1 st AMENDMENT = S.P.P.A.R Freedom of Speech Some speech is not protected: -Threats-Lies -Clear and...

Post on 18-Jan-2016

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Transcript of 1 st AMENDMENT = S.P.P.A.R Freedom of Speech Some speech is not protected: -Threats-Lies -Clear and...


Freedom of Freedom of SSpeechpeech

Some speech is not Some speech is not protected:protected:



-Clear and present -Clear and present danger. danger.

You can’t yell: You can’t yell: “Fire!” in a “Fire!” in a

crowded movie crowded movie househouse

11stst AMENDMENT = S.P.P.A.R (cont.) The right to: AMENDMENT = S.P.P.A.R (cont.) The right to:

PPETITION: ETITION: Right to let Right to let the govt. the govt. know how know how you feelyou feel

11stst AMENDMENT = SPPAR (cont) The freedom of AMENDMENT = SPPAR (cont) The freedom of the:the:

PPress: ress: newspapers can newspapers can

report on report on anything they anything they like: like: as long as as long as

its true.its true.

11stst AMENDMENT = SPPAR The freedom AMENDMENT = SPPAR The freedom of:of:

AAssembly: You ssembly: You have the right have the right get together with get together with your friendsyour friends..

11stst AMENDMENT = SPPAR Freedom of: AMENDMENT = SPPAR Freedom of:

RReligion:eligion:Free to practice any Free to practice any

religion as long as it religion as long as it does not hurt othersdoes not hurt others

Establishment ClauseEstablishment Clause: : Separation of church Separation of church and stateand state

22ndnd Amendment Amendment The Right to Bear ArmsThe Right to Bear Arms Not all arms are Not all arms are

permitted howeverpermitted however

44thth AmendmentAmendment The right to be The right to be free from illegal free from illegal

search and search and seizure. seizure.

Probable Cause!Probable Cause!Search Warrants!Search Warrants!

55thth Amendment: Rights of Amendment: Rights of the Accusedthe Accused Must be charged within 24 Must be charged within 24

hours if held by the policehours if held by the police

NO Double Jeopardy: you NO Double Jeopardy: you can only be tried once for can only be tried once for a crime.a crime.

You do not have to testify You do not have to testify against yourself in court.against yourself in court.

77thth Amendment AmendmentThe right to a The right to a trial by jury in trial by jury in cases over $20cases over $20

88thth Amendment Amendment The right to be free from Cruel and The right to be free from Cruel and

Unusual punishmentUnusual punishment