Cracking Reddit - Get thousands of visitors in a few hours

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Cracking Reddit - Get thousands of visitors in a few hours

Getting thousands of unique visitors from in just few hours…. (real case study of book promotion on )


Step 1: Creating the news

• Reddit is a news sharing site. We had to create some NEWS about our book, if we wanted to pass the

spam/self-promotion filters on Reddit.

I designed a simple website for this experiment: (Sounds like a news site, doesn’t


Step 1. Creating the news

• I wrote a fictional interview between me and a reporter whom I called Trevor Malik (a fictional character).

• It took me about two hours to compose the interview, and another three hours to design the website and post the interview. The costs? 99 cents! (Check the blog for more details.

Step 2: Posting the link on

• New accounts don’t hold any value. Links posted from new accounts are either deleted or buried in the depths of Reddit algorithm—where nobody will ever find


Step 2: Posting the link on

• Therefore, we will purchase the tweet from an old trusted account (very cheap thing). We will do so on

Step 3: Getting to the top of Reddit.

• Youtube views, Facebook likes, Reddit upvotes, retweets. . . . You can purchase them all, in any quantity of your choice. Sounds strange to you? Welcome to the world of internet

marketing :)!

You can find many websites where you can buy Reddit upvotes. Just search for it on… For my experiment, I bought 50 upvotes.

Step 4: Watch the magic

• Link to the interview with me received fifty upvotes in a short time (the upvotes I paid

for), and considered it interesting because of that. Their algorithm shot us all the way up to the 6th place on the

main page of!

Since the interview with me was quite interesting (at least for some people), we got genuine upvotes as well, and stayed on the

sixth place for a couple of hours (maybe we got even higher, I did not watch it all the time).

Step 5: Evaluate the results

2325 Visitors in a single day, all from Reddit Traffic!

Summary• 5 hours of work

• $30 dollars invested ($1 website, $5 post from high karma trusted account, $24 for upvotes)• More than 2300 visitors to our campaign!

• Interesting? • Check the original blog post about my Reddit promotion experiment for detailed guide on how

YOU can do it.

Click the link to see the details and guide on how you can dominate Reddit with a little work and money….