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1.Cinematography applied to Forrest Gump By Chloe Abraham2. Establishing Shot This shot sets up a scene’s location and / or characters. 3. Extreme Long Shot / Wide Shot…

1. Cinematography applied to Forrest Gump By Chloe Abraham 2. Establishing Shot This shot sets up a scene’s location and / or characters. 3. Extreme Long Shot / Wide Shot…

1. FORREST GUMP Andrés Pérez Calvo Victoria Sánchez Elósegui 2. Ficha técnico-artística -Nacionalidad:EEUU, 1994, duración 142 minutos. -Dirección:Robert…

The People Behind the Movie By Caroline Thompson and Jenna Berkenkamp Forrest Gump (1994) Paramount Pictures Genre: Comedy Drama Objective: By the end of the lesson students…

1. FORREST GUMP Andrés Pérez Calvo Victoria Sánchez Elósegui 2. Ficha técnico-artística -Nacionalidad:EEUU, 1994, duración 142 minutos. -Dirección:Robert Zemeckis…

Forrest Gump Review of a cult movie ITI MARCONI ROVERETO - ITALY Actors Tom Hanks Forrest Gump Robin Wright Penn Jenny Gary Sinise Lieutenant Dan Mykelti Williamson Bubba…

Partitura de la banda sonora de la película Forrest Gump.

Forrest Gump Berettermodel Formen Kamera Perspektiv: Normal perspektiv er oftest brugt i filmen. Der bliver brugt normal perspektiv forskudt. Vinkel: Der er meget total,…

Forrest Gump WINSTON GROOM Level 3 Retold by John Escott Series Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Essex CM20 2JE,…

Forrest Gump Forrest Gump  Winston Groom. Ramón Juan Gómez, 4ºC. Ãndice Pequeño resumen. Principales personajes. Relación de la historia con el contexto…

Presentación de PowerPoint Genesis yamileth tagle ladines 4ºB ¨La vida es como una caja de chocolates nunca sabrás lo que te tocara ¨ ¨Puede que yo no sea muy listo,…

Forrest GUMP Forrest GUMP ROGER GUSI I RUNQUIN LIN Tom Hanks: com Forrest Gump, Durant la seva vida coneix a molts personatges importants i es veu inmers Amb fets histórics…

PowerPoint Presentation Forrest Gumpâs Life Lessons âLife is like a box of chocolates. You never know what youâre gonna get.â Having the ability to adapt to whatever…

Forrest Gump Rob Humanick At some point, Forrest Gump effectively stopped being a movie, transformed by its own success into an un avoidable cultural moment that came equipped

Forrest Gump Script - Dialogue Transcript Voila! Finally, the Forrest Gump script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Robert Zemeckis movie with Tom Hanks. This…