Digipak ideas

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Digipak ideas


Front Cover

Name of the song on the front cover, the letter ‘u’ is replaced with a heart revealing the genre and nature of the song.

Name of the band written in their particular font helping the audience to recognize the name.

The main character dominates the front cover and the lipstick on his cheek suggests he has found love and from his smile reveals his current mood.

Although the character is smartly dressed, his collar and bow tie are undone hinting to the audience what him and his girlfriend were up to.


Title is centered and the font is clear and spaced.

Main colour is purple but there is a curled string of pink. These are colour’s associated with love and generally appeal to females.

The use of the heart rather than the letter ‘U’ gives the audience an immediate clue as to what the song is about.

Back Cover

The tracks in the album are listed via hearts rather than numbers making the album unique and depicts the nature of the songs. There are four additional tracks (more value for money)

Roses - associated with love, cutting through the ‘5’.

Mention of a website gives audience access to further information associated with the band.

Copyright information provides the album with authenticity.


Record Label (Absolute)

Female body (voyeuristic treatment)

Inside PaneShamrock in top-left corner which connotes luck.

Bowling ball and pin in the bottom left corner, this is where the couple go on a date and helps to portray the title of the song.

Even when the disk has been taken out, a heart remains and there is a slim pink border accompanied by purple stripes giving the pane a vibrant look.

Another love heart.

Outline of the disk to keep the disk in place and protected.