teaching. It is observed in practice that numbers of teachers are

more active in multimedia technology application rather than

traditional teaching, so that they are engaged in searching

information and working out. In class, they are standing by the


computer and students are concentrating only on the screen, and

therefore, there is no eye contact between the teacher and the

students. CAT has played vital role in class, while both teachers

and students are enslaved by the computer and its application and

student’s initiatives, originality, teachers’ individualized art in

teaching and teaching methods spoiled and restricted. The trend

of modern information and technology appears to the extremity


of the essence of the traditional teaching. And hence, the notion of

creative Education should be fully comprehended that modern

educational techniques provides an assisting aids in teaching

rather than a target; and that should not dominate class. With the

assistance of a computer in teaching, teachers are supposed to

fully utilize the academic syllabus and teaching material, to find

out how much knowledge the students have gained. The

multimedia information should be less and better adopted with

less emphasis and breakthroughs in teaching.


(ii) Lack of Speaking Communication:

For a time, it has been pronounced that English class should be

carried only through English language. English language and

English analysis by the teachers are more effective in conveying

knowledge and information to the students from English

pronunciation to understand, improving students’ English

thinking patterns and oral expression. Whereas, the introduction

of multimedia technology featuring audio, visual, aids in teaching

and they fulfill the requirements of the students and enhance their

interest towards their subject, but it results in lack of

communication between teachers and students, replacement of

teachers’ own voice by computer made sound will not give clear

idea to the student, and teachers’ analysis by visual image and

students’ few chances for speaking communication. With the

favorable environment by the mutual communication between

teachers and students vanishing away, and sound and image of

multimedia affecting students’ initiative to think and speak,

English class becomes a show and students are made viewers

rather than the participants of class activities.


(iii) Students’ Thinking Potential reduces:

It appears that language teaching is different from other subjects,

for language teaching does not require illustrations by various

steps, rather, the tense and orderly the environment is framed

through questions and answers between teachers and students.

Teachers raise improvised and real-time questions and they guide

the students to think to cultivate their capacity to identify and

solve problems. Because of over-demonstration and pre-arranged

order, the teaching lacks real-time effect and cannot feedback

students’ study so it ignores emphasis and importance in teaching;

it also rejects instruction in students’ thinking and appreciation to

the beauty and essence of language; further it paid little attention

to free learning atmosphere and the notion-“happy learning”. It is

empty that multimedia plays a positive role in inducing students’

thinking, inspiring their paths of thinking, strengthening their

minds to discover, contemplate and problem solving. In this way,

it should be noted that cultivation of students’ thinking capacity


should be played major objective in teaching and multimedia

never take up the students’ time for thinking, analyzing and

exploring questions. Teachers only can provide capacities of

thinking and reasoning by the effective teaching and explaining.

(iv) Theoretical Thinking Replaced by Imaginable Thinking:

The process of cognition goes through perceptual stage and

rational stage. It also applied to studying process. It is the hope

that teachings made students adopt the outlook cognition from

perceptual recognition to rational apprehension, and greatly leap

from perceptual thinking to rational thinking. Therefore, it is the

major objective in teaching to enrich the students’ abstract

thinking. The multimedia technology makes content more easily,

and with its unique advantages, it could clarify the emphasis in

teaching. While if the image and imagination in students’ mind

were merely displayed on the screen, their abstract thinking

would be restricted and logical thinking would wasted away. At

present the decreased students’ reading competence has become a

major concern for reason that textual words are replaced by sound


and image, handwriting by keyboard input. The over-application

of multimedia technology would worsen the situation.

(v) The Computer Screen can’t Substitute the Blackboard:.

Most of the teachers take the computer screen as the blackboard.

They have input exercises, questions, answers and teaching plans

into the computer and display them step by step, without taking

down anything on the blackboard or even the title of a lesson. It is

known that teachers are supposed to stimulate situations based on

teaching and make the students to communicate in English. In

addition to this, traditional writing on blackboard is concise and

teachers can make adjustment and amendment to it if necessary.

Further, experienced teachers know well that a perfect courseware

is an ideal project in mind, and that in practice, they need to

enrich the content on the blackboard with emerging of new

questions raised by the students.




In order to identify the usage of Multimedia technology between urban

and rural students, for that a questioner was prepared for them to analyze the


usage of the technological aids. Twenty boys and six girls between twelve and

thirteen years of age from various Government schools from krishnagiri city,

this is for urban analyses and twenty five boys and five girls from rural

Government school for rural analyses. The purpose is to determine that who

gets more benefit between rural and urban students in terms of language

acquisition, vocabulary building and comprehension and in promoting general

ease with the language.


The result from the study shows that Group B has scored far better in

usage of the technological aids than Group A, which consisted of twenty five

boys and girls from rural school.

Group B, which also consisted of twenty five boys and girls have given

their answer in positive. They said that they are aware of different multimedia

aids and often they get chance to use them. Then they know how to handle the

aids. At the same time the students from rural area they have scored less

percentage than the students of urban area. Their answer is that they don’t get

chance to use them for their studies. Almost 60% of the students from rural area

they don’t know even the names of the aids.


The study proves that the use of the aids in class rooms of the rural and

urban schools. The students from urban utilize the aids well for their learning

their language in effective manner.

The audio- video aids caters two sense- the sense of sight (the children

are able to see the action), and the sense of hearing (with which they listen to

the sounds of the words) and, therefore, helping double reinforcement. The

impact is quiet strong.

Educational TV programme, instructional videos, and even some

computerized games claim to help children develop language skills. Sound and

action support each other. The more a child hears and sees, the more it can be

competent in a language.

The practice of audio aids and video aids not just helps in the

improvement of vocabulary and writing skills; there is also a considerable in

improvement in their overall development of their skills.


Audio- video aids are familiar terms in the realm of education. For some

years, they have been widely used the aids for learning. The effective of audio-

video aids have been enthusiastically discussed and evaluated in this project.


Effective learning is secured only through effective teaching; audio-

visual method of teaching should be used, as it creates in the student individual

thinking, feeling and doing in life like situation and dynamic experiences in

learning. This method can bring the child most effectively and economically the

desired results. So for the present generation the students focus mainly on the

easy way to understand or learn the language effectively. They feel that the

technology provides great extent in learning.


Multimedia tools which are available in the market are not tailor-made.

Teacher should analyze them predictively and retrospectively to use them

effectively in the classroom. Feedback from the students can be utilized to

improve the efficiency of the teaching by the use of Multimedia tools.

Multimedia tools should be used appropriately and frequently to increase the

level of the teaching as well as learning.

Sample Questioner.





1. Do you know existed Educational technology?

a) Yes b) No c) May be

2. Are you aware of Educational technology which is presented?

a) Yes b) No c) May be

3. Do you Educational software?

a) Yes b) No c) May be

4. Ever you use the Educational software?

a) Yes b) No c) May be

5. Do you have any experience of using the software?

a) Yes b) No c) May be

6. Doesn’t u have eager to use the software?

a) Yes b) No c) May be

7. What kind of knowledge you learn through this software?

8. Whether the software fulfill your thirst of learning

a) Yes b) No

9. Do feel any change after the prevailing method of learning?

a) Yes b) No