Evaluation question 2

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation question 2

Evaluation Question 2How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Laura Monument

Social Groups•A group of people who interact with each other

and are aware of having something in common.•A social group has been defined as two or more

people who interact with one another, share similar characteristics and collectively have a sense of unity.

•Examples of social groups are•Chavs•Goths•Teachers•Detective’s

Characters In Our Film

•There are 4 different characters in our film, these are a Detective named “Detective Crawford”, his girlfriend, “Jane Crawford” who is the victim who gets murdered. The murderer is called “Roman” who is a serial killer. The detectives worker who tells the Detective about the murder.

•The 4 different characters all represent and link to different social groups.

Detective Crawford

•Detective Crawford will link in with the social group of police workers and detectives themselves. These workers will be higher up and have more power in the hierarchy. In films there is always a detective that takes control of the situation and try’s to figure out the dilemma. This will make the audience feel involved in the film and if they can relate to it, therefore they will be interested in watching the rest of the film as they feel as if they are there and not watching a movie.

Detective Crawford

Detective Crawford is representing the social group of police workers and detectives themselves. In the film “Se7en” there Detective is very similar to the character in our opening, their girlfriends have been murdered. Parts of the narrative are the same as well as the genre of the film. The clothing of the actors are the same, however cannot see in this image.

The white shirt shows the type of job the character has and Mise-en-scene gives a lot of information to the audience. The gender of the characters are the same which is another similarity with the thriller “se7en”.

Jane Crawford

• Jane Crawford will link in with the social group of vulnerable women victims. The people in this social group will not have a lot of power and feel as if they are/was in danger. With Jane being an easy target and her weakness has been used against her the audience can relate to the film which will make them want to continue watching and mean they have a connection with the film.

Jane CrawfordJane Crawford is similar to Shellie, from Sin City, due to the fact they are both vulnerable women that are in the eye-line of being attacked.Shellie and Jane are both seen in Black and White, which is a thriller code and convention, however it shows the Audience how Jane and Shellie are seen the same.

The clothing between Jane and Shellie are different however they are both the same gender which is a similarity from the thriller Sin City.Shellie represents a social group of woman victims, this social group is also represented in our opening by Jane Crawford.

Roman Mortem

•Roman Mortem being the murderer in the film, this will link in with the social group of criminals. Criminals commit crimes everyday so therefore this film will link in with peoples daily lives and the world around them. The audience will be interested in the film and thrilled as the Roman commits such a serious crime.

Roman Mortem Roman Mortem is one of the main characters in the opening, with him being a murderer he is seen as a villain and evil. The film Face Off has a character called Castor Troy who is a murderer and is not liked by many people. Both characters are dressed smartly and both posses a gun. The two characters have the same profile which shows our opening links in with a thriller film.

As Caster Troy represents a social group of criminals, it shows how Roman Mortem also represents the same social group as the characters are the same and have the same characteristics.

Detectives Worker

•The detectives worker doesn’t have a main part in the film however he is very important and his job has a lot of reliability. This links in with the social group of police officers. Just like the “Detective Crawford” social group the workers will be higher up and have more power in the hierarchy.

Detectives Worker

Detectives worker is similar to the character Martin Hart, they are both representing the social group of police and detective workers. The clothing of the two characters are the same which shows the similarities between the two.