Cold War Project

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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(c) Matthew Bloom

Transcript of Cold War Project


Matthew Bloom 1st Period

The Cold War

After WWII, tension between the USSR and the other allies was growing.

The war against Nazi Germany ended, and now it became the war against Communism.Who Will it Be???


The Yalta Conference of February 1945

Held in Yalta Roosevelt, Stalin,

and Churchill planned the final stages of WWII.

They agreed to the territorial division of Europe.

The Causes of the Cold War

A. Stalin wanted to spread communism into Eastern Europe.

B. Stalin felt as though the United States was not consulting the Soviet Union about peace terms for Italy or Japan, defeated and occupied by American and British troops.

The Causes of the Cold War Continued…

D. Roosevelt and Churchill rejected Stalin’s view and plans for Europe and made him promise to hold “free elections” in Eastern Europe.

E. Stalin ignored this pledge, and went about his plans to take over and install communist governments throughout Eastern Europe.

The Cold War Goals for the United States

The United States wanted to contain Communism to the areas that it had already taken over.

They believed that Communism eventually destroys itself.

They wanted to help any European nation that they could. Thus they created the Marshall Plan.

The Cold War Goals for the Soviet Union.

Stalin had two goals in Eastern Europe…

(1) He wanted to spread communism into the area

(2) He wanted to create a buffer zone of friendly governments as a defense against Germany.

Harry Truman

What was the Truman Doctrine?

a) Would guide the US for decades

b) It made clear that all Americans would resist Soviet expansion in Europe or elsewhere in the world.

Truman Doctrine continued…c) It was firmly rooted

in the idea of containment.

d) Instead of trying to go and defeat the Soviets, they wanted to contain it because they believed that Communism would eventually destroy itself. Containment- limiting communism to the areas already

under Soviet control

Actions of the Truman Doctrinee) Truman soon sent

military and economic aid and advisers to Greece and Turkey so that they could withstand the communist threat.


Marshal Plan

Postwar hunger and poverty made Western European lands fertile ground for communist ideas.

What did the US do about it????????

Marshal Plan continued…

To strengthen democratic governments, the US offered a massive aid package, called the Marshal Plan.

Under this…

Marshall Plan Continued…

The US funneled food and economic assistance to Europe to help countries rebuild

Billions in American aid helped war-shattered Europe recover rapidly.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Marshal Plan continued…

President Truman also offered aid to the Soviet Union and its satellites in Eastern Europe

Stalin, however saw the plan as a trick to win Eastern Europe over to capitalism and democracy.

He forbade E. European countries to accept American aid and promising help from the Soviet Union in its place.

Satellites- dependent states

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Tensions continued to grow…

The US could not go at things alone.





NATO continued…

In 1949, the United States, Canada, and nine Western European countries formed a new military alliance

They called this NATO or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NATO continued…

Members pledged to help one another if one of them was attacked.

What will the Soviet Union think about this!?

Warsaw Pact

In 1995, the Soviet responded to NATO

It formed its own military alliance…the Warsaw Pact

Warsaw Pact continued…

It included… The Soviet Union The Satellites:

Bulgaria Czechoslovakia German Democratic

Republic (East Germany)

Hungary Poland Romania

Warsaw Pact continued…

Unlike the NATO, however, the Warsaw Pact was a weapon used by the Soviet Union to keep its Satellites in order…

NOT for defense against NATO!!!!!!

Korean War

North Korea

Supported by China and the USSR

South Korea

Supported by the US and the United Nations


Korean War continued…

Japan controlled Korea from 1910 to the end of WWII.

In 1945, following Japan’s surrender, the US divided the nation.

The US occupying the southern part (South Korea)

The Soviets occupying the northern part (North Korea)

Korean War continued…

South Korea established a democratic government

North Korea established a Communist government

Tension grew…SOUTH


Korean War continued…

On June 25, 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea

The US came to aid in repelling the conflict

The UN then joined and they launched a massive counter offensive that drove the N. Koreans back across the border.

Korean War continued…

China then joins the fight on the N. Korean’s side.

They launched a counter attack that then pushed the UN and the US back across the border

Korean War continued…

The war became a trench war by 1951

Bombs were continuously dropped by aircrafts






Korean War continued…

The war finally ended on July 27, 1953

That’s THREE years of continuous tug-war-like fighting!

According to US estimates…

About 1 million South Koreans were killed, 85% being civilians.

1.13 million Soviets were killed in North Korea

Total causalities add up to about 2.5 milion

Interesting fact: A total of 80,000 S. Koreans were captured in the war, but only 9,000 were released after the armistice.

The war left the peninsula divided.

The North established a totalitarian communist state

The South established an authoritarian state

Both N. and S. Korea’s Economies were nearly completely destroyed because of the war.

Berlin Airlift

Stalin’s resentment at western moves to rebuild Germany as a democracy triggered a crisis over Berlin.

The former German capital was occupied by all four victorious Allies, even through it lay deep within the Soviet zone.

Berlin in East Germany

Berlin Airlift Continued…

In 1948, Stalin tried to force the western Allies out of Berlin by sealing off every railroad and highway into the western sectors of the city!

No supplies…fuel…or FOOD!!!!!!! OH NOOOO!!!!

Berlin Airlift continued…

The Western powers responded to the blockade by mounting a round the clock airlift

For 1+year cargo planes supplied West Berliners with food and fuel.

Their success forced the Soviets to end the blockade.

Although the West had won a victory, the crisis deepened hostilities.

Cuban Missile Crisis

The United States, the Soviet Union, and Cuba had a major stare off with very lethal missiles.

The Vietnam War

North Vietnam

Supported by its communist allies

South Vietnam

Supported by the US and other anticommunist nations.

November 1, 1955- April 30, 1975


Vietnam War continued…



Vietnam War continued…

500,000 from South Vietnam were killed in action

931,000 from North Vietnam

That’s a total of 1,431,000 people!

What will it take………..?

What will it take for us to learn that war doesn’t have to happen every time someone has a disagreement.

What will it take for us to learn that countries are going to have different forms of government.

Does that make them an enemy?