Fire safety preparedness

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Fire safety preparedness

Fire Safety Preparedness

Most people never expect to be the victims of a house fire, but unfortunately it can happen to anyone.

▹ Having working smoke detectors throughout the house is going to be your best ally if you have a house fire.

▹ Early notification can allow you time to extinguish the fire yourself or give your family the few extra moments needed to make a safe escape

▹ Make sure your smoke alarms work properly by inspecting them at least twice a year



▹ Having a plan is absolutely essential

▹ Discuss as a family exactly what to do if there is an emergency.

▹ Check that every member knows two exits for each room and have an established meeting place to reconvene after escaping.

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experts anytime at 707.263.7722.