In class presentation z3280488

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Transcript of In class presentation z3280488

The Online Newsroom and

Changing Audiences

Yuan Lin – z3280488MDIA5003: online and mobile media

July 26

What’s happened to News?

• Medium

• Audience

• Content


Traditional Media• Newspaper• Radio• Televition• Internet

Now• Is the Mobile phone can be ‘the fifth media’?

Is your room like this?

Which one you use most frequently?


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报纸 广播 电视 杂志 网络


How the media changed the news?

• 24-hours scrolling news– At the bottom of the screen on television– Non-stop update on internet

• E.g

• Automation– Rss feeds– Podcasting

• Information provider– Professional news producer

• Official site of the mainstream media• The separate part from the press, radio and TV station• E.g

– Professional journalist or researcher• E.g

– Government and business publisher• E.g

– Individuals• E.g


• Rely on the digital product– Easily access to the news– Timeliness– Freshness

Participation and Personalitization• Role

– Reader or Consumer• Passively receive

– Communicator• Symbolic power

– Writer or Producer• Editing and re-…..• Doing media

• ChannelFrom ‘view’ to ‘narrative’ to ‘search’

– Search engines • e.g google news

– Pop-up ads • e.g MSN today

– Subscription• RSS Reader e.g

• Citizen journalist– Challenging the status of professional journalist– Question

• objectivity• authority• Expertise

– Changing the process of making news stories• clue/information provider• First-hand news maker• Impact the agenda setting


• Forms change – thanks to the new technology– Texts– Images– Videos– Multi-platform


• Open publishing– Marshall McLuhan &

global village– From public to individals

• Global VS local news– http://––

– Debate: uniformity

VS diversity

• Classification– Divided into specific section from different ways

• Blogging

– Celebrity blog– Mini-blog– Grassroots blog

• Questions– Social responsibility

• Internet security• Self-control• Government


– Content participation in blogs

• Is it a news publisher or individual life writer?

References• Alan, M 2007, Mobile Phones As Mass Media: The Upcoming

Technological Revolution• Knobloch, S Sundar, S & Hastall M 2010, Clicking News: Impacts of

Newsworthiness, Source Credibility, and Timeliness as Online News Features on News Consumption

• Chouliaraki, L 2008, The symbolic power of transnational media: Global Media and Communication

• Bruns, A 2009, News Blogs and Citizen Journalism: New Directions for e-Journalism

• Blossom, J 2010, Darn, Why Did They Think of It First? News Media Companies Adapt To Online Value Points

• Yang, G 2009, The Power of the Internet in China: Citizen Activism Online, New York, Columbia University Press.

• Zheng, Z 2010, The Publication of the Social Blue Book, accessed 26 July 2010, <>.

• Wang, Y & Yang, J 2007, ‘News blog: A new pattern of information communication’, Journal of Tian jin Normal University (Social Science), vol.11, no.2, pp.59-62.

• Zheng, Z 2010, The Miniblog and the Internet Intervention, accessed 26 July 2010, <>.