20150915 week 2 the emotion of the space - thomas hickey

Post on 18-Jan-2017

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Transcript of 20150915 week 2 the emotion of the space - thomas hickey

“The link between public space & public culture should be traced to the total dynamic-human and non-human-of a public setting. The collective impulsives of the public spaces are the result of pre-cognitive and tacit human response to a condition of <situated multiplicity>, the thrown togetherness of bodies, mass and matter, and of many uses and needs in a

shared physical space.”

Ash Amin, Collective Culture and Urban Public Space

The Emotion of the Space KU Gensler Co-Op 09-15-2015


Park River



Plaza ScaleBlock. District. City.

The Supporting Cast

The A-Listers

Public Spaces are only as good as the people who occupy them.

And who are these people?

The Happy The Sad

The RomanticsThe Thinkers

The Pissed Off

How have other cities made spaces that change the way people feel?


Belgrade Ground Zero


In what ways can we as designers create public spaces that intentionally affect the

people who inhabit them?

The Emotion of the Space KU Gensler Co-Op 09-15-2015 Thomas Hickey

Thank You