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From the recent class "Fundamentals of User Experience" given 12/13/2013 in NYC

1. Interaction Design =User Centered DesignUser Research, Persona’s, Scenario’s 2. Module 1:Design ResearchDuur: 5 weken 3. ProgrammaWeek:Introductie interaction design,…

1. Persona 1 CharacteristicsAttitude :對新科技很有興趣,很常思考影像的呈現表現方式及其背後設計的技術,很容易陷入深度思考中,個性相當細膩,重視細節,但整合能力也相當高。Behaviors…

1.THINKINGPLASTIC 2. "Waste is a result of Bad Design" Eric Lombardi of EcoCycle, a recycler in Boulder, Colorado 3. GLOBAL WARMING Global Warming is the observed…

1. Personas & ScenariosUshahidi Design Framework ProjectCreated by Small Surfaces for Ushahidi14 June 2012 2. Guillermo // News Gatherer"I work for a large news…

1. Knowing your users and creating Personas User Profiles and Personas Scenarios Benefits of creating Personas and Scenarios Task Flows 2. PersonasPersonas are fictitious…

1. Rohan Rajput Sex Male Age 21 Years Location Ann Arbor Occupation Graduate Student Education Master’s in Information Sciences Familiarity with Technology High “I think…

Interaction Styles and scenarios Interaction Styles and scenarios Akash Harlalka Jatin Bajaj Linu George Cropped Prism Wedges Cropped cone Some trivial interactions Taps…

1. Personas, scenarios, user storiesValeria Gasik, Zahhar Kirillov, Daria Tokranova 2. Topics• Personas• Scenarios• User stories 3. PersonasOne of the user-centered…

1. Micah VandegriftLIS5786 Info Architecture3/25/2010Personas and Scenarios for WebsitePersonas and Scenarios for Website by Micah Vandegrift…

Personas, Scenarios, and Storyboards for Education tutorial materials.

Aaron Rincover and I presented this workshop at Seattle Make-a-Thon on November 6, 2010, sponsored by IxDA Seattle, AIGA Seattle, and Interact. When designing interactions…

1.  2.  3. Eisen en wensen concretiseren 4.  5. • Is dit een goede briefing?• Welke vragen zou je nog aan de klant willenstellen?…

Personas and Scenarios What is a persona? ! "A persona is a user archetype you can use to help guide decisions about product features, navigation, interactions, and…

Personas and Scenarios in Use Rósa Guðjónsdóttir Avhandling som med tillstånd av Kungliga Tekniska högskolan framlägges till o!entlig granskning för avläggande av…

Collaborative Design for Young Children with Autism: Design Tools and a User Study D Scott McCrickard1 Troy D Abel2 Angela Scarpa3 Yao Wang1 1Department of Computer Science…

1.Personas, scenarios and user stories Tallinn Summer School / Understanding Users 2. We are here Heading here 3.…

1. Personas, scenarios, and user stories From “huh?” to “how?”Tallinn Winter School / Experimental Interaction Design 2014 2. What will your product do?DataPersonaScenarioUse…

1.Personas in InteractionDesignIFI7156 Interaction Design Methods2. Personas as a design tool• Determine what a product should do and how itshould behave• Communicate…