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Exciton transport and degenerate four wave mixing in topologically disordered systems

N. Wang, J. A. Leegwater, and S. Mukamel Department of Chemistry, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 14627

(Received 5 October 1992; accepted 22 December 1992)

The static and dynamical properties of excitons in a lattice with a random distribution of polarizable atoms are studied using Green’s function techniques. Exciton transport is related to the configurationally averaged particle-hole Green’s function which is calculated using the ladder diagram approximation. Degenerate four wave mixing (D4WM) using resonant pump beams and an off resonant probe is shown to provide a direct probe for exciton transport. A disorder induced extra resonance is predicted whose width is proportional to the exciton diffusion coefficient. Numerical calculations are presented for the diffusion coefficient and the D4WM signal as the excitation energy is tuned across the exciton band.


The static and dynamical properties of excitons in dis- ordered systems may be studied using Green’s function techniques. The density of states is related to the configu- rationally averaged single particle (l-p) Green’s function, while transport properties are related to the configuration- ally averaged particle-hole (p-h) Green’s function. For a lattice where the atoms have a random transition fre- quency (diagonal disorder), the configurationally averaged l-p Green’s function has been well studied by methods such as the coherent potential approximation (CPA).’ Di- agrammatic methods2 as well as the replica method com- bined with the mean spherical approximation (MSA)3” have been applied recently to calculate this Green’s func- tion in liquids. Quantum transport in a diagonally disor- dered model was studied by calculating the configuration- ally averaged p-h Green’s function using diagrammatic methods.&’ These calculations show the appearance of a mobility edge and Anderson localization.

Loring and Mukamel” have developed a self- consistent procedure [the effective dephasing approxima- tion (EDA)] for calculating exciton transport and quan- tum localization in disordered systems. The approach is based on the Liouville space Green’s function which is equivalent to the particle-hole (p-h) Green’s function in Hilbert space.

The optical response of excitons in a disordered me- dium can also be studied using Green’s function tech- niques. The linear absorption line shape is related to the cotigurationally averaged l-p Green’s function. Using the MSA to calculate the configurationally averaged l-p Green’s function of a Drude liquid, Cheng and Stratt3 ob- tained the linear absorption line shape. Loring and Muka- mel”*” showed that the transient grating signal of a crystal is related to exciton transport which is determined by the p-h Green’s function. They studied the nonlinear suscep- tibility x (3) for the Haken-Strobl model” and predicted that a narrow resonance that can show up in degenerate four wave mixing (D4WM) is related to the Fourier trans- form of the transient grating signal amplitude and can be used as a simple and direct probe for exciton transport. A

limitation of that treatment is that it contains a Green’s function integrated over the entire exciton band and thus does not provide any information regarding the variation of the nature of the states across the exciton band. In this article, we generalize the method of Loring and Mukamel and develop an energy dependent self-consistent theory for thep-h Green’s function. The method is applied to a lattice with randomly distributed polarizable atoms, and we find that the degenerate four wave mixing (D4WM) signal is determined by the configurationally averaged p-h Green’s function [see Eq. (30)]. Thus the D4WM experiment can be used as a probe for exciton transport.

We use the coherent potential approximation (CPA) ’ to calculate the l-p Green’s function and then make the ladder diagram approximation”’ to calculate the p-h Green’s function. Numerical calculations for the density of states, the energy dependent diffusion coefficient, and the D4WM signal are presented.


Consider a lattice with M sites, N of which are occu- pied by hydrogen-like atoms, each having one 1s orbital and three 2p orbitals. We denote the fraction of occupied sites by c=N/M. To describe this system, we will adopt the lattice Hamiltonian

H= c e,,BLB,,+ 2 J&r-r’) B$Brlp. (1) r‘,a r#r’>Gp

Here a,p=px, p,,, pz denote the three excitedp orbitals. The operators BA and B,, are the creation and annihilation operator of exciton at site r with polarization a,

B&IO)= jra). (2)

Here IO) denotes the ground state (i.e., all sites are in their ground states) and 1 ra) denotes the state in which site r is excited with polarization a and all other sites are in their ground states. In Eq. ( 1 ), r and r’ run over all lattice sites. Note that the Hamiltonian ( 1) conserves the number of excitons. This is the result of the Heitler-London approx- imation. I2 E,, is the excitation energy of site r which is

J. Chem. Phys. 98 (7), 1 April 1993 0021-9606/93/075899-13$06.00 @ 1993 American Institute of Physics 5899 Downloaded 08 Mar 2001 to Redistribution subject to AIP copyright, see http://ojps.aip.org/jcpo/jcpcpyrts.html

The evolution of the density matrix is given by

5900 Wang, Leegwater, and Mukamel: Exciton transport in disordered systems

equal to s1 (the energy gap between s and p orbitals) when site r is occupied and is equal to e1 when site r is not occupied by the atom. Therefore eror is a random variable with a probability distribution of binary form pao(rl,r3,t)= C ~~(rl,r3,r2,r4,t)PBy(r2,r4,0), (9)


P(E,,) =&G,--ln) +(I--CM(G,--E*). (3)

By taking the limit e1 -9 03, we make the unoccupied sites inaccessible and the Hamiltonian then represents our sys- tem. Using this representation, the topological disorder is mapped into a diagonal disorder with binary distribution of excitation energy. We can therefore use the various methods of calculating the Green’s function for a diago- nally disordered crysta16g113.14 to treat the topologically disordered model.

9~(r1,r3,r2,r4,t)=(rla/e-'H'Ir~)(r4yIeiH'Ir3a). (10)

Here Y is the propagator of the density matrix. We now introduce the configurationally averaged particle-hole (p- h) Green’s function c$~(rl,r2,r3,r4,zI,z2) as

In our model, each site can carry at most one exciton. Considering the action of B,, and B& on the complete basis set IO), I rp,), I rp,), I rp,), we can derive the com- mutation relation

~~;(r1,r2,r3,r4,21,22) ~G~(rllr2,z1)Gya(r4,,r3,22). (11)

Here zl, z2 are complex numbers. The configurationally averaged density matrix propagator is then given by

D%,,B~pl =S,,~(S,B-B~B,,--s,8ii,),

[ k,&~sl = [B&J&l =O, with

n^,=Z,B,c,B,, .

(4) =-$ j- do cimtj- dE

Here ri, is the exciton number operator at site r. Note that B,, and B& commute when they act on different sites and thus behave like bosons. However, when they act on the same site, we find nonlinear corrections to this Boson char- acter.

X4$ www4,E+~+iQ (

E--t-i0 . )


In Eq. ( 1 ), Jas( r ) is the dipoledipole interaction ten- sor

Here +iO( -iO> denote the retarded (advanced) Green’s function. In order to study the transport properties of the system, we need to calculate the configurationally averaged p-h Green’s function $s(r1,r2,r3,r4,z1,z2), which describes the complete propagation of the exciton’s density matrix. For many applications, we need consider only the diagonal elements of the density matrix (i.e., populations). This cor- responds to adopting the master equation (rather than the complete phase space) level of description. To that end, we introduce the conditional probability of an exciton to move to site rl with polarization a given that it is initially at r2 with polarization p,

J&l =P 2 Sap 3 - 3raq3

7, (5)

where p is the transition dipole moment. For simplicity, we hereafter take p = 1.

We next introduce the single particle (l-p) Green’s function Ga,J r,r',z),

G&,r’,z) = (ra ILHI r’fi), (6)

where z is a complex number. The exciton density of states is proportional to the imaginary part of the trace of the configurationally averaged l-p Green’s function. We have

1 N(E)=wTr[S(E--H)]

=- j& Im lZ G,,(r,r,E+iO). r,a


We use an overbar to denote the average over configura- tions in this paper.

We next look at the transport properties of the single exciton states. Let pcg(r,r’,t) denote the matrix elements of the density operator /; (r> in the single exciton subspace

/i(t)= rr~aBpa~(r9r’.t) Ird(r’PI. , ?I


P&r,-r2,t)=f (r,aIe-‘Hflr9)(r91ei~tlr’lrla)

Gf 9;$( rl,rl,wht). (13)

From Eq. ( 12), we have

~a&v2,t) =A s

+CO &,, e-iut +* dE _ m s --m

X&$ (

rl,ww2, E+;+iO,


The master equation can therefore be also described using the p-h Green’s function. We will refer to this equation in Sec. V.

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 99, No. 7, 1 April 1993

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Wang, Leegwater, and Mukamel: Exciton transport in disordered systems 5901


When an external field is applied, the total Hamil- tonian becomes

(15) rcf

Here E&t) is the co_mponent of external electrical field along the a direction. P,,,, is the a component of the dipole operator at site r,

ka=~(&,+B,+,). (16)

The linear polarization of the system is related to the ex- ternal field through the linear response function ~$2 (r,t), i.e.,

~&,t) = & II, dtl xfi(r-r’, t-ti)&(r’,tr).


The temporal Fourier transform of x$ (r -r’,t) can be expressed in terms of the configurationally averaged l-p Green’s function (see Appendix A)

x&)(r-r’,0) = s

O” dtei(O+~D)f*~~(r-r’,t) 0

= -G&r-r’,w+iO)

-i&(r’-r,-w-i0). (18)

Note that the configurationally averaged (?& r,r’,z) de- pends on r and r’ only through r-r’.

Defining the spatial Fourier transform

,$j3)(k w) = 2 e--‘k”&)(r,o), a 3 r (19)

t!?&k,z) s c e?k”~aB(r,z), I

we have


From Eqs. (7) and (21), we see that the configurationally averaged l-p Green’s function contains the necessary in- formation for computing the density of states N(E) and the linear susceptibility x&) (k,w ).

Nonlinear optical techniques provide additional infor- mation not contained in the l-p Green’s function. In our model, the atom has no permanent dipole moment and xC3) is the lowest nonvanishing nonlinear susceptibility. We ex- pand the external field in plane waves


E(r,t) = 2 E,(r,t) +c.c. a=1



E,(r,t) =E&,exp[i(k,*r--w,t)], (23)

where fi, is the unit polarization vector of E,( r,t> and C.C. denotes the complex conjugate. The third order polariza- tion is given by

Pf’ WI = ( -d aptcI & Jam 4 Joa dt2 I I

X s

m dt3R~~~y(rt;r3t3,r2t2,rltl) 0


XEJq,t-t3-t2--tl). (24)

Here REtiPY(rt,r3t3,rztz,rit1) is the third order nonlinear response function15 whose Fourier transform yields the third order nonlinear susceptibility

x&k+,( -k--w&, 1, w -kkz--02,k3@3) = (-4 r,zr, rz bob dt3 Jbb & Joa dtlR,,~~,,(rt;r3t3,r2t2,rltl) , 9

Xexp[iWst3+i(Wp+Wy)t2+iWytl]exp[ik; (r3-r)+zlco* (r2-r)+zky. (rl--r)]. Here (25)

ks=k,----k,+k,, @,=@I-m2+@3,

and =.pem denotes the sum over all permutations of the fields

koa, kgwg, kpu) = (km,--kz-az, k3, 03).

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5902 Wang, Leegwater, and Mukamel: Exciton transport in disordered systems

For the present model in which only the excited states are disordered, xc3) is related to the product of three Green’s function. When w, is off resonance, we show in Appendix C that xc3) can be expressed in terms of the configurationally averaged p-h Green’s function

x&i,,( --kc--w&l 1, w -k2-a2,k3m3)= x c exp[zlcp"(r4-r1)+~~~*(r2-rl>l peI?II QJ4

-s,, C ~~~(rl,r2,rl,r4,0y+~0,-~~-jO)/(~~+~) . OTC7 1 (26)

Since xc3) is defined in momentum space, we define the p-h Green’s function in momentum space as the spatial Fourier transform of the p-h Green’s function in coordinate space

~~~P,P',WI,Z2) =- h C ~~(rl,r2,r3,r4,21,22) '1,'2,r3,'4

Xexp[ --i(p+q/2) *rl+i(p’+q/2) *f2

+i(p-q/2) *r3--i(p’-q/2) .r4],

the inverse Fourier transform of which is (27)

’ ~~(rl,r2,r3,r4,zl,z22) ‘~3 C 4~(P,P’,wbz2)exp fp * (rl P,P’rP [

-r3) +ip’ * (rb-rd


+ii- (rl-r2+r3-r4) . 1 (28)

From Eq. (26), we see that we need c$f$@(rl,r2,r3,r4,z1,z2) with rl =r3 only, which corresponds to &mming over p in momentum space. We define a new quantity &$W,q,zltz2) as

f#($3;(P',Q,Z1,Z2) =& c 4J~(P,P'W,J2) P

= rz4 ~~(rltr2,rl,r4)exp[j(p’+q/2)

l (rz-rr)]exp[ --i(p’-q/2). (r4-rl)].

We can then rewrite Eq. (26) as (29)


xg;+,( --k--o&l al,--k,--w&,4 A0 1 2 ~~~(~,k~+k~,ol,+iO,-o8-iO) s




+ ,"" 2t c ~~~~~q~~(~,k~+k,W,,,,,_,). us--n perm c7


This equation holds provided w, is off resonance. There are six permutation of irfiy. We further assume that o1 and o2 are tuned inside the exciton band, whereas w3 is tuned far off resonance (see Fig. 1) and invoke the rotating wave approxi- mation. The only resonance term in I%+ (30) is the term with a=3, fi=2, and y= 1. We thus have




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Wang, Leegwater, and Mukamel: Exciton transport in disordered systems 5903

E 3



Single exciton

-. band

03, = 01 -co2+633

FIG. 1. A schematic representation of the degenerate four wave mixing experiment. The o,, w2 frequencies are tuned within the exciton band and form a grating, which is probed by the off resonance beam oj, generating a signal with frequency o,=o,--o,+03 (direction k,=k,-k,+k,). An extra resonance observed when w, =w2 provides a direct probe for exciton transport. E= (rq +4/2.

In Sec. V, we shall calculate this p-h Green’s function and predict the appearance of an extra resonance which pro- vide a direct probe for exciton transport.


In this section, we evaluate the l-p Green’s function using the coherent potential approximation (CPA).’ The details are given in Appendix D. In the CPA the configu- rationally averaged l-p Green’s function in momentum space is

~p,(k,z)=G$k,z)={[z-~-~(z)j~l-J(k));;,l. (32)

Here 1 is unit 3 by 3 matrix, J(k) is also a 3 by 3 matrix whose afl matrix element is J&k), the spatial Fourier transform of dipole-dipole interaction tensor

J&k)= c Ja&)e-'k'T ' (33) MO

The self-energy B(z) is determined by the self-consistent equation

(l-c) * E1--sz-z(z)

l- [~l-n-z(z)]~~~(r,r,z) ..

cE(z) - 1+2(z)G$(r,r,z) =O (34)

As indicated in Sec. II, the topologically disordered model can be obtained from this result by taking the e1 --t CO limit, we thus have

h%> z--B(z) --E

=c-1. (35)

We have used Eq. (D 12). Here Ne( E) is the density of states of the regular lattice (c= 1 ), on which the atoms are distributed, i ,


=& i* Jmz. d3tM[~-n-J,(k)],

. . (36)

and fro is the regular lattice Hamiltonian (c= 1)

#‘= c CtB&B,,+ c Jas(r-r’)B&B,tg. (37) r,a r#r’,d

In Eq. (36), K&n., is the volume of first Brillouin zone and J,(k), a= 1, 2, 3 are the eigenvalues of the matrix J(k). The procedure for ‘calculating J(k) is given in Appendix E. By diagonalizing this matrix, we find the density of states of the regular lattice p(E). This is the only input to the self-consistent equation (35). We have solved the equation numerically for X(z) by finding the complex root for a given complex number z, using Newton’s method.i6 Sub- stituting I;(z) into Eq. (32), we obtain the l-p Green’s function.

Substituting Eq. (32) into Eq. (21) and using the ro- tating wave approximation, we get the linear susceptibility

x~~(k,w)=-,{[w-~--2(w+iO)] *i-J(k))$. (38)

The behavior of J(k) near k=O is pathological and needs to be treated very carefully.‘771s Typically in macroscopic experiment, the wavelength of light is much greater than the lattice constant a, but also much smaller than the sani- ple’size R, i.e.,

kagl<kR, (39)

where k is the optical wave vector of the applied field. We have”

J&k) = -T Jo(&D-3ic,l;D). (40)

Here Jo= ] y ] 2/v, u is the volume of a unit cell and c = k/k. Substituting Eq. (40) into Eq. (38), we have

=sp-- 4~ Jo

w-iI--8(o+iO) +47r Jo/3

4~ Jo w-Ct--8(w+iO) -8~ Jd3

ii& . 1 (41)

As the external field is transverse (E - k=O), we are only interested in the isotropic part of E,

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 98; No. 7, 1 April 1993 Downloaded 08 Mar 2001 to Redistribution subject to AIP copyright, see http://ojps.aip.org/jcpo/jcpcpyrts.html

5904 Wang, Leegwater, and Mukamel: Exciton transport in disordered systems

$,(k,d =E(w)S~,, , (42a)

E(W)=l- 4~ Jd3

w-Cl--2(w+iO) +4r J&’ - - (42b)

The above expression gives the dielectric function E(O) for a crystal whose physical size R is much greater than the optical wavelength.

We next consider the linear polarizability c+,( w ) of an aggregate whose size is much smaller than the optical wavelength, i.e., kRg 1, we have” J,,,(k) =O. Therefore

lPl2 qw(~)=+J&Lv= -o-fi-~(w+io) $, * (43)

Combining Eqs. (42) and (43), we have

E(W) - 1 4?TcZ(o) -=-. .~~ w - _~.” c(m)+2 3v * (44)

This is similar to the Clausius Mussotti relation, except that (T(W) is the polarizability of a small cluster rather than a single atom. When c-+0, Eq. (35) shows

2= -(w-0)/c.

Substituting this into Eq. (43) and then substituting into Eq. (44), we obtain the standard Clausius Mussotti rela- tion

E(W)-1 471.pa,(w) -= E(0)+? 3 ‘-

“ (45)

where p =C/V is the density of atoms and a,,(w) = - 1~ 1 2/ (w-0) is the polarizability of single atom.

We have calculated the density of states iV( E) and the absorption line shape A(ti)=ImX(‘)(k-0, w+iO) of a face-centered-cubic (fee) lattice with dipole-dipole inter- actions. The results are presented in Figs. 2 and 3 (B.). From Fig. 2, we see that the absorption peak is at the bottom of the band. As c decreases, the absorption peak shifts to higher energy and the width increases, while, the maximum absorption decreases. However, for low density, the absorption linewidth decreases again (not shown in figures) because the band narrows. Therefore, the absorp- tion linewidth attains a maximum value at some interme- diate density. Huber and Ching” calculated the absorption line shape of a simple cubic lattice of binary alloy of two level atoms with nearest neighbor interaction. They found the width predicted by the simple CPA to be smaller than simulation results. The simple CPA takes into account the scattering from a single site and therefore underestimates the effect of multiple scattering sequences. The CPA may be improved systematically by using the cluster CPA,20 which exactly takes into account the scattering within a small cluster.


In Sec. III, we derived a formal expression of xc3) of D4WM in terms of the configurationally averaged p-h Green’s functions [see Eq. (31)]. In this section, we will

evaluate it using the ladder diagram approximation. A de- tailed description of the ladder diagram approximation is given in Ref. 8. We start with the Bethe-Salpeter equa- tion6*’ for the configurationally averaged p-h Green’s func- tion

+; c Gzaf (P d,P’d,Y’,P”


x r~:~(P,P’~,q,zlw)~~~~(P~~,P~,q,z~,z2).


Here I’ may be calculated using a summation of all the irreducible diagrams. The ladder diagram approximation’ keeps only those diagrams without crossing (single site diagrams) in F, i.e., it assumes

r~:~(P,Pr3w2) =4:3ZbZZ), (47)

where A::$ (z1,z2) denotes the summation of all the single site diagrams. Another way of formulating the approxima- tion is by postulating that l? does not depend on p, p” q. In r space, I is assumed to be a delta function hence the name single site approximation. The physical significance of the ladder diagram approximation is that it assumes that the bra and ket of the density matrix are scattered by the same sequence of impurities during the propagation and all scat- tering processes are independent. Suppose the bra and ket of the density matrix are scattered by sites ri, r?,...,r,,, the scattering strength is proportional to $,$r* . *en, where tr is the scattering t matrix of a single site r. Since we assume the scattering processes to be independent, we have

r$,e2* * -$=A’“. (48)

Here A is the renormalized single site scattering strength 3 to be determined self-consistently. In our model, each site has three possible excited states, so A is a fourth rank tensor A$$ (z1,z2) with 8 1 components. For a simple cubic fee or bee lattice, the fourth rank tensor A which has cubic symmetry, i.e., x, y, and z axes are equivalent and the tensor is invariant for the inversion of any axis. In Appen- dix B, we show that the only nonzero components of the fourth rank tensor A are

A~BdgAB= aa 4 a9P=px9p,p,~

We will later derive a self-consistent equation to determine these components.

Considering the special case pl=p2, i.e., the external fields E, II E,, we show from Appendix F that when q= I kl - k2 I is along one of the principle axes (x, y, or z axis) of the cubic lattice,

is nonzero only if ~1 =,u3. From Eq. (3 1) , we have

J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 98, No. 7, 1 April 1993

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I I I I I I c=o.7i

Wang, Leegwater, and Mukamel: Exciton transport in disordered systems 5905

-2.5 I t I 1 1 I I - I I ,

n n A 2


‘\ .-.-.-.-. -.---.---. . . ‘\ ‘\ ‘\

‘l, i i

‘-------- e---w__ ‘\!

I 1 I I I J I I I c=o.51 0



-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 6 E

FIG. 2. Linear absorption line shape A(E) (solid line), density of states N(E) (dashed line), and diffusion coefficient D(E) (dashed dotted line) as a function of energy Eat three different densities. All curves are nor- malized to the same height. The relative value of the maximum absorp- tion are 41.5 : 6.1 : 1 for c=O.75, 0.50, and 0.25. p=l, u=l, where p is detined in Eq. (5) and v is the volume of the unit cell of the lattice. The energy E is given in unit of p*/u.

2fi =-T-$4Jp,


X ~~~~[(kl+k2)/2,kl-k2,~1+iO,~2-iOl I

+ 1 ~~~~[(k~+k,)/2,kl--k,,~~+iO,w2-iOl . (J I


We define the fourth rank tensor Lz(q,z,,z,) as the direct product of two conflgurationally averaged l-p Green’s functions

Lz(q,z1,z2) = C ~p(r,z1)~o(r,z2)e-iq.r r

=& c ~=~(P+q/2,zl)~,(P-q/2,z2). P


In Appendix F, we derive the relation between L and 4,

0.0 I

0.25 B




0.05 I ! JiI , I ! i i \,

0 I I I I I Ii I 1 -6 i ; -4 -2 -4 -2 0 2 0 2 4 4 6 8 10


FIG. 3. (A) diffusion coefficient D(E) as a function of energy at three different densities c=O.75 (solid line), c=O.50 (dashed line), and c=O.25 (dashed-dotted line). p= 1, u= 1, where p is defined in Eq. (5) and v is the volume of the unit cell of the lattice. The energy E is given in unit of $/u. (B) Density of states N(E) as a function of energy at three different densities as in (A).

~~~‘[(kl+k2)/2,kl-k2z1z2] WQ f ,

= [I----L(kl-bwd


Here L and A are 3 by 3 matrices whose Orp matrix elements are L$ and A$. Note that these matrices are specific components of the corresponding fourth rank ten- sor, they are not second rank tensors, and the symmetry argument of Appendix B does not apply to them. The matrix A(z,,z,) will be determined by the self-consistent equation (see Appendix F)

5 C[l- L(q=O,zl,z2) *A( -* * Uq=O,zl,z,Czp a

GAl,r& -C&l,rl,zl) = Zl --z2

, (52)

which is related to the conservation of the number of ex- citons. We can solve the matrix A (z,,z,) from Eq. (52) and then substitute into Eq. (51) to determine 4:::. If the lattice is simple cubic, fee or bee, the X, y, z direction are equivalent. The matrix A$ has only two independent components-the diagonal element Al(z,,z2) and the off diagonal element A2(zl,z2). We can write A$ as

4hz2) =A~(~*,z~)S,~+A~(Z,,Z~)(~--S,~). (53)

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5906 Wang, Leegwater, and Mukamel: Exciton transport in disordered systems

Since we have only one equation for A matrix [Eq. (52)], we take A, as a parameter, solve At in terms of As by Eq. (52), and then substitute it into Eq. (51) to calculate 4 P3P1.

P3Ll The result is expected to depend on the parameter

AZ(z). Define

ct~=E+w~~/2, GI~=E--w~~/~. (54)

We take E to be inside the exciton band, ~.J~~=w~-w~ is very small, and q= 1 kl - k2 1 is also very small (see Fig. 1) . In the hydrodynamic limit (q+ 0, wt2-’ 0) , we expand the solution


and keep only the lowest nonzero terms in q and wl> The result is

2?ricN(E)~,l~,(kl,wl+iO)~,,~,(kz,wz--i0) = 2 [qz+ilkl-kzl D(E)lLo(E) , (55)



Lo(E) and L2(E) are detined as


Lo(E) = c I f%&‘,E+iO) I2 w,P

=k p:p 1 &&E+W I’, I ,


L2(E) =i 2 1 a&r,E+iO) 1 ‘x2 w,P

=& p;. 1 i@z~(~,E+iO>/~p,l~. (58)

Note that in the small q limit, we can perform a Taylor expansion on Eq. (50)

~‘L$Cq,E+iO,E--iO) =Lo(E) -8L2(E) +O(q4).

We now make a connection to exciton transport. From Eq. ( 14), we see that the exciton transport is related to p-h Green’s function with rl =r3, r2=r4 which is equivalent to the summation of p and p’ in momentum space. We then define

4gkl,Zl,Z2> 43 c 4:$(P9Pr1QJ,,zz) P.P’

=$ c c$( r~,r2,r&exp[---iq* h-r2)1.- ‘19’2 .

(59) .

From Appendix F, we have

~~;(q,z& = c [l--L(q,z1,zz) *AhZz)lr;Rj B’

- Lpydq,w2).



In the hydrodynamic limit (4’0, w -+O), we have

@( q,E+T+iO,E-T-i0) =3[02~~E)] . (61)

We thus identify D(E) [deiined in Eq. (56)] as the exciton diffusion coefficient7’* at energy E. Note that the right- hand side of the above equation does not depend on a and p, which means that the diffusion coefficient does not de- pend on the initial and final polarizations of the exciton. The physical interpretation is that in the hydrodynamic (large distance and long time) limit, due to the random- ness of the system, the exciton loses memory of its initial polarization and becomes depolarized. Consequently, $P3P1 does not depend on p3, pL1 [see Eq. (55)]. Note that -wJl GPIPl(kt,ol + iO), GP,,,(k2,w1 - i0) doesnotdependonpt. An interesting and useful feature of Eqs. (55) and (61) is that they do not depend on the parameter A2(z1,z2), so that in the hydrodynamic limit, we do not have an undeter- mined quantity.

From Eqs. (49) and (55), we have

x ;k,J --k,--o,;klwl,-kz-Wz,k303)


= (w~-~~)[w~~+~I~~-~~I~D(E)IL~(E) 6 W3’


The result holds only when q=k, - k2, and ,& and j& are along the principle axis (x, y, or z axis of the cubic lattice). Under this condition, &&i,,J -b.--w,3wl~--kz-- co2,k3c03) does not depend on q, fi3, and pt. With the slowly varying amplitude approximation, the signal intensity S(k,w,) is proportional to the absolute square of xc3),

S($,w,) a Ixc3)j2= W(E) I kl --k, 1 4@W) &+ Ikr-z14@(E) *


It has a Lorentzian type resonance at w1=w2 whose width is I kI - k2 I ‘D(E) . The peak of the signal W(E) is

640’ W(E) =

%$--n2)2~kI-k2~ 4 [Lo(E>/Lz(E> I2

x I Gplp,(km+jO) 1'1 G,,,,(k,~2--iO) 1'.


We have calculated the exciton diffusion coefficient D(E) in a fee lattice for different values of density c. The results are shown in Fig. 2 (dashed. dotted line) and Fig. 3 (A). From Fig. 3 (A), we see that D(E) increases with c. This is reasonable because the exciton diffuses more rapidly if there are more atoms on the lattice. We also see that the midband states are more diffusive than the band edge states. This is natural if one realizes that in this region, the exciton group velocity usually reaches its maximum. We have also calculated the peak of the signal W(E) as a function of E= (or +a,)/2 (Fig. 4, solid line). This is analogous to the Raman excitation profile.‘t We see that its

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Wang, Leegwater, and Mukamel: Exciton transport in disordered systems 5907

I I I I .

c=o.25. _

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 E

FIG. 4. The peak of the D4WM signal W(E) (solid line), linear absorp- tion line shape A(E) (dashed line), and density of states N(E) (dashed- dotted line) as a function of energy E at three different densities c. All curves are are normalized to the same height. The relative value of the maximum W(E) are 8293:SS:l for c=O.75, 0.50, and 0.25. The relative values of maximum absorption are the same as in Fig. 2. p= 1, V= 1 where /.f is defined in Eq. (5) and u is the volume of the unit cell. The energy E is given in units of JL’/U.

maximum is at the bottom of the band which is slightly red shifted with respect to the maximum absorption line shape, but W(E) is considerably sharper than the linear absorp- tion line shape A(E). As c is decreased, the maximum of W(E) shifts to higher energy just like the linear absorption line shape, and its absolute value decreases much more rapidly than the linear absorption. This is because Jw-3- lx”‘14, while linear absorption -Im(x(‘)). Note that the energy scale in Fig. 4 is different for different values of density c.


We now examine xc3’ in the regular lattice limit (c = 1) and the isolated atom limit c +O. In the regular lattice limit, i.e., c=l, we have A~(zl,z2)=0. From Eq. (51), together with Eq. (49), we have

~~I~,~,(--k,-~~klol,--kz--oz,kso3) __

2f-l 1 1 =m Ol-0+4d32.’ ~2--ln+kr/3v



in the-isolated-atom limit; i.e., ‘c-0, we have

‘~~:~:(rlrr2,rl,r~,0L+j0,02-i0) ’

1” =C’ iwl-n, (;,-‘-J) spp1sr1,r2sq9r4 * (66)

Substituting into Eq. (49), we have .I A+. it... . . . - - .

.&P,P, (-ks-OsklWl,-~z-Wz,k3W3)

,=cafi,( -

where CZ(~) is the ‘third order polarizability of the isolated atom

.2fl 1 d3) (-4wa,~5244~=~ (wl-~cz>(w2-oL) P3Pl s .: _ ,,

: x (&*+l). (68)

Equations (65) and (67) show that x$+,~, ( --$--w, k,w,,-k2-~~2,k3w3) depends on p3p1? while Eq. (62) pre- dicts no such dependence. This discrepancy results from the fact that Eq. (62) is based on the hydrodynamic (dif- fusion) limit. For a regular lattice, excitons undergo co- herent motion rather than diffusion, while in the low den- sity isolated atom limit, the exciton is localized rather than diffusive. Since the diffusion is due to the random distribu- tion of atoms, the exciton will be diffusive only beyond some cross-over distance r, and time t,,22 which allows it to sample a sufficient number of atoms and holes. For any 0 <c < 1, there is some crossover qc= l/r, wc= l/t,; when I kl - k2 1 < qc, w12 < w, Eq. (62) is valid. At high density, there are only a small number of holes, while in small density, there are only a small number of atoms. Therefore r,, t, increase in both the high density and low density limits because the exciton has to travel a longer time and larger distance to sample the randomness. Consequently, qc, w,-0 in both limits. However, we can always control the external fields to make q= I kl-k21 and w~~=w~-w~ below qc and w, respectively, to make Eq. (62) valid.

Equation (62) shows that the signal of D4WM has a resonance at wI=w2, while there is no such resonance in Eqs. (65) ,and (67). This is therefore a disorder induced resonance. It is analogous to the dephasing induced reso- nance.23 The experiment can also be performed in the time domain result in the transient grating configuration. 10,24

In this paper, we calculated the third order nonlinear susceptibility of D4WM for a lattice with randomly dis- tributed polarizable atoms. In general, xc3) is related to the configurationally averaged product of three Green’s func- tions. We showed that x (3) of D4WM is determined only by the p-h Green’s function if the frequency of the outgo- ing ‘signal is far off resonance. Then we used the ladder diagram approximation to evaluate this p-h Green’s func- tion. In the hydrodynamic (small q, w) limit, the signal intensity is shown to have a disorder induced resonance at wI=w2 [see Eq. (62)] whose width is proportional to the exciton diffusion coefficient. We also calculated the diffu- sion coefficient and the peak of the D4WM signal as a

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5908 Wang, Leegwater, and Mukamel: Exciton transport in disordered systems

function of E= (wi +wz)/2. In the numerical calculations, we used the simple CPA for the l-p Green’s function. However, Eq. (62) does not depend on this approxima- tion. We can use other methods to calculate the l-p Green’s function and then substitute into Eq. (62) to cal- culate xc3).


The support of the National Science Foundation, the Center for Photoinduced Charge Transfer, and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research is gratefully acknowl- edged. We thank J. Knoester for most valuable remarks on the manuscript.


The polarization of the system is

P&t) =Tr[iJr)p(t) 1. (Al) Here p(t) is the density operator at time t. According to linear response theory, the density operator evolves as

p(t)=@f 1-i 1 s

t dtl eiLtlL’(tl) p( - CO), -mu- ~~~ ~~~ 1 (AZ)

where L and L’ (t) are Liouville operators. For any oper- ator A,

LA= [H&f], (A34 e-iLtA3e-iHtAeiHt,


L’(t)=- ~~,.,,Wr,t), (A3c)

F&A [FJ]. Wd) Substituting Eq. (A2) into Eq. (Al) and comparing with Eq. (17), we have

~~~(r-r’,t)=iTr[P,,e-‘L’P,,gp(--)]: (A4)

Note that since the system is translationally invariant, after averaging over the configuration, x(l) depends on r and r’ only through r-r’. Substituting Eq. ( 16) into Eq. (A4) and using p ( - CQ ) = f 0) (0 ] (which means the system has no exciton initially), we have

~$)(r-r’,t) =i(rff ]e-‘Hf]r’P) +c.c. 645)

Here C.C. denotes complex conjugate. Performing Fourier transform with respect to time, we obtain Eq. ( 18).


In this appendix, we identify the nonzero components of tensors with cubic symmetry, i.e., the x, y, and z axes are equivalent and the tensors are invariant under the inver- sion of one axis. Let TaD denote any second rank tensor with cubic symmetry. Since x, y, and z directions are equiv- alent, we have

T,= T,,,,= T, . 031)

Let us examine an off diagonal component TX,,. Since the system is invariant under the inversion y+ -y, we have

Tqy= Tx,-y= - Tx,y , 032) which gives


So all off diagonal components are zero and T must be scalar, i.e.,

T,,= t& . 033) In simple cubic, fee, and bee lattges, the configurationally averaged l-p Green’s function G&r=O,z), GaB(k=O,z) and the linear susceptibility x$ (k=O,z) belong to this category.

Let Tagor denote any fourth rank tensor which is in- variant under the inversion of two of the principle axes, say they or z axis (not necessary for the x axis), then the only nonzero components are

T T ~~88, as& Ta,pa, a9P=px9prpz . For any other component, e.g., Txxyn since the system is invariant under inversion y-* -y, we have

T x,x,y,z= Tx,x,-y,z= - Tx,x,y,z 9 034)

which gives

T Xxyz =o.

The fourth rank tensor Lg( q,z,,z,) belong to this category when q is along one of the principle axes (x, y, or z axis). The fourth rank tensor Ag(z1,z2) [see Eq. (47)] is invari- ant under the inversion of the x, y, or z axis, so it also belongs to this category.


Our procedure is similar to that of Loring and Muka- mel. ‘* The third order nonlinear response function defined in Eq. (24) can be obtained from the perturbation method theory15

R~~a~~,(rQ3t3,r2t2rrltl 1

=Tr [P,e-‘L’3P,~ae-iL~z~~~~e-iLfl~~,pg( - CO ) 1. (Cl)

Here 2 is the-.Liouville operator defined in Appendix A. When the frequency of signal is off resonance, i.e., /w, -iI 1~7, we have

I dt3 ef@.hR(3’ ~~~~~(rt;r3t3,r2t2,rltl)

= s

dt3eiUg3Tr ( PrpeeiL3Q)

~&Tr(&pQ~+&Tr(~~Q), s s


Q=~~~ae-iL~2~~~~e-~L~l~~,~~( - 03 ).



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Wang, Leegwater, and Mukamel: Exciton transport in disordered systems

We now evaluate the first term in Eq. (C2). Using the commutation relation (5)) we have

Tr(B,Q) =W [.&~,,J Q’>

Q’ =e-iLt2ijl~ee-iLfl~~,~~( - w ).

In deriving Eq. (C4), we have used the fact


=-S~,~3[Tr(B~aB,,Q’)+s,,~Tr(A,e’>l, Tr(~)=TrCIP,~~ee-iLf~~~l,Yp(-~)]}=O. (C6)

(C4) Substituting Eq. (CS) into Eq. (C4) and using p( - m ) = lO)(Ol, we have

Tr(4pQ)=4,r3 (vIexp[---iWt2+@1 Ir,p,)(~L1LpIeiHf21r~,)+~~~~C. (r~lexp[-Wt2+tdl Iwuy) 1 * X (wpl eiHf2 14 + (wrl exp[Wt2+ tl > I 1 rpa> (rp 1 eBiHf2 1 r2&

+S,,aC hpyIexp[Wt2+tl)l Iro)oole-iHf21r2p~))

=b,, I ,I j- dE, ~~~~(r,rl,r,r2,El+i0,E2--i0)exp[ -iEl(t2+tl)]e”2’2+sa c $~krl,r,r2,EI+iO, [ y r7

E2-iO)exp[ -iE~(t2+t~)]eiE29+~~~(r,r2,r,r~,E~+iO,E2-~O)e-’El’2exp[iE2(t2+t~)]

+a,+= c ~~~(r,r2,r,rl;E~+io,E,-iO)e-‘El%xp[iE2(t2+t~)]] /42. (C7) a

Here 4;:“’ r,r1,r,r2,z1,z2) is defined in Eq. ( 11). Substituting Eq. (C7) into Fq. (C2) and then substituting into Eq. (25)) we have

x&& --k,--wdklwl,-k2-W2,k3W3) =xl”‘+xf:‘, (C8)

1 C exp[zkp* (r2-r) +zk,* (rt-r)]

4&o,-n) (E~--EI+~~+~++~O) r1,r2


x $~(r,r~,r,r2, I

E I+ i0,E2-iO)/(w,-&+iO) +aPPa c 4?( r,rl,r,r2,EI +iO,E2-iO)/(w,---El +iO) *

+4:$(r,r2,r,rl,El+i0,E2-iO)/(o+,+E2+iO) +6PPa 2 ~~~(r,r2,crl,El+i0,E,-iO)/(w,+E2+i0) . 1 (C9) c7

Here xi:’ denotes the contribution to xt3) from the second term in Eq. (C2). Interchanging rl, r2 and p, y in the third and fourth terms in the square bracket of Eq. (C9) and combining the first and the second terms, we find the first and second terms in Eq. (26). Following the same proce- dure, we find that xi:’ in Eq. (C8) yields the third and fourth terms of Fq. (26).


In this appendix, we use the standard CPA method’ to derive the self-consistent equation for the configurationally averaged l-p Green’s function. Define the effective Green’s function operator $r(z) and effective Hamiltonian opera- tor flff(z) as

&-yz> = 1

Z-IP(z> G d(z) E (z-k) -1, (Dl)

whert the caret denotes the operator. Then we can expand (z----H)-’ as


=&“‘f(z) +i”‘f(z) f (z)&tf(z). (D2)

Here the scattering operator p(z) is

?(z)=[&&@(z)]{l-&iRff(z)[L&lf(z)]}--1. (D3)

From Eqs. (Dl > and (D2), we have

F(z) =o. (D4)

This means that all matrix element of the operator f(z) are zero after the configurational average. Though gq. (D3) and (D4) are exact, solving fhem exactly for H&z) is just as difficult as calculating G (z).

In the CPA, we assume eff(z) has the form

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5910 Wang, Leegwater, and Mukamel: Exciton transport in disordered systems

I?(Z) = C Cf&~+&&)lB,+,4+i C J,p(r w,B r#r’,a,P -r’>B&&p, (D5)

where the self-energy Z&(z) is a second rank tensor.’ For simple cubic, fee, and bee lattices, the self-energy tensor has cubic symmetry. In Appendix B, we prove that any second rank tensor with cubic symmetry must be a scalar (Appendix B ) . We thus have &(z) = Z (z) 6,. The effec- tive Hamiltonian becomes

I?~(z) = c [fi+W) I B,f,B,,+ z J&r r,a r#r’,a,B

-r’) B&B,,@. um

It is the Hamiltonian of a regular lattice with an effective (frequency dependent) excitation energy fi + Z (z) . From this, we obtain Eq. (32).

From the effective Hamiltonian (D6), we see that J? -&s is diagonal in Y space

k-e(z) = 2 1 era--i-l-E(z)] B&BP;. (D7) r,a

Let ?r denote the contribution to ? by a single site r, i.e.,

f,(z) = -2. t Gz- a

i-I-Z(z)] B&B,, l-@(z) 5 [E,B I

I -1

-~~-XZHB$~~ , CD81

in the CPA, the self-energy 2(z) will be determined self- consistently by requiring the averaged scattering operator from any single site is zero1

(rpl F,[rp’) =O. (D9)

Using Eq. (D8), we have

@I f’,lw’> = C [+r-(n---z(d1 s

~ l-[+--a-X(z)]GL(r,r,z) w * PlO)

We have used the fact that the second rank tensor GE(r,r,z) z (r,u I &@(z) I rv) is a scalar (Appendix B), i.e.,

G$(r,r,z) = (r,u j C%‘(Z) I rv) =$:(r,r,z)$ , (Dll)

where G$(r,r,z) is independent of ,LL and r (due to cubic symmetry and translational invariance),

G$(r,r,z) =&- C (rp I *ff(z) I rru)

=G[ .-iAz,]

s No(E) = de z-E(z) --E’ (D12)

Here &, and lVe( E) are the Hamiltonian and density of states of the regular lattice (c= 1) given by Eqs. (36) and (37). Substituting Eq. (DlO) into Eq. (D9) and using Eq. (3)) we obtain the self-consistent equation (34).


The procedure of calculating J,,(k) is described in Ref. 17. We quote the final result here

J,,,(k) = ;4~-?‘~[&+&,+ (27~~) -‘(&!$)S,,],

SC= C [~rTexp(ik*r1)4)3,2(7~~)1, WJ

sD= -4u;T,,2 7 CP@-kw) Wb;--kY)



S,= C i lexp(z~~r~)q~~2(~+) I. I#0

Here S, and Sc are summed over direct lattice rl, SD is summed over reciprocal lattice bl, u is the volume of unit cell, and r is arbitrary which is chosen to make the sum- mation in both direct and reciprocal space to converge rapidly. For a fee lattice, the basis vectors of the unit cell are (O,l,l), (l,O,l), and (l,l,O) for the direct lattice, and (+, $ f), (f, +, $), and ($ 4, 2) for the reciprocal lattice. The q functions are given by

q,(x) = s * fime-pxdfi. 03)


For m=O, l/2, and 3/2, we have

q;(x) =emx/x,

ql12(x) =e-“/x+ r

$ [ 1 -erf( 6) I,



4)3,2=(1+3/2x)e-X/x+s x 3 p [1-erf( &)I.

Here erf(x) is Gauss’ error function.


In this appendix, we calculate #g’[( k, + k2) /2,k, - k2,z1,z2] using the ladder diagram approximation. Sum- ming over p on both sides of the Bethe-Salpeter equation (46), using Eq. (47) and putting a=y, p=y=pr, a=~~, p’=(k,+k,)/2, and q=k,-k,, we have

+ c a’,D’d,y’ L;$‘(k, -k,,z,,z,M$ hzd x~~~:[(k,+k,)/2,k,-k,,z,,z,1. (Fl)

The fourth rank tensor Lz( q,zI,z2) is defined in Eq. (50). If q= k, -k, is along one of the principle axes of the cubic lattice, say the x axis, then the fourth rank tensor Ls is

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Wang, Leegwater, and Mukamel: Exciton transport in disordered systems 5911

invariant under the inversion of they or z axis. From Ap- pendix B, we know that the only nonzero components of L are

5 cb~;(q~~&2) -’ - -7

~; t p, _’

Lt!, L$L$, a,P=pxd+Pz .

We now show that $:z’ is nonzero oniy when p=~~. It- erating Eq. (Fl), we have

f*‘[ (k, +kdK% --k w 21w21

+ I= L;$(k,--k,,z,,z,) a’.B’,o’,y’ XA~:~:(z,,zz)~~~~,(k,,z,)~~lY’(k2,z2)+... . ‘W)

Suppose the external field El, E2 are transverse, i.e., kil j&, k21 fit, and condition (39) holds, we know from Eqs. (32) and (40) that GIIl(kl,zl) and cDP,(k2,z2) are nonzero only if a=pl, p=pl. We see that the first term in the above equation is nonzero only if ,ucL=~~=~~, the sec- ond term is nonzero only if p’=y’=pl, which in turn requires o’ =a’ to make A nonzero, which in turn requires P~=,x to make L nonzero. So the second term is nonzero only if p =p3. Following this procedure, we can prove that all the higher order terms in the above equation are zero whenever p#p3. So we have shown that +~~~‘[(ki + k2)/2,kl - k2,z1,z2] is nonzero only ifp=p3. The same is truefor$$J(ki + k2)/2,kl - k2,zl,zJ. FromEq. (31) we see that xc(P~lPl ( - $ - @sklW1, - *k2 - a2,ks@3) is non- zero only if p=p3.

Now we calculate $$[(ki + k2)/2,ki - k,,zl,zJ. Set- ting ,u=,u3 in Eq. (Fl), we see that the second term in Eq. (Fl ) is nonzero only if o’ =a’, y’ =p’. It is convenient to define the 3 by 3 matrix L(q,zl,z2), A(z,,z,) whose afi matrix elements are L$(q,zr,q), A$(zl,z2); then Eq. (Fl) gives Eq. (51) directly.

Now we determine the matrix A(z,,z,) self- consistently. Summing over p and p’ on both sides of the Bethtialpeter equation (46) and setting o=a, r=fl, we have

+ c L~~:(q,z,;z,)A~:~:(z,,z,)~~:~(q,z,,z,), a’p‘ (F3)

which gives Eq. (60) immediately. Here @(q,z1,z2) is defined in Eq. (59). From this definition together with Eqs. (6) and (ll), we can derive

~~-~~B(r,al~~Ir~)(r~l~~lr~~, ,I

1 =-. M -;i F c,,4&&lwQ 1

Cdrl~w2) -Cdrl,w1) = Zl --z2


Equation (F4) is an exact relation between the configura- tionally averaged p-h Green’s function and ,configuration- ally averaged l-p Green’s function; we will call it the Ward identity.13 Note in deriving the Ward identity, we use the fact that our Hamiltonian conserves the number of exci- tons,= so the single exciton states I r2p) are complete basis sets ‘given that, the initial state I ria) is a single exciton state

< I . j : ‘

C I@)(r2Bl=1. ~

Substituting Eq. (60) into Eq. (F4), we” obtain the self- consistent equation for the matrix A(zl,z,) [Es. (52)].

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