How to create a successful web business

Post on 31-Aug-2014

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How to create a web business and make money online using the internet. This presentation coves the 10 key elements which will help your online business growth and marketing. We never promote get rich quick schemes. Starting an online Business takes skills, effort, work and time to grow just like any off line Business.

Transcript of How to create a successful web business

How To Create A Successful Web

There are multiple ways you can create an

Online Business which will provide you

with either a residual income or give you

the opportunity to quit your full-time job

for good.

Here are the 10 key fundamentals to creating a successful Internet Business

STEP 11. Identify what business you are in Online. Is it the health market, personal coaching, finance, internet marketing, social media.

Then begin with the end in mind always. Know what you want your business to look like in 1, 5, 10 and 20 years from now. Set up your business goals and visualize these goals. No hocus pocus, this really works.

From here break your niche market down to chunks and start there. As an example if your niche market is Social Media, don't try and cover the whole market, start with one platform such as Facebook and then move on from there. What do you want to teach people about Facebook? Is it Facebook Marketing, How to become a Social Media Manager, Face Book Apps Developer. You can see there is a lot to cover just in the niche market of Facebook.


Discover if there is a Market for your niche. Are people searching and spending money in your market. This is where everyone must start first. This takes a bit of time and research, but done correctly it will benefit your bottom line at making money online.

Your business and brand should be designed to help people, solve a problem or add value. Your ideal clients will find you. Remember the power of the Internet and the ability to capture leads from all over the world.


Become the Expert in your Niche Market, which will mean you need to study and become the expert first. Many people are under the misconception that this all about making money online "this is not a niche market". The reality is you are creating an Online Business to achieve the result of making money via the internet and servicing your clients. To demonstrate expertise you need to have some first. This becomes a stumbling block for many people, and many quit at this point. My advice is don't try to be the expert in everything. Just break down your niche and pick one area, it really is that simple.


Build your Campaign. You achieve this by building your reputation on all platforms such as blogs, social

media, article marketing forums, LinkedIn etc. My advice would be to have your own hosted website and blog, this way you have control of where to send your traffic. Social media platforms are third-party hosted.

STEP 5. Sales Funnel.

If you are starting any Online Business you will need a Sales Funnel. There are many variances to a Sales Funnel. Basically you design a landing page where you drive all your traffic, offer something of value to your prospects in exchange for their name and email address. The key to online success is building your list. Then market related products and services to your clients. Remember it is not all about sales but also providing great content, tips and advice.

STEP 6. Monetize. Creating your business assets.

Personally I love the creative process of developing my own products. I do this in the form of:

- Video courses.

- Ebooks/PDFs.

- Webinars.

- Podcasts.

- Google hangouts. Just to name a few.

These are the assets for your Online Business. Now the next step is to start marketing here are a few ways you can achieve this:

- Sales Webinars.

- Blog Traffic directly linking to your offer.

- FB Page offers, or Facebook marketing.

- Direct marketing to your List.

- Video sales via You Tube.

- Paid media via Google ad words to your sales page/landing page.

- Expert Interviews.

- Joint Ventures.

- Membership sites.

STEP 7. Traffic, Traffic, Traffic. In order for your Online Business to be successful you need to drive traffic to your sales page/landing page. Here are a few traffic strategies I use:

- Blogging and Guest Blogging.

- Article Marketing.

- Facebook paid advertising.

- Google paid advertising.

- Google hangouts.

- Webinars.

- Video Marketing.

- Forum Marketing.

- Solo Ads and Ad swaps.

STEP 8. Conversions. Now it is important to know what types of marketing strategies are working and not working. There are many tools out there that can help you test and measure. Some of these tools are free others will be paid. My advice is use Google Analytics. It's free all you need to do is have a Gmail account, and sign up for Analytics. Google also has some great free video tutorials which cover Analytics in-depth. Here is the link:

STEP 9. Building your brand: At this stage you simply rinse and repeat the above. Yes it takes time, but the investment of your time will come in the monetization. Creating a Business Online to generate making money online. You could also at this stage consider outsourcing some of your traffic strategies.

STEP 10. Business Growth. This is not something that can be left on auto pilot. The saying systems work, people fail is so true. I urge you to document and systemized your procedures. That way you can outsource components of your business, and you can focus on the actual business growth. This will ultimately lead to working fewer hours and give you the opportunity to run your business from anywhere in the world, so long as you have an internet connection.