Edisi 12 Januari 2010 | International Bali Post

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Headline : Australia take part in developing education in Karangasem

Transcript of Edisi 12 Januari 2010 | International Bali Post

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

16 PagesNumber 7

2nd Year

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Gemma ArtertonMourning DeadGrandmother

Bad Weather,Fishers Reluctantto Go to Sea

NKorea calls forpeace talks, end tosanctions

“The quality of the human re-sources must be increase first inorder to increase the welfare of thepeople. One way to do it is throughgood education,” he added. Forthat reason, Karangasem govern-ment agrees to cooperate withAustralian Government.

On Monday, the representa-tive of Australian government vis-

Australia take part in developingeducation in KarangasemAmlapura (Bali Post) -

Australian Government takes part in developing education and culture in Bali especially inthe area that needed assistant such as Karangasem. I Wayan Geredeg, said on Monday, Janu-ary 11th 2009, that Karangasem has 40% of poverty rate and it need a lot of assistant in repair-ing the condition.

ited SLTPN 4 Bebandem, one of theschool assisted by Australia. Theywere Brian Spicer, the head of Ba-sic Education Program (BEP),Aaron O’Shanessy, a member ofBridge Program, and FarahTomazin, a journalist.

Brian said that through BEP pro-gram, Australia has built 2,000schools throughout Indonesia and

one of them is SLTPN 4 Bebandem.The school received 1.3 billion ru-piah of fund to built and develop it.

Currently, the school has 330students and adequate facilities. Inaddition to giving great fund, Aus-tralian government also help in in-creasing the education quality ofeducation in Karangasem by givingthe prepare training for teachers and

school staffs.Through Bridge program, the

teachers and staff can increase theirskills and knowledge by corre-sponding with the teachers fromAustralia and by teachers exchangeprogram.

I Ketut Latri, the head of SLTPN4 Bebandem said that two teachersalready being sent to Australia tostudy. “We wanted to increase thequality of education by increasingthe quality of the teachers. We alsogive extra lesson of IT to the stu-dents in order to give them moreknowledge,” he added.


The picture show (from left to right), the member of Bridge program Aaron O’Shanessy, the journalist from AGE newspaper,Farah Tomazin, the head of Karangasem regency, I Wayan Geredeg, the head of SLTPN 4 Bebandem, I Ketut Latri, and thehead of Basic Education Program (BEP), Brian Spicer.

Denpasar (Bali Post) –Other than at Jagatnatha

Temple, Sivaratri celebration fall-ing on the upcoming Thursday(Jan 14) will also be centered atSegara Campuhan Windu Temple,Padanggalak, Kesiman, Denpasar.At that time, located at the seasidetemple will be held a temple an-

Celebrations of SivaratriCentralized at Segara Windhu Campuhan Temple

niversary, mecaru exorcism rite,mendem pedagingan and entertain-ment in the form of mysticalCalonarang performance.

Jero Gde Mangku (priest) ofSegara Windhu Campuhan Temple,last Sunday (Jan 10), explained, theanniversary of the temple startingfrom this year moved from the full

moon in Sasih Kadasa (April) toSivaratri Day. This removal wasbased on pawisik or divine revela-tion from the Ida Batara (adoreddeity) desiring the change consid-ering Sivaratri also denoted a holyday to do contemplation and medi-tation. For that purpose, the proces-sion would begin in the afternoon

in the form of presenting apologiz-ing ritual (ngaturang guru piduka);mustika exorcism followed byburying pedagingan at each shrine(due to the day of anniversarychanges) and sanctified effigy pu-rification, followed by temple an-niversary and Sivaratri festivity.

Continued on page 6

Continued on page 6

InternationalTuesday, January 12, 20102

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Bali News

Denpasar (Bali Post) –

Expansion Draft of Ngurah RaiInternational Airport proposed byPT Angkasa Pura (PAP) was refusedagain by Badung regency. BadungRegent A.A. Gde Agung in a meet-ing with tourism businesspeople inKuta, last Saturday (Jan 9) said thatthe concept offered by the PAP didnot change significantly and stillfeatured the commercial area.

Regent Gde Agung revealed thatthe PAP has presented the re-expan-sion of Ngurah Rai Airport in theprovince recently. Afterwards, thepresentation was also resumed tothe Badung Regency. From the pre-sentation, it was noted that the air-port expansion did not meet the ex-pectation. Other than building moreconstructions of commercial areasin the form of shopping malls, theconcept and Balinese architecture

“We do not reject JKBM butmuch appreciate to revise it. Thisprogram impressed to discriminatethe sufferers of HIV whose currentnumber almost reaches 4,000people in Bali,” said Putu Utami,Director of Bali Foundation notlong ago.

Answering that regard, the Headof Bali Health Services, NyomanSutedja when contacted last Sunday(Jan 10) said that JKBM did notcover the patients with HIV / AIDSin the matter of its antiretroviral

The delayed distribution of anti-rabies vaccine (VAR) within thepast four days causing a vacantstock at Sanglah Hospital, in fact,was caused by the problem in cool-ing machine storage of VAR inJakarta distributor. The Head of BaliHealth Services Nyoman Sutedjawhen contacted last Sunday (Jan10) revealed this matter. “I obtainedinformation that the cooling ma-chine of VAR has got problem. Con-sequently, the distributor did not

Denpasar (Bali Post) –

Badung Regent that was previ-ously reported to refuse the Re-gional Legislation on Bali Re-gional Spatial Layout Plan(RTRWP) along with several otherregents in Bali started to speak.Regent Gde Agung affirmed tocomply with regional regulationsestablished by the province. Even,currently his side has done clarifi-cation on RTRWP of Bali throughthe preparation of detailed spatiallayout plan (RDTR).

Gde Agung said that his partyhas made a number of steps in-volved in the adjustment ofRTRW of Bali. Some of themwere by controlling the problem-atic buildings. For instance, thevillas did not comply with theland utilization and buildingsthat violated the height limits.

“Today we are doing adjust-ments to RTRW of Bali. One ofthe strategic steps taken is by thecontrol of problematic buildingsin Badung Regency,” he said. In

JKBM Covers HIV/AIDS PatientsJKBM Covers HIV/AIDS PatientsJKBM Covers HIV/AIDS PatientsJKBM Covers HIV/AIDS PatientsJKBM Covers HIV/AIDS PatientsDenpasar (Bali Post) –

Not long ago, the HIV/AIDS Care Forum, consisting of people living with HIV/AIDS, doctors,assistants, counselors in the field of AIDS prevention in Bali gathered to ask the policy of BaliMandara Health Insurance (JKBM) that did not cover the patients with HIV/AIDS to be revised.

drugs (ARV). “It means that it doesnot cover its ARV medicine for pa-tients with HIV/AIDS,” said Sutedja.As it is known, the anti retroviraldrugs have already been given by thegovernment at free of charge.

Continued Sutedja, HIV/AIDSwas not a disease but a collection ofdiseases meaning that HIV/AIDSpatients could be attacked by infec-tious diseases such as diarrhea, tu-berculosis, dengue fever and otherdiseases. “So this is borne diseases.If there are patients with HIV/AIDS

suffer from diarrhea, the diarrheatreatment is borne by JKBM,’’ ex-plained Sutedja.

Flow and requirements of usingJKBM for patients with HIV/AIDSaccording to Sutedja was the sameas the others. So, the patients wasenough to bring their Bali ID card,certificate stating the patient had noother health insurance from villageauthority and family card identity(KK) to community health center.Afterward, they can obtain these freemedical services. (kmb24)

Badung Refuses Again theAirport Expansion Draft

were not implemented maximally.“The concept offered was not

pursuant to as expected. It even didnot accommodate several inputs, in-cluding that of former Vice PresidentJusuf Kalla. However, regarding tothe building height, there is no prob-lem,” said Gde Agung.

Furthermore, it was said that theconcept of airport developmentputting more emphasis on the mallarea than functional areas. Even,this could harm small businesses.Of course, this mater would bevery detrimental to the develop-ment of community-basedeconomy. Meanwhile, concerningwith its Balinese architecture, itwas actually very easy to adopt. Itwas important because as one ofthe gates of Bali, Ngurah Rai In-ternational Airport should be ableto reflect Bali itself.

Related to the expansion of the

area, the number one man inBadung confirmed a number oflands that might not be grabbed.Some of them were the public land,folk land and mangrove forestsaround the airport. “The PAP itselfconfesses to commit expansion tothe housing complex of PAP,” hesaid.

In the meantime, regarding tothe realization of airport expan-sion, Regent Gde Agung admittedthat he had sent a letter to thePresident. This was done consid-ering Bali in 2010 would hostmany important internationalevents. “Since last National De-velopment Meeting(Musrenbangnas) held last year, wehave discussed it with the Presidentand Vice President. However, un-til last Musrenbangnas, it did notshow any realization,” said GdeAgung. (ded)

Problems with Cooler, VAR Distributor Hindereddare to accept a lot of VAR becauseit was afraid if the strength wouldreduce,” he said.

However, according to the latestinformation, the problem could havebeen overcome and the distributionof VAR was back to normal. “Hesaid that it could be overcome andon Monday the order of VAR for BaliHealth Services will arrive soon,’’added Sutedja. Meanwhile, stockVAR at Bali Health Services itselfremained about 20 vials.

In the meantime, the vacantVAR stock occurring at SanglahHospital within the past four daysfinally turned available since lastSaturday (Jan 9) afternoon. “Ourorder amounting to 500 vials wasreceived last Saturday afternoon.So now Sanglah Hospital can pro-vide the VAR demand normally,”said the Secretary of Rabies Man-agement Team, Ken Wirasandiwhen contacted last Sunday inseparate place. (san)

Badung Carries OutAdjustment toRTRWP of Bali

addit ion, Gde Agung alsoclaimed to agree with a numberof ideas proposed by Governorof Bali Mangku Pastika. One ofthose ideas mentioned was theconstruction of the flyover. GdeAgung said that it was positivein seeking a solution to conges-tion occurring at some points,chiefly at the main touristroutes.

Despite claiming to agree,Gde Agung also gave the idea ofbuilding an underground road.Underground road was betterrecognized because the under-ground road would not affect theface of Bali. In other words, theappeal of the landscape was notnecessary to be sacrificed, andit still could be enjoyed.

He explained that to build theunderground road was not an im-possible thing to do. In some coun-tries, the underground road hasbeen adopted. For Bali, it could beimplemented without neglectingthe studies in accordance with Ba-linese culture. (ded)


The picture show a tree fall down in Karangasem regencydue to heavy rain on Monday, January 11th 2010. The treemade the road is closed and can not pass by the people.

3Tuesday, January 12, 2010International Bali News

According to Suasta, more thana half of teachers in Bali having in-adequate academic qualificationsbecame a major homework thatmust be completed by DisdikporaBali and Disdikpora of regencies /city throughout Bali. Moreover, cen-tral government has set that at theend of 2013 all teachers in Indone-sia should have had minimum aca-demic qualification of S1Graduate/Diploma 4. “So far, 22,895 newteachers, or about 47.5 percent ofteachers in Bali have Graduate/Di-ploma 4 qualification. There are25,305 teachers throughout Bali re-quiring the improvement of theiracademic qualification so that theycan follow the certification process,“he emphasized.

Denpasar (Bali Post)—Statement of President Susilo

Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY)mentioning the score of nationalexam (UN) should not be theonly measurement in determin-ing educational success of stu-dents was responded positivelyby the Secretary-General of theIndonesia Association of Teach-ers (PGRI) of Bali Chapter,Gede Wenten Aryasudha, andthat of Denpasar City, I NengahMadiadnyana. Of the two op-tions offered by SBY, the twoofficials agreed that PGRI pre-ferred to the format of NationalFinal Learning Evaluation(EBTANAS) in determining thestudents’ graduation from theeducation unit.

“If possible to choose, we(PGRI—ed) are more comfort-able if the government re-ap-plied the EBTANAS format indetermining the graduation ofstudents,” said WentenAryasudha and Madiadnyana toBali Post, last Saturday (Jan 9).

According to WentenAryasudha and Madiadnyana,EBTANAS format prevailed be-fore the UN was a more objec-tive measurement of studentachievement in their entirety.Because, the learning achieve-ment of students in previous se-mesters, semester grades espe-cially odd and even at the end,still became an important param-eter in determining studentgraduation. To determine the fi-nal score of students stated in thecertificate, it used the format ofone time odd semester gradesand one time even semestergrades at the end of the level

Amlapura (Bali Post) –Regional Budget 2010 of

Karangasem Regency did nottake side for society, especiallythe poor. It was proven by thebudget for the procurement ofrice for the poor (Raskin) worthIDR 98 million, but the budgetof trips to outside the region andoverseas totaled IDR 7 billionmore.

The Head of KarangasemHouse, I Gede Dana, last Sun-day (Jan 10), in Amlapura admit-ted that the budget for the pro-curement of rice for the poorwas less than IDR 100 million.Related to the soaring price ofbasic foods like rice and sugarthese days, his party deploredthe small budget for the procure-ment of rice.

In fact, the KarangasemHouse has persisted in the 2010budget discussions, in order tobudget more in favor to the com-munity. “Later in the budget re-vision, we will attempt to pro-pose it again, so that more bud-get could touch the poorpeople,” he said.

It was said, the budget of of-

Inadequate Academic Qualifications

Certification ofCertification ofCertification ofCertification ofCertification of25 Thousands of25 Thousands of25 Thousands of25 Thousands of25 Thousands ofTeachers HamperedTeachers HamperedTeachers HamperedTeachers HamperedTeachers HamperedDenpasar (Bali Post) –

Recorded 25,305 teachers or equal to 52.5 percent of the total number of teachers in Bali reaching48,200 people were at risk because they could not follow the process of teacher certification. They werehampered to follow the certification process in order to enjoy the benefits of the teaching profession(TPG) being equal to one-month salary every month because they do not comply with the requiredacademic qualifications. In order to follow the certification process, a teacher had to have a minimumacademic qualification namely Diploma 4/S1 Graduate. The Head of Bali Educational, Youth andSport Services (Disdikpora), I Wayan Suasta, revealed the matter to Bali Post, last Sunday (Jan 10).

In order to accelerate the accom-plishment of the non-graduate teach-ers, he said, Bali provincial govern-ment regularly allocated to subsidizethe education costs of teachers con-tinuing their education to the levelof Graduate/Diploma 4. In this 2010Regional Budget, for example, Baliprovincial government allocated atIDR 4.6 billion. Such amount of fundwould be used to subsidize the edu-cation costs of 4,000 teachers con-tinuing their education to the levelof Graduate/Diploma 4. “The bud-get for teacher qualification im-provement programs increased sig-nificantly in comparison to fiscalyear 2009 only targeting 2,310teachers. The increase nearlydoubled,” he said.

Similar to the last financial year,he said, every teacher continuingtheir Graduate/Diploma educationwas also provided a subsidized edu-cation fund worth IDR 2 million /person. With the increasing num-ber of teachers targeted almostdoubled, his party hoped the eradi-cation program of teachers thathave not had Graduate/Diploma 4qualification could be successfullycompleted. “We hope that a simi-lar commitment would be executedby all regencies/city in Bali. On thataccount, the target of all teachersin Bali had a minimum academicqualification of Graduate/Diploma4 at the end of 2013 could be real-ized accordingly,” he said hope-fully. (kmb13)

Budget of Rice for the Poor at IDR 98 Million,

Official Trips worth IDR 7 Billionficial outside trip was recordedworth IDR 7 billion, consisting ofofficial travelling to outside thearea at the Regional Secretariatpost worth IDR 2.817 billion moreand the Empowerment of VillageCommunity Board, the Village Ad-ministration at IDR 421.4 millionand the post of Secretariat ofKarangasem House was IDR 3.348billion more. Meanwhile, the costof foreign trips in the Secretariatpost of Karangasem House wasIDR 150 million, while at the postof the Manpower and Transmigra-tion Services at IDR 195 million.Cost of official trips to other re-gions for the executive officers inKarangasem was similar to the pre-vious years of experience for mak-ing a visit to Jakarta or for work-ing visit. In the meantime, formembers of parliament makingvisit to outside Bali was with thereason of Technical Guidance inJakarta or Working Visit to vari-ous regions.

Meanwhile, official trip over-seas for the executive officialssuch as the Regent of Karangasemhad the purpose for tourism pro-motion to Thailand, Singapore,

South Korea, U.S., Europe orAustralia. At the end of Decem-ber 2009, the Regent Geredegwent to Japan related to the co-operation with Japan. In additionto the procurement of small bud-get of rice for the poor, the bud-get for the Health Insurance ac-companying Bali MandaraHealth Insurance (JKBM) wasalso not in accordance with theMoU signed by the Regent ofKarangasem I Wayan Geredegwith Bali Governor MadeMangku Pastika.

Karangasem Governmentonly allocated for JKBM worthIDR 4 billion from IDR 8.7 bil-lion originally planned. DeputyRegent of Karangasem IGL Raiaccompanied by Regional Sec-retary of Karangasem, I NengahSudarsa, said, after put intoquestion by the governor’s of-fice pursuant to evaluation draftof Regional Legislation onKarangasem Regional Budget,the accompanying budget ofKBM was at the level of aroundIDR 1 billion, from the originalIDR 4 billion to nearly USD 5billion. (013)

PGRI Chooses Back to EBTANASplus two times of the score ofEBTANAS divided by four.Most importantly, the determina-tion of a student’s graduationfrom an educational unit levelwhen EBTANAS format wasfully implemented would be-come the right and authority ofthe board of teachers. Of course,it would consider the process andlearning achievement of studentsfor three full years.

“If the government wants toassess and evaluate the finalexam format implemented today,we hope it would be back toEBTANAS format as in earliertimes. Of course, with variousstudies and improvements in or-der to cover the existing weak-nesses in the EBTANAS formatimplemented previously, “saidMadiadnyana justified byWenten Aryasudha.

Both claimed less comfort-able with the first option of-fered by Pres ident Susi loBambang Yudhoyono. In thefirst option, the UN still imple-mented the first measure. Whena student did not succeed in thenational examination, studentsconcerned were given the op-portunity to re-take the test.“Such option was exactly iden-tical to the format of the UNthat will take effect in the nextacademic year 2009/2010 alsoscheduling the examination forstudents that did not pass the mainUN. However, of course, teachersprefer to choose the EBTANASformat considering the board of theteachers had full authority to de-termine the graduation of students,“said Wenten Aryasudha andMadiadnyana. (kmb13)

Semarapura (Bali Post)—Until now, Klungkung Re-

gency is declared as rabies-freearea. Although along the year2009 occurred at least 62 casesof dog bites and Klungkung wassurrounded by areas rabies in-fected areas such as Bangli,Gianyar and Karangasem,Klungkung was unnecessary toallocate much budget for rabiesprevention through the RegionalBudget 2010. The fund allocatedwas merely around IDR 50 mil-lion.

Task Implementer of theHead of Klungkung Health Ser-vices, Ketut Sutarta, when askedfor his confirmation, last Sunday(Jan 10), admitted that in theyear 2010 his party did not allo-cate much budget for the cost ofrabies prevention. The fundworth IDR 50 million was ap-proved for the procurement of

Within a Year,62 Residents ofKlungkung Bitten by Dog

about 200 vials of anti-rabiesvaccine (VAR). “After all ,Klungkung still has a stock about110 vials of VAR up to thesedays,” asserted Surata whilementioning that VAR stock wasstored in the Department ofHealth and Klungkung Hospital.

For the utilization, VAR stockwas distributed to communityhealth centers, scattering in thesubdistricts, including in NusaPenida Klungkung. Meanwhile,related to the attacks of rabies insome areas in Bali, Sutarta statedthat Klungkung still included inthe safe category are. Indeed,from January to December 2009,there were 62 cases of dog bites.However, all were negative. “Af-ter bitten by a dog, there wastime for a two-week investiga-tion to determine whether thebite case is positive to rabies ornot,” he said. (kmb20)

International4 Tuesday, January 12, 2010 News

The southern half of the coun-try, the Taliban heartland, has seenunrelenting violence as the U.S.military builds up its presence in thearea. Most of the 30,000 additionalAmerican troops that PresidentBarack Obama has ordered to Af-ghanistan will be deployed there.

A vehicle carrying the road crewwas hit by a roadside bomb Sun-day in the Nawa district in Helmandprovince, according to the InteriorMinistry. It said two workers werekilled and two were wounded.

The attack occurred a day aftera British correspondent and a U.S.Marine were killed by a roadsidebomb in the same area. Sunday Mir-ror journalist Rupert Hamer, 39,was the first British journalist killedin the conflict.

Hamer and photographer PhilipCoburn, 43, were accompanying a


VATICAN CITY – PopeBenedict XVI has denounced thefailure of world leaders to agree toa new climate change treaty by say-ing world peace depends on the re-sponsible safeguarding of God’screation.


CAIRO – Al-Qaida’s NorthAfrica offshoot demanded therelease of four of its membersin exchange for a French hos-tage it kidnapped two monthsago, in a message posted onmilitant Web sites Monday thatgave a 20 day deadline.

Al-Qaida in the IslamicMaghreb said that their only con-dition for the freeing of PierreCamatte is the release of fourmembers of the group arrestedby Mali several months ago.

“We give France and Mali 20days from the date of issuingthis statement to respond to ourlegitimate demand otherwisethe two governments will befully responsible for the Frenchhostage’s life,” it said in a state-ment dated Sunday.

The group announced lastmonth its kidnapping ofCamatte in Mali Nov. 25 andthree Spaniards in Mauritaniafive days later.

“We call upon the Frenchpublic opinion and the hostage’sfamily to exert pressure on thegovernment of (French presi-dent Nicolas) Sarkozy and pre-vent it from committing thesame folly committed by (Brit-ish prime Minister) GordonBrown toward his British citi-zen,” it said.

The group was referring tothe killing of British hostageEdwin Dyer in May 31 afterBritain refused to pay ransom


Afghan security forces stand next to a vehicle destroyed in a roadside bomb on the outskirts of Kabul.

US service member killedUS service member killedUS service member killedUS service member killedUS service member killedin southern Afghanistanin southern Afghanistanin southern Afghanistanin southern Afghanistanin southern Afghanistan


NICOSIA, Cyprus – Rival lead-ers on the divided island of Cypruslaunched a round of intensifiedtalks Monday aimed at paving theway for a peace deal this year.

President Dimitris Christofias,a Greek Cypriot, and breakawayTurkish Cypriot leader Mehmet AliTalat started six daylong sessions,hoping to overcome obstacles thathindered progress during 60 meet-ings over the past 16 months.

The talks will be held Jan. 11-13 and Jan. 25-27.

Cyprus was split in 1974 whenTurkey invaded after a coup bysupporters of union with Greece.The island joined the EuropeanUnion in 2004, but only GreekCypriots enjoy the benefits.

Real progress would restore thetalks’ credibility and rekindle hopeamong jaded Cypriots that their


KABUL – Bombs killed an American service member and two Af-ghan road construction workers in separate attacks in southern Af-ghanistan, officials said Monday.

U.S. Marine patrol Saturday whentheir vehicle was hit by a makeshiftbomb near the village of Nawa, theBritish Defense Ministry said.Coburn was seriously wounded.

Afghan President Hamid Karzaion Monday expressed condolencesto the family of the British journal-ist killed as well as to members ofthe British media community. Karzaisaid he appreciated the “brave jour-nalists” who risk their lives inHelmand.

U.S. spokesman Lt. NicoMelendez said an American servicemember also was killed Sunday inan explosion in southern Afghani-stan, but he gave no further details.At least seven American troops havebeen killed in Afghanistan so far thisyear, according to an AssociatedPress tally.

Obama has said U.S. troops will

start withdrawing from Afghanistanin July 2011, and American and Af-ghan officials already are preparingfor the transition.

The Afghan government has an-nounced plans to take over the U.S.-run prison at the Bagram air base.No date for the handover, has beenset but officials have said it couldoccur by the end of the year.

The U.S. military opened a newprison to replace the original facil-ity, which was tainted by allegationsof human rights abuses.

Navy Vice Adm. RobertHarward, the commander of U.S.detainee operations in Afghanistan,said some prisoners could be heldby the U.S. in so-called field deten-tion sites after the handover but theywould be turned over to the Afghansupon request. He also said the casesof a number of non-Afghans in U.S.custody would be reviewed. Thereare about 750 inmates at Bagram.

“Those will be all under Afghanoperations and any U.S. detentionwill fall under that system,” he saidat a press conference.

Pope denounces failure to chart new climate treatyBenedict issued the admonition in

a speech Monday to ambassadors ac-credited to the Vatican.

The pontiff criticized the “politi-cal resistance” to chart a new treatyduring last month’s negotiations inCopehnagen and said he hoped up-coming discussions would bear morefruit.

Benedict said the issue is criticalfor island nations and in places likeAfrica, where the battle for re-sources results in wars. He called fora “rechanneling” of agricultural ef-forts in Afghanistan and LatinAmerica to fight the drug trade.

He said “to cultivate peace, onemust protect creation!”

Cyprus’ leaders launchintensified talks

leaders can tackle a decades-olddispute that is hindering Turkey’sEU membership bid and harmingEU-NATO cooperation.

Talks are focusing on power-sharing under a future federalstructure, the economy and EUmatters. But they appeared to beon shaky ground even before theystarted.

New Turkish Cypriot proposalsleaked last week that include sepa-rate rights to sign internationalagreements and control of theMediterranean island’s air space.

Government spokesmanStefanos Stefanou on Sundaycalled the proposals “unaccept-able” and warned they could notconstitute the basis for negotia-tions. Other key sticking points re-main sensitive arrangements onproperty lost during the 1974 warand granting military interventionrights to Turkey.

Al-Qaida offersexchange forFrench hostage

and the release of a radical Islam-ist preacher held in Britain.

Dyer was one of four Europeantourists — as well as two seniorU.N. envoys — kidnapped last yearnear the Mali and Niger borders.They were likely abducted by lo-cal gunmen and then transferred toal-Qaida’s group.

One of the four hostages,Werner Greiner, a Swiss, was re-leased in July 2009 after spendingsix months in captivity in Mali. Hiswife and another German womanwere freed in April 2009 togetherwith two Canadian U.N. envoys,who had been captured separatelyin December, 2008.

The group has not yet set condi-tions for the release of the threeSpaniards who had been travelingat the tail end of a convoy distribut-ing aid to poor villages along thecoast of Mauritania when they wereabducted. In its earlier statement,the group said the kidnapping wasin retaliation for “the Crusaders’ waragainst Muslims and Islam every-where and the killing of innocentpeople and occupying their lands.”

The authenticity of Monday’sstatement could not be immedi-ately verified, but it was posted onan Islamic militant Web site thatpublishes statements and videofootage by al-Qaida and other mili-tant groups.

Al-Qaida in the IslamicMaghreb operates mainly in Alge-ria but is suspected of crossing thecountry’s porous desert borders tospread violence in the rest of north-western Africa.

General Info Tuesday, January 12, 2010 5International


There are 4 major hospitals usually used by foreigners -Denpasar General Hospital(RSUP Sanglah), Kasih Ibu Hospital, Rumah Sakit Wongayaand Rumah Sakit Dharma Husada.

RSUP Sanglah is the main provincial public hospital. Itsfacilities have improved since the emergency ward had beenbuilt in 1991. Difficult/critical cases would not become aproblem anymore since it has complete equipments. It islocated on Jl. KesehatanSelatan 1 Sanglah Denpasar with :Phone : 227 911 – 15Fax : 226 363

Kasih Ibu Hospital is a private hospital which caters forless serious cases such as diarrhea, intestinal disorders, ane-mia, asthma and minor accidents. Kasih Ibu is also equippedto care for pregnant women. This hospital is located on Jl.Teuku Umar 120 Denpasar.Phone : 223 036Fax : 268 690.

Rumah Sakit Wongaya (Public Hospital; Psychiatric Unit)Jl. Kartini, Denpasar.Phone : 222 142.

Rumah Sakit Dharma Husada , (Private)Jl. Sudirman No 50, DenpasarPhone : 227 560, 234 824

In relating with health, Bali also has insurance and medicalevacuation company, thatis:AEA International - SOS Assistance Bali.PT Abhaya Eka Astiti, Jl. By Pass Ngurah RaiNo. 24X, Kuta 80361.Phone : 755 768 Fax : 755 768One thing that should be noted by tourists here is that theBlood Bank in Bali normally carries no stock of Rhesus (Rh)Negative blood.


Bali Medical ClinicsThere are some medical clinics that are well known by for-eigners in Bali. Some of them are western owned and oper-ated :

Bali International Medical Center (BIMC)Bali International Medical Centre (BIMC) provides excel-lent Primary Health Care & Emeregency Medical Servicesfor tourists, traveler, and expatriate living in Bali.Emeregency Room, Ambulance, Clinic Services, Insurance& Medical Evacuations also available. Open 24 hours Phone: 761 2631. Located Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai No.100X, Kuta,Bali 80361 - Indonesia. http://www.bimcbali.com

International SOS Clinic BaliOpened in 1999, offers International SOS members and visi-tors to Bali comprehensive primary health care and 24-houremergency medical service.Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai 505X, Kuta 80361, Bali - IndonesiaPhone : 720 100 Fax : 721 919E-mail : info@sos-bali.comttp ://www.sos-bali.com

Bali Nusa Dua Emergency ClinicJl Pratama No. 81 Phone : 771 324

Kuta ClinicJl. Raya Kuta Phone : 753 268

Dental ClinicDr Indra Guizot, Jl. Patimura 19, DenpasarPhone : 222 445, 234 375

DDS. Ritjie Rihartinah, Jl Pratama No. 81Nusa Dua Phone : 771 324

Retno W. Agung, Jln. Bypass Ngurah Rai No.4ABr. Tamansari – Sanur Phone : 288 501

Australian Consulate GeneralJalan Tantular 32 Renon DenpasarPhone: +62 361 241118Fax: +62 361 221195 (General) +62 361 241120 (Immigration)

Royal Danish & NorwegianMimpi Resort Jimbaran, BaliPhone +62.361.701 070

The Czech RepublicJalan Pengembak No. 17 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.286 465

France Consulate AgencyJalan Merta Sari Gang II No. 8 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.285 485

The Federal Republic of GermanyJalan Pantai Karang No 17 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.288 535

The Republic of HungaryJalan By Pass No 219 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.287 701

Italian ConsulateJalan By Pass Ngurah Rai Jimbaran, BaliPhone +62.361.701 005

Honorary Consulate of MexicoJalan Mohamad Yamin 1 A, Renon, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.223 266

Honorary Consulate of The NetherlandsJalan Raya Kuta 127, BaliPhone +62.361.761 506

Honorary Consulate of SpainKomplek Istana Kuta Galleria Blok Vallet 2 No 11. JalanPatih Jelantik Kuta, BaliPhone +62.361.769 286

USA Consulate AgencyJalan Hayam Wuruk No. 188 Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.222 426

Consulate General of JapanJalan Raya Puputan No. 170 Renon, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.227 628

Honorary Consulate of BritishJalan Tirta Nadi No. 20 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.270 601

Swiss and Austria ConsulateJalan Patih Jelantik, Komplek Pertokoan IstanaGalleriaPhone +62.361.751 735

Honorary Consulate of BrazilJalan Legian No. 186, BaliPhone +62.361.757 775

Honorary Consulate of ThailandJalan Raya Puputan Renon 81, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.263 310

Embassy of IndiaJalan Raya Puputan Renon 42-44, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.241 978

Honorary Consulate of Sweden anf FinlandSegara Village Hotel, Jalan Segara Ayu, Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.282 223

Honorary Consulate of MalaysiaAlam Kulkul Boutique Resort, Jalan Pantai Kuta, BaliPhone +62.361.752 520


Bangli General HospitalJl. Kesumayuda 27, BangliPhone : +62 366 91521


Clinic MasJl. Raya Mas, UbudPhone : +62 361 974573

Toyo ClinicJl. Pengosekan, UbudPhone : +62 361 978078

Permata Bunda ClinicJl. Patih Jelantik 50 X, GianyarPhone : +62 361 942082

Ubud ClinicJl Raya Ubud No.36 Campuhan, UbudPhone : +62 361 974911

Gianyar General HospitalJl. Ciung Wanara 2, GianyarPhone : +62 361 943049


Karangasem General HospitalJl. Ngurah Rai, KarangasemPhone : +62 363 21001


Klungkung General HospitalJl. Flamboyan 40-4, KlungkungPhone : +62 366 21371


Negara General HospitalJl. Gelar, NegaraPhone : +62 365 41006


Laboratorium ClinicJl. Gunung semeru No. 8, TabananPhone : +62 361 819260

Mengwi ClinicJl. I Gusti Ngurah Rai 46, TabananPhone : +62 361 880550

Darma Kerti HospitalJl. Teratai 16, TabananPhone : +62 361 812359

Tabanan General HospitalJl. Pahlawan 14, TabananPhone : +62 361 811027

Praja Taxi : (0361) 289090Bali Taxi : (0361) 701111Ngurah Rai Taxi : (0361) 724724Pan Wirthi Taxi : (0361) 723366Komotra Taxi : (0361) 758855


Prodia ClinicJl. RA Kartini 12, Singaraja Bali0362 - 24-516

Singaraja HospitalJl. Ngurah Rai 30, Singaraja Bali0362 - 22-573

Pet ClinicsKayumas: (0361) 226934Sayang Binatang: (0361) 483121Satwa Kertha Husada: (0361) 263018Pantai Sindhu: (0361) 287518Sidakarya: (0361) 724492Pedungan: (0361) 720026



Tuesday, January 12, 20106 News

The North’s call came as PresidentBarack Obama’s special envoy for hu-man rights in North Korea said earlierin the day during a visit to Seoul thatany normalization of relations dependson an improvement in what he calledthe North’s “appalling” human rightssituation.

The North’s Foreign Ministry saidin a statement that the resumption ofthe six-nation nuclear talks depends onbuilding confidence betweenPyongyang and Washington and calledfor a peace treaty, which it has long de-manded.

Before nuclear talks can get backon track, North Korea and the UnitedStates must improve their relation-ship by beginning talks aimed at sign-ing a peace treaty to formally end theKorean War, the lack of which itcalled a “root cause of the hostile re-lations,” the ministry said in a state-ment.

The 1950-53 Korean War endedin a truce, not a peace treaty, thusleaving the peninsula technically atwar. North Korea, the U.S.-ledUnited Nations Command and Chinaare signatories to the cease-fire, whileSouth Korea has never signed theaccord.

The statement called for a peacetreaty to be concluded this year, whichit emphasized marks the 60th anniver-sary since the outbreak of the KoreanWar.

North Korea pulled out of the six-party nuclear talks with the U.S., China,South Korea, Russia and Japan last year


BEIJING – Thousands of Chineseofficials have fled overseas with asmuch as $50 billion in their pockets instolen government funds during thecountry’s economic boom over the pastthree decades, China’s top prosecutorialoffice said Monday.

Using the services of criminal gangsin other countries, former officials areoften able to launder money, buy realestate and obtain fake IDs, accordingto an article posted on the Web site ofthe Supreme People’s Procuratorate.

The report from the topprosecutor’s office said developednations, including the United Statesand Australia, have become “heavenfor those in hiding.”

A joint multi-agency governmenttask force has been set up to stem theflood of corrupt officials stealing andescaping the country.

“According to statistics, China nowhas 4,000 officials hiding overseas with$50 billion,” the report said. It was un-clear how the numbers were calculated.

They include the Public Security,Justice and Foreign Affairs ministriesjoining together “to prevent the fleeing

AP –

South Korean Army’s Blackhawk UH-60 helicopters land during a military exercise to prepare forpossible

NKorea calls for peaceNKorea calls for peaceNKorea calls for peaceNKorea calls for peaceNKorea calls for peacetalks, end to sanctionstalks, end to sanctionstalks, end to sanctionstalks, end to sanctionstalks, end to sanctionsAP

SEOUL, South Korea – North Korea proposed concluding a peace treaty to formally endthe Korean War this year, saying Monday that improved ties with the United States and anend to sanctions are conditions for resuming international negotiations aimed at ridding it ofnuclear weapons.

after international criticism of a long-range rocket launch that drew U.N.sanctions. It later conducted its secondunderground nuclear test.

“This appears to be an overture bythe North Koreans to try and, in theirown way, break through the logjam thatwe have seen for more than a year nowin the talks,” said Peter Beck, an experton North Korea currently conductingresearch at Stanford University.

The proposal comes after a landmarkvisit to North last month by StephenBosworth, President Barack Obama’sspecial envoy for the country. Bosworthsaid after his trip that the North agreedon the necessity of returning to the talks,though the country has not said when itwould rejoin them.

Bosworth also said he conveyed amessage from Obama calling for the“complete denuclearization of the Ko-rean peninsula” and underliningWashington’s willingness to help bringthe isolated country back into the inter-national fold. He said discussion of apeace treaty could take place within thesix-party talks framework.

North Korea said after the meetingthat the two sides discussed a wide rangeof issues including denuclearization,forging a peace treaty, improving bilat-eral relations and economic and energyassistance.

The six-party talks began in 2003,and in 2005 and 2007 there were agree-ments on a disarmament pact whichcalls for North Korea to end its nuclearprograms in exchange for economic aid,security assurances and diplomatic rec-

ognition.North Korea also suggested that the

withdrawal of sanctions could lead to aspeedy resumption of the talks.

“The removal of the barrier of suchdiscrimination and distrust as sanctionsmay soon lead to the opening of the six-party talks,” the North’s statement said.

Robert King, Obama’s special en-voy for human rights in North Korea,harshly criticized the communist coun-try Monday and said that the situationis preventing a normalization of rela-tions.

“It’s one of the worst places in termsof lack of human rights,” King told re-porters after meeting South Korea’sforeign minister. “The situation is ap-palling.”

He added, “Improved relations be-tween the United States and North Ko-rea will have to involve greater respectfor human rights by North Korea.”

North Korea has long been regardedas having one of the world’s worst hu-man rights records. The country holdssome 154,000 political prisoners in sixlarge camps across the country, accord-ing to South Korean government esti-mates.

Pyongyang denies the existence ofprison camps and often reacts stronglyto foreign criticism regarding humanrights.

Separately, Vitit Muntarbhorn, theUnited Nations’ special investigator onhuman rights in North Korea, kickedoff a six-day visit to South Korea tomeet government officials, civic activ-ists and North Korean defectors.

AP –

In this photo taken on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2010, a bank clerkcounts U.S. dollars and RMB yuan notes for

Chinese officials fledoverseas with $50 billion

of those who violate disciplines orlaws,” said a notice posted on the Min-istry of Supervision’s Web site.

“All in all, efforts should continueto be made to catch and arrest the cor-rupt officials,” it said, while also mak-ing their lives on the run difficult.

It did not give details on how itwould apprehend the officials or getthem back to China to face the law.

The official Global Times newspa-per reported Monday that the Ministryof Supervision monitored overseas tripsmade by government officials last year,with investigations conducted on 319officials in 103 cases.

Overseas trips have been put undermore scrutiny since Yang Xianghong,the party chief of a district in Whenzhoucity in eastern Zhejiang province, wenton a government junket to France in2008 and refused to return home. Hiswife was arrested by police on suspi-cion of trying to launder 20 million yuan($2.9 million).

Shao Daosheng, an analyst fromChina Academy of Social Sciences, toldthe newspaper there are several waysthat officials typically flee: during over-seas work trips, using fake identifica-tion and with the help of criminal gangs.

In the evening, it will be presenteda Calonarang ballet at the temple’soutermost courtyard intended to enter-tain the Hindus staying out all night(mejagra). The Calonarang Ballet isthe presentation of devotees wishingto get taksu (divine inspiration) at thetemple. Therefore, Jro Mangku Gdeof Campuhan Temple expected thatdevotees that would attend the cer-emony could come from 3:00 pm Lo-cal Time until the following morning.

After executing the temple anniver-sary, he said, the local temple priestswould provide devotional services for

The teachers and parents also takepart in increasing the quality of edu-cation by donating some amount of

Australia...From page 1

money for scholarship. The scholar-ship will be given to the student thatcan not afford to pay the school. Thereis great hope that there will be morepeople who take part in increasing thewelfare of the people in Karangasemand Bali.(gie)

Celebrations of Sivaratri...From page 1

purificatory rite and healing. Usually,the anniversary at this temple wasthronged by hundreds of priests fromthroughout Bali to provide devotionalservice, including running the ecan-ecan of temple priests.

Segara Windhu Campuhan Templeat Padanggalak now becomes a placeof pilgrimage because many devoteesgot recovery from various diseases. Itis called Campuan because locationof the temple lies at the confluence ofAyung River and Padanggalak Beach.Many devotees offers donation for theconstruction of this temple. (025)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010 7Indonesia TodayInternational

He was for the first time grilledby KPK investigators for 10 hourslast Friday.

KPK spokesman Johan Budi said


MEDAN - Indonesia should notworry about free trade because it hasmany products with better quality,Cooperatives and Small and MediumEnterprises (SME) MinisterSyarifuddin Hasan said.

“What we need to do is to increaseour readiness (to face the free tradearea),” the minister said after a meet-ing with banking institution represen-tatives here on Monday.

He said that Indonesian businesses


TASIKMALAYA - At least 25houses were damaged after an earth-quake measuring 5.4 on the Richterscale rocked Tasikmalaya district,West Java, on Sunday morning.

Five of the 25 houses were heavilydamaged while the rest lightly and


JAKARTA - A flood inundatingthree villages in Bangil district,Pasuruan, East Java, since last Satur-day (Jan 9) until Monday (Jan 11)morning, has forced three local el-ementary schools to postpone theirsemester examinations.

The three schools are theMadrasah Ibtidaiyah Miftahul AnwarKalianyar, State Elementary School(SDN) 1 Kalianyar and State Elemen-tary School (SDN) Tambaan.

M Syafi’i, headmaster of theMadrasah Ibtidaiyah Miftahul AnwarKalianyar, said his school could onlyconduct the final exam for students inclasses 1,2 and 3 while students inclasses 4,5 and 6 were unable to takethe exam since their class-rooms werestill dirty by the mud from the flood.

Meanwhile, the semester exam atSDN 1 Kalianyar was completelypostponed since all papers for the

Agence France-Presse

JAKARTA - Indonesian prosecu-tors have appealed against a court’sdecision to overturn the conviction ofa Garuda Indonesia pilot who crasheda passenger jet, killing 21 people, aspokesman said Monday.

The high court last month quashedan earlier two-year prison sentenceagainst pilot Marwoto Komar, sayinghe “tried his best” to save the Boeing737 which crashed on landing inYogyakarta, central Java, in 2007.

“There’s an error in interpretationof the law by the high court. By free-ing him it’s like saying the incidentnever took place,” Yogyakarta pros-ecutors office spokesman ForaNoenoehitoe told AFP.

“We maintain our position that heshould be jailed.”

The plane hit the tarmac at twicethe recommended landing speed andspeared into neighbouring rice fieldsbefore bursting into flames.

Komar says faulty wing flaps were

Indonesia prosecutorsappeal Garuda pilot acquittal

to blame for the jet’s excessive air-speed as it came in to land. He alsoblamed the condition of the run-way and poor safety standards atYogyakarta airport for the numberof casualties.

A safety investigation reporthowever found he had ignored 15automatic warnings that his ap-proach speed was too fast.

Five Australians — a diplomat,an aid official, two police officersand a journalist who were follow-ing then-Australian foreign minis-ter Alexander Downer on an offi-cial visit — were among the dead.

The European Union banned allIndonesian airlines from its air-space in June 2007 due to safetyconcerns after a spate of accidents.The ban was lifted in July 2009 forfour airlines, including Garuda.

Komar has said he plans to returnto flying for Garuda, the nationalcarrier which is hoping to raise hun-dreds of millions of dollars in a pub-lic share offering this year.

Twenty-five houses damagedin Tasikmalaya quake

moderately, Cipatujah subdistricthead, Aziz said.

“The number of houses damagedin the quake is still unclear as weare still counting it,” he said.

The houses were located atSindangkerta, Padawaras, Cipanas,and Cipatujah villages in Cipatujahsubdistrict, Tasikmalaya district.

“There is no report of casualtiesor injuries,” he said.

The 5.4 magnitude quake wascentered at 84 km southwest ofTasikmalaya at a depth of 14 km.

The quake did not trigger a tsu-nami warning but it promptedcoastal residents to rush outdoorsand stay away from the coast.

RI should not worry about free tradeneeded to improve the quality oftheir products so that they would beattractive to the world market.

Besides, efficiency should also beobserved in every sector, includinglowering banking interest rates andremoving illegal levies that raiseproduction costs.

Businesses should thereafter in-crease their production so that thenumber of trade items would in-crease.

“If these things are carried out webelieve our products will be better

and be able to compete with prod-ucts from other countries,” he said.

The minister acknowledged thatcertain groups of people were con-cerned with the free trade.

But their worries could not beproven because many national busi-nessmen are ready to compete withtheir high quality products.

“Many of our products have goodquality,” the minister added.

The ASEAN Free Trade Area(AFTA) has been effective as ofJanuary 2010.

KPK questions Anggodo Widjojo anewKPK questions Anggodo Widjojo anewKPK questions Anggodo Widjojo anewKPK questions Anggodo Widjojo anewKPK questions Anggodo Widjojo anew


School children from SDN 1 Kalianyar Bangil, Pasuruan, East Java have to go home early because a floodinundating their school. The flood also forced three local elementary schools to postpone their semesterexaminations.


JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) onMonday questioned businessman Anggodo Widjojo for the second timefor attempted bribery.

the Commission needed additionaldata from Anggodo and therefore ithad summoned him again for ques-tioning.

“KPK wants to have more infor-mation from Anggodo,” Johan Budisaid, adding that the businessman ar-rived at the KPK office at 9 a.m. ac-companied by his lawyer.

On arrival in the KPK building,Anggodo refused to speak to wait-ing reporters and directly made hisway into the KPK office.

Anggodo was questioned for the

first time last Friday after the KPKpostponed a questioning session theday earlier (Thursday).

He was initially to be questionedlast Thursday but the questioning ses-sion was postponed because the KPKinvestigators wanted to obtain adeeper understanding of certain per-tinent matters.

Anggodo was questioned on Fri-

day for a bribery attempt and forefforts to hamper an investigationbeing carried out by KPK.

He is the younger brother ofAnggoro Widjojo who has beennamed by the KPK as a suspectfor bribery in the supply of anIntegrated Radio Communica-tion System to the Forestry Min-istry.

Flood forces villageschools to postponesemester exams

examination had been affected bythe flood water.

SDN 1 Kalianyar’s headmaster,Ismail, said his school was sup-posed to conduct the semesterexam starting this Monday (Jan 11)to Friday (Jan 15). However, heexpected the exam would bestarted on Tuesday (Jan 12) soonafter the school had the damagedexam papers replaced with newones.

SDN Tambaan was also amongthe schools unable to execute thesemester exam. The headmaster,Nikmah, said students of classes1, 2, 3 and 4 could have their examin accordance with the exactschedule. However, those studyingin class 5 had to take the exam inthe library room while students inclass 6 were completely unable tofollow semester exam becausetheir class room was still soiled bymud from the flood.

8 InternationaTuesday, January 12, 2010

Bali Today

One of the fishers atPengambengan, Mulyadi, 46, lastSunday (Jan 10), said that since thepast three days he was forced to idle.According to him, the currentweather was not friendly for fish-ers and it was ever changing. As re-cently, Mulyadi could sail by hisboat due to the sunny weather. How-ever, when he got him in the middleof the sea suddenly it rained andstrong winds blew. “My boat wasnearly toppled by the wind,” he said.

To kill his spare time duringabsent from going to sea, Mulyadichose to take side job as a coolie at abuilding construction. Not only fish-ers suffering from this bad weather,had crossing at Bali Strait to be alert,too. Gilimanuk harbormaster, DewaNyoman Kari, said that currently his


DENPASAR – Bali is preparing tobecome the host of international filmfestival which will be joined by hun-dreds of countries. I Made Santha, thehead of Art Division in Bali CulturalDepartment, said “Bali is preparingeverything early in order to be able toheld the festival as good as possible.The festival will be held in 2012.”

He said that the preparation in-


DENPASAR – Bali tourismgroup coordinated by Bali Village washeading to Netherlands to take part inan exhibition entitled “Vakantiebeurs”which will be held on January 12th

through January 17th 2010. Rhudy Antara, the representative

of Bali Village, said that it is the sec-ond time the group from Bali takespart in the exhibition. “This year, In-donesia becomes the host countrypartner in the exhibition,” he added.


DENPASAR – Bali Zoo Parkwhich is located in Gianyar has ad-ditional collection after a baby apeor “Hylobates syndactalus” wasborn on January 8th 2010.

Kadek Subagia, the curator ofthe zoo, said “the new born was theresults of the marriage of the femalecalled Si Menik and the male Si Boy.This is the third baby of the couple.”Current, the baby is being treated bya veterinarian in order to maintainits health condition.

“The birth of the baby ape isquite rare in captivity in this is a bigsuccess for the zoo. It is one of theeffort by the zoo to preserve endan-ger animals and also become the

Bad Weather, Fishermen Reluctant to Go to SeaBad Weather, Fishermen Reluctant to Go to SeaBad Weather, Fishermen Reluctant to Go to SeaBad Weather, Fishermen Reluctant to Go to SeaBad Weather, Fishermen Reluctant to Go to SeaBali Post

NEGARA - Bad weather condition engulfing the waters ofBali within the past few days did not only make the crossing vigi-lant, but also made fishers reluctant to go to sea. Weather condi-tions changing rapidly and sometimes erratic made the fishersfeel to be fooled when going to sea. However, they did not get thefish as expected. Strong winds accompanied by heavy down-pours often occurred suddenly and unexpectedly. This conditionmade a number of fishers at Pengambengan and Cupel not sail.

party only increased the alertness.The reason, bad weather at any timecould happen. On that account, whenthe weather was bad and not worthyused to cross, his party applied thelid pattern. It was necessary becauseheavy rains will make the captain’svisibility limited so that it could makethe ship in the wrong direction orcollision with another ship. (sur)

The photo shows fishermendoing their daily activity

cathing fish. Bad weathercondition engulfing the

waters of Bali within the pastfew days did not only make

the crossing vigilant, butalso made fishers reluctant

to go to sea. Bali Post/Edi

Bali promote tourismto Netherlands

Rhudy said that Netherlands isa potential tourism market for Bali.The people of Netherlands have cometo Bali since hundreds of years ago.The introduction of direct flights toIndonesia made it easier for thepeople of Netherlands to travel toBali.

“The exhibition can be themeans of promotion of tourism inBali to the people of Netherlands.Hopefully, the number of tourists vis-ited Bali will increase after they seethe products offered by tourism busi-

nessmen in Bali,” Rhudy explained. Indonesia seemed already at-

tach with the people of Netherlandsso the number of tourists from thecountry could increase in 2010.

Rhudy said Bali Village hadbeen preparing promotion strategy in2010 where in March they will pro-mote in four cities in Germany,Stuttgart, Köln, Hamburg and Berlin.“In May, we will carry out the simi-lar program in Australia and NewZealand, and also in Jakarta,” headded.

Bali to become the host ofinternational movie festival

cluding in the 32nd Bali Art Festival(PKB) in June, and also preparing adocumentary film about Bali.

The department also will holddocumentary film festival which isopen for government institution orpersonal company in Bali. Thedocumenter will be 15 through30minutes long about the culture ofBali.

Santha said that many effortshad been done in order to develop

movie production in Bali. There isgreat hope that movies from Bali couldjoined in the international festival. Balias a famous tourism destination hasvery unique culture and panoramawhich is very good to create movie.

A movie entitled “Eat PrayLove” stared by Julia Roberts was suc-cessfully shot in Bali. The situationcould attract other movie maker tomake and develop the movie industryin Bali.

Baby ”Siamang” isborn in Bali Zoo Park

means of education for the people,”he added.

Kadek explained that the apewhich is has no tail or usually called“siamang” is originally fromSumatra. The height could up to 1meter and 14 kilograms in weight.They can live for more than 30 yearsin captivity.

The food of the animals arefruits, leafs, and small insect. Cur-rently, siamang is protected by thelaw,” he added.

The number of “siamang” de-creased drastically in their wild habi-tat because illegal hunting and the de-struction of the forests where theylive. Actually, “siamang” plays animportant role as the spreader of theseed so plants can grow everywhere.

Bali Zoo Parkwhich is locatedin Gianyar hasadditional collec-tion after a babyape or “Hylobatessyndactalus” wasborn on January8th 2010.Bali Zoo Park

Balinese Culture

Tuesday, January 12, 2010 9al

Overview:If you are only

accustomed toeating deep-friedsquid, you’ll besurprised by thedifference when it iscooked Balinesestyle. If squid isunavailable, replacewith large cuttlefishor any other firm fishfillets such assnapper or seabass.

Ingredients:600 gr baby squid, cleaned and diced1 tbsp freshly squeezed limejuice1/3 tsp powdered black pepper1/2 tsp salt1/2 tsp oil5 shallots, peeled and sliced2 large red chilies, seeded and sliced1/2 cup spice paste for seafood1 cup chicken stock5 sprigs lemon basil, slicedFried shallots and sprigs of lemon basil to garnish

Preparation:Heat oil in wok, add shallots, chilies and squid and

sauté for 2 minutes over high heat. Add seafood spicepaste and continue to sauté for 1 more minute. Pour inchicken stock, add the sliced basil and bring to boil.Reduce heat and simmer for 1 minute. Season to tasteand garnish with sprigs of lemon basil, fried shallots andserve with Coconut Rice. (www.baliguide.com/balifood)

Each community around the globehas its own characteristic related to con-venient housing in accordance with itssurroundings. If Eskimos have uniquedome-like igloo in polar zone, Balinesepeople have a house called bale or pa-vilion. Designed for two seasons, it isthatched to generate warmth or cool-ness. The ones in original design remainto be found almost everywhere in Bali.

Bangli Regency, for instance, hasPenglipuran traditional village. It re-sembles a living showcase of Balinesecompounds designed based on tradi-tional architectural concept. Zonal ar-rangement is made in such a way wheresanctum lies at upper stream or higherplace, then residential area at the lowerand followed by cemetery at the end.Similarly, the structure and affixing or-naments in use goes along with the lo-cal concept. Another ancient pavilioncan be observed at Kertha Gosa Hall ofJustice in Klungkung. This pavilion wasformerly used as courtroom during thereign of Klungkung kingdom. Thesetwo destinations are visited by manytourists every day.

Traces of written source left re-garding to Balinese architecture retainsin the manuscripts like the Asta Bumiand Asta Kosala Kosali. Students ofarchitecture in Bali are, at least, alsogiven introduction to this subject.Though original manuscripts are diffi-cult to find, its transliterated version are

Overview:The French are not the only ones to have a liking for

snails. The Balinese gather snails in the rice fields. Butyou can use the canned variety. Cucumber, zucchini orany other summer squash can be used instead of greenpapaya.

Ingredients:200 gr unripe green papaya1 liter chicken stock½ cup spice paste for seafood1 stalk lemon grass bruised2 salam leaves1 tbsp oil48 canned snails, washed and drained1 tsp saltFreshly ground black pepperFried shallots to garnish

Preparation:Peel the papaya, cut in half lengthwise and remove

the seeds, then cut it lengthwise in 4 or 6 slices. Cutcrosswise into slices about 0.5 cm thick.

Combine stock, spice paste, lemon grass, salamleaves and oil in a large pot. Bring to boil, and thensimmer for 5 minutes. Add papayas and simmer untilalmost tender. Add the snails and continue cooking untilthe papaya softens.

Season with salt and pepper to taste and garnish withfried shallots.

Helpful hint: If you do not care for snails. You cansubstitute 12 dried black Chinese mushroom. Washedand soaked I warm water for 20minutes. Add themtogether with the papaya to ensure they will be tenderby the time the papaya is cooked. (www.baliguide.com/balifood)

Balinese Architectural Style: From Bale, Bade to Villawidely sold at most bookstores inDenpasar. Both manuscripts are referredin designing various sanctum and tradi-tional pavilion. By nature, Asta Bumihighlights about the basic measurementsof sanctum building, house, geomancyand selection of good wood used foreach building.

Meanwhile, Asta Kosala Kosalialso contains some standard measure-ments used for making bale building andits attached bed’s structure. In addition,it also alludes the making of bade towerused in cremation ceremony. The latteris explained from the materials requireduntil the initiation rites and mantrachanted before the tower is used for thecremation.

Let us be back to Balinese bale.Residential zone in Balinese compoundis filled with a series of traditional houseshaving different functions. Each build-ing is called bale. It is generally filledwith bale delod (southern pavilion fororganizing ritual), bale daja (northern pa-vilion for bedroom), bale dauh (west-ern pavilion for hosting guests), kitchenand rice granary. Afterwards, each hasfixed measurement, number of beam,ornament pursuant to its type and dis-tance from one another and from sanc-tum and kitchen. Failing to meet thesestandards, it is believed to result dishar-mony in the dwellers.

Marked characteristics of bale layon its base, beam (6, 8, 9 and 12), roof

and other structures. In the past, bale al-ways used alang-alang or thatch roof. Thealang-alang grass itself can give warmthduring the rainy season and coolnessduring the dry season. Then, the wallapplied the mixture of refined soil, huskof rice and reinforced by bamboo bars.Today, some elements like foundation,wall and roof have been replaced withmodern materials. However, its designand structure remain the same.

In keeping with the developmentof tourism industry, the bale architecturalstyle has much widely inspired the de-sign of tourism property across the is-land. It does not only give new style tothe property itself, but also preserves theindigenous traditional concept. Based onthis inspiration, creative undagi (tradi-tional architect) have produced a widevariety of gazebo for hotel, villa or spaoutlets. Interestingly, bale has now beenmade in mass production in the form ofwooden knockdown. It shores up theemerging trend of eco-friendly propertyboth at home and overseas. It is good toinstall at coastal and chill area.

At the beginning, the bale was usedfor private living by Balinese people.Later, this concept is applied to touristaccommodations like cottage and villa.Tourists visiting Bali can now rejoice inthe comfort and tranquility of the bale asthe Balinese do. Even, they can nowbring it home in order they could feel thecomfort longer. (BTN/punia)

Jukut Kakul(Snail Soup)

Kenus Mebase Bali(Balinese Squid)


Garbage is seen in the river in Suwung area, Denpasar. The ignorant people throughout thecity who throw their garbage everywhere made river packed with garbage. It made floodoften occur especially during rainy season.

Tuesday, January 12, 201010 InternationalDestinations

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TENGANAN Village is one of the oldest BalineseTraditional located in Karangasem Regency, east partof Bali. This village is much referred by cultural lit-erature science of Tenganan Pegringsingan, which isvery famous in the island. It own very unique localcommunity life pattern which is one example of BaliAga Village cultures (Hindu Prehistoric) and differ-ent with other countryside in plain of Bali. Nowa-days, this village has been appointed as a place fortourist destination which can present the attractiveand unique matters which able to add the variationof object and fascination for tourist to come.

Tenganan village is geographically situatedamong the hill in west and east part of this village.This village is located in Manggis sub district andKarangasem Regency or about 1 hour drive fromDenpasar Town. It is a small village consisted ofthree Banjars (group of local community) thoseare Banjar Kauh, Banjar Tengah and Banjar Pande.The regional of this village is consisted of threecomplexes those are resident, plantation and ricefield complex. The history of Tenganan village isexpressed in a few versions. The first version ismentioned that the resident of Tenganan villageare come from Paneges Village, a village is lo-cated near with Bedahulu Village that is locatedGianyar Regency. The second version is expressed http://static.panoramio.com

Tenganan Villagethat word of Tenganan recognized in one of Baliinscription that was written by the word ofTranganan. The third version is expressed that theTenganan Village Resident prays to the BukitLempuyang Temple. The word of Tenganan is as-cribed by a Tengah root word which can mean toaim to middle of Pegringsingan, the fasten clothtype weave that is typically produce by Tengananvillage resident. The structure of resident inTenganan village is built in linear consisted of sixrays. Each of ray consisted of some lawn broadly,the building form where the local community useit to present the handicraft for tourists. All the tra-dition existences of the human being are harmoni-ously with the God, human and environment asaccording to Tri Hita Karana concept. The Tour-ism Destination of Tenganan remains to draw dur-ing the time, goodness as tourism cultural object,tourism nature and agriculture tourism.

It is a very famous village throughout Bali wheremost of the local people knows where it is located.It is located in Karangasem Regency and close toCandidasa. You can find many travel agencies servethe tour to visit this village and you may joinKarangasem Tour which you will discover placesof interest in east part of Bali including this vil-lage. (www.balistarisland.com)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010 11


Agence France-Presse

LONDON - British banks feartheir fragile recovery will grind to ahalt over the next few months, ac-cording to a survey by employers’organization the Confederation ofBritish Industry (CBI).

Growth in Britain’s financialservices industry was lower than ex-pected towards the end of 2009, thequarterly study by CBI andPricewaterhouseCoopers showed.

Banks and building societieswarn that an increase in retail andcorporate banking lending over thenext six months will be choked offby March, leading to cuts in incomeand profits.

“Firms do not expect growthin business volumes to continueover the coming three months anddo not anticipate improving profit-ability, despite further cost reduc-tions,” the CBI said.

Asked how their business vol-umes fared in the three months toDecember, 32 percent of institutionssaid volumes rose, while 28 percentsaid they had fallen.

The resulting balance of plusfour percent is lower thanSeptember’s figure of plus seven

The markets were also given alift by data released the day beforethat showed mainland exportssurged 17.7 percent in December tosnap a 13-month falling streak.

The week across the regionstarted on a high despite disappoint-ing jobs figures out of the eurozoneand the United States on Friday, whichput a damper on recent optimism forthe global economic recovery.

Shanghai shares rose 1.30 per-cent early on as securities firms andbanks rallied on Beijing’s approvalFriday of the launch of a stock in-dex futures market, and a trial forshort selling and margin trading,dealers said.

Hong Kong shares were 1.46percent up.

“The approval raises expecta-

Agence France-Presse

SINGAPORE - Singaporeis unlikely to sink back into re-cession but economic recoverythis year is expected to be slug-gish, Trade Minister Lim HngKiang said Monday.

The consumption-boostingeffects of government stimuluspackages implemented at theheight of the global economicslump are waning and continuedhigh unemployment in theUnited States will hurt demandfor Singapore exports, he said.

However, Lim said in par-liament: “A double-dip reces-sion is not likely.”

He added: “The recovery in2010 is expected to be uneven.The risk of a return to recessionis low in the absence of furtherfinancial shocks.”

Lim said “growth momen-tum in the second half of 2010may slow down as the effects ofglobal fiscal stimulus measures

China, HongChina, HongChina, HongChina, HongChina, HongKong lead AsianKong lead AsianKong lead AsianKong lead AsianKong lead Asianmarkets’ rallymarkets’ rallymarkets’ rallymarkets’ rallymarkets’ rallyAgence France-Presse

HONG KONG - Shanghai and Hong Kong led a regional stocks rally on Monday as in-vestors welcomed Beijing’s green light for a new futures market as well as a short-sellingexperiment in China.

tions that brokerages may gain a lotfrom the diversification of invest-ment tools,” Huatai Securities ana-lyst Zhou Lin told Dow JonesNewswires.

There were also gains inSydney, which was up 0.65 percentby noon on the back of the Chinaexport figures.

Seoul added 0.55 percent andTaipei 0.72 percent.

Tokyo was closed Monday fora public holiday.

The US Labor Department re-ported the economy lost 85,000 jobsin December while the unemploy-ment rate held at 10.0 percent.

And in the European Union theseasonally-adjusted unemploymentrate for the 16 euro countries hit 10percent in November — the highest

since the currency was launched adecade ago and up from 9.9 percentin October.

That news hit the dollar, whichended last week’s New York tradingat 92.72 yen, down from 93.25 yen.

Crude jumped in Asian trade, asthe cold snap in the northern hemi-sphere boosted demand for heatingfuel.

New York’s main futures con-tract, light sweet crude for Februarydelivery, jumped 65 cents to 83.40dollars a barrel.

Brent North Sea crude for Feb-ruary delivery rose 64 cents to 82.01dollars.

Gold opened higher in HongKong at 1,154.00-1,155.00 US dol-lars an ounce, up from Friday’s closeof 1,124.50-1,125.50 dollars.

No ‘double-dip’ recession forSingapore: trade minister

and inventory restocking wane. “In addition, weak house-

hold balance sheets and persis-tently high unemployment, espe-cially in the US, will weigh downon consumer demand in our keyexport markets.”

The US Labor Departmentsaid Friday US employers cut aworse-than-expected 85,000 jobsin December while unemploy-ment held at 10.0 percent, dash-ing hopes for a quick rebound inthe world’s biggest economy.

Singapore’s trade relianteconomy shrank 2.1 percent lastyear after slipping into a severerecession in the third quarter of2008 due to the impact of the glo-bal economic crisis.

Lim repeated figures stated byPrime Minister Lee Hsien Loongon New Year’s Eve that theeconomy is expected to grow be-tween 3.0 and 5.0 percent this year.

“External demand will con-tinue to grow (in 2010) but at asluggish pace,” he said.

British banksto see recoveryfalter: survey

percent. Ian McCafferty, CBI chief eco-

nomic advisor, said: “The bounce inUK financial services activity overthe past six months is not expected tolast as we enter 2010.

“Firms see their business vol-umes falling back again, with no fur-ther improvement in profitability overthe next three months.”

Banks are the worst-hit, fearingthey will see business volumes dropback to the lows of 2009 when theglobal financial crisis was bitinghard.

They pointed to a number of fac-tors, including a flight of savers’money from the ‘safe haven’ of ma-jor banks to investment products insearch of higher interest returns andto take advantage of a rising stockmarket.

The CBI did however see someencouraging signs.

“On a more positive note, finan-cial services firms’ confidence in thegeneral business situation has contin-ued to increase, profitability im-proved and a much slower reductionin numbers employed was seen in thissurvey,” McCafferty said.

“Job losses are also expected tobe minimal in the coming quarter.”


This file photo taken on October 10, 2008 shows traders working at the stock exchange in HongKong. Shanghai and Hong Kong led a regional stocks rally on Monday as investors welcomedBeijing’s green light for a new futures market as well as a short-selling experiment in China.

Entertainment InternationalTuesday, January 12, 201012

Police have confirmed the injurycaused her death, but are not treat-ing the incident as suspicious afterquestioning and releasing an un-named 85-year-old man. A spokes-man for Kent Police, says, “The re-sult from the post-mortem showedshe died following a stab wound andthere are indications that this wasself-inflicted.”

Arterton, who is preparing to starta run in West End play “The LittleDog Laughed,” was advised of thetragic news by her relatives, accord-ing to Britain’s Sunday Mirrornewspaper.

A source tells the publication,“Gemma will be crushed by this. Itis incredibly sad for the family. Sheadored her nan. Helen was a vibrant,outgoing and community spiritedwoman who adored her family.” Aspokesperson for Arterton says, “It’sa private matter.”

TROUBLED comedian ArtieLange has been released from hos-pital after he allegedly tried to com-mit suicide by stabbing himselfnine times. Lange, who is a regularon Howard Stern’s radio show, waschecked into the Jersey City Medi-cal Center in New Jersey over theweekend after his mother report-edly found him wounded at hisapartment.

A spokesperson for the star con-firmed to RadarOnline.com he hasbeen discharged, but refused tocomment on Lange’s condition.Paramedics found Lange with nine“self-inflicted stab wounds”, ac-cording to police Lieutenant Detec-tive Mark Competello. Cops havesince told the website they are treat-ing the incident as a suicide attemptand no further investigation is planned.

The funnyman had his driving licence revoked for seven months inSeptember after pleading guilty to driving under the influence of drugs.He told police he had a prescribed sleeping pill in his system when he waspulled over, and was ordered to serve 12 hours in an intoxicated driverresource program. He has previously discussed his battles with depres-sion, a prior suicide attempt, his heroin addiction and his father’s death.

GOSSIP Girl star Blake Lively will play Carol Ferris in “Green Lan-tern” opposite Ryan Reynolds, according to Variety.com. MartinCampbell will direct. Production is expected to begin this March with arelease date set for June 17, 2011.

“Green Lantern” was created in 1940. It centers on Hal Jordan, anordinary man who has been charged with defending a sector of the uni-verse with a mystical green ring. His love interest Carol Ferris is a pilotand administrator in civilian life.

Lively is having to work onher table manners because she

hates it when the paparazzicatches her eating. Theactress admits she’s notthe classiest personwhen she’s dining outand she hates the ideaof fans seeing hersloppy eating habits.

She tells WENN,“It’s odd whenpeople look at youlike you’re a zoo ani-mal, when you’reeating dinner andthey’re staring atyou and then pullout their camera. Atthe end of the dayI’m just a humaneating my dinnerand I’m a shyperson and no-body wants tobe looked atwhen theyeat! I’m am e s s yeater. It’sodd tof e e lwatched,a n dt h a t ’ ss o m e -

thing that’s been challeng-ing for me to accept.”

AUSTRALIAN singer DanniiMinogue is “over the moon” afterfalling pregnant with her first child,according to U.K. reports. The star,who is a judge on Simon Cowell’sBritish singing contest The X Fac-tor, is said to be expecting a babythis summer with her rugby playerboyfriend Kris Smith.

The news has increased specula-

NEAR the end of the hit film“Avatar,” the villain snarls at thehero, “How does it feel to betrayyour own race?” Both men arewhite — although the hero is inhab-iting a blue-skinned, 9-foot-tall,long-tailed alien. Strange as it mayseem for a film that pits greedy,immoral humans against nobledenizens of a faraway moon, “Ava-tar” is being criticized by a smallbut vocal group of people who al-lege it contains racist themes — thewhite hero once again saving theprimitive natives.

Since the film opened to wide-spread critical acclaim three weeksago, hundreds of blog posts, news-paper articles, tweets and YouTubevideos have made claims such as

Gemma Arterton MourningGemma Arterton MourningGemma Arterton MourningGemma Arterton MourningGemma Arterton MourningDead GrandmotherDead GrandmotherDead GrandmotherDead GrandmotherDead Grandmother

Actress Gemma Arterton is inmourning after her grandmotherwas found dead at her home witha knife wound. The Quantum ofSolace beauty’s grandmother, 70-year-old Helen Sarfas, passedaway at her house in Kent, En-gland on Friday.

Dannii Minogue Expecting First Childtion she may leave the judging panelon the U.K. show, alongside Cowell,Cheryl Cole and Louis Walsh, whenthe programme returns, reportsBritain’s The Daily Mirror newspaper.

A source tells the publication, “Itwould be completely understandableif she wanted to take time off to bondwith the baby rather than trying tojuggle the auditions with the demands

of motherhood. At present, she’s noteven thinking that far ahead. She isover the moon at being pregnant andcan’t stop smiling.”

Minogue’s superstar sister Kylieis said to be “so excited” about thenews. In October, Minogue revealedSmith “would love a baby” and asksher “on a daily basis” to start theirown family.

Some see racist theme inalien adventure ‘Avatar’

that the film is “a fantasy about racetold from the point of view of whitepeople” and reinforces “the whiteMessiah fable.”

The film’s writer and director,James Cameron, says the real themeis about respecting others’ differ-ences. In the film (read no further ifyou don’t want to spoil the plot) awhite, paralyzed Marine, Jake Sully,is mentally linked to an alien’s bodyand set loose on the planet Pandora.His mission: persuade the mystic,nature-loving Na’vi to make way forhumans to mine their land forunobtanium, worth $20 million perkilo back home.

Like Kevin Costner in “Danceswith Wolves” and Tom Cruise in“The Last Samurai” or as far back

as Jimmy Stewart in the 1950 West-ern “Broken Arrow,” Sully finds hisallegiances soon change. He falls inlove with the Na’vi princess andleads the bird-riding, bow-and-ar-row-shooting aliens to victory overthe white men’s spaceships andmega-robots.

Black film professor and authorDonald Bogle said he can under-stand why people would be troubledby “Avatar,” although he praised itas a “stunning” work. “A segmentof the audience is carrying in theback of its head some sense ofmovie history,” said Bogle, authorof “Toms, Coons, Mulattoes,Mammies & Bucks: An InterpretiveHistory of Blacks in AmericanFilms.”

Artie Lange ReleasedFrom Hospital

Blake Lively to Star In‘Green Lantern’

International Tuesday, January 12, 2010 13Life Style

The newly discovered tombs date toEgypt’s 4th Dynasty (2575 B.C. to 2467B.C.) when the great pyramids were built,according to the head of Egypt’s SupremeCouncil of Antiquities, Zahi Hawass.Graves of the pyramid builders were firstdiscovered in the area in 1990, he said,and discoveries such as these show thatthe workers were paid laborers, ratherthan the slaves of popular imagination.“These tombs were built beside the king’spyramid, which indicates that thesepeople were not by any means slaves,”said Hawass in the statement. “If theywere slaves, they would not have beenable to build their tombs beside their

Associated Press Writer

MADRID – Hoping to save adried Spanish wetland from an un-derground peat fire, the govern-ment has unleashed floodwatersonto an expanse of the marsh nowunder threat due to past water mis-management. The wetlands of LasTablas de Daimiel National Parkare recognized by UNESCO asenvironmentally valuable becauseof their importance to both resi-dent and migrating birds.

Over the weekend, waters di-verted 150 kilometers (93 miles)from the Tagus River began pour-ing from an underground pipe ontothe wildlife sanctuary, in the cen-tral Castilla-La Mancha plain. En-vironment Minister Elena Espinosasaid while visiting the park on Sat-urday that the action was necessary“for the good of biodiversity.” TheEU-protected park’s wetlands havebeen drying for decades, and its la-goons now show just 1 percent ofthe surface water they did in 1981.

But much of the damage hasbeen done in recent years,Espinosa said, as local farmerssank unauthorized wells to leechwater from an underground aqui-fer maintaining the grasslands,while too much water has alsobeen drawn from the Guadiana

Associated Press Writer

LAS VEGAS – The company behind the magicJack, thecheap Internet phone gadget that’s been heavily promoted onTV, has made a new version of the device that allows free callsfrom cell phones in the home, in a fashion that’s sure to drawprotest from cellular carriers. The new magicJack uses, with-out permission, radio frequencies for which cellular carriershave paid billions of dollars for exclusive licenses.

YMax Corp., which is based in Palm Beach, Fla., said thisweek at the International Consumers Electronics Show that itplans to start selling the device in about four months for $40,the same price as the original magicJack. As before, it willprovide free calls to the U.S. and Canada for one year. Thedevice is, in essence, a very small cellular tower for the home.

The size of a deck of cards, it plugs into a PC, which needsa broadband Internet connection. The device then detects when

AP Photo/Supreme Council of Antiquities

In this undated photo released by the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities on Sunday, Jan. 10, 2010,newly-discovered tombs of workers are seen, with the Great Pyramid in background, in Giza, Egypt. Egyp-tian archaeologists have discovered a new set of tombs of the workers who built the great pyramids, shed-ding new light on how the laborers lived and ate more than 4,000 years ago, the antiquities department saidSunday. Zahi Hawass, the director of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities, says the tombs are significantbecause they show that the pyramids were not built by slaves, but rather free workers.

Egypt discovers new workers’Egypt discovers new workers’Egypt discovers new workers’Egypt discovers new workers’Egypt discovers new workers’tombs near pyramidstombs near pyramidstombs near pyramidstombs near pyramidstombs near pyramidsAssociated Press Writer -

CAIRO – Egyptian archaeologists discovered a new set of tombs belonging to the workers who built thegreat pyramids, shedding light on how the laborers lived and ate more than 4,000 years ago, the antiquitiesdepartment said Sunday. The thousands of men who built the last remaining wonder of the ancient world atemeat regularly, worked in three months shifts and were given the honor of being buried in mud brick tombswithin the shadow of the sacred pyramids they worked on.

king’s.”Evidence from the site, Hawass said,

indicates that the approximately 10,000laborers working on the pyramids ate21 cattle and 23 sheep sent to them dailyfrom farms in northern and southernEgypt. He added that the workers wererotated every three months and the burialsites were for those who died during theconstruction. Discoveries like these re-veal other aspects of ancient Egyptiansociety besides just the stone monumentsand temples frequented by priests, rul-ers and nobles, explained Salima Ikram,a professor of Egyptology at the Ameri-can University in Cairo.

“It is important to find tombs thatbelong to lower class people that arenot made out of stone that tell youabout the social organization and therelative wealth of a range of people,”she said. Workers’ tombs from the 4thDynasty were typically made of mudbricks and shaped like cones and cov-ered in white plaster, probably echo-ing the nearby limestone-clad pyra-mids of the kings. The most importantnew tomb discovered, according toHawass, belonged to a man named Iduand the statement described it as rect-angular in structure, with a plaster cov-ered mud brick outside casing.

MagicJack’s next act: disappearing cell phone fees

AP Photo/Paul Sakuma

MagicJack CEO and founder Dan Borislow holds up thenew and improved MagicJack at the Consumer ElectronicsShow (CES) in Las Vegas, Thursday, Jan. 7, 2010. The com-pany behind the MagicJack, the cheap Internet phone gad-get heavily promoted on TV, has made a new version of thedevice that allows free calls from cell phones in the home.

a compatible cell phone comes within 8 feet, and places a call toit. The user enters a short code on the phone. The phone is thenlinked to the magicJack, and as long as it’s within range (YMaxsaid it will cover a 3,000-square-foot home) magicJack routesthe call itself, over the Internet, rather than going through thecarrier’s cellular tower. No minutes are subtracted from the user’saccount with the carrier. Any extra fees for international callsare subtracted from the user’s account with magicJack, not thecarrier.

According to YMax CEO Dan Borislow, the device will con-nect to any phone that uses the GSM standard, which in the U.S.includes phones from AT&T Inc. and T-Mobile USA. At a dem-onstration at CES, a visitor’s phone with a T-Mobile accountsuccessfully placed and received calls through the magicJack.Most phones from Verizon Wireless and Sprint Nextel Corp.won’t connect to the device. Borislow said the device is legalbecause wireless spectrum licenses don’t extend into the home.

AP Photo/Arturo Rodriguez, File

In this Oct. 13, 2009 file photo, a boat is seen in a wetland gone dryin Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park, in Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.The government has begun flooding an environmentally valuableexpanse of Spanish wetland that dried up through mismanage-ment of water resources in a bid to save it from an undergroundpeat fire, it was reported on Sunday Jan. 10, 2010.

Spain begins to floodpark with peat fire

River that feeds the park’s twomain lagoons. In August, an un-derground peat fire ignited spon-taneously amid intense summerheat, sending smoke drifting upfrom the parched landscape toohot for any bird to want to land.Normally, the park is visited byBlack-necked Grebes, Squaccosand Purple Herons, among others.

Following an EU investigation,Spain said it would divert 20 millioncubic meters (700 million cubic feet)of water from the Buendia reservoir,on the Tagus. To avoid water lossthrough evaporation and groundseepage, the government also clearedthe use of the pipeline, which nor-mally carries Tagus water to LaMancha residents. “This spring isgoing to be spectacular at Las Tablas,there is going to be plenty of waterand many birds,” said Jose MariaBarreda, president of the regionalgovernment of Castilla-La Mancha.

No one has been punished forillegally draining water from thepark, some 185 kilometers (115miles) south of Madrid. The En-vironment Ministry said in Octo-ber it would seek to buy nearbyland to halt water being drawnfrom wells. Fire safety expert Dr.Guillermo Rein, of EdinburghUniversity, said heavy winter rainsmay also help douse the peat.

Tuesday, January 12, 201014 InternationalSport

Monfils pulled out before hittinga ball at the Olympic tennis centre be-cause of a shoulder injury he sustainedin Brisbane last week. “I think I havean inflammation... it’s getting worseand worse,” the Frenchman said.

“If I keep going playing on it, it’sgonna turn into something chronic Ithink, so I need to take some days off.”Zvonereva, who made her first grandslam semi-final in Australia last year,hobbled out of her first round matchwith countrywoman Elena Vesninawith a recurring ankle problem.Zvonereva underwent surgery in No-vember last year but hurt herself againplaying in an exhibition in Hong Konglast week.

She thought she had recovered

Agence France - Presse

SYDNEY – World number one RogerFederer will not play in this week’sKooyong Classic in Melbourne, prefer-ring to practise ahead of next week’sAustralian Open, tournament officialssaid on Monday. Tournament DirectorColin Stubs said he had been holding theeighth and final spot in the eight-playerexhibition event open for Federer, butthe Swiss opted not to take up his placein the draw.

Stubs said Federer’s manager, TonyGodsick, contacted him early Monday tosay that the 15-time Grand Slam cham-pion would not take up the option ofeighth spot in the field. Federer, who isbidding for his fourth Australian Open,was defeated by Russian NikolayDavydenko in the semi-finals at the QatarOpen last week before heading toMelbourne.

Federer is scheduled to have a hit onthe Australian Open’s Rod Laver Arenaon Tuesday. American Andy Roddick alsoopted not to play in the round-robin eventafter reaching Sunday’s ATP final inBrisbane. Stubs is expected to announcethe eighth and final place for the KooyongClassic at the players’ media conferenceon Tuesday.

The Kooyong field contains six of theATP’s top 11 players including Argentin-ian Juan Martin Del Potro, who beatFederer in last year’s US Open final. Alsofeatured are 2008 Australian Open cham-pion Novak Djokovic, 2009 French Openfinalist Robin Soderling, Australian Openfinalists Fernando Gonzalez (2007) andJo-Wilfried Tsonga (2008), FernandoVerdasco and Tommy Haas.

Reuters -

WASHINGTON - The New Orleans Hor-nets took control in the fourth quarter to de-feat the troubled Washington Wizards 115-110and win their sixth consecutive game on Sun-day. The Hornets broke a 101-101 deadlockwith six successive points late in the fourth toput away the Wizards, who were seeking theirsecond win in a row without suspended guardGilbert Arenas.

“We are still getting better as a team,”New Orleans forward Peja Stojakovic, whoscored 20 points, told reporters. “Tonight wewere up 14 (in the third quarter) and we letthe lead slip away. We’ve got to be more fo-cused on our game plan and be able to finishgames better.”

Rookie Marcus Thornton scored 10 of his15 points in the deciding fourth for New Or-leans, who trailed Washington 82-80 afterthree quarters.

Chris Paul led New Orleans with 26points and 14 assists while Antawn Jaminsonscored 32 points for the Wizards. Paul brokethe 101-101 tie with a jumper and had sixmore points in the final 2:49. Arenas has beensuspended indefinitely for bringing guns intothe Wizards’ locker room. Team mateDeShawn Stevenson showed up with thewords “AGENT” and “ZERO” (Arenas’ nick-name) written on his ankle tape, the Wash-ington Post reported, and did not play.

Guard Randy Foye, who started for Are-nas, backed up Jamison with 23 points, re-serve Nick Young had 20 and center BrendanHaywood contributed 14 points and 14 re-bounds. “I can’t fault our guys’ effort,” Wiz-ards coach Flip Saunders said. “(But) turn-overs down the stretch, our turnovers, basi-cally gave them the win.”

Washington had 19 turnovers, severalwith the game on the line.


Caroline Wozniacki of Denmark serves against Li Na of Chinaat the Sydney International tennis tournament on January 11,2010.

Seeds scattered atSeeds scattered atSeeds scattered atSeeds scattered atSeeds scattered atSydney InternationalSydney InternationalSydney InternationalSydney InternationalSydney InternationalReuters –

SYDNEY - U.S. Open finalist Caroline Wozniacki and former world number one Jelena Jankovicjoined a growing list of early casualties at the Sydney International on Monday. Frenchman GaelMonfils and Russia’s Vera Zvonereva also bowed out of the joint ATP-WTA event, succumbing toinjury just a week before the Australian Open starts in Melbourne.

enough to play in Sydney but retiredwith the scores locked at 3-3 in thefirst set. “I had to hit a backhand andjust injured my ankle again,” she said.“I tried my best to continue playingbut it’s just too painful to finish thematch. I had to stop.”

A jet-lagged Wozniacki wasknocked out by China’s Li Na 2-66-3 6-2.

“I don’t know. I just didn’t playmy best game today,” the Dane said.“I arrived yesterday from HongKong and maybe it’s not the bestpreparation I could have.” VictoriaAzarenka of Belarus, who alsoplayed in Hong Kong, was the onlyseeded woman to survive, comingfrom behind to beat Germany’s

Sabine Lisicki 3-6 6-1 7-5. Jankovic, who has slipped to

eighth in the world rankings after sit-ting at the top 12 months ago, lost heropening round match 5-7 6-1 7-5 toHungary’s Agnes Szavay. The Serbfailed to make it past the fourth roundof any of the grand slams last year andher early exit in Sydney has left hershort of match practice heading intoMelbourne.

“It was my first match of the sea-son and I was a little bit nervous,”she said. “I really tried my best (but)I wasn’t playing well. I was not hit-ting the ball as I wanted to and notserving well either. I just have to cleanup some things in my game and dobetter next time.”

Federer to missKooyong Classic

(AFP/Karim Jaafar)

Swiss world number one Roger Federerdries his face following his match at theKhalifa International Tennis and SquashComplex in Doha earlier this month.Federer will not play in this week’sKooyong Classic in Melbourne, prefer-ring to practise ahead of next week’sAustralian Open, tournament officialssaid on Monday.

Chris Graythen/Getty Images/AFP

Trenton Hassell #44 of the New JerseyNets drives the ball around David West#30 of the New Orleans Hornets at theNew Orleans Arena on January 8, 2010in New Orleans, Louisiana. The Hornetsdefeated the Nets 103-99. NOTE TOUSER: User expressly acknowledgesand agrees that, by downloading and/or using this Photograph, User is con-senting to the terms and conditions ofthe Getty Images License Agreement.

Hornets repulse Wizardsfor sixth consecutive win

“We had three turnovers in four posses-sions,” Saunders said. “You can’t do that whenyou are playing a team with a guy like ChrisPaul who can dominate the game.”

Tuesday, January 12, 2010 15International Sport

A victory for the rossoneri inthat would ensure the championscome under much greater pres-sure than they have in their pre-vious four title triumphs. Juveare 12 points back and have lostsix of their last eight matches inall competitions while they arealso out of the ChampionsLeague. Fans protested after thesecond goal and some clashedwith police afterwards outsidethe ground but Ferrara remaineddefiant.

“It’s clear that the 3-0 was afair result, this is a very difficulttime for us,” he admitted. “But Ihonestly don’t think my job is atrisk, I’m totally concentrated onit. It’s not up to me to make de-cisions, my energies need to beconcentrated on the team and try-ing to overcome this moment. Iunderstand (the fans’) disap-pointment, it’s understandablebecause we’re not getting results,it has to be up to us to changethese things.”

AFP PHOTO / Damien Meyer

A.C. Milan’s Brazilian forward Ronaldinho (R) fights for the ball with Juventus defenderFabio Cannavaro during their Italian Serie A football match on January 10, 2010 at TurinOlimpic Stadium.

Defensive disastersDefensive disastersDefensive disastersDefensive disastersDefensive disasterscost Juve in Milancost Juve in Milancost Juve in Milancost Juve in Milancost Juve in MilanthrashingthrashingthrashingthrashingthrashingAgence France - Presse

Turin - Defensive horror shows at three corners saw AC Milan humiliate Juventus 3-0 at Turin’sStadio Olimpico and all but end their rivals’ Serie A title hopes and leave coach Ciro Ferrara’s jobon the line. The victory meant Milan moved to within eight points of leaders Inter Milan with agame in hand and the Milan derby to come in two weeks time.

Reuters -LUANDA – Hosts Angola

conceded four late goals to draw4-4 with Mali on Sunday in a dra-matic opening match of the Afri-can Nations Cup overshadowedby the ambush on the Togo teambus. Seydou Keita was on targettwice as the Malians scored fourtimes in the last 11 minutes of anextraordinary game to deflate theAngolans who had looked to becruising to a comfortable victory.

Angola were in completecontrol after str iker Flavioheaded two goals in quick suc-cession late in the first half.Gilberto added the third with atwice-taken penalty midwaythrough the second and Manuchoconverted a second penalty to putthem 4-0 up. The tournament hadbeen thrown into doubt after gun-men attacked the Togo team busin the enclave of Cabinda on Fri-day, killing the driver and twomembers of the Togolese delega-t ion. Despite the at tack,Sunday’s opener at the newly-built November 11 stadium wentahead in a carnival atmospherewhich was temporarily brokenwhen a minute’s silence was heldfor the victims before kickoff. Ascrappy opening half hour pro-duced no hint of the drama to fol-low in the Group A match.

Reuters -MADRID - Lionel Messi kept

Barcelona on top of La Liga with ahat-trick in a 5-0 win at Tenerife onSunday and Real Madrid had kept upthe pressure with a 2-0 home win overReal Mallorca. Champions Barca,two points clear of Real with 43 from17 games, had goalkeeper VictorValdes to thank for setting up theirfirst win of 2010.

Valdes saved three one-on-onesin the early stages, the first deflect-ing on to the crossbar, before Barcafound any kind of rhythm in the faceof frenetic pressuring from theirhosts. Bojan Krkic, in for the sus-pended Zlatan Ibrahimovic, set upMessi for the opener in the 36thminute and Carles Puyol headed thesecond from a Messi free kick in the44th.

Messi poked in the third after ex-cellent approach play from AndresIniesta and Krkic, the Argentinelobbed the fourth, his 12th of the cam-paign, from outside the area in the75th and defender Ezequiel Lunascored an own goal to complete therout. Real were quickly in front at asnowy Bernabeu when GonzaloHiguain cut in from the right flankand curled a shot into the top cornerafter seven minutes.

With Kaka back in the side afterover a month on the sidelines withinjury, Real were sharper in every de-

Messi hat-trick firesBarca, Real sink Mallorca

partment against a side who had startedthe weekend in fourth. CristianoRonaldo and Kaka went close but thesecond goal did not arrive until the49th when Higuain’s cross to the backpost was volleyed in by substituteEsteban Granero. Visiting keeperDudu Aouate prevented a heavier de-feat and the only bad news for Realcoach Manuel Pellegrini were injuriesto Rafael van der Vaart (muscle) andXabi Alonso (bruising), who both hadto be substituted.

Earlier, Valencia cruised to a 3-1victory at basement club Xerez tostrengthen their hold on third placewith 35 points. Ever Banega set upJuan Mata for the opener in the 11thminute but Xerez netted a rare goalwhen Carlos Calvo scored after asweeping counter-attack. David Villalaid on Valencia’s second for DavidSilva in the 33rdand Carlos Marchenacharged through the middle in the 69thto make it 3-1 with a spectacular soloeffort.

Deportivo Coruna climbed tofourth on 31 points by beating Osasuna1-0 at home thanks to a fine turn andshot from Juan Rodriguez just afterhalftime. Mallorca slipped down tosixth on 30 points, below Sevilla ongoal difference. Sevilla’s wilting titlechallenge suffered another setback onSaturday when they lost 2-1 at hometo Racing Santander, their third con-secutive defeat.

Hosts Angola stunned byMali fightback in opener

Angola went ahead after 36 min-utes when Flavio was left un-marked at a free kick and took ad-vantage by heading in from closerange after Gilberto curled the ballinto the area.

Six minutes later, Mabina sentover a cross from the right andFlavio easily beat his marker tothe ball to head the second. De-spite a line-up boasting RealMadrid’s Mahamadou Diarra,Barcelona’s Keita and the experi-enced Frederic Kanoute in attack,Mali were being outplayed andfell further behind in the 67thminute Gilberto was fouled in thearea and took the penalty himself,scoring at the second attempt af-ter his first effort was disallowedfor encroachment. Manucho con-verted another penalty seven min-utes later after Keita fouledGilberto.

Keita started the fightback byscoring in a goalmouth scrambleafter goalkeeper CarlosFernandes, barely tested untilthen, fumbled a corner. Kanouteoutjumped his marker to head thesecond in the 88th minute, Keitavolleyed a third at the far post instoppage t ime and MustaphaYatabare completed the incrediblefightback by scoring from a re-bound after Fernandes had parrieda close-range shot.

Alessandro Nesta and aRonaldinho brace settled the affairbut all three goals were due toJuve’s inept defending at corners.Milan coach Leonardo denied theOld Lady of Turin had made lifeeasy for his team, though. “Hon-estly it was very difficult, espe-cially in the first first half when weneeded some time to getorganised,” he said.

“We struggled but we didn’tgive up many chances, we didn’tcreate a lot but we conceded evenless. The second half was perfect,we managed to hold the ball, passit quickly and we gave Juve prob-lems.” It was an unsurprisinglytentative start from both teams butJuve playmaker Diego tried tospark the game into life on 13 min-utes as he cut in from the left andcurled a right-foot shot just wideof the far post. However, ‘The OldLady’ fell behind on 29 minutesafter a defensive disaster.

Andrea Pirlo’s corner waspoor and sent in low to the near

post but Christian Poulsen left it,Felipe Melo missed it, goalkeeperAlex Manninger was caught un-awares leaving Nesta, whosemarker Zdenek Grygera hadstopped, the simple task of tap-ping home from two yards out atthe back post. Juve did belatedlyreact but i t was centre-backGiorgio Chiell ini , their bestplayer, whose shot was straight atgoalkeeper Dida after his centraldefensive partner FabioCannavaro’s weak effort fell tohim.

Milan, though, finished thehalf on a high as Manninger par-ried Thiago Silva’s long rangestrike before Ronaldinho’s headerfrom David Beckham’s cornerwas deflected behind. Juve failedto exert much pressure after thebreak despite the introduction ofAlessandro Del Piero on the hourmark and Chiellini was provingtheir most dangerous threat fromset-pieces, without actually trou-bling Dida.

Tuesday, January 12, 201016 Sport

Peterhansel’s victory moved himup to fourth in the overall standings,displacing his BMW team-mateGuerlain Chicherit.

“This was a very difficult stage


France’s Stephane Peterhansel steers his BMW during the 8thstage of the Dakar 2010, between Antofagasta and Copiapo,Chile, on January 10, 2010. Peterhansel won the stage, Spain’sCarlos Sainz took the second place and is still leading the raceand US Mark Miller took the third place.

MICHAEL Schumacher says heis impressed by the Mercedesteam’s continuing hunger for suc-cess, after spending two days at thesquad’s Brackley factory this week.Although this was not the seventimes world champion’s first visitto Mercedes Grand Prix’s base, ashe had also visited when finalisinghis deal to return to Formula 1, thistrip marked the start of his seriouswork with the team.

“I have been in the factory inBrackley now for two days andspent the time to get to know theengineers and the structures a bitbetter, and I am extremely positivelysurprised about how motivated ev-erybody was,” Schumacher wroteon his personal website. This aworld champion team but it does notseem to be spoilt by success at all;it seems to be hungry for more in-

Peterhansel wins again on stage eightCopiapó, CHILE - Stephane Peterhansel extended his record

of Dakar Rally stage victories to 54, winning today’s 472kmrun down the Chilean coast from Antofagasta to Copiapo.

and we had to drive so carefully onthe rocks to avoid problems,” saidPeterhansel. “There was also a lotof navigation, difficult navigation aswell. We also found the dunes at the

end tricky to get past, especiallysince we didn’t stop to let the tiresdown a bit. Since we had high tirepressure for the stones, we had tocross the dunes with 3 kilos, whichisn’t simple.

Carlos Sainz retained the overalllead for Volkswagen with second to-day, 45 seconds behind Peterhanseland 22 seconds ahead of MarkMiller. Last year’s winner Giniel deVilliers came home fourth, ahead ofNasser Al-Attiyah who kept his sec-ond place overall behind Sainz.

“Between Nasser [Al-Attiyah]and Carlos [Sainz] it’s a real battlefor 1st place,” Peterhansel added.“We can’t have a say in that fightbecause we’re still too far behind.But we keep on picking up the spe-cials and trying our best.”Tomorrow’s stage will take thecrews another 300km south fromCopiapo to La Serena, the last stagein Chile’s Atacama desert.

Stage eight:

Pos Driver Car Gap 1. Stephane Peterhansel BMW 5h06m05s 2. Carlos Sainz Volkswagen +45s 3. Mark Miller Volkswagen +1m07s 4. Giniel de Villiers Volkswagen +4m01s 5. Nasser Al-Attiyah Volkswagen +4m17s

Pos Driver Car Gap 1. Carlos Sainz Volkswagen 31h28m13s 2. Nasser Al-Attiyah Volkswagen +14m35 3. Mark Miller Volkswagen +22m28 4. Stephane Peterhansel BMW +2h02m25s 5. Guerlain Chicherit BMW +2h24m13s

Schumacher: Mercedes is still hungry

stead!”He said he had learned a lot more

about Mercedes while working withthe team this week. “It is importantfor me to be informed about every-thing and it was very interesting toget to understand the engineers andtheir structures and the way theywork,” said Schumacher. “I was

there already around the time of thesignature of the contract and learneda lot, now I have seen much moreabout the team.”

Having also visited Mercedes’engine facility in Brixworth,Schumacher added that he was al-ready enjoying working with a Ger-man-speaking organisation havingspent his original F1 career withBritish and Italian squads.

“I also was in the Mercedes fac-tory in Brixworth and I have to saythat I am very impressed about thehigh level you see there,” he said. “InBrixworth the people seem to behighly motivated as well and I find thatencouraging, as it perfectly fits mypersonal mood. What I also liked wasthat you hear a lot of people speakingGerman there. That is nice for once, Iam not so much used to that at mywork, and I find it quite convenient.”

Reuters -

MILAN - Juventus coach CiroFerrara said he believed he wouldstay in his job after a 3-0 defeat athome to AC Milan on Sunday allbut ended their Serie A title hopes.Third-placed Juve have now slipped12 points behind leaders Inter Milanat the halfway stage of the seasonand the loss was met by minortrouble inside and outside the sta-dium in Turin.

Their fourth defeat in fivematches in all competitions, includ-ing their Champions League exit toBayern Munich in December, has

Michael Schumacher

Ferrara refuses to quit after Milan humblingled to renewed media speculationthat Juve are lining up Russia coachGuus Hiddink to replace Ferrara.When asked if he had consideredresigning, the 42-year-old told SkyTV: “I am not made like that. Myway is to try to change things.

“I sincerely think my job is notat risk. Of course we are in a nega-tive period but it’s not for me tomake the decisions. Any decisionswill be accepted.” The former Juvedefender took charge for two gamesat the end of last season after thesurprise sacking of Claudio Ranieriand impressed enough to be giventhe role full time despite his lack of

managerial experience.Juve, still recovering from a de-

motion for match-fixing in 2006,spent heavily in the close season butBrazilians Diego and Felipe Melohave been big flops so far. A flurryof injuries, including a knock tomidfielder Christian Poulsen onSunday which could delay Tiago’splanned loan move to AtleticoMadrid, have also not helpedFerrara.

“I obviously understand the dis-appointment (of the fans). Our aimis to try to find the enthusiam therewas at the start of the season,” headded.