1. procedure(s) n. (办事的)手续,程序、方法 course =process= step procedural ...

Post on 19-Jan-2016

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1. procedure(s) n. (办事的)手续,程序、方法 course =process= step procedural adj. proceed vi 继续前进 What’s the usual ~~ for setting up a new school? 2. tulip peony strawberry lemon 3. a bunch of 一串、一束 ~~~ followers / grapes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of 1. procedure(s) n. (办事的)手续,程序、方法 course =process= step procedural ...

1. procedure(s) n. (办事的)手续,程序、方法 course =process= step procedural adj. proceed vi 继续前进

What’s the usual ~~ for setting up a new school?2. tulip peony strawberry lemon

3. a bunch of 一串、一束 ~~~ followers / grapes 4. merely = only not merely --- but also 5. herb n /c/ herbal adj. 草本的

6. classify vt. ~~fied ~~ fied (1) ~~ sth by / according to --- 根据---来分类 (2) ~~ sth into --- 把---分成 (3) ~~ sb./ sth as sth 把--分类为 (4)classification n. 分类

6. Eggs are ~~d according to size. They have made attempts to classify plant species into groups.

She was ~~ into as one of the greatest scientists of our time.

7. identification /u/ 身份,验证,证明 = certificate ID Card

identify vt. (1) ~~ sb/ sth 证明--- (2) ~~ sb/ sth as 认出某人为 (3) ~~ A with B be ~~fied with 认为---同样的 被认为相同

7. How did you ~~ the bird? How did you ~~ the wallet as your own? The Police having ~~ the wallet as his own , he got it back.

His only means of identification was his passport.

He ~~ s his parents’ happiness with his own.

8. promote vt 使某人晋升,晋级(1)~~ sb (from ---) to --- 提升某人为--- sb be ~~d from --- to --- 某人被晋升为---(2)~~ a new product 促销新产品 (3)promotion /u/ 晋升,促销

8. The football team was promoted to the first.

It’s supposed that the football team has been promoted to the first.The football team was supposed to have been promoted to the first.

He is said to have been promoted from a worker to a manager

9. botanical adj 植物的 botany n. 植物学 botanist n. 植物学家 In order to do a successful research, so many well—known botanists joined the team of the botanical explorers.

10. privilege(s) /c/n. = special rights (1)the ~~ of sb. 某人的特权、优惠 (2) have the ~~ of sth./ doing sth. 有做某事的特权、优惠 (3) It’s a ~~ (for him) to --- 对某人做某事是一个特权Merely the representatives have the ~~s of entering the hall.Nobody has the ~~ of going out without permission. It’s a ~~ for him to be promoted to be a chief engineer.

11. cosy = cozy=warm and comfortable lead a cosy life 过着舒适的生活

12. appetite(s) n. /c//u/ 胃口(1)have a good/bad ~~ 有好、坏胃口(2)lose one’s ~~ 食欲不振(3)a great ~~ for --- 渴求--- (4)appetizer n. 开胃菜I am quiet myself today . Therefore, I have lost my ~~ at present.Taking more exercise will give you a good ~~

13. wealth /u/=fortune /c/ = possession /u/ = property /c/ make a fortune have / take the possession of be in possession of be in the possession of

(1)wealth adj.

a wealthy of =a lot of

14. appoint vt (1)~~ sb to +职位=> sb be ~~ed to --- 任命、指定某人去某职位 (2)~~ sb as/to be sth => sb be ~~ed as/to be --- 任命某人当--- (3)~~ sb. to do sth for sth 任命某人去做--- (4)appointee n. 被任命的人 interviewee employee (5)~~ment n. 约定 / 约会 have an ~~ with sb

14. The teacher ~~ed me to call the roll. 点名The time appointed for the meeting was 10:30.

They have ~~ed the time for the meeting.

Please meet there at the ~~ed time.

I have an ~~ment with the president. of his firm/company this afternoon.

15. calculate vt. 计算,估算 calculator n. 计算器 I must ~~ what the food expense will be.

16. astronomy n. 天文学 astronomical adj. 天文学 的 astronomer n. 天文学家 a ~~cal telescope 天文望远镜

17. expense(s) n/c/ 花费、代价 = expenditure =cost

an ~~ of $100 the public ~~ 公费 living ~~s 生活费

I spare no expense to collect the paintings by Picasso.

18. look out for ~~ around/ about ~~ as if/ as though ~~away (from--) ~~ forward to --- ~~ into ~~on looker(s)– on ~~ sth up in the dictionary = refer to the ~~

警惕、留心向四周看好像目光从 --- 移开热切盼望调查袖手旁观旁观者


19. on a large scale adv. 大量地

20. cocoa 可可粉 coco = coconut 椰子

21. hemp opium 鸦片

22. involve vt. 牵连,有关系(1)~~ sb in (doing)sthSb be ~~d in --- 和某人有关系、有牵连He is supposed to be ~~d in the murder.

He is ----- in the murdering the wealthy man.

23. enterprise(s) /c/ 艰巨的事业,创业,企业 a government / state ~~ 国营企业 a join ~~ 合资企业 a private ~~ 私营企业

24. settlement (s) 定居 解决= solution settle vi. (1) 解决 = solve (2) 定居 settle (down) in sp.

The ~~ of North America by European began in the 16th century The ~~ of the dispute pleased each of us.

25. accumulate vt. 积存,积攒 ~~ tion /u/

He died last year, leaving a large fortune he ~~d all his life.

He ~~d a great deal of knowledge about plants and agriculture.

26. abandon vt 抛弃,被弃 (1) ~~ sth/sb. (2)~~ one’s country/ friend/ post ( 职位 ) (3)~~ed adj. 放纵的,荒废的

27. year by year ( 一年一年有变化 ) year after year (年年重复)

28. reward n. 报酬, 奖赏、 奖金 vt. 报答 (1) ~~ sb for sth / doing sth. 因为--而给某人报酬 (2)award 授予的荣誉 (3)prize 奖品, 名次

29. technique technical technician technology technological

30 nowhere= not ---anywhere adv. I have ~~ this afternoon.

31. the latter the former

32. distinguish vi/vt (1)~~ between A and /from B 把 A 和 B 区别开来 (2) ~~ oneself 使突出,使另类

A child must learn to ~~ between good and devil. (邪恶)

She always ~~ herself by her coolness and bravery .(沉着勇敢 )

33. in detail 做状语 in more detail 比较级 detailed adj. 详细的





















While-readingI. Fast reading

How many people are mentioned in the passage? Carl Linnaeus Daniel Solander Joseph BanksCaptain CookII. Careful reading

1. Before Linnaeus botany was ________.A. studied by doctors B. unknown to anyoneC. fully developed D. a branch of medicine

2. Some economic species plants such as____could help to develop local economies.A. rose and peony B. tea and appleC. cocoa and hemp D. Cocoa and lemon

3. It was ____ who made Kew a centre of scientific and economic research.A. Joseph Banks B. Captain CookC. Linnaeus D. Daniel Solander

4.Paragraph one of the text mainly tells us ___ .

A. the importance of botanyB. how to classify plant species into groupsC. Linnaeus’contribution to botanyD. Linnaeus’discoveries about different species

5.Captain Cook made ___voyages altogether around the world.A. one B. Two C. Three D.four

Post-reading1. How did scientists classify plants before Linnaeus?

2. What were the goals of James Cook’s first voyage around the world?

Some scientists classified plants into herbs and trees, or according to the shape of the fruit, or whether they had flowers or not.

To study the passing of the planet Venus across the sun; to record, classify and describe all plant and animal life observed during the trip; to search for an unknown southern continent.

3. Why did Joseph Banks have to supply his own money to equip part of the expedition?

4. What could be a possible explanation for the name “strawberry”?

Because the government would not pay for such a new field of science as botany.

When people plant strawberry, they spread straw under the fruit to reduce the necessary amount of watering.

Language points1. group (v.)

The children group round the piano. ( )

We can group animals into several types.( )

2. promote

My daughter’s just been promoted! ( )

The organization works to promote friendship between nations. ( )




3. 向某人提供某物supply sb. with sth. / supply sth. to sb.provide sb. with sth. / provide sth. for sb.offer sb. sth. / offer sth. to sb.他们向受灾地区的人们提供了食品援助。They supplied the people in the flood-stricken area with food aids.



他自己出钱印了书。 (have sth. done)


牺牲 ,以……作代价

at one’s expense

at the expense of

He became a outstanding scholar, but only at the expense of his health.

He had his book printed at his own expense.

ConsolidationTranslate the following phrases into English:1. 详细地

2. 处于支配的地位,负责

3. 由……负责

4. 任命某人为……


6. 计算……之间的距离

in detail

in charge ofin the

charge ofappoint sb. as


calculate the distance between…

7. 一代一代传下去


9.参与 ; 陷入 ……的活动

10. 根据 ;视……而定;按照



pass on from one generation to the next

be based on

be involved inaccording tosearch for
