How Facebook's New Algorithm is Killing Organic Reach

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How Facebook's New Algorithm is Killing Organic Reach

[ Case Study ]How is Facebook’s Algorithm Update

Affecting Our Clients’ Reach?

Leon McLean Account Executive @ SayItSocial

A prevailing trend surrounds the demise of organic reach for brands on


So we analyzed the metrics of one of our clients who boasts Facebook fans

just shy of 1 MillionHere are the results..

What does this tell us?

1. Facebook is Rebranding Itself

Facebook will soon no longer abide by Owned & Earned Media. The platform

will exclusively be a Paid Media Channel

“Organic reach of the content brands publish on Facebook

is destined to hit zero. It is only a matter of time”

Marshall Manson, Managing Director of Social@Ogilvy

Facebook is forcing you to Rethink your

converged media strategy

2. Content is King Context is God

Timely & Relevant content is now a necessity to your content

marketing strategy

Only content which people are willing to engage with & share will

drive organic Word of Mouth

Ride the HastagBuzzfeed & Upworthy don’t have

magic formulas, they have Quality Content + Strategy

Strategy + Quality Content = Advocacy

Advocacy = ROI