Atm dizzee rascal analysis

Post on 18-Jun-2015

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Atm dizzee rascal analysis

Transcript of Atm dizzee rascal analysis

The main image portrays dizzee rascal as tough, mean and serious. This is indicated by the crouched stance, crossed arms and his hood up. His facial expression also shows him looking serious and not silly or happy. This may be because the readers of ATM would want to see the serious technical music side of Dizzee as appose to another magazine who may want to see his crazy side.

Unconventionally ATM doesn’t have any pull quotes of a specific Lead Article. It just features the name of the artist centeral to the magazine.This contributes to the clean-cut, minimalistic, stylish look of the magazine which remains as a house style throughout issues. The limited colour pallet also links with the minimalistic style. Mainly white, grey and deep purple. Whilst the text is black to contrast with the light background.

Although ATM doesn’t use the left third as some magazines do (with the lead article on the left) this may be because a specialist magazine such as ATM wouldn’t necessarily be sold in a newsagents, but more so in a book retailer where the magzine is more likely to be on display showing the whole of the front cover, as supposed to just the left third. ATM however use the free CD promotion in the left third and the masthead to draw the readers in.

ATM Front Cover Analysis

ATM Front Cover Analysis

The ‘ATM’ contents page has a theme running through of purple and white. These are very good colours to be using as they can be both masculine and feminine. The only other font colour used is black. The font style of the contents matches the style of the title font cover.

The image used on the left hand side is the front of the magazine and the image makes it clear that the free CD is there by hanging from the image. It also has the page turned over a bit with the page number showing the issue number.

All the text is all the same size and the Cover stories are all highlighted grey to make them stand out more. All the text is on the flush left which makes it look neater and clearer for easy reading.

The contents page has split the page numbers into sections by saying the features of the magazine where the stories are only in the edition of this magazine, regulars and reviews which are in every edition of this magazine.

At stand first the first image you come across is the double page spread poster of Dizzee Rascal, maintaining the serious bad boy image on the cover, these images also give the impression that he hasn’t let the fame go to his head as the settings used aren’t glamorous locations, rather they are street locations which link with the Hip’Hop style of Dizzee’s music. The DPS is mainly image lead and only contains one page of writing. The article is presented in two straight columns. This also contributes to the stylish tidy house style of music.

The main headline ‘Dizzee Heights’ also uses direct quote ‘for me there’s no grime without drub and bass’ the text used resembles that of spotlights, which then links to ‘Dizzee heights’, as in he has come so far he doesn’t realise how high he has gotten in the music industry, and that he is still ‘down to earth’ which the readers will relate to.

The text is laid out I think very poorly because it is very small and very compact which most readers would feel boring and hard to read. It also takes up a whole page with to much information which sort of ruins the article. The text is laid out like a newspaper in to main big columns.

I think that Dizzee would be happy with this article as it shows that he is still appreciative of Drum and Bass and other music genres and that he hasn’t let the stardom go to his head. Which is the image he portrays.

ATM double page spread analysis