Fish in ClassFish in Class Story by Wendie Old Illustrations by Jennifer Clark Shared Story 23....

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Transcript of Fish in ClassFish in Class Story by Wendie Old Illustrations by Jennifer Clark Shared Story 23....

Fish in Class

Story by Wendie OldIllustrations by Jennifer Clark

Shared Story 23

Green Words (Phonetic):

Red Words (Sight):

Practice reading these sentences.

Reading Roots—Shared Story 23© 2003 Success for All Foundation

Mr. you put looked

Mr. Lash set up a fish tank.

Derrick’s dad had a fish shop.

Paco picked tall plants and small fish.

Derrick picked ten black fish.






Mr. Lash, the school’s custodian, brought a fish aquarium to Miss Stanton’s classroom. The children watched him fill the big glass tank with water.

Mr. Lash set up the fish tank in Miss Stanton’s class. The class was glad. “Can we help?” asked the kids.

Point to the fish tank. Who set up the fish tank? [Mr. Lash] Point to Mr. Lash. How did the kids feel? [They were glad.] What did the kids ask? [“Can we help?”]


Miss Stanton explained that they could help by putting things in the aquarium.

Tanya said, “We can fill the tank with fish!”Bob said, “We can fill it with shells and plants!”Derrick said, “I can get fish.”Paco said, “I can get plants and shells.”

What things will the kids put in the tank? [fish, shells, and plants]


Miss Stanton asked, “Where can you get all these things?”

Derrick said, “Dad has a fish shop. Paco and I can get fish, shells, and plants.” Miss Stanton said, “O.K.”

Who had a fish shop? [Derrick’s dad had a fish shop.] What things could Paco and Derrick get? [fish, shells, and plants] What did Miss Stanton say? [Miss Stanton said, “O.K.”]


When school was over that afternoon, the boys grabbed their book bags and hurried out of the school.

Derrick and Paco rushed to the fish shop. It was called THE FISH SHACK. Lots of fish splashed in tanks.

Derrick and Paco “rushed” to the fish shop. Does “rush” mean that they were fast or slow? [fast] “Rush” means to go fast. Why do you think they rushed to the fish shop? (T-P-S) Point to the tank. What did the fish do in the tank? [The fish splashed in the tank.] Demonstrate “splash” with a glass of water.


Derrick’s dad showed the boys the aquariums. He said, “Take your time choosing what you need.”

Paco picked tall plants. Derrick picked small plants for the class fish tank. Dad slipped the plants in a bag.

What did Paco pick? [Paco picked tall plants.] Point to the tall plants. What did Derrick pick? [small plants] Where did Dad put the plants? [in a bag] Point to the bag. The book says Dad ”slipped” the plants in a bag. In this sentence, “slipped” means Dad quickly put the plants in the bag.

Make a Prediction: What will they choose next? (T-P-S) Have the students support their predictions.


Paco looked in each aquarium. Red, green, blue, yellow, and pink fish looked back at him. Suddenly, he saw something that made him stop.

Paco looked in a fish tank. A small, pink fish splashed. A big, black fish nipped the small, pink fish’s fin. Paco said, “The small fish is sad.”

Point to the big fish. Point to the small fish. What color is the small fish? [pink] What color is the big fish? [black] What did the big fish do? [He nipped the fin of the small fish.] “Nip” means to take a little bite. Demonstrate “nip.” How do you think the small fish feels? Why? (T-P-S)


Meanwhile, Derrick was looking at a school of shiny, silvery black fish. He could not decide which one to pick.

Dad asked, “Can you pick a fish?” Derrick said, “I pick ten black fish.” Dad bagged the black fish.

What did Dad ask? [Can you pick a fish?] What did Derrick pick? [He picked ten black fish.] What did Dad do with the fish? [Dad bagged the fish.] If Dad bagged the fish, that means he put the fish in a bag.


“O.K., Paco,” Derrick said. “It’s your turn to choose. What do you like?”

Paco picked the small, pink fish. Dad netted a big, pink fish. Paco said, “No. I like the small, pink fish. The fish in the big, pink shell.”

What did Paco pick? [Paco picked the small, pink fish.] If you “net” something, you put it in a net. Point to the net.Did Dad net the small, pink fish? [no] What did Dad net? [the big, pink fish] Point to the shell.


The shy little fish was hiding in a shell that was the same color.

Dad put a small net in the tank.The net picked up the fish and the shell.Dad tipped the shell and the fish into the bag.

What did Dad put in the tank? [Dad put a small net in the tank.] What is in the bag? [The fish and the shell are in the bag.]


Then, Derrick’s dad took something off the shelf. “Here is another decoration for your aquarium,” he said.

Dad handed Paco a small ship.Paco was glad to get the shell and the ship!Derrick was glad to get lots of fish and plants.

Do you think the class liked what the boys chose?

What did Dad hand to Paco? [Dad handed Paco a small ship.] What else did Paco get? [a shell] Point to the shell. Point to the ship. What did Derrick get? [fish and plants]

Discussion Questions | Lesson 23

Fish in Class

Use T-P-S to discuss these questions.

1. What did Miss Stanton get for the classroom?

[Miss Stanton got a fish tank for the classroom.]

2. What did Derrick and Paco do after school?

[They went to the fish shop.]

3. Name the things that Derrick and Paco got for the aquarium.

[They got fish, a ship, a shell, and plants.]

Reading Roots, Level 2

Fish in Class


Shared Story 23


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Reading Roots Shared Stories were developed under the direction of Robert E. Slavin and Nancy A. Madden, codirectors of the Success for All Foundation Family of Programs.

Success for All Foundation is a nonprofit education reform organization that develops and disseminates research-based reading and math programs for students in pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, elementary and middle schools. These programs were originally developed at Johns Hopkins University.

Illustrations for this book were colored digitally by John Stuart.

© 2003 Success for All Foundation. All rights reserved.