1.In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media...

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Transcript of 1.In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media...

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Evaluation: Question one.

When researching a variety of different magazine styles; each

following different genres, most of them contained the same generic conventions within the front cover.

The main conventions within a front cover include a central image, a

masthead (sometimes referred to as a headline), splash

(summarizing the most important story or article featured within the magazine) cover lines, and a puff.




What are the generic conventions?

How have the magazines you researched used these generic conventions in relation

to your specific music genre?

Within the magazines I researched, for example Metal

Hammer magazine and Kerrang! They both had a continuity within

their generic conventions. The mastheads on both magazines are

positioned on the top centre of the page, in a bold, sans- serif

font; imploring the readers attention. The central image is of the main band featured within the magazine; whom the main article/

interview is about.

Both magazines use reds and blacks within the house style of

their front pages as it reflects the audience of the genre of music, connoting a rebellious and dark

impression of the contents of the magazine.


One way I have used forms and conventions is through my mode of address. My mode of address is both formal and informal, reflecting the age group of my target audience. The subtle formality connotes a sense of maturity, whereas the low/ medium register words such as ‘dude’ reflect the personalities of my target audience.

In addition to this, I used a colour scheme of reds, blacks and yellows to portray rebellion and extremity. This colour scheme instantly ensures the magazine stands out, and the target audience can recognize it straight away as a rock magazine.

How have your magazine pages reflected the same generic conventions and house-

styles within the magazines you have researched?


The Masthead of my magazine is positioned on

the top, centre of the page; as is Kerrang! And Metal Hammer. I have

used bold fonts and bright colours (red and yellow) to make the masthead stand out to the target audience.

When researching Metal Hammer

magazine, I noticed that they had a

‘menu bar’ along the top of the front cover;

outlining artists featured within their


The puff on magazines I researched was usually

placed on top of the central image. For my

puff, I used bold colours and font, and the

content is of a prize which would reflect the interests of my target

audience, e.g gig tickets.

The cover lines on my magazine are in the same style of colours and fonts which are

within Metal Hammer magazine. I featured six main stories which is the average amount on other magazines.

The central image of my magazine features a duo of two middle aged musicians;

reflecting the target audience of my magazine. I used a typical outside, stone wall

background, which connotes a sense of rebellion.

The splash of my magazine is centred in the middle of the page, and uses a pull quote from a known musician. This dramatic quote will draw the target audience to read my magazine.

Some of the magazines I researched included a website and email for

contact reference.

The title of my contents page is similar to the one used within Metal Hammer magazine. When researching existing

magazines, I noticed some of them included an editors note, outlining features or a brief history of the magazine. I thought this would be good to include within my contents as it allows the readers to become more familiar with the creators of the magazine they are reading.

There is a continuity within the colour scheme throughout all the pages within my magazine. This colour scheme features the colours red, black and yellow.

When creating the features within my magazine on my contents, I followed the same style as Hammer magazine, using a bold title, then a brief caption underneath. The structure of the features are clear, enabling a quick read for the target audience.


The headline to the main article featured on the DPS

within the magazines I researched were mostly

positioned on the top right, with bright, bold fonts.

There is a continuity within the colour scheme though

the front cover, contents and DPS. The white text blends

with the monochrome image, and contrasts with

the yellow.

The text within the articles and interviews I researched

was boxed, always beginning with a drop cap.

The central image is usually positioned on the left on a double page article, and includes one of the main

artists featured on the front cover.

Magazines I researched, such as Kerrang!, included

page numbers on the corners of the pages, and the magazines masthead

positioned next to it.