Guerrilla engineering

Post on 14-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Guerrilla engineering

Guerrilla Engineering

Yanchee Lau





“Guerrilla” means “little war” in Spanish.

“Guerrilla” means “little war” in Spanish.

Guerrilla Theatre Guerrilla Advertising

Guerrilla Gardening Guerrilla Warfare

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Here’s an example…

We decided to make a flying machine

It was like a glider

We called it the Cullinan Bird

It was made from little pieces

It was made from little pieces

And we had to put it all together

We were lucky that it all fitted together

It was pretty big!

We jumped off a ramp in front of 80,000 people

And it flew!

And it flew! 38.5m!

The journey

You can find the Cullinan Bird on youtube

Sounds like hard work…

(It was.)

(And we don’t get paid.)

So why do we do it?


Making is everything.

These guys love making…

They enjoy the small details

Because they make everything work

relies on time, energy, imagination and personal investment.

1. The work is carried out by small but agile groups of passionate individuals with the support of locals.

Guerrilla engineering

relies on time, energy, imagination and personal investment.

2. The outcomes are unexpected, unconventional, and often temporary.

Guerrilla engineering

relies on time, energy, imagination and personal investment.

3. The intention is to create maximum buzz for little resource.

Guerrilla engineering

Some other stuff we’ve made…

Something called The Carbon Cube

where people and their kids…

turn these…

into these…

and these

Something called Oculus

which transformed a car park into a public space

We laid every sand bag ourselves!

To create the unexpected

1. Tight timescales

2. Personal investment & resourcefulness

3. Self-initiated & motivated

1) Small in scale

2) Temporary in nature

3) Low in cost

4) Create a buzz


Recommendations(The Approach)

1.Understanding the brief and plan from the outset.

Recommendations(The Approach)

1. Understanding the brief and plan from the outset.

2.Recruit a passionate, dedicated and agile team.

Recommendations(The Approach)

1. Understanding the brief and plan from the outset.

2. Recruit a passionate, dedicated and agile team.

3.Enjoy the broader design context and agenda.

Recommendations(The Approach)

1. Understanding the brief and plan from the outset.

2. Recruit a passionate, dedicated and agile team.

3. Enjoy the broader design context and agenda.

4.Get the most out of a 3D model.

Recommendations(The Approach)

1. Understanding the brief and plan from the outset.

2. Recruit a passionate, dedicated and agile team.

3. Enjoy the broader design context and agenda.

4. Get the most out of a 3D model.

5.Make everything at least once.

Recommendations(The Approach)

1. Understanding the brief and plan from the outset.

2. Recruit a passionate, dedicated and agile team.

3. Enjoy the broader design context and agenda.

4. Get the most out of a 3D model.

5. Make everything at least once.

6.Call to action, advertise, and celebrate.

Get in touch!

Yanchee Lau