Expresses 20140528

Post on 31-Mar-2016

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Expresses 20140528

Transcript of Expresses 20140528





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} Sidwell Guduka

DICK NKUNA may be dead buthis name will live on.Last Wednesday, Dan Khothule,

the outgoing MEC for Sport, Arts,Culture and Recreation in the FreeState, renamed the two sportingfacilities in the province after him.The Free State Sports Science

Institute (FSSSI) Centre of BoxingExcellence in Bloemfontein and theKopano Indoor Sports Centre inWelkom will now be known as theDick Nkuna Centre of SportsExcellence and Dick Nkuna IndoorSports Centre, respectively.“We are here today to honour

Dick Nkuna. When he passed on,we made a decision to rename thisfacility after him,” Khuthulo said.“By renaming these facilities, we

honour Mr Nkuna for the work hehas done as a sports administratorand for his contribution towardstransforming sport in our country.Such transformation has beencentral in the promotion of socialcohesion and nation building.“His legacy will live on in the

work done at these facilities thatwill carry his name.”Speaking on behalf of the family,

Junior Nkuna, the son of the lateDick Nkuna, said his father’s liferevolved around sport. “We feelhonoured as the family of DickNkuna to have these facilitiesnamed after him. My fatherimpacted many lives through thespirit of ubuntu.“I would like to encourage the

youth to make use of these facili-ties and prevent them frombecoming a white elephant. Theymust exercise to keep fit andhealthy,” he said.The late Nkuna served as football

manager of Welkom Real Heartsand Welkom Stars. He was also theformer president of Safa in theNorthern Free State. Prior to hisdeath, he served as a manager forBoxing South Africa in the FreeState until his death two weeksago.

Nkuna legacy lives onTwo centres to be named after the late sports administrator

CUTTING THE RIBBON: From the left are Emily Nkuna (wife of the late Dick Nkuna), Dan Khothule (MEC for Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation),Thokozile Nkuna (daughter of the late Dick Nkuna), and Junior Nkuna (son of the late Dick Nkuna). Photo: Sidwell Guduka



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} Teboho Setena

SIX police officers facing a charge ofthe possession of gold-bearingmaterials are also set to face internaldisciplinary charges.

The accused are Tebogo Kotsi,Sabata Rasenyalo, MongameliNdemetya, Sello Mokgele, NthandoTima and Teboho Mofokeng. Theyare members of the Welkom PoliceCrime Prevention Unit.

The officers briefly appeared in theWelkom Magistrate’s Court on 19May. They are currently out on bailof R1 000 each.

The Welkom police spokesperson,Capt. Stephen Thakeng, said internaldisciplinary actions against the sixofficers had already been instituted.

The officers were arrested alongwith a mine worker a week ago at ahouse in the suburb of Seemeeuparkin Welkom. Thakeng said the arrestby the Welkom Police Flying SquadUnit followed a tip-off by a memberof the public.

“The members were found busyprocessing gold-bearing material on afire. The value, as well as the weightof the seized gold-bearing material, isunknown,” he said.

He said several items that includedmercury, buckets and blankets, aswell as apparatus used to processgold-bearing material, had beenconfisticated during the bust, addingthat the case was being investigatedby the Hawks Unit in Welkom.

Thakeng said the arrest of thepolice officers had been fundamentaland a breakthrough in relation tothe Mining Crime Combating Forumlaunched recently by the formerminister of Police, Nathi Mthethwa,in Welkom. The initiative is aimedat clamping down on syndicatesdealing illegally in gold.

Meanwhile, the Thabong policeunit discovered loads of equipmentutilised in gold-processing atG-Hostel – the popular hub of illegalgold mining in the Goldfields.

The equipment was confiscated

during a two-hour raid last Thurs-day.

The Thabong police spokespersonMalebo Khosana said significant wasthe discovery of live ammunition(rubber bullets) hidden outside in anold unused deep-freezer.

He said two illegal liquor outlets(shebeens) had been shut down andtheir owners would face charges ofselling liquor without a licence andthe violation of the Liquor Act ontheir appearance in the WelkomMagistrate’s Court this week.

Additional gold-processing equip-ment seized includes 6 melting pots,1 bottle of mercury, 4 gas cylinders,1 mine battery, 11 gas bottles, aplastic bag with borax, 1 sift, 1 minehard hat, a plastic basin containerand a scale.

Khosana said no one had beenarrested for the confiscated itemsbecause ownership could not beestablished. He added that five illegalimmigrants of Mozambican originhad been nabbed.

drivers of licensed taxis are very arrogantand they are costing us jobs. They will waitin the morning from 07:00 till 08:00 and theydo not leave unless the vehicles are full ofpassengers. They will even drive aroundlooking for passengers to fill the vehicle,not considering that it is time consuming.On 6 May the legal taxi owners did notinform the passengers of their strike. Wereally struggled to get to work. The authori-ties of the traffic department shouldconsider issuing permits to owners thatoperate illegally to increase the number oftaxis because we are struggling. Trafficofficers should also stop taking bribes fromthe drivers of pirating taxis.”

Frustrated taxi drivers whine as they findit very biased that they were entreated topay the full amount, yet they will at somepoint find their vehicles in a worse condi-tion than when they were still in theirpossession.

Certain individuals blame traffic officersfor not issuing them with permits (whichgive them a right to carry passengers fortransportation) even though they have beenregistered for quite some time.

Anonymous said he was on his way homefrom work with colleagues and they formeda lift club. On the night of 16 May, on theirway home after a hectic day at work, trafficofficers asked him to pull over and theyprobed him and the passengers in his taxi.

“They asked if I was pirating and whowere the people in my car and also if theypaid to travel with me. I replied that theywere my colleagues and right there theytold me I was pirating as long as moneywas involved. They impounded my car andI was given a fine of R3 500.”

Three days later the aggrieved driver saidhe went to the Welkom Magistrate’s Courtto pay to have his vehicle released.

“Surprisingly there was no paper work.We were exclusively asked how muchmoney we had. I had R900 and I was askedto make it R1 000 to get assistance. At theend of the day I eventually paid R3 160,including storage.”) Express was unsuccessful in obtainingcomments from the Matjhabeng Municipali-ty and the Welkom Taxi Association.

One struggles to find a licensed taxi when itmatters the most.”

Lerato Makatelle from Doorn said: “I donot board unlicensed mini taxis becausethey are dirty. People should be alert thatthey are putting their lives at risk usingunlicensed taxis. If they get involved in anaccident, they won’t be able to claimanything from the Road Accident Fund.”

Sherly Majola from Sunrise said: “Unli-censed mini taxis always come to my rescuein the morning and late evening. The

even if it means nothing but that littlemoney we get during the course of the dayto provide bread and milk for our children.”

Passengers reacted with mixed feelings onthe issue of illegal taxis. Others feel it isadvantageous to make use of them whilesome fear the danger.

Masabata Lebona, a passenger fromOppenheimer Park, said: “Unlicensed minitaxis are actually fast and easy to find atany spot, unlike waiting or going all theway to various ranks to board taxis whichtake time to fill up. I’m very consciousabout the risk of pirating taxis, but I wouldrather risk my life than be late.”

Moeketsi Moloi from Bedelia said:“Licensed taxis are very rare to find in themorning and noon, so I rely on piratingones to reach my destination safely. I’maware of the benefits and risks of boardinga pirating taxi, but I don’t have a choice.

} Motlalepule Mokgosi

THE Matjhabeng Local Municipality trafficofficers impounding taxis and privatevehicles suspected to operate illegally astaxis has caused an uproar.

In recent weeks the traffic officers havebeen visible at various strategic hotspotsaround Thabong, hard at work enforcingthe law. They left no stone unturned,confiscating tens of vehicles suspected ofoperating illegally as taxis. Some minibuseswere found unroadworthy, having incorrectlicence discs and even registration numberscorresponding with existing number plates.The drivers with outstanding traffic finesalso did not escape.

Tens of taxis and private vehicles im-pounded were stored at the WelkomProvincial Traffic Department and the VaalMaseru Industrial Impoundment. Disgrun-tled taxi drivers and owners then embarkedon a go-slow two weeks ago to raiseconcerns regarding swashbucklers (piratingtaxis commonly known as 4+1) that seem tohave taken over their routes. Hundreds ofpassengers were left stranded and manypeople found it difficult to reach theirdestination. All the affected parties wereforced to walk instead.

Last week it emerged that aggrieved taxiowners, including the suspected pirate taxidrivers, had reclaimed their vehicles at theWelkom Traffic Department impoundment,allegedly after cutting the fence. This was inprotest of paying fines ranging from R3 200to R3 500 that included a R40 storage feethat accumulates per day. Angry ownerstold Express Goldfields & NFS they werealso demanded to write a motivational letterand report to present to the court in orderto have their fines reduced and to havetheir vehicles released.

One of the illegal taxi drivers citesunemployment as the reason for theincrease in the number of pirate taxis onthe roads of Motse-Thabong as people mustmake ends meet to survive.

He said: “If only there were jobs, every-one will be satisfied, but our government isfailing us. By so doing we create jobs forourselves in order to support our families,


Pirate taxis vs legal taxis

A PASSENGER stops a suspected pirating taxi in front of the premises of the WelkomPost Office and Home Affairs in the busy Bok Street. Photos: Teboho Setena


Express invites readers tosend their views regarding the


Six police officers face disciplinary charges

JOSEPH LETSOISA and other members after having loaded gasbottles onto the bakkie at G-Hostel.



} Teboho Setena

MORE than 100 learners of the Hani ParkPrimary School in Welkom have benefit-ted from a goodwill gesture, the collectionof dozens of canned food products.This was the initiative of sports enthusi-

astic workers of the private and publicsector and was presented in the form of afootball event staged in Welkom. Theparticipating workers were of the Masi-mong Mine, the Matjhabeng Local Munici-

pality, the Department of Education, theDepartment of Labour, the Department ofSocial Development and the WelkomPolice.Kgosi Mathejane, spokesperson, said

each member of the participating teamswas challenged to make a contribution.“This was well received by all the

members of the teams that participated. Itwas very encouraging too, as we all saw aneed to help the learners of the school,”he said.

Participants had a choice to contributefinancially or purchase canned foodproducts.“With the cash collected we purchased

different canned food products to supple-ment what others had donated. All theproducts donated towards the learnerswere for them to take home to theirrespective families,” said Mathejane.The group of learners who benefitted

are all enrolled for the Hani Park PrimarySchool’s Needy Learners Project, which is

managed by Monde Rasello, one of theteachers at the school.“We have a feeding scheme at the

school, however, it’s not enough toalleviate this group of learners’s situationafter school,” said Desmond Tsipane, theprincipal of the Hani Park PrimarySchool.“The donation of canned food is some-

thing we have welcomed and it will go along way in addressing the learners’situation in their respective families.”

School offered stacks of help

LEFT: Desmond Tsipane, the principal of the Hani Park Primary School (middle), receivecanned food products from Thabo Tsasane (left) and Sipho Botha of the Departmentof Social Development. Photos: Teboho Setena

A HELPING HAND: Sefako Tshukudu, an employee of the Matjhabeng Municipality,hands over canned food to Monde Rasello, teacher and the project manager of theHani Park Primary School's Needy Learners Project. With them are some of the learnerswho benefit from the project. From the left are Jan Shuping, ThuliswaMafeka, ZikhonaMakhotela, Ntswaki Motsoari, Abongile Magade and Lehlohonolo Matlhojane.

THE South African National Civic Organi-sation (Sanco) is outraged by the poorrendering of health services by the FreeState Department of Health across theprovince.The organisation has expressed grave

concern with health facilities’ inability torender services to the public, furthercommitting in a statement to urgently takeup the matter with the provincial depart-ment during the course of this week toaddress the service delivery crisis.Two hospitals, Bongani in Welkom and

Pelonomi in Bloemfontein, are the focus ofthe worrying situation.The critical state at the Bongani Hospi-

tal became public on 15 May when over100 nurses downed tools protesting againstthe dire conditions they work under.“Sanco in this province is very worried

as far as the state of public health facili-ties at this particular juncture in time.“This comes after the state of the

Bongani Regional Hospital in Welkomcame to the attention of the civic move-ment, where nurses are struggling toexecute their daily responsibilities due tono or limited resources pertaining to theirwork.“Our understanding as a community

organisation is that some aspects can justbe attended to and dealt with by the use ofpetty cash such as for nappies, surgicalgloves, needles and identity tags fornew-born babies,” said Bakoena Ramosie,Sanco’s provincial secretary.“Sanco will not tolerate such conditions

where the lives of our community mem-bers are threatened, especially by institu-

tions which are expected to maintain theirhealth.“Nothing brings a smile to our face

when patients are wrapped up in sheetsdue to the non-availability of nappies,considering that the Department of Health

was prioritised among other departmentswhen budgets were allocated.“The fact that this was recorded just a

few weeks after the national and provin-cial elections, simply means it can’t bebusiness as usual when it comes to

services rendered to our communities.“Our communities deserve better and

dignified services.“We will therefore hold the department

accountable to the people it serves andseek answers,” said Ramosie.

‘We have a feeding scheme at the school. However, it’snot enough to alleviate this group of learners’ situation

after school.’ – Desmond Tsipane, principal

Sanco outraged at state of health services

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IN line with the mission topositively change lives, theThabong Police TrainingAcademy donated items to theAdamsonsvlei Farm School. Theitems are to benefit the schooland the learners.The gesture is part of the

academy’s Men for Change andWomen’s NetworkThe donation included winter

clothes, toilet paper, paint and

a photocopier as well ashampers containing shoe polishand toys. The donors includedprivate companies Boxer, ParkWholesale, Minolta and thepolice.Kethabile Mofokeng, the

police spokesperson, said theschool had been identified byMen for Change. They wantedto make a positive change inthe lives of the learners.

“The school was identified aspart of the Men for ChangeOutreach Programme themedBringing Change in Someone’sLife,” she said.Col Moletsane Mothobi of the

Thabong Police Academy added:“We are looking forward to along-term relationship betweenthe management of the schooland the role players who madethis possible.”

Academy opens heart

SMILING FACES: The Thabong Police Training Academy’s Men for Change and Women’s Network puta smile on the faces of the children of the Adamsonsvlei Farm School by donating handy items recently.From the left are, front: Mamello Mohailane, Maki Mwaya, Thato Kothe, Mado Mara and DiepolloMoshoeshoe;middle:NombuleloMoyekwane,MolebohengKola (principal), ChristaWessels (sponsor),Refilwe Mwaya, Katleho Mohailane, Moleboheng Ralekaota and Moletsane Mothobi (Men for ChangeForum); back: Masilo Nchoba (Men for Change Forum) and Masabata Lebeko (Women’s Network).

Photo Supplied

HAD we known the hour andtime when the thief would strike,we wouldn’t have Oscar Pisto-rious’s case on our hands. AndOscar would not have an excusefor having shot and killed ReevaSteenkamp, the former model andhis girlfriend. In his defence incourt, Oscar alleged he thoughtReeva was an intruder. Oscarwould have been charged withpremeditated murder without anygrounds for culpable homicide.

Homeowners never know whenthe thief is coming, and they arealways on guard to keep one frombreaking in. – Matthew 24: 39.I do agree with the ANC

president, Jacob Zuma, and hisfollowers that the ruling partywill rule South Africa till thesecond coming of the Messiah –this is Zuma’s own statement inthe election campaign to woevoters to vote for the ruling party.It has been over 2 000 years sinceJesus Christ has left this world inhuman flesh. He who testifies thesethings said: surely I’ll come soon.– Revelation: 22-29.In this context, that means the

ANC started ruling in 1994 whenthe new democratic dispensationwas implemented. On 7 May theywon the fifth successive generalelections convincingly. Their pastand present leaders had beenboasting that their party wouldrule until the second coming ofChrist. That means they could beruling until the next minute, nexthour or thousand years. Jesus

promised all of us blessings andeverlasting success if we worshipHim in truth and in spirit. Hesaid we should except we beconverted and become as humble aslittle children and we shall enterthe kingdom of heaven. Whosoevertherefore shall humble himself asthis little child, the same is thegreatest in the world. Let oursuccess not make us arrogant,undermine and disrespect people.Our people expect leaders whowill serve them first and notthemselves.Our people need job opportuni-

ties and not social grants andother freebies. God does notexpect this country to turn intoa social state.The various political parties

scramble for church servicesand give generously to churcheswhenever elections are near.Jesus expects all political parties,civil servants and governmentofficials to refrain from stealing,deceiving and lying for He is onthe way.It is not your works, but your

belief that will save you when theMessiah comes for the secondtime.) Express Goldfields & NFSwelcomes members of the publicinterested in contributing to theweekly column as public observ-ers or citizen journalists.There is no payment for writers.Send your opinion piece (not

exceeding 450 words)

Let success notmake us arrogant

My viewMoeti MolelekoaSocial observer

A GROUP of third-year student nurses of the Ses’khona Project 2014 at the Free State School of Nursing Northern Campus at the Bongani Regional Hospital in Welkom visitedthe Bophelong Clinic in (K6), Odendaalsrus, recently. The purpose was to do an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the community vegetable projectas part of strengthening community services and to raise funds to purchase equipment to sustain the project. Photo: Supplied

Reaching out to community



A GROUP of local artists inThabong have taken anotherstep towards developing andpromoting arts by establish-ing a dedicated body calledthe Arts DevelopmentInitiative Operation (ADI).The formation of the body

is a partnership with theLejweleputswa Arts andCulture Centre. A committeeof 12 members has been setup to pursue the organisa-tion’s objective. Thoseelected to serve in themanagement committee areSaduma Miya (chairperson),Thabiso Lefisoane (deputychairperson), LebohangMotaung (secretary), TlalaneRamohloki (deputy secre-tary), Habi Ramolahloane(treasurer), Andrea Tambo(coordinator) and ThaboKholopane (marketingofficer). Additional membersare Bhekuyise Jobe, Mapon-to Marumo, Lefa Moshoun-yane and Lefu Koetlise.“The body’s establishment

was prompted by a strongneed to raise the standard ofarts, developing youngartists and promoting artsin general,” said SadumaMiya.To achieve its mission, the

body organises open dayactivities monthly to enableartists to showcase theirtalent. Activities include alive performance by jazzand maskandi artists.“Through this we alsoencourage artists to markettheir own products andthemselves,” said Miya.


YOUTH DAY: The Universal Church Youth Power Group members are from the left Sabata Maloka, Siyabulela Magwaza, Itumeleng Motitsoe, Elizabeth Molomo, Sibongile Tshabalala,Nthabiseng Mofokeng, TselisoTebateba and Elias Mofokeng. The group has organised a special event to mark this year’s National Youth Day on 16 June at the Welkom Club hall.The event’s theme is Learn to Say No, drawing inspiration from the 1976 generation of youth that fought to realise their dream for among others quality education for all andforceful use of Afrikaans as a medium of instruction. Photo Supplied

Organised Youth Day event

LIFE has changed for the betterfor three families from Thabongin Welkom who can now live withtheir loved-ones in houses.The delighted residents received

low-cost houses classified asinnovative building technologyhomes.They are Nombuyiselo Setho-

jane, Maria Phara and MariaChaotsane.They previously lived in

two-roomed houses which hadonly a kitchen, bedroom and acombined bathroom and toilet.The recipients beamed with joy

after they had received theirhouses.“I’m at peace and very excited

to have a proper house that canaccommodate my family whichincludes me and five grandchil-dren.“It has given me a sense of

belonging and dignity, and to my

family as well,” said Sethojane(69).The value of the houses were

not revealed. The houses, 63 m²without the patio and 73 m² withthe patio, were donated to thebeneficiaries by the NationalHome Builders RegistrationCouncil (NHBRC) in line with itscorporate social investmentinitiative.They were officially handed

over by Dr Jeffrey Mahachi andAdv. Brenda Madumise, represent-atives of the NHBRC.Each house has two bedrooms, a

bathroom and living-dining room.The houses were designed to

make optimal use of the site andinclude energy efficiency interven-tions such as aerolite roofinsulation, alu foil bubble insula-tion for the walls, polystyrene inthe walls and a solar waterheater.

Residents receive new houses

THE delighted beneficiary Nombuyiselo Sethojane (far right) with DrJeffrey Mahachi and Adv. Brenda Madumise at the recent official hand-ing over of a low-cost, four-roomed house in Thabong.

THE construction phase of the low-cost houses donated towards two residents of Thabong. Photos: Teboho Setena

For more newsandphotosgo to



Golden opportunity

THE long wait in queues by themembers of the public atprimary health-care clinics is tobe a thing of the past followingan announcement by theDepartment of Health ServicesLejweleputswa to extendworking hours at several clinicsto render service to the public.The extended hours will be

effected from 1 June withcertain provincial clinicsrendering 12 hours’ servicestarting from 07:00 till 19:00.“The implementation of these

extended hours will ensure thatall clients at the clinic will beserved every day, and it willenable working clients to comeeven after working hours.“It is very important for the

department to eliminate the riskof clients leaving home earlyand standing in the dark forhours before the clinics open.Waiting time should be shorteras clients will be served over alonger period,” says Joët vander Walt, communication officerof the Lejweleputswa HealthDistrict. She says extended

working hours at clinics willensure that there is no need formembers of the public to riskqueuing in the dark and inextreme weather conditionsoutside the clinics and to arrivein the early hours to ensurebeing served during the day.“It is the vision of District

Health Services in the Lejwel-eputswa District to serve allclients professionally andefficiently and give the bestcare possible,” says Van derWalt.

Dept extendsclinic hours

PITCH FEVER: Alldressed up in differ-ent attire are mineworkers at theMasi-mongMine and alsofans who supportedtheir team, Harmo-ny FC, playingagainst the visitingside, Clarens Gal-axy, in a Safa Sec-ond Division FreeState stream leaguefixture last Saturdayat the MasimongSports Centre.

Photo: Teboho Setena

REMEMBRANCE: The employees of the South African SocialSecurity Agency (Sassa) in Welkom held a candle-light eventin remembrance of people living with HIV/Aids and thosewho had died as a result of the pandemic. Held a week agothe event was attended by representatives of local churches.In attendancewere from the left theSassamanagement, Tsil-iso Leshoro, Mapuleng Leseme, Chuene Kgare and PhembiNtsizi (reverend of the Methodist Church). Photo supplied

YOUTH FUNDRAISING:Ziyaduma Promotions present athemed Woza Youth MonthConcert in aid of the SuccessQuito Crèche and the SuccessCultural Group.This will be held at the AME

Church, Moshoeshoe Street,Rooistene, on 7 June from 11:00.Admission is R10 for adults and

R5 for learners and children.The event, that will also mark

the celebration of 16 June andYouth Month, will feature drama,poetry, dance, music, comedy andawareness speeches.Individual artists and cultural

groups interested in taking partand supporting the event arewelcome. Each member orperformer is requested to donateR3. Registration closes on 5 June.For details call Saduma Miya on


What’s onFax information to: 086-676-3805


Before 10:00 on Fridays

AT GRADUATION: In attendance at the recent graduation of the South African Academy ofHealth in Welkom are from the left Ronel Pretorious, Magda Smith, Nomsa Ngcolwane andMarina van Zyl. Photo: Teboho Setena

Shoutingfor theirteam

VISITORS have a beautiful viewof the golden sandstone cliffs ofGolden Gate from the GlenReenen Rest Camp in the nation-al park. Express and SANParks’competition which allows onelucky reader to stand a chance towin a weekend stay for a familyof four in Glen Reenen, is comingto an end today. Visit the Expresswebsite at and follow the in-structions to enter. You need toanswer one easy question. Thewinner will be announced nextweek.

Photos: Christo van Staden

THE clinics involved in this ex-tended service will be the AMKruger Clinic in Odendaals-rus, and four clinics inWelkom– theWelkomClinic,Thabong Clinic, MatjhabengClinic and Tshepong Clinic.The Kgotsong Clinic inThabong is already renderinga 24-hour service and also hasa maternity section.

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Attend prayer service against crimeTHE Welkom Police Social Crime Prevention Unit and representatives of the various churches, including learners, recently gathered at the Reitz Park Primary School for a prayerservice against crime. Candles were lit during the event at which information about the crime pattern analysis and safety hints were given to those in attendance. Among therepresentatives in attendance were from the left Richard Madumisi, Molefi Phakisi, Lt Nomathemba Motlomelo, Rev. Nicholas Ramatsoele, WO Dikeledi Nhlapo, Const. VincentSefika, Clement Mvimbi, Past. Moses Nthoroane and Kapesa Rantshedi.

Police hunt killers of Lesothonationals

The Welkom police are appeal-ing to the public to assist withinformation that can lead to thearrest of the murderers of twoLesotho nationals, MoikangoeMasalalija and Lefa Mabutsoane.They were killed at the PresidentSteyn Mine’s number 2 shaft inWelkom in separate incidents.Moikangoe’s body was found on14 December with two bulletwounds to the chest. Thedeceased resided in PolokongVillage, Welkom, and wasapparently employed as ashepherd at the President SteynMine’s cattle kraal. On 23 March2013 at about 20:00 Mabutsoanewas shot at by zama-zamas.

Anyone with helpful informa-

tion regarding both murders cancall the investigative officer,Elliot Khutsoane, on 057-391-6258during office hours or on083-940-1743.

Police looking for murderersand next of kin

The Welkom police areappealing to the public to helpthem in providing helpfulinformation regarding themurder of a 15-year-old Africangirl and the whereabouts of herrelatives. The deceased’s bodywas discovered on 28 Januarythis year next to the traffic lightnear the Bongani RegionalHospital. Her body was coveredwith leaves. Stephen Thakeng,the police spokesperson, saidthey were looking for the

victim’s family or relatives topositively identify the deceased.He said the teenager’s body hadsjambok marks on it. Thedeceased was found wearing ablue denim jean, a yellowsleeveless shirt and she wasbarefoot.

“The motive for the killingis unknown.

A manhunt has been initiatedby the Welkom DetectiveServices to trace the suspects,”said Thakeng.

Anyone with helpful infor’mation that could lead to thearrest of the suspects andthe whereabouts of relativescan call the investigating officer,Victor Mogoje, on 057-391-6240during office hours or on078-301-7958.

Man gets 18 years in prisonA Lesotho national, 26-year-old

Mokete Mohloane, will spend 18years in prison for housebreak-ing and robbery committed lastNovember. He was found guiltyafter his appearance in theWelkom Magistrate’s Courtrecently.

The accused was sentenced to15 years for housebreaking andthree years for robbery. Armedwith a knife, the perpetratorbroke into a tuck shop, gainingaccess through a window. Hewas caught in the act by theowner, a 43-year-old womanwhom the accused attacked andstabbed twice. The perpetratorthen fled the scene on foot. Hewas later arrested near themunicipal flats in Welkom.

Police hunt four armed menThe Welkom police are

searching for four armed robberswho robbed the owner of JSAutomac and a security guard oftheir cellphones on 19 May. Therobbery took place at about20:12.

Stephen Thakeng, the policespokesperson, said the armedrobbers had overpowered thebusinessman and security officer,had tied them up, after which hehad attempted to cut open thesafe with a grinder, but failed.He said the robbers were still atlarge after they had fled on foot.

Anyone with information thatcould lead to the arrest of thesuspects can call Riaan de Lange,the investigative officer, on057-391-6271 during office hours.

Feedback, updates from SAPS

PLAYINGHARDFORCHARITY: SelloMakonyane of the SAPS (blue/white) and Lekhotla Motanyane ofthe Masimong Mine tussle for theball during a recent charity footballtournament. More pictures

Photo: Teboho Setena


Chasing the ball

THE National First Divisionoutfit, Maluti FET CollegeFC, is conducting talentidentification trials to selectplayers to beef up the teamfor the new season.

The trials, as planned bythe club’s technical team ledby coach Morena Ramorebo-di, will be on the followingdates and venues:31 May in Parys at the

Parys Stadium, 1 June inBotshabelo at the KaizerSebothelo Stadium and 7 and8 June at the PhuthaditjhabaStadium in Qwaqwa.

The starting time of thetrials at the venues will beat 08:00 and will end at17:00.

Players interested to attendare advised to bring theirattire, identity document,make their travelling andaccommodation arrange-ments and must provide foodfor themselves.

The trials are open forplayers between 17 and 27.

The trials are in line withthe club’s plan to strengthenitself for the new 2014-’15soccer season which isexpected to start in Augustthis year.

Any interested players cancontact Monnanyane on073-447-7163 or 072-267-3834and Ntsoetsa on 083-898-9416for more information.

Soccer trialsheld for Maluti

The trials are in linewith the club’s plan tostrengthen itself forthe new 2014-’15 soc-cer season which isexpected to start inAugust this year.


of the five from the Goldfields inthe tough battle to secure a spotat this year’s Safa nationalpromotional play-offs.The top-four seeded clubs,

Stars, Bubchu, Tigers and Eagles,cannot afford any slip-up giventheir possibility to win theprovincial championship contestthat is crucial to book them aplace at the promotional play-offsset to take place in June.The winner of the four teams

will compete against the winnersfrom the other provinces forpromotion to the National FirstDivision.Meanwhile, Harmony have

improved their standing on thelog table and certainly avoidedthe looming relegation when theydrew 0-0 with Clarens Galaxy inlast Saturday’s league fixture.

and Tigers visit ShamrockFlowers in Kroonstad.Although a share of the spoils

between Eagles and Stars will beacceptable, a win will certainly bea major boost in realising theirtitle-winning ambitions.Stars, led by coach Samuel

Mpakane, will in today’s titanicclash against Eagles be looking toavenge their 3-0 hammering byfellow title-contenders Bubchufrom Bloemfontein.A win for the industrious

Goldfields outfit will see themwiden the gap at the helm of thelog and also tighten their grip onthe championship trophy.As for Eagles a win will see

them close in on the leaders andraise the prospect to wrestle thechampionship away from Stars.Gutsy Stars are the only team

Central University of Technology,fall by the wayside as theyseemed not to be able to cope.The decisive matches set to

give direction as to where thechampionship is heading, will beplayed today and Saturday at thedifferent venues.The eagerly-awaited fixture is

today’s top of the table featuringthe log-leaders Stars and Eaglesat the Beatrix Mine sportsgrounds.The other matches today see

Bubchu take on relegation-boundWelkom United at the UnitasHigh School sports grounds withTigers hosting Vaal Legends, whoare also facing relegation. Today’smatches are set to start at 15:00.Saturday’s crucial games will

see Eagles host Celtic Colts at theBohlokong Stadium in Bethlehem

} Teboho Setena

THIS week’s intriguing top of thetable fixtures are sure to givedirection as to which club willscoop this year’s Free Statestream of the South AfricanFootball Association (Safa) seconddivision title.The championship race has

come down to the wires with fourteams in the pole position to winthe championship race.The four clubs in the hotly-con-

tested race are BloemfonteinYoung Tigers (50 points) in fourthplace, Bubchu United (52 points)in third position, Super Eagles (54points) in the second position andthe log-leaders, Sibanye GoldenStars (56 points).The title contest has seen two

clubs, Mangaung Unite and

FULL STRETCH: Harmony FC defender Bafokeng Moabi (red) curls the ball past Clarens Galaxy midfielder Tshepo Tsotetsi during the twosides’ league fixture played at the Masimong sports grounds last Saturday. For more pictures, go to

Photo: Teboho Setena

It’s crunch time

} Tladi Moloi

THERE will be blood andsweat when boxers battleit out for a place in thesquad of 13 men and womento represent the Free Statein this year’s amateurnational championships setfor next month in EastLondon.Boxers will soon trade

leather in different divi-sions with the ultimateaim being to secure aplace in this year’s provin-cial squad.The provincial tournament

will be staged at the BakenPark Hall in Bethlehem onSaturday.The fighters making the

grade to represent the FreeState at this year’s nationalchampionships will beannounced on Saturday.The action-packed tourna-

ment is expected to start at09:00.According to Platjie

Mokoena, the president ofthe Thabo MofutsanyanaBoxing Organisation, theboxers who will take part inthe contest are the best fromthe five districts in theprovince.“It will be the first time

that we will stage a tourna-ment in Bethlehem.“I think the province

gave us a chance to hostthis tournament, because wehave had many successfultournaments in the past,”Mokoena says.He says they will ensure

that they select a competi-tive squad that will bringhome the silverware at thisyear’s national champion-ships.“We did not perform well

in the national champion-ships last year as comparedto 2012, when we finished inthird position overall in thecountry.“Last year we reached

fourth position and we areaiming to improve on thatby obtaining first place thisyear.”Mokoena says he is

determined that this year’sprovincial squad will makethe Free State proud bywinning gold medals nation-ally.He says in their quest to

win prestigious medals, theyhave overcome strongopponents, the likes ofGauteng and Eastern Cape,who had been dominating inprevious years.“These are the two

provinces that used togive us a headache.“We have reached their

standard and believe youme, this time they will haveto sweat for their money,”says Mokoena.The participants at

Saturday’s tournament willbe from Lejweleputswa,Motheo, Xhariep, FezileDabi and Thabo Mofutsanya-na.Some of the participants

have been sharpening theirskills at the Free StateSports Science Institute(FSSSI) in Bloemfontein.

Boxersready todo battle

the Comrades MarathonAssociation’s (CMA) racedirector, has advisedrunners to train hardand prepare themselveswell.“The past race (2013) has

been a wake-up call formany runners that theComrades Marathon istough and demands ade-quate training,” Van Stadensays.“It is our South African

athletes who have catapult-ed the Comrades Marathononto its premier status onthe road-running scene andwe aim to cater for themaccordingly.”

THE 2014 Comrades Mara-thon is upon us.The 89th edition of this

ultra-marathon is all set toshowcase South Africa’s andthe world’s ultra-runnersonce again come Sunday,1 June.Being a “down-run”, the

traditional gunfire will gooff outside the Pietermaritz-burg City Hall at 05:30 andagain 12 hours later at theSahara-Kingsmead CricketStadium in Durban to signalthe end of the 89 kmroad-running challenge.With its 2014 campaign,

Hard Is What Makes ItGreat, Johan van Staden,

Comrades around the corner

CHARGING ON: Welkom United player Tsietsi Tsoeu (in blue) tries to negotiatehis way past the Mangaung Unite trio of Orapeleng Thulo, Tumelo Nhlapo andKotso Madimabe during last Wednesday’s return leg fixture of the Safa SecondDivision Free State stream. United lost by 0-4 to Mangaung. Photo: Teboho Setena

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‘The provincial tournament willbe staged at the Baken Park Hallin Bethlehem on Saturday. Thefighters making the grade to rep-resent the Free State at thisyear’s national championshipswill be announced on Saturday.’