Final ppt ecommerce

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Transcript of Final ppt ecommerce


Heema KumariPriyanka KumariManisha KumariAwanti Amrit

Digital certificateA digital certificate (DC) is a digital file that certifies the identity of an

individual or institution, or even a router seeking access to computer-

based information. It is issued by a Certification Authority, and

serves the same purpose as a driver’s license or a passport.

Just like a passport, a digital certificate provides identifying

information, is forgery resistant and can be verified because it was

issued by an official, trusted agency. The certificate contains the

name of the certificate holder, a serial number, expiration dates, a

copy of the certificate holder's public key (used for encrypting

messages and digital signature ) and the digital signature of the

certificate-issuing authority (CA) so that a recipient can verify that

the certificate is real.CA can be banks ,government agencies etc.

Types of Digital CertificatesThere are four main types of digital certificates:

1. Server Certificates

2. Personal Certificates

3. Organization Certificates

4. Developer Certificates

Certification Authority Functions:

Accept applications for certificates

Verify the identity of the person or organization applying for the certificate

Issue certificates

Revoke/Expire certificates

Provide status information about the certificates that it has issued



The selection and operation of technologies that ensure network security should be based on:

Defense in depth

Need-to-access basispolicy of least privilege (POLP)

Policy of blocking access to network resources unless access is required to conduct business

Role-specific security


Patch management

Incident response team (IRT)



A single point between two or more networks where all traffic must pass (choke point); the device authenticates, controls, and logs all traffic


Segment of data sent from one computer to another on a network

application-level proxy

A firewall that permits requests for Web pages to move from the public Internet to the private network

bastion gateway

A special hardware server that utilizes application-level proxy software to limit the types of requests that can be passed to an organization’s internal networks from the public Internet

Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs)

A special category of software that can monitor activity across a network or on a host computer, watch for suspicious activity, and take automated action based on what it sees.

personal firewallA network node designed to protect an individual user’s desktop system from the public network by monitoring all the traffic that passes through the computer’s network interface card.

virtual private network (VPN)A network that uses the public Internet to carry information but remains private by using encryption to scramble the communications, authentication to ensure that information has not been tampered with, and access control to verify the identity of anyone using the network.

protocol tunnelingMethod used to ensure confidentiality and integrity of data transmitted over the Internet, by encrypting data packets, sending them in packets across the Internet, and decrypting them at the destination address


Special software programs that run on the gateway server and pass repackaged packets from one network to the other

Demilitarized zone (DMZ)

Network area that sits between an organization’s internal network and an external network (Internet), providing physical isolation between the two networks that is controlled by rules enforced by a firewall









Hyper Text transfer protocolsHTTPS is the Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol with SSL Encryption. It is the most popular network protocol for establishing secure connections for exchanging documents on the World-Wide Web. It is basically HTTP carried over a TCP socket, which has been secured using SSL

Developed by Commerce Net Consortium

Extension to HTTP that provides numerous security features

Client and server authentication

Spontaneous encryption

Request/response non repudiation

Provides symmetric and public-key encryption, and message digests (summaries of messages as integers)

Whereas SSL is designed to establish a secure connection between two computers, S-HTTP is designed to send individual messages securely.

HTTP messages contain two parts: the header and the body of the message. The header contains instructions to the recipients (browser and server) on how to process the message’s body.

During the transfer transaction, both the client browser and the server, use the information contained in the HTTP header to negotiate formats they will use to transfer the requested information.

The S-HTTP protocol extends this negotiation between the client browser and the server to include the negotiation for security matters. Hence S-HTTP uses additional headers for message encryption, digital certificates and authentication in the HTTP format which contains additional instructions on how to decrypt the message body.

Secure Sockets LayerSSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a server and a client—typically a web server (website) and a browser; or a mail server and a mail client (e.g., Outlook).

It is used by the most companies to provide security and privacy and establishes a secure session between a browser and a server.

A channel is the two way-way communication stream established between the browser and the server, and the definition of a channel security indicates three basic requirements:

The channel is reliable.

The channel is private.

The channel is authenticated.

Secure Sockets Layer

This encryption is preceded by a ‘data handshake’ and has two major stages:

The first stage is used to establish private communication, and uses the key-agreement algorithm.

The second stage is used for client authentication.

Limitations of SSL:

While the possibility is very slight, successful cryptographic attacks made against these technologies can render SSL insecure.

A downside of both SSL protocols is that they both require to use cryptographic algorithms that place significant load on the computer systems involved in commerce transactions.

For the low and medium e-commerce applications, there is no additional server cost to support SSL.

ROLES OF SSL IN E-COMMERCETo secure online credit card transactions.

To secure system logins and any sensitive information exchanged online.

To secure webmail and applications like Outlook Web Access, Exchange and Office Communications Server.

To secure the connection between an email client such as Microsoft Outlook and an email server such as Microsoft Exchange.

To secure the transfer of files over https services such as website owners updating new pages to their

To secure intranet based traffic such as internal networks, file sharing, extranets, and database connections.

To secure network logins and other network traffic with SSL VPNs such as VPN Access Servers or applications like the Citrix Access Gateway.


Virtual Private Network is a type of private network that uses public telecommunication, such as the Internet, instead of leased lines to communicate.

Became popular as more employees worked in remote locations .

Roles of VPNs

Large-scale encryption between multiple fixed sites such as remote offices and central offices

Network traffic is sent over the branch office Internet connection

This saves the company hardware and management expenses

Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)IDS classification

Host-based IDS: monitor single host activityNetwork-based IDS: monitor network traffic

logical components:Sensors

collect data from various sources such as log files, network packetssends them to the analyzer

Analyzersprocess data from sensors and determine if intrusion has occurredmay also provide guidance for the actions to take

user interface view the output and manage the behavior

IDS REQUIREMENTo run continually with minimal human supervision

o be fault tolerant

o resist subversion

o minimal overhead on system

serve a large number of users

configured according to system security policies

o allow dynamic reconfiguration

Fire wall

A network node designed to protect an individual user’s desktop system from the public network by monitoring all the traffic that passes through the computer’s network interface card

FirewallsA firewall is a barrier placed between the private

network and the outside world.All incoming and outgoing traffic must pass

through it.Can be used to separate address domains.

Control network traffic.Cost: ranges from no-cost (available on the

Internet) to $ 100,000 hardware/software system.Types:

Router-BasedHost BasedCircuit Gateways

PUBLIC KEY INFRASTRUCTUREA PKI (public key infrastructure) enables users of a basically unsecure public network such as the Internet to securely and privately exchange data and money through the use of a public and a private cryptographic key pair that is obtained and shared through a trusted authority.