Audience Feedback Question 3

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Audience Feedback Question 3


By Hannah Burgess

For our audience feedback we conducted group research where our trailer was shown at the Electric

Cinema in Birmingham City Centre, in front of a focus group of 16-19 year olds of both males and females. When they had watched our trailer they

were asked to fill in a questionnaire revealing their age and gender and asked a series of questions in

which would help us with gaining audience feedback. The type of questions asked were: what do you think the film will be about? Would you like

to see the film? Are you interested in the main character? Where could they improve? Which were the best parts? Along with giving a rating out of 10.











Males who like the trailer

Males who didn't like the


Females who like the trailer

Females who didn't like the


Number of People

From this research I found that on average more males than

females would like to watch the film and the number of males and

females who wouldn’t like to watch the film were equal, this was

the case due to the larger number of males compared the

females answering the questionnaire. From this, I have

developed an understanding into our target audience and how we

might appeal to this target audience. Predominately male and

closely female teenagers are the target audience in which we

wanted to appeal to. From this research I have learnt that we

were successful in advertising to our chosen target audience.

Also, I found that more females than males want to see our film

but the males don’t mind going to see it which will help our film

become more popular than just females liking it. For

example, the females may be identifying with the main character

and if they wanted to take their boyfriend to see the film he

wouldn’t mind. This would produce a wider following for the film.












10 out of 10 9 out of 10 8 out of 10 7 out of 10 and below



Out of ten, on average, more females rated our trailer higher; this allows me to see which

specific gender like the film the most. From this feedback I can see it differs from the

previous graph which shows that more males would like to see the film whereas in this

graph more females seem to like it more as they rated it higher. From this, I have learnt that we have appealed to the whole of the young target audience for the film touching

both genders and their ratings.










16 years old

17 years old

18 years old


Yes, I would like to see the film

No, I wouldn't like to see the film

On average the age group which would like to see our film the most is the 18 year old age group. Closely behind are the 17 year olds

with two of the 16 year olds not wanting to go and see the film. From this i have learnt that

individuals within the target audience are different and we still appealed to the majority of the target audience. From conducting this research it shows how we could improve. By looking at where they said we could improve we could then develop this within our trailer.

*from audience feedback*

More dancing – we also had this feedback when in the editing process of the film and took it on board and

incorporated more dancing scenes along with whole section of match on action of the main character

spinning in different locations and costumes to show her love of dance which was not in the first cut of the trailer. I also felt if more dancing was shown within the trailer

then it may have alienated some of the male audience. More of the male character – within our trailer we wanted to introduce the male character towards the end of the trailer to create an enigma for the audience and

therefore if we involved the character more this would be lost.

End shot should finish with jump in the air – from this comment we have tried to change the jump so it

finishes in the air, but have experienced technical difficulties while re-editing the film and so this was not

possible. Shots with male character could have been more

personal – when shooting the scenes between the male and female characters we wanted to leave the

relationship status open, we didn’t want to label them as in ‘love’. This then would create another enigma for

the audience to decide. If the shots were made too personal, this would have been lost.

A bit longer in length – before deciding the length of our trailer we conducted research into professional

trailers and found they lasted around 1minute 30seconds and so this was applied to our trailer.










How common the word was used to describe the trailer

In the research and planning stages of our trailer we created a mood board with different moods and

emotions which we wanted the trailer to portray. We decided for it to be inspirational with some sense of journey which follows the main character through

mixed emotions such as from sad and lonely to finding her love of dance and happiness. Our audience

feedback showed that most of these feelings were portrayed successfully such as the most common word

used being SAD which is what we wanted the audience to feel at the start of the trailer. When editing

the beginning of the trailer, this was the feeling we wanted to portray the most and were successful in doing so. I have learnt that the moods we tried to create were successful with our target audience.