1500 S. Andrews Ave. Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Rev. Francis A. … · 2018-06-22 · ens, Thou art my...

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Transcript of 1500 S. Andrews Ave. Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Rev. Francis A. … · 2018-06-22 · ens, Thou art my...

1500 S. Andrews Ave. Pompano Beach, FL 33069 www.sainthenrys.org

ARCHBISHOP OF MIAMIMost Reverend Thomas G. Wenski

PASTOR:Rev. Francis A. Akwue, CSSp.

PASTOR EMERITUS:Msgr. James B. Reynolds

DAILY MASS:8:00 a.m.

SATURDAY VIGIL MASSES:4:00 p.m. (English)

SUNDAY MASSES:8:00 , 10:00, & 11:30 a.m. (English)1:30 p.m. (Spanish)


HOLY DAYS MASSES:8:00 a.m., 12:00, and 6:00 p.m.

ST. JUDE NOVENA:Every Monday following the 8:00 a.m.Mass

MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA:Every Saturday following the 8:00 a.m. Mass

LEGION OF MARY DEVOTIONS:Every First Saturday following 8:00 a.m. Mass

HOMEBOUND:Contact the Parish Office forSacraments.

PARISH OFFICE:Phone: (954)785 2450Fax: (954) 785 6958

PARISH OFFICE HOURS:Monday Friday9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE:Six Month Preparation Period Required. Parishioners should contact the Parish Office at least sixmonths in advance to make appt.

SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM:Parishioners should contact the Parish Office to make an appointmentwith the pastor three months prior to BaptismEnglish Baptism First Sunday of the MonthSpanish Baptism Last Sunday of the Month

CONFESSION:Before every Saturday Vigil andSunday Mass and by appointment

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (C.C.D.):Sundays September to May9:45am English & 11:45am Spanish


June 24, 2018June 24, 2018Nativity of St. John the BaptistNativity of St. John the Baptist

The New Testament tells us nothing of John's early years, but we know that his pious, virtuous parents must have reared the boy with care, conscious always of the important work to which he was appointed, and imbuing him with a sense of his destiny.When John began final preparations for his mission, he was probably in his thirty second year. He with-drew into the harsh, rocky desert beyond the Jordan to fast and pray, as was the ancient custom of holy men. We are told that he kept himself alive by eating locusts and wild honey and wore a rough garment of camel's hair, tied with a leathern girdle. When he came back to start preaching in the villages of Ju-daea, he was haggard and uncouth, but his eyes burned with zeal and his voice carried deep convic-tion. The Jews were accustomed to preachers and prophets who gave no thought to outward appearanc-es, and they accepted John at once; the times were troubled, and the people yearned for reassurance and comfort. So transcendant was the power emanating from the holy man that after hearing him many be-lieved he was indeed the long awaited Messiah. John quickly put them right, saying he had come only to prepare the way, and that he was not worthy to un-loose the Master's sandals. His humility remained in-corruptible even when his fame spread to Jerusalem and members of the higher priesthood came to make inquiries and to hear him. "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand," this was John's oft repeated theme. For the evils of the times his remedy was indi-vidual purification. "Every tree," he said, "that is not bringing forth good fruit is to be cut down and thrown into the fire." The reformation of each person's life must be complete the wheat must be separated from the chaff and the chaff burned "with unquencha-ble fire."The rite of baptism, a symbolic act signifying sincere repentance as well as a desire to be spiritually cleansed in order to receive the Christ, was so strong-ly emphasized by John that people began to call him "the baptizer." The Scriptures tell us of the day when Jesus joined the group of those who wished to receive baptism at John's hands. John knew Jesus for the Messiah they had so long expected, and at first ex-cused himself as unworthy. Then, in obedience to Je-sus, he acquiesced and baptized Him. Although sin-less, Jesus chose to be baptized in order to identify Himself with the human lot. And when He arose from the waters of the Jordan, where the rite was per-formed, "the heavens opened and the Spirit as a dove descended. And there came a voice from the heav-ens, Thou art my beloved Son, in Thee I am well pleased" (Mark i, 11).

24 de Junio de 2018La Natividad de San Juan Bautista

El Nuevo Testamento no nos dice nada de la infancia de Juan el Bautista, pero nosotros sabemos que sus papas era piadosos, castos y dirigieron al niño con cuidado, siempre consientes de la importante labor que se les había dado, y lo educaron para lo que iba a ser su des-tino.

Cuando Juan comenzó las preparaciones finales para su misión, el tendría alrededor de treinta y dos años. El se retiró hacia el árido y rocoso desierto detrás del Jor-dán para ayunar y hacer oración, como era la costum-bre de los hombres santos de la antigüedad. Sabemos que el se mantenía vivo alimentándose de langostas y miel silvestre; y vestía con ropa de pelo de camello y tenia un cinturón de cuero. Cuando el regresó a predicar en los aldeas de Judea, su apariencia era demacrada y tosca, pero en sus ojos se veía un ardiente entusiasmo y su voz transmitía una profunda fe. Los Judíos estaban acostumbrados a ver predicadores y profetas que no les preocupaba tu apariencia externa, por eso aceptaron a Juan rápido; esos tiempos eran difíciles, y la gente año-raba escuchar noticias consoladoras. Era tan sobresa-liente el poder que salía de este hombre santo que lue-go de escucharlo, mucha gente creía que él era el muy esperado Mesías. Juan rápidamente aclaro esto dicien-do que el había venido solo para preparar el camino, que el no era digno de soltar la sandalia de el Maestro. Su humildad era incorrupta hasta cuando su fama se regó por Jerusalén y los sumos sacerdotes venían a preguntarle y a escucharlo. “ Arrepiéntanse, el Reino de los Cielos esta cerca,” esta era el tema que Juan re-petía a menudo. El decía que la maldad de esos tiem-pos se remediaba con la purificación personal. “Cada árbol,” el decía, “que no de buen fruto será cortado y tirado al fuego.” La reforma de la vida de cada persona debe ser completa el trigo debe ser separado de la paja y la paja será quemada “con un fuego inapagable.”

El rito del bautismo, es un simbólico acto que da a cono-cer el sincero arrepentimiento y también el deseo de ser limpiado espiritualmente para así recibir a Cristo, era tan fuertemente recalcado por Juan que la gente le co-menzó a llamar “ el bautista.” Las escrituras nos dicen de el día que Jesús se unió al grupo de aquellos que querían ser bautizados por Juan. Juan conocía a Jesús como el Mesías esperado por mucho tiempo, y cuando vio a Jesús, Juan no se sentía digno de bautizarlo. En-tonces, en obediencia a Jesús, el acepto y bautizo a Jesús. Aunque El no tenia pecado, Jesús acepto ser bautizado para así ser reconocido como uno mas. Y cuando Jesús salió de las aguas del Jordán, en ese mo-mento, en el rito se cumple que, “los cielos se abrieron y el Espíritu descendió como paloma . Y una voz de los cielos se escuchó, “Este es mi hijo amado, en el que tengo complacencia.” (Marcos 1,11).

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Saturday, June 23rd St. Libert8:00 am Father’s Day Novena

† Antonio Babun, Teresa Codorniu, & Icela Ruesga By Family

4:00 pm † William Allendoerfer By the Wright Family

Sunday, June 24th Nativity of St. John the Baptist

8:00 am † Ester Gutierrez By Ernie Gutierrez10:00 am (L) Salvatore Pozzulo

By Carol & Andy Cavallo11:30 am † For the deceased members of the

Bajaras Family By Family1:30 pm Father’s Day NovenaMonday, June 25th St. Gallicanus

Father’s Day Novena(L) Steven Elsea By family

Tuesday, June 26th St. David8:00 am (L) Jake, Jacob, Adriah, & Amelia

Restituyo By Rev. Kris A. BartosWednesday, June 27th St. Cyril of Alexandria8:00 am † James Tully By Mother

†Third anniversary in heaven Deborah Di Tucci Olsen love, mommy & daddy

Thursday, June 28th St. Irenaeus8:00 am † Wilma Trueman By Mike UrieFriday, June 29th Saints Peter & Paul,

Apostles8:00am (L) Aaron, Sophia, Zoe & Eva Bartos

By Rev. Kris A. BartosSaturday, June 30 The First Martyrs of the Holy

Roman Church8:00 am † Josephine Russo By Patricia Russo4:00 pm † Paul Hook By Lauretta BrennenSunday, July 1st Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary

Time 8:00 am † Josephine Russo By Patricia Russo10:00 am † Roberto Nocik, Jr. By Amy Cumming11:30 am † Mary Rose De Vito By Pat Day1:30 pm The Families of Edward Fortmann,

Vincent J. Dellorto, Joseph F. McGowan, & Samuel J. Musseri St. Henry’s Sustaining Benefactors

Tabernacle Lights for the month of June in memory of loved ones and special intentions by Beverly Forte.

Wine & Hosts for the month of June in thanksgiving for our Marriage and our children by the McBride Family.

Please pray for the sickRobert Wright, Eileen Blackmore, Megan Sereseroz, Marilyn Smith, Laura Fassig, Marie Martes, Anthony De Michele, Rebecca ZungClough, Yvonne Yaksic, Peggy Meyer, Paul Brennen, Rita Tracht, Sophia DePaola, Edgar Breenen, Michael Bierman, Doug River, Da-vid Zwiercan, Anna Vaccaro, Anna Srednick, & Gregory Rallo.

Church Air ConditionPlease consider bringing a sweater or jacket with you to church, in case it is too cold for you inside the church.

Minister Schedule June 30th & July 1stSaturday, 4:00 PMCelebrant Fr. BrohammerLector Thomas KostolanskyServer

Jim Schmidt

Sunday 8:00 AMCelebrant Fr. FrancisLector Diane ValekServer Zack & Ali

Jehan Vasquez

Sunday 10:00 AMCelebrant Fr. SileoLector Susan Gingerich

Server Susan DimondIrene Nocik

Sunday 11:30 AMCelebrant Fr. FrancisLector Michelle GonzalezServer Jackson Chew

Joanne Schroeder

Sunday 1:30 PM Celebrant Fr. Harry LoubrielLector Marcia NoriegaLector Enrique Garcia

Mayra MendozaCecilia SousaBlanca Perez

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Our offertory collection for the weekend of June 16th & 17th is broken down below. Thank you for your support. Nuestro ofertorio para el fin de semana del 16 de Junio y 17 se desglosa a continuación. Gracias por su apoyo.

Please NO eating or drinking inside the Church. We appreciate your coopera-tion.Por favor, NO, comer o beber dentro de la Iglesia. Apreciamos tu cooperación.

SISTINE CHAPEL CHOIR (THE POPE’S CHOIR)Special performance by The Archdiocese of Miami Jubi-

lee Choir Friday, July, 13 = Showtime 7pmJames L. Knight Center

More information and VIP Packages available at: sis-tinechapelchoirtour.com

Our Father’s House Soup KitchenNeeds your help!

Our Father’s House Soup Kitchen has been serving the less fortunate & hungry in Pompano Beach for the last 27 years. They feed approximately 200 homeless each day, 52 weeks a year. This equates to almost 8,600 meals each month and as a result, they are always in need of canned and non perishable food items. Donations of food items can be dropped in the collection bins located inside the church. We thank you for your corporal acts of mercy.*Vegetables *Tuna / spam / Chicken*Soups *Canned Ham* Peanut butter *Pasta Sauce & Pastas*Jelly *Rice or Rice Mixes*Boxed Potatoes *Stuffing Mixes

Pew Book Racks

St. Henry Church would ask our congrega-tion to please replace the missalettes in the book racks at the end of Mass. We also ask that no other items are placed in the book racks. All trash should be removed from the church when departing. Thank you for your cooperation.

Bastidores de libros Pew

La iglesia de St. Henry pediría a nuestra congregación que por favor reemplace el misales en los bastidores de libros al final de la Misa.También pedimos que no se colocan otros artículos en los bastidores de libros. Toda la basura debe ser retirada de la iglesia al partir. Gracias por su cooperación.

Peter’s Pence CollectionThis weekend, during our second collection, we will take the Peter’s Pence Collection which provides Pope Fran-cis with the fund he needs to carry out his charitable works around the world. The proceeds benefit our broth-ers and sisters on the margins of society, including vic-tims of war, oppression and disasters. Thank you for your generosity.

Day/Dia Time/Hora Subsidy

Saturday/Sabado 4:00pm $1,517 $232 Sunday/Domingo 8:00am $265 $67 Sunday/Domingo 10:00am $906 $221 Sunday/Domingo 11:30am $274 $73 Sunday/Domingo 1:30pm $361 $117 Total $3,323 $710

Religious Freedom Week will take place from June 22 29, 2018. The observance begins with the feast day of St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher, includes the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, and ends with the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul.

Following the week's theme,Catholics across the U.S. are encouraged to reflect

on the importance of religious freedom if the Church is to have the space to continue to serve in areas like educa-tion, adoption and foster care, health care, and migration and refugee services. We are also invited to pray for our brothers and sisters who face intense persecution in other parts of the world.

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops offers "Pray Reflect Act" one pagers one for each day of the week on different religious liberty topics. The materials are meant to inspire people to learn more about religious liberty from a Catholic perspective, to pray about particular issues, and give them the tools to act on what they learn, whether it's by finding ways for their parish to serve their community or perhaps even by contacting their lawmakers to promote legislation supporting religious liberty. More information and additional religious liberty resources are available at www.usccb.org/ReligiousFreedomWeek.

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St. Gregory’s Life After Fifty Fellowship

Is sponsoring a Ft. Myers overnight bus trip departing St.Gregory Church on Saturday, September 15th at 9am. Trip includes: Lunch at Burntwoods Tavern, narrated bus tour ofNaples, overnight at the Hyatt Place, Ft. Myers, candy barparty, wine & cheese reception, dinner & show at the Broad-way Palm Theatre, hot breakfast buffet, Sunday morning Mass and shopping and gaming at the Seminole Immokalee Casino. Cost double $152/pp or single $192/pp. For more information call Maria at 954 472 0798.

Serra International Building a Culture of Vocations

Place your vocations in Mary’s Hands. I don’t know where I would be without the Blessed Mother. When I was in high school I struggled to discern God’s will for my life. Apriest assured me that if I prayed the rosary everyday,Mary would tell me what her Son wanted me to do. Aftersome time, the answer became clear. God wanted me to become a priest. As I now prepare for priestly ordination,my advise to anyone struggling to discern his or her voca-tion is to pray to Mary. Place your vocation in her handsand she will always lead you to her Son.

Pray: Sts. Thomas More and John Fisher, for the protection of religious freedom in America and around the world.Reflect: On this feast of Sts. Thomas More and John Fisher, we remember these saints who were martyred in 1535 for standing up for the sanctity of marriage and the freedom of the Church . May their example continue to illuminate the path for us, aswe seek to faithfully serve our Church and country.Act: What do conscience and religious freedom mean to you? Share with us onTwitter using the hashtag #ReligiousFreedomWeek.

Primero Dia 22 de JunioReza: Santo Tomás Moro y san John Fisher, ruega por nosotros y por la protección de la libertad religiosa en EstadosUnidos y en todo el mundo.Reflexiona: En esta fiesta de santo Tomás Moro y san John Fisher, recordamos estos santos que fueron martirizadosen 1535 por defender la santidad del matrimonio y la libertad de la Iglesia. Fueron fieles a la Iglesia. Que su ejemplo continúe iluminando el camino para nosotros, al buscar servir con fidelidad a nuestra Iglesia y nuestro país.Actúa: ¿Qué significan la conciencia y la libertad religiosa para ti? Comparte con nosotros en Twitter utilizando elhashtag #ReligiousFreedomWeek.

Day 2 June 23Pray: May children waiting to be placed in a loving home, and the caregivers who selflessly serve those children; findstrength & support from the Church..Reflect: Intolerance for religious views has real consequences, and in this case, it is vulnerable children who have suf-fered. Let's pray and act to keep kids first.Act: Contact your U.S. senators and representatives and ask them to cosponsor the federal Child Welfare Provider In-clusion Act.

Segundo Dia 23 de JunioReza: Por los niños en espera de un hogar afectuoso, por los cuidadores que sirven desinteresadamente a esos niños;para que encuentren la fortaleza y el apoyo de la Iglesia.Reflexiona: La intolerancia por las opiniones religiosas tiene consecuencias reales, y en este caso, son los niños vul-nerables los que están sufriendo. Recemos y actuemos para poner a los niños en primer lugar.Actua: Contacta a tus senadores y representantes estadounidenses, y pídeles que sean copatrocinadores de la Leyfederal para Inclusión de Proveedores de Bienestar a la Niñez.

Day 3 June 24Pray: May the Holy Spirit give us the courage to bear witness to the truth of the gospel, even in the face of social and legal pressure.Reflect: We love our neighbors by helping them to encounter Jesus.Act: Let's take this week to exercise our freedom by sharing our faith in Jesus Christ .

Tercer Dia 24 de JunioReza: Que el Espíritu Santo nos dé el valor de dar testimonio de la verdad del Evangelio.Reflexiona: Amamos a nuestro prójimo ayudándolos a encontrar a Jesús.Actua: Esta semana ejerzamos nuestra libertad compartiendo nuestra fe en Jesucristo.

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