Hadley Wood News December 2011

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Hadley Wood News December 2011


Cat Hill development. Shape of things to come?Steam train. Ran out of.Simone Strauss. Beat the burglarsSt Pauls Church. Services, mince pies andmulled wine.Sen’s run. Fewer mince pies. More pain.Hadley Woods. Alien invasion.Sophia Richmond. Trampoline girl.Tug of War. East v West Hadley Wood. Jan 1stPlayground progress. Looking up.





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For people living inHadley Wood thecurrent furore at CatHill deserves someattention. The rather

beautiful site was once owned byMiddlesex University but they vacated thearea in the summer and have moved tothe University’s Hendon campus. Theysold the site to the Council who then soldit on to the L&Q housing association.Now plans are afoot for a majordevelopment there comprising 272residential units in 5 six storey blocks, 2three storey blocks, a smaller block and94 terraced houses. Altogether around1000 places with 40% social housing.There is angry and determinedopposition from local residents.

Why should it worry us?Since the 1950’s the Hadley WoodAssociation has leased the land behindCrescent East from the Council. As youknow (I hope) this green and tree linedspace includes the tennis courts, theAssociation building (our village hall), thecar park and the field between theAssociation and the Primary school. Itruns up in a northerly westerly directioninto the woods, over the railway tunneland down the other side of the railwayonto and including the sports fieldadjoining Bartram’s Lane. The Councilown the land but have been happy tolease it to us on the basis that it is lookedafter properly and that the facilities itprovides are made available to localresidents for recreation.

Who looks after these facilitiesand land?The Hadley Wood Association does. YourResidents Association. The Associationfinances everything by fund raisingevents like the fireworks, by hiring out thehall and grounds, advertising in themagazine and from membership fees.Now let me ask you this. How many of

the 1500 families plus in Hadley Wood doyou think are members of yourAssociation? 1500? 1000? 500? Nope.About 200. Why so few? Don’t ask me.Its incomprehensible. It only costs £1.00a week to join. Over a year that’s lessthan it costs to fill up your car with petrol.Once.

Why should we join? What’s in itfor us?Well perhaps you do not use theAssociation car park, take your dog orfamily on walks in the Association’s woodsand fields, play tennis, cricket or footballon its courts and pitches, bridge in its hall,celebrate your family events there or sendyour kids to its playschool or ballet schoolBUT: There is another important reason forjoining. If the Hadley Wood Association isnot seen by the Council to be fullysupported by its residents our nextapplication for an extension of the leasemight be weakened. Perhaps fatally. Backin the ownership of the Council the landwould then be a prime site fordevelopment. In that event our communitywould then lose a lovely piece of openspace providing a wide range of facilitiesand fresh air enjoyed by many of ourfamilies and children and in return have anew housing estate.

So please join the 200 faithfulhouseholds who already support us. Inthe long run a powerful andrepresentative Residents Association canonly be of benefit to us all.If you want to join ring Lisa on 020 8449

7193 or Sue on 020 8441 2595 ..andleave your address. They’ll send you thedetails.Rod Armstrong

St Pauls. A Christmasmessage.

Christmas is a time of love, hope andpeace in this world of suffering,uncertainty and conflict. Do join us at anyone or more of our Christmas events thatare held for the community whatever yourreligious convictions.This year St Paul's church has the

familiar way of celebrating Christmas witha carol service along with traditionalmince pies and mulled wine. We have afew extra musicians and singers to add

Christmas at St Paul’s

by a very capable Hilary Nunn. Pat Tayloralso retired after eight years as HonoraryTreasurer and Philippa Phelps has takenover that role.So with a new team andgreat optimism our WI look forward tomany more enjoyable and interestingmeetings.Hadley Wood Women’s Institute meets

on the second Tuesday of every monthand all visitors are welcome.WI

The Steam Train thatwas not a steam train

Many people young and old turned up atHadley Wood Station on Thursday 24thNovember to see the 60163 Tornadosteam locomotive (as per the SteamDreams article/advertisement in theNovember issue of our Hadley WoodNews) arrive to pick up passengers ontheir way to York What a disappointment!According to a knowledgeable enthusiaststeam engines do not run on the railnetwork before Peterborough onweekdays. Having got to the station wedecided to wait anyway and saw the trainarrive at 08.40 pulled by a diesel engine,as illustrated. I am sure there were manymore people before and after Hadley


to the already popular local singers fromHadley Wood. Then on Christmas Eveplease join us for our popular Christingleservices when we hand out Christingleoranges and sing carols by candlelight.Refreshments will be served in the hallafter the 4 p.m. service and if you arecoming to the 6 p.m. why not join yourfriends by coming early as therefreshments will run up until the start ofthe 6 p.m. service. After the 6 p.m.service we will have some retiringrefreshments as you leave to send you onyour way for your own festivities ofChristmas.May you have love, hope and peace

this Christmas.Rupert MacKay, Minister of St. Paul’sChurch, Hadley Wood

The Hadley WoodWomen’s InstituteIt was "all change" at the AGM. FrainyArdeshir who has been the President forthe past three years completed her tourof duty. She thanked all who had helpedmake her term so enjoyable. Diana Birdwho has lived in Hadley Wood nearly allher life has taken over the Presidentialrole and was warmly welcomed by all.Mavis Webber retired after nine years

as Honorary Secretary and is succeeded



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JONATHAN. Can theADVERT for Christmasservices be attachednear the above articleplease. Rod

Fumes of diesel replaced dreamsof steam


Wood equally disappointed at not seeingTornado. When I contacted SteamDreams the Marketing Manager seemedsurprised to learn so many people hadgone to the station but advised that theirwebsite does state that the start of thejourney is with a diesel engine. I haverechecked the website and you need togo several levels into the site to find this.If like me you looked at Dates,Destinations or Pick up points there isnothing to suggest that the journey is partdiesel engine and only part steamengine. You need to look into LatestNews and then into Timings and stillfurther into final timing released byNetwork Rail – no wonder so many of usfailed to find this piece of vitalinformation. I hope those who went onthe journey had a wonderful time and Ihope Steam Dreams will look at theirwebsite to make it clearer about when asteam train is a real steam train to beseen on its journey.Gillian Henley

An apology fromSteam DreamsSteam Dreams would like to apologise tothe residents of Hadley Wood who weredisappointed to see a diesel engine at

Hadley Wood station on the morning ofThursday 24th November, as opposed tothe 60163 Tornado steam engine theywere expecting.As the name would suggest, we pride

ourselves on operating steam-hauledtrips and tours but on very few occasionswe have no choice but to use dieseltraction. After a recent incident involvinga steam locomotive run by another touroperator on the East Coast Main Line,Network Rail barred steam traction onthe route on weekdays, which preventedus from running steam hauled trains thatmorning. Negotiations between SteamDreams and Network Rail took place toensure as much steam on the route aspossible, but it was not confirmed to usuntil very late on that the trip would bediesel hauled as far as Peterborough onthe outward journey. The Tornado wasable to call at Hadley Wood on the returnjourney but we understand that mostresidents came to the train station in themorning.Due to a miscommunication between

ourselves and the Hadley Wood News,they were not informed of this change ofhaulage and we sincerely apologise forany inconvenience caused. All of ourpassengers were aware of the change assoon as it was confirmed to us. In thefuture we will make sure that any changesto our trips will be featured on the websiteclearly and that communication with localnewspapers is maintained to avoiddisappointment.We are hopeful that once Network Rail

have concluded their formal review ofsteam trains on the East Coast Main Line,that we will again be able to call at HadleyWood with steam, and we hope to beable to welcome you on board againsoon.Steam Dreams

Dr Keith GarberDr Andrew Dr HalmerDr Tina Chrysostomou

All aspects of general dentistryoffered throughout the weekincluding Saturday morning


Please contact our reception16 Crescent West, Hadley Wood,

Barnet, Herts, EN4 0EJTel: 020 8441 0257

Tornado stopping (eventually) atHadley Wood.





Trampoline girlCongratulations to our local HadleyWood resident Sophia Richmond who,aged just 6 years old, recently came in1st place out of 27 competitors in theUnder 9 division of the British GymnasticsLondon Trampolining regionalcompetition held at the NationalTrampoline centre in Harlington,MiddlesexThis is a remarkable achievement

given that she was competing mostlyagainst competitors two to three yearsolder than her and a testament to thetraining and commitment she puts into asport she clearly loves.As well as winning the individual award,

Sophia also helped her team Zenith TC,based out of the Furzefield Centre in

Potters Bar, take first place against sevenother competing London teams - whoknows, she may be one to watch for the2020 Olympics team !HW News

The care and upkeepof Monken HadleyCommonTo all of us living in the area, MonkenHadley Common (also known as HadleyWoods) is a valuable local amenity and areal joy to those who like walking inunspoilt natural woodland. It is surely inall our interests that we strive to preserveThe Common in its natural state. Litter-free and without invasive alien species oftrees or plants. Regrettably, over the past

couple of years there have been anumber of instances of garden refusesuch as, grass cuttings, dead branches,unwanted plants and even old fenceposts and building materials, beingdumped on Monken Hadley Commonfrom neighbouring gardens. Not onlyare the results unsightly, but onoccasions it has resulted in the spread ofgarden plants onto The Common that arequite out of place in an area of mixeddeciduous woodland. A particular casein point is Yellow Archangel, a small, fastgrowing variegated leaf plant which hasproved highly invasive. Our small groupof Conservation Volunteers has spentmany hours trying (with less than totalsuccess) to eradicate it. We are awarethat many of you already contribute to thewell-being of The Common bothfinancially and practically. However, we

St Paul’s Pre-SchoolWarmly invite you to join us for our

OPEN MORNINGWednesday 25th January 2012

9.45am-11.45amEveryone WelcomeOfsted approved

St Paul’s Church Hall, Crescent East, Hadley Wood, Herts, EN4 0ENTel: 020 8447 0448 E-mail: stpaulspreschool@btinternet.com

East v West Hadley Wood.

TUG O' WARSunday 1st January 2012 At


HADLEY WOODEast V WestGirls V BoysUnder 12's


Roger Headey and team in action atthe side of Camlet Way

TRIM HEDGES AND TREES – Makesure these are trimmed back fromwindows and are about 3 feet high sothat burglars can't hide behind them andthey don't block any lighting you mayhave. Consider planting some pricklyplants such as Pyracantha (Firethorn)around the perimeter.

FENCES, SHEDS AND GATES – Makesure the fences around your garden arein good condition and that gates can besecured properly. Put several goodlocks/padlocks on shed doors and checkthe windows too. Think about puttingtrellis over the top of fences and gates.

LADDERS AND TOOLS – Never leavetools or ladders out, always lock themaway in a properly secured shed orgarage.

FIT LOCKS – Fit good quality deadlocksto outside doors and ensure you havelocks on ground floor windows and patiodoors – never leave the keys in the locksor on the window sill but make sureeveryone in the house knows where theyare so that they can get out in the event ofa fire.

VALUABLE ITEMSONVIEW – Ensure allvaluable items (laptops, digital cameras,car keys, jewellery etc) are kept out of view


are writing to all residents whoseproperties border The Common torequest that you ensure that no gardenwaste or other waste materials are put onThe Common. If you employ a gardener,or you are having building work done,can you please take steps to ensure thatnothing is dumped over the fence orelsewhere on The Common.You may not be aware that The

Common receives no financial supportfrom either Barnet or Enfield Council andis largely reliant for its funding onvoluntary contributions from the Friendsof Hadley Common. The Friends is aregistered charity which draws itsdonations from local residents. If you arenot at present a member of the Friendsand would like to join, an application formcan be obtained from -Mr Chris Feldman,(Honorary Treasurer of the Friends ofHadley Common, 66 Hadley Road,Barnet, EN5 5QS), or downloaded fromthe Monken Hadley Common website(www.monkenhadleycommon.net). Thewebsite also provides information on thehistory, points of interest, wildlife andmanagement of The Common.Most of the work of maintaining The

Common is done by a small group ofVolunteers who meet, under the directionof the Curators, every Tuesday morning. Ifyou or other members of your householdwould like to become involved we wouldbe delighted to hear from you. Finally, ifyou do notice any hazards or otherproblems on The Common do please letone of us know so that we can organiseappropriate remedial action.Yours sincerely,

Peter Davies and Roger HeadeyCuratorsPeter Davies, 58 Hadley Road BarnetHerts. EN5 5QS tel. 020 8440 7712e-mail: padavies_plan@yahoo.co.uk andRoger Headey, 28 Clifford Road, BarnetHerts. EN5 5PG tel. 020 8440 8944

Hadley Wood TennisClub celebrate TennisClubmark statusOn Monday 14th November at 8pm JudyTownsend and Chris Hepworth werepresented with a plaque from JemimaLee, Middlesex County DevelopmentManager in recognition of Hadley WoodTC achieving Tennis Clubmark.It has been a year long process where

Judy & Chris with the help & support ofthe Tennis Club Committee, haveupdated our club policies, programmes

Tuesdays: 9:30-10:30amThursdays: 9:30-10:30amSundays: 11:00-12:00noonPlease arrive a little earlierready to run at start times

Meeting Point:96 Lancaster Avenue EN4 0EU£4 (drop in)£7 per week (members 3sessions)

An opportunity for people of all abilities & fitness levels to come together atleast once a week to walk, jog or run.For further details please contact Sen via email or call: 07956 398 123hwrc@me.com www.hwrc.me.uk

Hadley Wood Running Club

& planning for the future. The LTA haverecognised we have achieved excellentstandards of performance & our localcommunity can be confident that allcoaches are CRB checked & licensed.Hadley Wood Committee look forward

to the 2012 Tennis year and to seeingmany members on the Tennis court. Keepchecking our website www.hwltc.orgfor future club activities. We welcomeany ideas & suggestions from membersthat would improve their tennisexperience & enable them meet otherplayers in either a social or competitiveenvironment. Comments or ideas canbe emailed to Chris atchrissy4tennis@aol.com The 2012calendar will be compiled in January.Chris. Head Coach Hadley Wood TennisClub 07789 555008http://www.hwltc.org

Beat the BurglarsLIGHTING – Make it look as if you are inwhen you are out by using a timer switchon lights fitted with energy saving bulbsand on a radio but remember to changethe timer switch as the evenings getdarker earlier. Think about exterior duskto dawn lighting.

Lost LadderThe HW News apologises for giving theincorrect tel.no for Mr Obhrai with regard

to a ladder left behind by burglars.To retrieve please telephone:

0170 874 7037

This month has been a very busy time for the HWCPR team including our stallat the fabulous Fireworks night, attending the AGM and meetings with variouscompanies and organisations.After a lot of hard work we are pleased to give anupdate on the money raised for the Playground.We have managed to raise just over £50,000 with the help of Grant Funding,

private, corporate and community support.Thank you very much for your help so far, but we still have a way to go. You

can still help us with hands-on support or by offering a donation. If you wish tofind out more please contact us at hwcpr@yahoo.co.uk or call 07949 073536.Keep an eye out for an update in the next Hadley Wood Newsletter. There will

be more exciting announcements to come...Laura Gassner

and not left by the doors or windowsespecially if they can be seen through theletter box or by looking in the window. Keepspare car keys in a secure location.

GOLD JEWELLERY – If you keep largeamounts of gold or jewellery in the housethink about getting a safe and locking itaway or keeping it in the bank especiallyif it is only worn on special occasions.

WINDOW AND DOOR LOCKS – Theseare not being used enough and burglarsare taking advantage – close and lock alldoors and windows even if you are justpopping out for a few minutes. Also getinto the habit of checking them beforeyou go to bed but make sure everyone inthe house knows where the keys arekept.

CURTAINS AND BLINDS – Pleaseclose these as soon as it starts gettingdark - if there is a light on indoors but itsdark outside this provides the idealconditions for burglars to "window shop"and make a note of anything worth takingat a later date.

SECURITY MARKING – Think aboutregistering your valuable items such asphones, laptops & TV's etc. atwww.immobilise.com, this company alsoprovide property marking.

WHEELY BINS – When not in use pleasechain these up together so that they can'tbe used to climb over fences or to takeitems away in. Get together with yourneighbours and bring each others bins inif they have been left out after collection


Dear EditorI thought this short account might be ofinterest to your readers – For the first timewe joined in the nationwide Mitzvah orGood Deeds Day on Sunday 20thNovember. We made tea and entertainedresidents at Five Oaks on CockfostersRoad and Green Trees on Crescent East.We had a Rock and Roll display byhusband and wife team Sherilyn and PhilBennett which was most enthusiasticallyreceived – some joined on the floor whilstthe rest of us did the hand jive!!!

Traditional songs from the AscotBandstand Song book really brought outthe best in all of us. It was great to bringsome nice times to those less fortunatethan ourselves - we`ll be back!Sun Cresswell Hadley Wood JewishCommunity

Dear EditorAs I am sure you all know we did not winwhen we opposed the application toredevelop the Barnet Market site. Despite

the fact that our own 1200members were against it, as wereThe Barnet Society, BarnetResidents Association,Hadley Residents Association,

SPACES, our local MP and manyindividual councillors – theapplicant got what she wanted.One person againstthousands of campaigners – so

much for democracy!To be honest we are still licking

our wounds from that defeat.But all is not yet lost and we live

to fight another day. We are gainingmembers every day and a lot is

going on behind the scenes.Again, as many of you will know,

nothing at all has happened at the sitethat would lead us to believe that anybuilding work is about to begin. And whilethe uncertainty continues Barnet's 800year old Market falls into further decay. Itis a scandal and if it is allowed to carry onit will be a tragedy.Friends of Barnet Market will have a

stall at the Barnet Christmas Fayre thiscoming Sunday the 4th of December. TheFayre takes place every year and theHigh Street will be closed to traffic for theday.We want to recruit new members of

course but if you already are a memberplease come by and say hello and pickup the latest news.Thank you for your continued support.Chris Smith. Friends of Barnet Market

Letters to the Editor

as this is a sure way to tell if you are in orout or if you are away.

CHRISTMAS – Never leave presents onshow even if they are wrapped and underthe tree. After Christmas or when buyingnew items please don't just put the boxesout as they are for recycling, break themup and put them in the bins otherwiseeveryone knows you have a new laptop

or 40inch flat screen TV. Keep a record ofany serial numbers of electrical items andrecord them on www.immobilise.comalso keep your receipts for these items ina safe place. Please get someone youtrust (e.g. a family member) to come andpick up your post if you are away andremember to cancel the papers and milkdelivery etc.Simone Strauss


The Hadley Wood News is published usually during the first weekend of each month. It is a community publication with the objective of bringing local news,views and events to the residents and friends of Hadley Wood. It is non-profit making with any surplus going to the Hadley Wood Association (HWA) for thedirect benefit of residents. Content is produced voluntarily with the make-up, printing and distribution paid for by advertising. Thank you to all our advertisers,without whom this magazine would not be possible. If you would like to contribute to a future issue or receive updates via email, please contact the Editorand Publisher. The HWA and anyone associated with the content of this newsletter cannot accept any responsibility for the accuracy, claims or viewsexpressed. The Hadley Wood News does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the advertisements or other information accesseddirectly or indirectly from this publication, nor the quality of any products, services, information or other materials displayed, purchased or obtained byanyone as a result of an advertisement or any other information or offer in connection with those products, services, information or other materials.HadleyWood News shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions contained in any advertisement or other information within this publication.The Publisher reserves the right to amend, abridge or reject any copy supplied for publication. E&OE HWA July 2011

The Hadley Wood Association7 Crescent East Hadley Wood Herts EN4 0EL 8449 7193

hadley.woodassoc@btconnect.com www.hadleywood.org.uk

Chairman Graham Sharp 020 8449 2133 sharpie14@btinternet.com

Editor Publisher Rod Armstrong 020 8449 5924Advertising and Centre Manager Lisa Winston 020 8449 7193 hadley.woodassoc@btconnect.com

Advertising Manager Betty Brough 020 8441 6859 bbr1934@aol.com

Hall Bookings Annie 07903 138 235 hallbookings.hwa@gmail.com

Security Task Force Membership secretary/Admin Caroline Berlyn 020 8441 8020Safe Neighbourhood Team Police Sergeant Peter Moxham 020 8721 2688 or 07920 233 775

To download a copy of this and/or previous issues of Hadley Wood News, please visit www.hadleywood.org.uk

A very well presented detached family residence which has been extended and refurbished to a high standard. Guest cloakroom, 4 reception rooms, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, southerly aspect rear garden extending to approx. 108’, heated swimming pool, garage.

Substantial detached family residence of some 7,500 sq ft. The property requires substantial refurbishment but benefits from spaciously planned accommodation with 3 reception rooms, 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, indoor swimming pool complex, cinema room & 6th bedroom/staff bedroom with en suite shower room. 2 purchase options exist at prices in excess of £1,300,000. Full details available on request.


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POAFreeholdSole Agents

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A beautifully ground floor apartment in this unique development situated on Hadley Wood’s premier road within easy reach of golf course, local shops primary school and mainline station. The M25 is a short drive away. Kitchen, reception/drawing room, 3 bedrooms, 2 en suite shower rooms and a family bathroom.


£795,000 Leasehold Sole Agents

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This attractive and well presented semi detached home has accommodation arranged over 3 floors and benefits from through lounge/dining room, open plan kitchen & breakfast area, utility/wc/boiler room, downstairs cloakroom, 3 bedrooms, family bathroom, southerly aspect rear garden extending to approx 130’. There is significant scope to extend (s.t.p.p.).


£794,995FreeholdSole Agents

020 8440 9797

A very well presented detached Georgian style residence situated in this peaceful cul de sac. There is scope to extend subject to the usual consents. 2 receptions, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, gym, garage, driveway provides extensive guest parking, southerly aspect rear garden extending to approx. 180’.


£1,200,000FreeholdSole Agents

020 8440 9797

A spacious detached family residence benefiting from a landscaped rear garden extending to approx. 350’ at its maximum. The overall plot is approx. 3/4 of an acre. Guest cloakroom, 2 reception rooms, 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage.


£1,350,000 Freehold Sole Agents

020 8440 9797

An outstanding detached family residence dating in parts back to Tudor times. Standing in gardens and grounds of approximately 1 acre in a highly secluded and sought after position. 6 reception rooms, 6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms (3 en suites), tennis court, heated swimming pool, car port for 2 cars plus additional parking.