
Post on 24-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Crop.mark.N.bleed.mark


1. 何為出血線和出血範圍


下面 我簡單的為大家描述一下整個印刷裝訂過程。首先是設計師對印刷物版面的設計與編排也就是我們平時所講的排版工作。編排完畢後,會將電子檔出成膠片。然後上印刷機印刷,印刷時是在整開紙張上印刷的,所以要對印刷內容進行拼版。拼版工藝有很多要求,在此不多作介紹。當內容印刷到紙張上後,就要折疊裝訂成冊 了,最後用裁紙刀切成標準的開本尺寸。這時候可以說印刷物就完成了。這只是個簡略的描述,其實中間每個環節都有很多的工藝要求的,有興趣的朋友可以再閱讀 其他資料學習。





2. 設置出血線的方法



我們知道,由於誤差的原因裁切刀不可能和印刷物邊界完全重合,如果網底只做到了邊界位置,切刀要是向外誤差了 2毫米,那麼在印刷物成品的外側就會產生一條白邊,如下圖。



在排版畫面時,如果右側文字過於接近印刷物邊界,在最後裁切時,如果切刀向內誤差了 2




3. 出血線的設置規範



一般,出血線與印刷物尺寸線之間設置為 3毫米。

但應注意的是,出血線與印刷物尺寸線之間並一定都是 3毫米,也可以留出來 5毫米,這由紙張的厚度和具體的要求而決定的。留出血線不僅可以使畫面更加美觀,而且便於印刷,所以具有十分重要的意義。




何謂安全區 / 裁切線 / 出血線安全區 / 裁切線 / 出血線 - 由於印刷品裁切時會有 ±1mm的誤差,為了印刷完整及美觀,設計時必須注意下列:

安全區: 所有重要的資訊必須放入安全區內,以免因裁切誤差導致重要資訊被裁切。

裁切線: 裁切線為印刷預計裁切的位置,YouPrint 裁切誤差為±1mm。

出血線: 如果您希望底色延伸至印刷品最邊緣,設計時請務必將所有底色延伸至出血線,以免因為裁切誤差而產生白色邊緣的不均勻,影響美感。

Page marks

A. Gradient tint bar B. Label C. Registration marks D. Progressive color bar E. Corner crop mark

F. Center crop mark G. Caption H. Star target

What is bleed?

If any element on your document layout makes contact with the document border you will have to

use bleed. The trick is to place the element so that it goes over border where the document will be

cropped after printing.

The term bleed is used for all objects overlapping the border off your document. Let's say you're

working on a brochure with images against the sides of your pages. You'll supply the printer with a

document somewhat larger then the final document will be.

After the brochure is printed it will be cropped to its correct size. The bleed in your document gives

the cropping some room for error. The paper itself can expand or contract, the cropping machine

could be setup wrong or the person working on the brochure could make a mistake. There are a lot

of factors that could go wrong with the cropping, if you weren't using bleed the images wouldn't be

neatly aligned with the side of your printed document.

Bleed and crop marks on the left, cropped document on the right

Two kinds of bleed

A bleed can be a full bleed or partial bleed. With a full bleed you have objects running of your

document on all sides. With a partial bleed you'll have a couple of elements running off the


Crop marks

For every job you send to the printer you need to place crop marks on your document. Every

industry-standard program on the market will do this automatically (although there will be a few

exceptions when you'll have to make them by hand). How far the crop marks should be from the

document border is something you should discuss with your printer. For most jobs 3 to 6 mm is


In normal usage you won't see the crop marks until you open the exported file, pdf for example.

Detail of crop marks in a PDF export

Adobe InDesign bleed settings

Standard measurements for the bleed is 3mm in Europe and Japan and 1/8" in the States. Sizes may

differ per printer, if you're not sure about your printer just ask them.

The settings in InDesign are right there in the new file dialog… but hidden! You need to hit the

'more options' button before they become visible. If you already have a document open you can find

them in the file > document setup dialog.

Bleed settings in Adobe InDesign

Bleed settings in Photoshop

There are no bleed settings availlable in Photoshop when you make a new document. In other

words: bleed is not a native element in Photoshop images.

However, it is possible to create a bleed your self by adding the bleed size to the document size. For

instance if your final image would be 200mm x 200mm you would add 3mm to all document sizes,

making the image 206mm x 206mm.

Photoshop bleed: add the size of the bleed to your full document size.

If you add bleed to your document size it's also a good idea to create custom crop marks in your

document that your printer will use. Either create them in Adobe Illustrator and import them or

make 2px lines (in a 300dpi document).

Bleed sizes Country/Region Document/method Measured in Bleed

Europe Standard Millimeters (mm) 3mm - 5mm

Europe Outdoor (x-large) Millimeters (mm) 10mm - 50mm

Japan Standard Millimeters (mm) 3mm - 5mm

United States Standard Inches 1/8"

United States Die-cuts Inches 1/4"