How Ponies got their Tails

Post on 28-Jan-2018

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Transcript of How Ponies got their Tails


By Sam and sassi

Far, far, far, far away deep in the woods where ponies lived, there were very jealous, ponies who really wanted tails....

For months they sat feeling depressed as they saw other animals prancing around with their tails.

One cold night, one little pony was blown about by the winds, out of the forest, to a near by village!

He sneakily snuck into a house. The little pony spotted a boy with a pony tail, because all boys had ponytails.

He couldn't resist. He had always wanted a tail and this one was so clean and shiny. It was perfect! The pony YANKED the beautiful hair right out of the innocent boy's head.

He stuck it on himself and pranced around like he was one of the other fortunate animals.

When he returned to the forest all of his pony friends gathered around him.

The pony with the new shiny tail proudly blurted everything out to the crowd.

All the other ponies flooded the small village and YANKED all the pony tails out of the poor boys' heads.

And that is why most boys don't have pony tails and ponies have bright white tails.

The end