Hungappa | Term 3 - Week 3

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CSU Wagga's Weekly Student Publication "Hungappa" for Term 3 - Week 3

Transcript of Hungappa | Term 3 - Week 3

HungappaTERM 3 - WEEK 3 - 2012

Made by students, for students.A Rivcoll SRC Publication ©2012

Steps to a HealthierYou - Part 2!

Be an O-Week Leader!

Feature ArtistAllie Baird



Sustainability Training: 7 – 9 and 21 - 23 September 2012 Internship: 15 days in 2012

Green Steps at CSU is a partnership between CSU Green and the Monash Sustainability Institute.

» Learn how to measure environmental impacts with energy, carbon, waste and water audits

» Engage others with improved communication and behaviour change skills

» Gain new confidence to create positive environmental change

» Get a foot in the door with work experience implementing a sustainability project

» Become part of a national sustainability alumni network

Applications for this free program close 12 August.


t’s hard to believe that we are already half way through the first term. I guess I’ll never get used to a 6 week term,

it just feels like cheating. The worst part is you think all is going so well and smooth, and then as soon as you get back from the holidays every-thing just goes to hell. You find yourself up at 3am every night working on assignments and getting angry at your housemates because you have had no sleep.

In retaliation they setup 50 mouse traps in your room, then trip you over as you open your door and the next minute you are finding yourself ex-plaining to your doctor you have blue balls but not because of the lack of sex you have been get-ting.

Good times.

This week is a (I don’t want to say “special”) but special edition of the Hungappa as we are doing a feature page/s on an artist which I think is a pretty cool idea if I do say so myself. If you think you got what it takes and would like to be fea-tured in the mag, drop us a line at with a link to your artist page.

In other news I think the two new pool tables in the crow bar are the greatest things ever and are a long time plea by many finally answered by the gods.

Also the new table tennis.... table, along with some gaming machines (Which should be free!) is an awesome idea. Happy hour just got happier. Ev-eryone should go head over to the nosh/eat@20/crow bar and check them out and have some fun.

Don’t forget to send in articles/pictures/what not into the gap, remember you do get paid. YA RLY. I’m still surprised at how many people are sur-prised when I tell them they get paid for submis-sions. A luxury not all Universities have, so I sug-gest you all abuse it while it lasts and earn some extra pocket money.

Have a great week, see you at happy hour and don’t sink the white.

-Will Whiting -Editor in Chief




al 02


Term 3 - Week 3

p. 02.

p. 05-06.

P. 08.


P. 14.


P. 17.

P. 18.

P. 19-20.

P. 21.

- Feature Artist - Allie Baird

- Editorial

- Clubs Updates

- Bums Up, Bums Down

Building 483 - Carpark 8

- Fungappa

- Steps to a Healthier You 2!

- Tis the Season

- Re-think!

- Concerned about a mate

- Queer Collaborations


Editor in ChiefWilliam Whiting

PhotographerAshley Innes

Advertising ManagerAlexander Barfoot

Front CoverAllie Baird

PrinteryCSU Print

Join The Team!

If you are interested in joining the Hungappa team in any of the above roles, or maybe you are just interested in writing for us, do not hesitate to come and see myself in the Rivcoll office or send me an email to!

Hungappa Is a Wiradjuri word meaning -“to spread the word” , “to crow about”

Contact Us:

More Information About Us:

Hungappa is a Rivcoll SRC publication and the opi-nions expressed within are not necessarily those of

the editor, staff or student members. Association by person or companies with Hungappa does not necessarily refelct the religious, political, sexual,

or racial beliefs of those parties.

The editor and Rivcoll SRC do not accept respon-sibility for any omission, errors, misconceptions

or the views and opinions contained in any article accepted for publication. The editor reserves the right to edit or reject any articles submitted for



The Hungappa is written BY STUDENTS, FOR STUDENTS! As a Rivcoll SRC Publication you can

get paid for your submissions.

$15 for an article of more than 500 words$5 BONUS Every 3rd Article in a row

$20 for a full page graphic design or creation

$10 for a half page creation or printed poem

More than 1000 words and you may be eligible to have a FEATURE ARTICLE and be on the cover,

worth $30.

See for the full details on what you could get, or send an email to the editor at



‘Where there’s a will, there’s a way’, meaning that if you really want to do something, you will manage to find a way of doing it. I’m no expert, but as for taking the steps to being healthier, it must involve getting out of the slump and being motivated to make a change for the better. Think of the change as being a long-term lifestyle adjustment, and not just a quick fix! If you want to make the change, but feel like you’re in a slump,

here are some things I’ve learned that have helped:

• Your Attitude: If you’re only looking to lose weight fast with little effort, it will be hard to lose weight permanently. Why? Because you give up if you don’t see results quickly enough. Weight loss is a great goal, but unless you have something else to mo-tivate you, what’s to keep you going in the meantime? Start by finding more reasons to become healthier such as: having more energy, to feel better about yourself, reducing health problems, or wanting to live longer to be around for your loved ones. These are all great reasons!

• Be Consistent: Whether you are looking to increase overall fitness or lose weight, if you don’t work-out consistently enough, changes will not be made. Remember you don’t need to spend hours in the gym! All you need is to set up a reasonable workout schedule that you can follow each week. To make this work, find something you like do-ing, and be willing to be active on a regular basis! Not just here and there. Remember you are making a long-term change that will make you feel so much better physically and mentally!

• Change how you eat: For overall health and permanent weight loss, you need to pay attention to what you eat and make good choices more often than not! Remember that healthy eating is not a fad diet; it should be a way of life that never stops. Reading this you may feel you’re sacrificing your favourite foods (pizza, chocolate, etc.) and your life won’t be fun. Guess what? You can still have them. Just not whenever you want! Are you ready to make these changes? Because that’s what it takes to get healthier in the long-term.

Here are some other tips that may be useful:



By Dolly

•Keeping a food journal •Reading food labels to see ingredients

•Spending more time preparing healthy meals •Saying no to extra portions

•Making sensible choices about what food you put in your mouth

• Your Lifestyle: If you want a healthy life, you have to be keen to change how you live. It doesn’t mean changing everything overnight, but simply being open to new ways of doing things!

• Change your routines. You may need to get up earlier to prepare your lunch or squeeze in a workout such as a walk or bike ride. Are you willing to do this?

• Set limits. You might need to set new rules for yourself limiting such as how much TV or computer you have. It is important that you pay attention where you spend your time and make a balance so you can add more physical activity.

• Know your pantry and fridge. If you want to be healthier, you may need to get rid of those foods that you just can’t resist. If chocolate and chips are too tempting, don’t buy them!

• Your schedule. If you’re not willing change the way you live each day to include ex-ercise, time to prepare healthy meals and sleep, then losing weight and feeling better will be impossible. People use busy schedules as an excuse not to be healthy. Are you one of them? If you’re not ready to take responsibility for the schedule you’ve created, it will be hard to lose weight. Stop the excuses! Remember whatever you do, do not give up! Make the choice to make the change, and stick with it. If it helps, set goals on your calendar to remind yourself of what you are working towards. Think of your goal as a journey, and any slump as just a small fork in the road. The sooner you start, the better you will feel, and the easier things will be-

come! Lastly, make sure you have support. You can do it!

Resource to check out:


08Tis the season ...It’s that time of year again. ‘What time?’ you might ask. Three weeks into semester, holidays are a distant memory, and we are weeks from any respite. Assignments have been given out, but (checks diary again and sighs in relief) none are due quite yet. Most TV shows are hovering around episode 15. It is not my birthday.

In fact it’s the middle of the year. It’s July for Christ sakes. That’s it! It could only be one thing! Christmas!

Christmas? No, that can’t be right, Christmas is December 25! Like death and taxes, it’s a sure fact! After all it took the Catholic Church 400 years to decide. (Although some Aramaic off shots celebrate in early January).

And so I must clarify myself. It’s Christmas, Christmas in July.

While I recognize that Christmas in July is largely a marketing oppor-tunity to justify sales, and promote spending and events, I would like to also point out that Santa Claus’ red attire was created by an American cartoonist and largely popularized by Coca-Cola, and yet most would agree that he’s a jolly old fella.

Anyway who knows? July could in fact be a much better choice after all. The Pope himself admits that De-cember 25th was chosen due to the cosmic symbolism. Not to pacify early pagans, although that undoubtedly was a handy side effect, but because it coincided with the summer sol-stice, an appropriate day for the birth of the ‘light of the world’. Worship-ping the Sun to worshipping the Son. Neat.

Personally I think Christmas in July is a wonderful thing. It gives those who dwell in this great southern land a chance to partake in a Christ-mas with a ‘winter’ feeling. While for those here in Wagga we are still a far call from a white Christmas, lately if you squint just right and look out at the frost-covered grass, you can almost see the snow.

Though some may cry out in dismay and proclaim I’m completely missing the true meaning of Christmas I offer this: While I understand the slogan “ Jesus is the reason for the season” I think that its important to recognize that Christmas is also an excuse to get together with loved ones, eat and drink a little bit too much, to prepare for a new start and be jolly. To get gifts and give them too and to just spread peace, joy and love.

As such Merry Christmas (in July)


Allie Baird’s Dinosaur Kingdom of Art.

We sat down with the Kingdom

Queen herself to chat about her work, life and

the plans for her horse.

“ So I kicked him in the

shins. ”


Sup Allie, what up g?

‘Allo guvna!

So you’re an artist, you must be studying something art related here at CSU, what is it?

I’m studying a Bachelor of Notebook Doo-dling, but on the side I dabble in Photogra-phy and Graphic Design!

Wow sounds like fun, when did you first realise you wanted to be an artist, and then when did you realise you could bum money off the government doing it by studying at Uni?

Well I’ve been drawing pictures for as long as I remember, which is back to pre-school. I drew an awesome house and flower garden, and some kid ripped it up before I could show anyone. So I kicked him in the shins. It was then that I truly realised that this is how I want to approach my life. I ap-plied for a super popular Uni course in the literal last minutes, and I somehow made it in!

No doubt by looking at your work you are really talented, what do you hope to achieve after Uni?

Oh, stop it you!I am quite unsure of where I’d like to take it. I think I’ll try and get some industry experience in an agency and see where that leads me and what I can learn from it! Hopefully one day I become a well-known artist and I can afford a gigantic milkshake fountain for my house.

Sounds like a well thought out plan. You named your FB artist page “Allie Baird’s Dinosaur Kingdom of Art.” Why a Dinosaur Kingdom?

Well, I was trying to think of a cool name for it, so it would stand out. I wasn’t feel-ing creative at the time, so I asked a friend who was around at the time. That friend happened to be one of the most random people I know: Fabion Bourke. This is the first name that he shot at me and I was impatient so I went with it! Here we are today, older and wiser because of it.

Allie Baird’s Dinosaur Kingdom of Art.

ARTISTHaha, no doubt a story to tell the Grand-kids one day. Allie, I must say this has been quite amazing and borderline orgasmic, tell us what exciting things we have to look forward to in the world of Allie Baird “The Artist”

I hear that all the time. As for my art, I’m going to be experimenting with many new styles to see what I like and want to explore more. Probably a few dick drawings here, couple of unflattering portraits of others there. You know how it is!

If you dig her work, make sure you head over to her facebook page [] or search for “Allie Baird’s Dinosaur Kingdom of Art.” and hit that LIKE button!

I was personally assured everyone who likes her fb page will recieve a free hand delivered fruit basket by Allie, dressed as a banana.* So what are you waiting for, go like it now! (*No fruit baskets will be received, nor will Allie dress as a banana)

RRRaaaiiinnnbbbooow Zebrasw Zebrasw Zebras PresentsPresentsPresents

Queer Collaborations

When: Friday 27th July

10am - 11am & 4pm - 5pm

Where: Building 21, Room 201, CSU Main Campus, Wagga Wagga.

Queer Collaborations is a conference revolving around the current issues

of the LGBTIQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*, Intersex, Queer/Questioning) community. It was attended by various delegates from vari-ous universities nationwide, although this is the first year delegates from

Rainbow Zebras CSU Wagga Wagga have participated.

I would like to present you with this opportunity to come and hear about the knowledge our two representatives have gained. The

presentation will also focus on the awareness, visibility, and education surrounding the LGBTIQ community in the Wagga Wagga region.

To express your interest in attending this presentation, if would like to know more, or have any general enquiries, please send an

email to:

RRRaaaiiinnnbbbooow Zebrasw Zebrasw Zebras PresentsPresentsPresents

Queer Collaborations

When: Friday 27th July

10am - 11am & 4pm - 5pm

Where: Building 21, Room 201, CSU Main Campus, Wagga Wagga.

Queer Collaborations is a conference revolving around the current issues

of the LGBTIQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*, Intersex, Queer/Questioning) community. It was attended by various delegates from vari-ous universities nationwide, although this is the first year delegates from

Rainbow Zebras CSU Wagga Wagga have participated.

I would like to present you with this opportunity to come and hear about the knowledge our two representatives have gained. The

presentation will also focus on the awareness, visibility, and education surrounding the LGBTIQ community in the Wagga Wagga region.

To express your interest in attending this presentation, if would like to know more, or have any general enquiries, please send an

email to:


Submit your own secret recipe to & Get Paid!

15EUG Report

Mens Team 1.

We were a bit nervous and tired for the first game against Sydney Uni. (2hours sleep before 3:30 driving in the morning) we led for the major-ity of the game and went on to lose by 2pts in the final seconds. They were a well drilled team who went on to finish 3rd .

We beat UWS Team 2 pretty eas-ily with Creepton Makeer making the play of the tournament with a massive dunk over some fool off a missed free throw. Later in the day we were beaten by Sydney Uni Cumberland campus after being de-stroyed by 1 player hitting about 8 3pters. Alex Barfoot broke his nose during this game and now looks like an avatar.

In the repechage game we were up by 14 pts against Newcastle just before HT but went down by 4. (i still can’t believe it.) We then set some sort of record scoring a 180-178 win over the Wagga team 2. And we finished of winning the 9th vs 10th playoff against Syd Uni Cumberland campus with 6 play-ers as Scott Hare was resting up before his Wagga Heat Game on the weekend.

9th place isn’t the worst finish but with a full strength team and a few things going our way, we could have easily made the semis. Both the Sydney Uni game and the Newcastle game we could have easily won. I think in future years a few practice games against CSU Bathurst would be beneficial as they finished 4th. UTS finished 1st.


Mens Team 2

They certainly partied hard as they had planned. Jesse Ravenscroft man-aged to break a UTS players leg in the first game which is a good effort. They did manage to beat the Aus-tralian Catholic Uni and ended up finishing 14th(i think). Highlights was the Tsang 3pter, shirts off and then switch courts with another team to fool the opposition. These guys enjoyed playing and drinkin heaps through the week.

Girls Team

Although they finished 11th without winning a game. They did improve throughout the week and they all got on the score sheet at some stage. The other teams were not the most friendliest girls getting around but to the Wagga girls credit they did not retaliate with catty name calling and foul play. All of the girls teams were very good, but im certain a full strength Wagga team with every possible CSU enrolled player eligible could have won the tournament.

There are plans for next year to be alot more organised and better pre-pared. A top 4 finish for both Mens 1 and Womens 1 team is easily achiev-able.

MVP Week 8

1 Scott Hare (CLP) 43.052 Alex Barfoot (SUN) 34.323 Josemado Makeer (THU) 33.894 Luke Harvey (LAK) 31.785 Scott Sai-Louie (WOL) 31.56 Hamish Denshire (BUL) 30.177 Tim Shoard (CLP) 29.838 Ray Ndukwe (SUN) 27.399 Steve Lister (CEL) 27.1110 Mitch Babbs (BUL) 26.83

Wombat Round 8 (mens)

Clippers 69 Def Bulls 24S.Hare 37pts (wombat record), 11 reb.J.Ravenscroft 13pts. T.Shoard 10pts, 8 ast.T.O’Keeffe 6pts. A.Sawdy 6pts

Suns 61 Def celtics 58A. Barfoot 25pts (career high), 10reb. R.Ndukwe 22pts, 11reb. J.Celi 9reb.

Round 9

Thunder 62 def Clippers 61J.Makeer 16pts, 26 reb, 3blk. J.Hu 16pts. B.Drew 14pts. M.Neill 12pts, 10reb.S.Hare 35pts, 9reb. J.Seaton 15pts, 11reb, 4stl. T.Shoard 9ast (equal wombat re-cord), 9reb. J.Ravenscroft 9reb.

Clippers 66 def Celtics 55S.Hare 29pts, 15reb. J.Ravenscroft 23pts, 11reb, 4ast. T.Shoard 14pts, 7ast, 5stl.C.Talbot 19pts, 4ast. S.Lister 13pts, 11reb. N.Clinton 10pts, 8reb. J.Stuart 10pts.

Suns 66 def Thunder 53A.De Clifford 25pts, 4ast, 4stl. A.Barfoot 19pts, 16reb, 5ast. B.Cunningham 14pts, 7astJ.Hu 25pts, 6ast. P.Tsang 11pts. J.Makeer 17reb, 6blk, 4ast.

Wolves 59 def Lakers 40S.Sai-Louie 23pts. Z.Khan 12pts, 15reb. Z.Noori 10pts, 9reb, 4stl. L.Richardson 10pts (career high)L.Harvey 20pts, 10reb. H.Khan 4stl.

MilestonesP.Tsang 100 career points!!T.Shoard now 3rd all time highest points scorer

Table Pts For against

Clippers 24 116Suns 16 -17Celtics 13 21Bulls 13 -32Wolves 12 12Thunder 10 -35Lakers 3 -65


Catch Up:


Coming Up:

After a whirlwind first session, including the best-so-far Proddie Party, Tuesday studio practice nights and a few too many badly done music videos, TV Land and its associated (and aptly named ‘TV Club’) is ready to begin another session, filled with hopes, dreams, and aspirations, and a gorgeous yet surprisingly practical new arrival, in the form of a Steadicam Zephyr.

Of course, TV Club wouldn’t be TV Club without OSKARs, TV Land’s annual awards ceremony, and making its return in 2013, O-Week TV, after a much needed hiatus.

And finally, come join the Pharmers, the Raddies and ourselves for 3 Clubs Trivia! It’s on this Wednesday night at the Crow Bar from 7:30PM. Pre-reg-ister your team at:

Jonathan HewlettTV Club Secretary

Submit your own secret recipe to & Get Paid!

TV Land Resident Lecturer Bruce Gater modelling the Steadicam


17 Concerned about a mate...

Everyone goes through a tough time occasionally and your mates are no exception. You might notice something is not quite right if they are acting dif-ferently to normal.

They might be:

- Irritable- Withdrawn- Teary or sad- Really anxious- Forgetful - Missing lectures and ignoring assessments

- Sleeping all the time or not at all

- Thinking oddly – such as be-lieving others are out to get them

- Spending lots of money

- Drinking alcohol or using drugs all the time

Sometimes these behaviours are perfectly normal. For example your mate might have failed an exam or just broken up with their partner. Other times though it might mean they are really struggling to cope.

What do you do?

Firstly, ask your mate if “they are ok?”. Often your friend might just need to talk about what they are going through. You don’t even need to say anything – just be-ing there and nodding occasion-ally to show that your listening is enough. Don’t judge them and avoid telling them what to do. Don’t tell them to ‘just cheer up’ or ‘they will get over it’ – this is not helpful.

If you think your friend requires more support suggest they speak to someone other than their fam-ily and friends for support, (It is important that you do not end up being the person’s only support person, remember you can only do so much!).

Suggest they talk to:

- Student Counselling Service (Contact Student Central)

- Local doctor

- Local services:

- 24 hr hotline’s: Lifeline 13 11 14.

If your mate is not ready to talk and needs some time, simply let them know you are around for when they are ready to. Also give them some tips on where to get help when they are ready. Encour-age your mate to continue to exercise, eat healthy and avoid binge drinking – simply getting out of the house/room can help.

If you are concerned your mate is unable to keep themselves safe (for example they have men-tioned they have had thoughts of suicide) don’t panic. Refrain from promising not to tell any-one. State that you are concerned about their safety. Call your local Community Health Service, Emer-gency department, Residential Advisor (if you live on campus) or the Student Counselling Service. Remember there is a balance between privacy and making sure your mate is ok.

Finally always make sure that when you are supporting a mate to look after yourself!

Acknowledgements to and

18Concerned about a mate...

I don’t know about you but at university we are constantly being asked to rethink our as-sumptions and the way we live our lives. Just last week when I sat in a class about preventing food-borne diseases I realised I had to rethink how I defrost my chicken and that perhaps leaving it on the kitchen bench under a heater isn’t the wisest thing to do.

Maybe you have had to rethink your wardrobe as you stepped out of the house one morn-ing in the last couple of weeks, realising that unless you get changed you might turn into an icicle. Perhaps you’ve had to rethink your plans of a re-ally productive evening of study when someone says they are going for a Macca’s run.

My trusty sources at tell me that to rethink something is to con-sider again, especially with the possibility of change; to recon-sider, re-evaluate, re-examine and review. It also gave the word re-think in heaps of other languages but I don’t think that will really help the situation.

Sometimes to rethink some-thing is easy when clearly we have misjudged a situation but in other situations it is really hard. To rethink admits the pos-sibility that we are wrong.

I am one of those people who really like’s to be right and so I find this really challenging It seems is so much easier for me to dig my heels in and not budge from my position, but just like leaving my chicken on the bench this really isn’t the wisest approach. It takes humility and wisdom to admit we might be wrong. On the flip side rethinking something can show that we were right all along and give us greater confidence in our convictions.

Next weekend Christian Fel-lowship is having a number of talks around the idea of re-thinking. They want to encour-age you to come with an open mind and rethink your opin-ions. You might come away with the same opinion as you started with but by rethinking at least you have opened your-self up to the possibility.

The talks will be held over the 27-30th July and give you a chance to Rethink Freedom: (Is God a kill-joy?), Rethink God: (Is God relevant any-more?), Rethink Heaven: (Are there many paths?), Rethink Life: (Does God care about pain?). In the mean time per-haps defrost your chicken in the fridge….

19 SUPER-DOOPER - - - FUNGAPPA-The most fun you can have, without an internet connection

s e i e t t i n n g r


Unscramble This Word:


Easy Medium


THE 4TH YEAR TIPEvery week we ask the most experienced person at this university to give us not so experienced

a pro tip we only wish we had in our previous years. We call it, “The 4th Year Tip”

THIS WEEKS TIP:“If you are finding the walk over the hill a bit too much effort, just jump on the

nearest persons back, they will be more then happy to offer a friendly piggy back ride”

21 Bums Up Bums DOWN

Bums UP to black outs, EARLY FINISH FRIDAY!!

Bums UP to Prani

Bums DOWN to tipping and quitting

Bums DOWN to Isaac for knowing too much about girls fashion

Bums UP to Marties representing at happy hour

Bums UP to Proddie screenings

Bums DOWN to Appsy, wash the damn vomit bucket already

Bums UP to finishing class before 5

Bums UP to Joel turning 20 and losing his bum fluff!

Bums UP to CSU for having the highest % of female students

Bums DOWN to drunk jerks

Bums UP to DJ Sproule at Proddie Screenings

Bums DOWN to Farley for breaking the internet

Bums UP to red block! Best block ever!

Bums UP to my RA who forgot she was on duty

Bums DOWN to my.csu going office, RIP my.csu

Bums DOWN to to the man, your electricity sucks and costs too much

Bums DOWN to Hannah for not washing her lettuce

Bums UP to to a weekend at the snow

Bums UP to to winniebago man

Bums UP to Elle for being so pretty

Bums UP to Red Cross breakfast club

Bums UP to Rum and Batman, great combo

Bums UP to Plays with excessive use of the word C

Bums UP to slow dancing in the Rivcoll office

Bums DOWN to no free food

Bums UP to South

Bums UP to Gomez

Special Bums UP to cottage 371, you have been amazing housemates, ARGH YEAH!!

69% 31%Up 19%

PIZZA OVEN BUILDING WORKSHOP (NEW) @ Eco Garden behind New Residences

Join a Cobb Pizza Oven Building Workshop with Jim Rees from the Demonstration Gardens. Cobb is a simple to use natural clay material used for millennia to build houses, stoves and walls. This workshop is run over two consecutive Saturdays. The course covers design, hands-on building of an oven and using the completed oven.

Sat 28 July & 4 August • Sessions: 2 • 9:30am - 3:30pm 23WH22 • Workshop Coordinator: Jim Rees •

This course is held in conjunction with Riverina Community College

Course costs for non-students is $105 for the 2 workshops. To book call: 1800 000 212

* CSU Students can participate for FREE *

For more information contact or call Gem on 0439099706