E Newsletters for non-profits

Post on 06-May-2015

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Transcript of E Newsletters for non-profits

Electronic Newsletters for Non-Profits

Stan Skrabut

Individuals both within and external to your organization want to keep informed.

You have information to share that will connect them to your organization needs.

You need an efficient and cost effective means for informing interested individuals.

You want to develop a means that is easy to create, cost effective, and engaging.

I am going to show you the benefits of an e-newsletter.

There are a number of benefits for using an

e-newsletter; however, we will focus on cost, return on investment,

and ease of use.

First, I will discuss the cost savings you can achieve with an e-newsletter.

Clients report cost savings of 70-90 % in reduced annual newsletter costs.

You can create and distribute countless e-newsletters for less than $200 per year.

Because an e-newsletter is easy to produce, you have flexibility in production times.

With an e-newsletter, it is easier to measure return on investment (ROI).

You can track readers as they move from your e-newsletter to your Web site.

You can encourage your followers to react to an issue and measure results.

By tracking follower interests, you can tailor your newsletter better to their needs.

Because of e-newsletter attributes, you can easily communicate more often.

E-mail newsletters ranked number 3 as the most trustworthy and the least annoying.

You will have a larger distribution because of a viral effect caused by your followers.

You will be able to increase the frequency of distribution.

When creating an e-newsletter, you want to keep the following

items in mind: essential points, consistency, and

essential components.

In development, keep in mind your content, privacy of followers, and functionality.

Followers want to use their time wisely, only include useful, relevant, unique content.

Reassure your readers that their privacy will be maintained and they can easily opt-out.

Test your newsletter every time you send it to ensure everything functions properly.

Maintain a strong level of consistency so followers will become comfortable.

Use consistent themes, features, and delivery dates to keep followers on track.





You will get support from your staff if you involve them in creation of the newsletter.

Your followers are busy therefore keep your newsletter simple and brief – scannable.

You want to develop an e-newsletter that creates a followership.

You should provide your readers with an event schedule or calendar.

Create opportunities for readers to get more information at your Web site.

You should encourage your readers to provide feedback on articles and features.

Once you have an e-newsletter in hand, you need work on

distributing it.

First, you need to develop a subscription base.

Make it as easy as possible to sign up; only ask for an email address.

Provide useful giveaways for followers of your newsletter; everyone likes to get

something useful for free.

During events, ask participants if you can sign them up for your newsletter.

Ensure links to your newsletter are on all of your existing sites and outgoing messages.

You need to ensure your newsletter sign-up is displayed on all pages of your Web site.

You also need to provide prominent links on your other social media sites.

Provide a place on your Web site where readers can find newsletter archives.

You should work on viral marketing.

Encourage members to pass on issues of your newsletter – make it easy.

Encourage reuse of articles as long as they give credit and point back to your newsletter.

Use social media tools like blogs, forums, newsgroups to promote your newsletter.

You want to develop a means that is easy to create, cost effective, and engaging.

Electronic Newsletters for Non-Profits

Stan Skrabut