Dad’s Christmas Dubstep christmas-dubstep-dance-...

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December 4, 2014

Healthy & Active Schools Training

Coordinated School Health

Wifi Password: HGINLR1234

Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program


Audra Walters & Donna MillerCoordinated School Health

Our Purpose Today• To become confident

in your understanding of the 5 components of a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP), how to develop, implement, and evaluate a CSPAP, and learn strategies for engaging school stakeholders in the CSPAP process.



During School

PhysicalActivity Before

and AfterSchool


Family andCommunityEngagement

Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program


Seven Steps to Develop a CSPAP

1 • Establish a committee and designate a PAL

2 • Conduct a needs assessment

3 • Create vision, goals, and objectives

4 • Identify intended outcomes

5 • Develop your CSPAP plan

6 • Implement

7 • Evaluate

Get up and get moving!

• Evolution of Mom Dancing

• 3 partners for activities– Name, School District, and official/unofficial


National Guidance• Children and

adolescents should do 60 minutes (1 hour) or more of physical activity daily– Aerobic

– Muscle strengthening

– Bone strengthening

• Activities should be age-appropriate, enjoyable, and varied

Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee. Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee Report, 2008. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2008. 8

Why Youth Physical Activity?

• Is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle

• Plays a powerful role in preventing chronic diseases

• Builds strong bones and muscles

• Increases physical fitness

• Promotes positive mental health

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Physical activity guidelines advisory committeereport. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2008. 9

Why Should Schools Provide Opportunities for Physical Activity?

• Students who are physically active…– Benefit physically, mentally, and emotionally

– Can do better in school

• Help students achieve some or all of the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity


Physical Activity and Academic Achievement

Physical Activity PracticeRelated Academic Achievement Outcomes

Students who are physically active • Have better grades, better school attendance, and better classroom behaviors

Increased physical activity and physical fitness levels

• Improved cognitive performance

Increased participation in physical education class

• Better grades, standardized test scores, and classroom behavior

Time spent in recess • Improved cognitive performance and classroom behaviors

Participation in brief classroom physical activity breaks

• Improved cognitive performance, classroom behaviors, and education outcomes

Participation in extracurricular physical activities

• Higher GPAs, lower drop-out rates, and fewer disciplinary problems

How Are Schools Doing?• Only 3.8% of all elementary schools, 7.9% of

all middle schools, and 2.1% of all high schools provided daily physical education.

• 26% of elementary schools did not provide regularly scheduled recess for students in all grades.

• Only 43.6% of elementary schools had students participate in regular physical activity breaks during school.

• Only 44.3% of all schools supported or promoted walking/biking to school.

Lee SM, Burgeson C, Fulton JE, Spain CG. Physical education and physical activity: Results from theSchool Health Policies and Programs Study 2006.

Sneaker Partner• What do you think is the biggest barrier

for implementing more physical activity/ physical education in your school?

Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program

Staff Involvem


Physical Activity During School

Physical Education Physical

Activity Before

and After School

Family and





Physical Education

• The foundation of a CSPAP

• Must implement effective PE:– Adequate instructional time

– All classes to be taught by qualified PE specialists

– Proper equipment and facilities

– Adaptations for students with disabilities

– Well-designed lessons

– Not using PA as a punishment

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs: A Guide for Schools. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2013

Physical Activity During SchoolThis includes classroom activity and recess:

• Classroom activity– Even 5-10 minutes in duration contributes

to cognitive health (Castelli et al., 2007)– PreK-12

• Recess– Minimum 20 minutes per day– Activity zones, active supervision, and


Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs: A Guide for Schools. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2013

Physical Activity Before and After School

• School or community-sponsored activities/clubs/programs before and after school – Active commuting to school

• Walk and bike to school

• Walking school bus

– Physical activity walking and running clubs

– Intramurals (voluntary, student-centered, and all students)

– Joint use agreements with community centers/buildingsSource: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Comprehensive School Physical Activity

Programs: A Guide for Schools. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2013

Staff Involvement

• Incorporate staff into PA programs

• Tailor programming to staff requests

• Service to staff via Employee Wellness Programs– Medical screenings

– Brown bags

– Walking programs

– Group fitness

• PA breaks during meetings

• Role model for students

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs: A Guide for Schools. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2013

Family and Community Engagement

• Engaging families and community to be active beyond the school day

• Social support is critical in youth physical activity choices

• Parent/guardian-led activities

• Family events

• Youth sports

• Joint Use Agreements!

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs: A Guide for Schools. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2013

Coordination is Key• CSPAP is a holistic approach to school

physical activity

• Synergy across all components is critical

• Determine how each component complements the others

• Engage key stakeholders

• Communicate, communicate,


Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs: A Guide for Schools. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2013

CSPAP Guide: A Navigation Tool• Purpose: to enable

physical education teachers and other physical activity leaders to develop, implement, and evaluate a CSPAP

• Components: – Brief introduction

– Step-by-step process

– Tools and templates

Step-by-Step Process for CSPAP1. Establish a team/committee and designate


2. Conduct a needs assessment (SHI)

3. Create vision, goals, and objectives

4. Identify intended outcomes

5. Develop your CSPAP plan

6. Implement

7. Evaluate

Step 1. Establish a Wellness Committee

• An existing school wellness committee

• Should represent a diverse group of education and health stakeholders

• Serves in an advisory and decision-making role for establishing, implementing, and evaluating the CSPAP

• Designate a Physical Activity Leader (PAL)

Step 2: Conduct a needs assessment• Identify existing physical activity policies,

programs, and practices in the school

School Health Index

Let’s Move Active Schools

Potential items to consider:

• Is there any PE policy at all?• Are PE and PA policy included in school

improvement plan?


School Health Index



Step 2: Conduct a needs assessment

Example of Needs Assessment Results :

• No before or after-school activities in place

• No recess activities provided

• No physical activity breaks provided

Water Bottle Partner• Take 2-3 minutes to review the blue

sheet, CSPAP Ideas for Your School

• Get together with your Water Bottle partner and share 2-3 activities you think might work for your school.

Step 3: Create vision, goals, and objectives• Vision statement

– Shared sense of purpose

– Framework for establishing goals, objectives, and activities for wellness committee that include CSPAP

– Implications for how CSPAP is organized

• Goals

– Describe the long-term (5+ years) results or impact of CSPAP

– Establish overall direction for and focus of a program

– Serve as the foundation for developing program objectives

Step 3: Create vision, goals, and objectives

• Objectives– Describe program results to be achieved and

how they will be achieved (use SMART objectives)

– Have specific timelines for accomplishment

– Align with goals

Vision Statement • A declaration of a shared sense of purpose &

provides a framework for establishing goals, objectives, and activities for your CSPAP

• Example of a vision statement from CDC:

“Safer, Healthier People”

– The School Health Services Vision Statement:

“All Arkansas children are safe, healthy and

ready to learn.”

Sample Goal and Objective

Goal 1: Increase opportunities during the school day to increase moderate to vigorous physical activities for students.

Objective 1: By the end of year one, all 6-8 grade classroom teachers will have participated in a ½ day professional development training on how to integrate physical activity into existing lesson plans.

Step 4: Identify intended outcomes• Identify early on what changes you want to see as

a result of CSPAP

• Outcomes include changes in:

– Knowledge, attitudes, skills, behaviors, status, or level of functioning

• Three time blocks:

– Short-term: 1-3 years

– Intermediate: 3-5 years

– Long-term: 4-6 years

• Identify indicators to monitor progress over time

Step 4: Identify intended outcomes

• Possible School Level Outcomes:

– Increased amount of time dedicated to PE for all students

– Increased opportunities for students to engage in daily recess

• Possible School Level Indicators:

– Number of minutes dedicated to PE during the school day

– Number of minutes dedicated to recess during the school day

Get up and get moving!

• Evolution of Hip Hop Dancing

Step 5: Develop your CSPAP plan (pages 37-38, 59-60)

• Identify current resources

• Select activities currently/potentially offered

• Identify available activity time

• Identify activity leaders

• Develop budget

• Develop sustainability strategies for your CSPAP

• Develop communication and marketing strategies

Making it Happen!

Activity Min/dayoffered


Classroom breaks during school(3/day x 7 min ea.) 21 16

PE Class (60 min/ week) 12 6

Recess (one 15 min/day) 15 12Recess (15 min before lunch) 15 12Before school program/morning activity 10 8

Total Physical Activity 73 54

Step 6: Implement your CSPAP• Document what will be done, by whom,

when, and how

• Serves as a checklist for the committee

• Aligns with the goals and objectives

• Consider implementation approach– Pilot

– Phased

– Full-scale

3 Implementation Approaches• Pilot: small scale implementation planned

as a test or trial

• Phased: a strategy to initiate a new program so that different parts of the school implement the change at different times and with varying intensity levels

• Full-scale: employing all resources and implementing each strategy

Creating a CSPAP Implementation Plan

• CSPAP Implementation Plan template (pg. 43)– Identify tasks, activities, or strategies to be


– Who will lead the task?

– Start data

– Deadline

– Necessary resources for implementing the task

– Potential barriers to implementing the task

– What communication strategies are needed for this task?

Step 7: Evaluate your CSPAP

• Purpose of evaluation– Describe, understand, and plan programs

– Document what has happened in programs

– Improve programs

• Two types of evaluation– Process

– Outcome

• Conducting an evaluation– Part of program planning

• Using the data


Stairwell Speech:Practice Makes Perfect

• Use your yellow sheet to help identify the components of your Stairwell Speech

• Write down your ideas to make the case for PA at your school

• Take time practicing your stairwell/elevator speech

• Try your speech out on your partner

• List the stakeholders you will need to convince

Pedometer Partner

• Who (Introduce)

• What (Describe)

• Why (Impact)

• Need (Want/Need)

• Next (Leave the door open – time to meet)



During School

PhysicalActivity Before

and AfterSchool


Family andCommunityEngagement

Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program


1 • Establish a committee and designate a PAL

2 • Conduct a needs assessment

3 • Create vision, goals, and objectives

4 • Identify intended outcomes

5 • Develop your CSPAP plan

6 • Implement

7 • Evaluate

7 Steps

5 Components

Q & A

Please complete your CSPAP Evaluation!