Ethiopian Slideshow

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of Ethiopian Slideshow

Presentation of Ethiopia

Money Currency

Ethiopian’s money currency is a lot different from ours. Also we can get things for a lot cheaper there, than in the United States.

Ethiopian Food

The food they eat tends to be spicy, and instead of eating their food with utensils, they eat with their hands.

Ethiopian Inventions

This is a new type of shoe that was created in Ethiopia. It’s suppose to be more snug to your feet and form fitting.

Ethiopian Tribes

The tribal cultures in Ethiopia, are a big part of their life. These round ring plates symbolize beauty in this tribe.

Here in Ethiopia, there’s tones of wildlife. In this picture you are seeing a family of baboons. They must protect their family members from predators and Ethiopian tribes.

Islamic Religion

All of Africa believe in the Islamic religion. If you are Islamic, you must visit Mecca at least once in your life time.

Ethiopia and the rest of Africa are very musically involved. Music is part of their culture and has been, since as far back as we can remember.


Riding a horse is only one way to get around in Ethiopia. You can drive a car, take a bus, but most people ride their bikes or walk.


There are many beautiful architectures in Ethiopia. Here is an example of a building in Addis Ababa from 2007.

The End