How to implement App Search Optimization - ASO for Mobile Apps

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How to implement App Search Optimization - ASO for Mobile Apps

How To Implement App Search Optimization (ASO) ?

ASO for Your Mobile Apps – Google, Apple, Windows &

other App Stores

Understanding your Business Ecosystem Naming the App Keyword Research Description of the App Icons for your App Videos & App Screenshots How to Localize Your App? App Promotions App Updates App Categories Ratings & Reviews of the App App Analytics

App Search Optimization (APO) Index

Understanding your Business Ecosystem

A Proper App Search Optimization (ASO) depends on

Understanding how your customers use your app,

Your Competitors

Mobile app store you are going to use i.e.

Why they use the app - Reasons for using?

Keywords Customers would use to search for your app

Understanding how app stores – Windows, Google Play & Apple app stores work & their policies

How Apps align with your overall Business goals & strategy

The goal should be to improve discovery in app store searches and target those keywords that drive the most traffic & leads to

further engagement.

Naming the App  Include relevant keywords within your App title

Keywords can indicate your product or service or any brand names which you wish to promote

Titles in the App Store can be up to 255 characters. Typically truncated after the 30th character in Google


Use only URL-friendly characters in your title 

Apps with keywords rank higher in search engines

Keyword Research The Google App Store

Uses your app’s description for relevant keywords.

Describe in 4,000 characters. 

Design the app based on the user & not on algorithm or app store

The Apple App Store

100-character keyword field for the Apple App Store

Uses title & whatever keywords or keyword phrases in these

100 characters to determine which search strings your app will show up for

Description of the App The USP your app Offers

List the unique benefits it offers,

Compel the reader to download it. 

Describe what your app does in simple language

The features and functionality of your app. 

Avoid including specific prices in your app description. Pricing is already shown

Your app’s description should be targeted at your customer base

Focus on the first three lines of your description

Icons for your App Google Play requires a 512×512 icon,.  

visual icon is the first impression users are going to see, as there is an endless list of apps,

Both Apple & Google Play Store have preset standards for the ideal size, geometry, and color scheme of app icons.

For iOS icons, sized to at least 1024×1024 pixel

 Icons should be clear enough that they immediately convey what your app does, 

App Screenshots & Videos Your first screenshot should tell the essence of your app, as this comes in search results

 Include a video as this will be first to be shown in the Google play store

Further screenshots to focus on main features of the app

5 screenshots for an iOS app and up to 8 for an Android app

You can technically include graphic into the screenshot field — including concept or character art.

How to Localize your App? More than 50% prefer to use their language in shopping

As India & China are becoming top mobile markets, localizing your app is very imp

Translators are easily available & hence localization become easier

 Consider the local values, culture & other needs in localizing your app.

Promoting Your Apps

Your app’s total page visits and product page backlinks are considered when determining

your search and overall ranks..

 Invest in online Advt, Social Media Advt, & Press Releases.

Search Engines Beginning to include apps in search results.

Implement App Deep Linking

To drive downloads and app store traffic directly from a search engine results page.

App Updates

Apps Which get a lot of updates are seen as keeping in touch with the market

App updates normally lead to better reviews & ratings.

 Average Frequency update is 30 to 40 days.

Ratings & reviews are checked by the users before downloading the apps

Entice customers within your app

Update the app description and the “What’s New” field

Maintain a large volume of five-star reviews for your app,

Cross Promote your app from your website & other landing pages

App Categories

Categories help you assign your apps to respective places

Your Primary category is of prime importance

 This will be the category in which the app appears for search results and in Explore.

Rightly choose the categories for your app 

Windows App StoreApple App Store

Ratings & Reviews of Apps

 Reviews should be Positive

Across the board, apps with a large volume of positive ratings dominate the top charts.

Higher the ratings, higher is the engagement

Higher ratings & reviews also lead to higher search rankings

Can also utilize 3rd party tools for the review management

App Analytics

 Use a Tool like GA to analyze your app Analytics

Can be used for both Google Android or Apple App store apps.

Analyze Keywords, reviews, ratings, Ref report & others

Analyze the flow of the traffic

Set up funnels to find the downloads

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