Download - Your 411 April May 2014

Page 1: Your 411 April May 2014

April /May 2014


Annie Armstrong Easter OfferingEach year we honor the life and work of Annie Walker Armstrong (1850-1938) when we give to the annual offering for North American missions named after her. As a tireless servant of God and a contagious advocate and supporter of mission efforts throughout the world, Annie Armstrong led women to unite in mission endeavors that ultimately led to the formation of Woman's Missionary Union, for which she served as the first corresponding secretary.!

Annie believed in Christ with all her heart, but it was her hands that expressed that belief in tangible ways. She spent a great amount of time typing and handwriting letters in support of missions. Many of these letters were quite lengthy and all were filled with conviction that more could and should be done in our mission efforts. !

In 1893 alone she wrote almost 18,000 letters! Annie also never hesitated to use her hands to reach out to hug a child or distribute food and clothing and the Word of God to those in need. Her hands held her own Bible as she studied to know how

best to share Gods love with others. And, most important, Annie was a woman of prayer, folding her hands in prayer to intercede for the missionaries and for those they were helping discover Christ.!

Annie rallied churches to give more, pray more, and do more for reaching people for Christ. As we continue to unite to make her vision a reality in North America today, we can be confident that her legacy will also be ours.!

Videos are available at The national goal is $70 Million. What will your church contribute to North American Missions?

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Your Director of Missions

I spoke with a good friend of mine who has been a pastor for many years. He said to me, with some degree of regret for lost time, "I've decided to take the brakes off at our church.”  I asked what he meant - and he was very happy to explain.! !    "For years I have let different things, people, circumstances, worries, preferences, and agendas hold our church back from Holy Spirit led - God honoring advancement of the Kingdom.  NO MORE!" he exclaimed.  He went on to say that he and the church's leaders were in prayer and discussions that would hopefully result in those barriers being removed that have held his church back for years. He was clear that they were expecting God to do some incredible things as they forged ahead for the sake of the gospel.! !    I remember thinking, What a brave man to take a stand like this, because as change comes to any church - there is always the possibility of conflict, attacks from Satan, and hurt feelings. He simply decided that at this point in his ministry life he no longer wanted to dance around the issues, but face them head on and actively pursue ways to remove those barriers that were holding his church back from being a full blown Great Commission church.! !    My question for you this spring is a simple one ... have you (as a member/leader in your church) really released your pastor to lead in ministry as he has been called to? By that, I mean - if your spiritual leader sees things that are holding your church back from better Kingdom work, does he have the freedom to propose changes, and if he does - will you follow that lead to the best of your ability - even if it goes against the grain of what you personally want or desire, or are comfortable with?!! In David Platt’s book, Radical Together: Unleashing the People of God for the Purpose of God the author takes a hard look at how it sometimes takes some radical steps from what we have become accustomed to - to unleash the real power of the Gospel in the local church. Platt explores the life and teaching of Jesus, and then asks the tough questions about how your church needs to change to bring the transformation that every church needs – and accomplish it together as a local representation of the family of God.!! I love the way Platt uses the image of the Amazon River as an example of the church. That river is fed by single drops of melted ice water that trickle down from high atop the Andes Mountains. Each drop by itself is insignificant, but together they create the mightiest river on earth. Platt states, “Flowing into the Atlantic Ocean at a rate of more than seven million cubic feet per second, the Amazon is more powerful than the next ten largest rivers in the world combined.” !! I don’t know about you … but when it comes to the life changing work of Jesus, I want to be one of those glacial drops of water that when combined with others in Kingdom work, produce transformation at a massive rate. Who wants to be a drop of water with me?!!


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Here are a few suggestions that will help your church get! started:!!

1. Pray for your pastor daily. The pastor is the spiritual catalyst for the church. That makes the pastor a huge target for the enemy. Pray for the pastor’s spiritual health. Pray for protection. Pray for wisdom. Pray that the development of his gifts of apostleship, prophecy, teaching, evangelism, and shepherding. Romans 15:30, 2 Corinthians 1:11.!!

2. Affirm your pastor.  Pastoring can be one of the most difficult jobs in the world. Ministers see the results of sin on a daily basis as they care for people. You only see death, injury, illness, or family conflict occasionally - the pastor can experience this on a weekly basis. Pastors don’t live for affirmation, but your words of validation can provide a lifeline of strength through difficult days. A hand written note or e-mail saying ‘Pastor, you’re making a difference,’ may be the very thing that helps your pastor make it through another day. Acts 4:36!!

3. Bless the pastor’s family.  The stress your pastor experiences leaks into families and will test even the best family bonds. Let go of expectations about how a pastor’s spouse or kids are supposed to participate or behave. Instead – bless that family. Offer help, or perform an act of kindness for them. Relieve financial pressure as the church is able, and be a faithful tither to the ongoing ministry of your church. 1 Corinthians 9.14 !

4. Release the pastor from constant ministry, and assist him in the work of the church so renewal can take place. Pastors who go non-stop for days, weeks, and months will inevitably self-destruct. Mandate that your pastor takes weekly breaks for rest and spiritual renewal as well as annual extended breaks for study leave and vacation. Trust me when I say that this is a small price to pay for the rich spiritual gifts that come from the calling and heart of your spiritual leader’s life and ministry. Matthew 14:23!!

5. Talk with your pastor, not about him, or around him. Complaining about the pastor to someone else is corrosive for the entire church family. Writing dissenting letters or messages is also destructive and not the way the scriptures ask us to settle disagreements. If you have a problem with the pastor, talk directly to the pastor and try to work it out. If resolution can’t be found, then bring another spiritual leader with you and seek resolution. Always challenge privately. Affirm publicly. Matthew 18:15-17!!

6. Forgive your pastor for falling short of your expectations; because no pastor will perfectly satisfy your ideals. Remember that your vision of what a pastor should be is unique to you. Everyone else in the congregation also has unique expectations. Many expectations are mutually exclusive.  In case you didn’t realize this yet - your pastor will also make some mistakes. All pastors do. Extend to your pastor the same grace that God extends to you. Listen - if your pastor knows that he practices ministry in a safe, grace filled congregation where risk taking is expected and stagnancy is deplored, your church can become spiritually supercharged. Make that happen! Matthew 18:21,22.!


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7. Feed yourself spiritually.  Don’t expect to live on a limited spiritual diet of 30 - 40 minute weekly sermons, or a 4 page Sunday School lesson. Going seven days without eating makes one weak. Even with the best sermons - you will spiritually starve to death.  The role of the shepherd is not to stick grass in the mouths of sheep but to lead the sheep to green pastures. As you listen to the sermons that your pastor preaches may you be inspired to get into the word yourself every day in prayer filled Bible Study. Psalm 23:2      !

8. Bond with a small group.  Don’t expect your primary pastoral care to come from the pastor. It is mathematically impossible, and the primary reason why most churches don’t grow past a certain point. Regular spiritual support happens best in small groups. When you are plugged into a weekly small group you will grow together, pray for one another, care for one another, and support one another through all the ups and downs of life. If you will be a part of a vibrant “Life Group” that functions that way, then your pastoral staff and lay leaders can spend more time serving those who are not yet attached to the church, or those who are seeking and open to possible spiritual life transitions. Matthew 18:20  !

9. Follow the leader. The pastor is not the CEO of the church, that role is reserved for Jesus. However the pastor has been called as spiritual shepherd and appointed for “such a time as this” – and you should (unless there is clear and biblical reason not to) follow your pastor’s lead as he follows Jesus. With leadership comes change. Things will be different. Since the founding of the church God has brought a succession of quality pastors, each one with leadership to take your church to the next level. God gives your pastor vision. Help the pastor flesh out the vision and then do your part to turn the vision into reality. Hebrews 13:17  !

10. Exercise your spiritual gifts. Pastoral gifts can’t do everything alone, however if you let your pastor’s catalytic gifts energize your gifts, and you plug in to ministry in (and through) your church - you will come alive spiritually. Do whatever you have to so that you can be equipped to use your gifts to edify the body, and reach out to the lost. Take advantage of the teaching and educational opportunities at your church, through the Blue Ridge Association, the BCM/D, seminary extension – whatever it takes so that you will become extremely proficient with the gifts you have been given. Place yourself in optimal places for spiritual growth. Ephesians 4:11,12!!

! If every church in the Blue Ridge Baptist Association would do these things, I believe that we ! would see a revival and renewal across our region – the likes of which we have never seen ! before!! !! Let me know how I can help your church to remove the barriers, and love ahead for the gospel.! !! Blessings,   !


DOM ARTICLE - Continued

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Westview Baptist Church in Martinsburg, WV will hold a VBS training clinic on April 12th, 2014 at 9 AM.  For more information, call the church at (304) 263-1701.

Association Missions Emphasis is May 18!

During the month of May, we have an opportunity to say ‘thank you’ to those who serve and lead in local associations in the Southern Baptist Convention.!

Associational missions is about partnership. This partnership happens when area churches come together, united in a common mission, to reach the community, state, nation, and world. Associational leaders are committed to providing training, community resources, leadership, and encouragement to area pastors, church leaders, and the community.!

Possible Ideas to Support Local Missions!

• Attend a local missions function sponsored by your association.

• Volunteer to go on a short-term mission trip. • Use your talents/gifts/skills as a volunteer for the

association. • Be a prayer warrior for your association staff • Send the staff a note of encouragement • Ask your DOM where the needs are in the

association and help in those area. !Bulletin Inserts about Associational Missions are available for download at

LIFEWAY/BRBA PARTNERSHIP"If you haven't yet ordered your VBS materials for this summer, please contact Mae at the Blue Ridge Association office. We can place the order for you, and Lifeway will give the Association a small portion of the proceeds to help with local missions projects.!!REMEMBER - The Blue Ridge Association has the following vehicles for loan to our churches that may help you with VBS and summer outreach events:!     - Block Party trailer!     - Mobile billboard trailer!     - A 15 passenger shuttle bus!      - A 12 passenger van! !MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY to insure that you can get these when you need them. Contact Mae at (240) 818-8760 or by e-mail at [email protected]!


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April 7 - 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM - Christian Skate Night at Turner Skate Palace on Virginia Ave. in Hagerstown.

April 26 - 9:00 AM - BRBA Youth Ministry Leadership roundtable and breakfast at Skycroft. Contact youth coordinator Niel Augustine for information: [email protected]

May 5 - 6:00 - 8:00 PM - Christian Skate Night at Turner Skate Palace on Virginia Ave. in Hagerstown.

Women’s Missions Brunch ReCap On Saturday, March 15 many women met @ South End Baptist Church with

Terri Corrick Women's Ministry Leader at Potomac Baptist Association

27 people from all across the BRBA gathered for a wonderful omelet brunch and listened to the story of Terri Corrick who, along with 6 other team members went to Ghana, Africa on a mission trip in February of 2013.!

Terri said, “It was an experience that would touch every one of my 5 human senses: my seeing, hearing, smell, taste, and oh, so much, my touch. I heard God say to my heart, ‘Leave your country, your family and your father’s home for a land that I will show you… you will be a blessing. Genesis 12:1-2.”!

The brunch was concluded with Director of Missions Bruce Conley leading the ladies in prayer for the safe return of our own mission team to the Dominican Republic - as they traveled home that day from a week of hands-on missions work.

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Dominican Republic Mission Update A group of 18 members of BRBA churches left early on the morning of March 8, 2014 to take part in the delivery of over 1,000 Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes to the beautiful land of the Dominican Republic. We spent eight of the most blessed days of our lives as the ‘spoiled rotten guests’ of a fantastic Christian couple. Pastor Fidel Lorenzo and his wife Altagracia treated us like royalty for the entire week. We stayed in lodging that they provided for us; they had some of the best food man has tasted prepared for us to eat; they provided some of the most capable drivers to transport us all of that beautiful island nation; and they took care of each and every detail with precision that would serve well for the president. !

We met some of the most beautiful and receptive children on this planet. They were polite, attentive and appreciative of everything we attempted to do for them. They readily heard the gospel and a very large number of them gave their lives to Jesus Christ. Many of these children had never received a gift before of any kind. They were often puzzled as to what the gifts were and we were able to help them as they learned what they had received. We (I) had a ball with that part also. A very large number of children were orphans and most lived in conditions that we would consider totally unbearable and unacceptable. For many, their home may have consisted of a make-shift hovel or possibly even a cardboard box. Many of them had to sleep on the ground every night, even in the rainy season. Food is scarce and

much of the clothing is handmade and definitely passed down from child to child. However, in spite of all of that, I have not witnessed a more appreciative group of children anywhere. To see their beautiful faces light up when they learned of the love of Jesus was priceless. To witness their eagerness to accept that love and commit their lives made it impossible to hold back the tears for me and the other members of our team.!

The pastors that we dealt with that will be following up with these precious children are some of God's finest servants. I believe they were all totally bivocational; most receive no compensation from their churches, because they are all so very poor. We also learned that a significant number of the children and their families are refugees from the neighboring nation of Haiti. These were probably the poorest of the children that we dealt with. The Haitian government has refused to allow Operation Christmas Child, or their parent organization Samaritan's Purse, to enter their country. These poor children and their families had to pay the price for their government's stubborn and inexplicable actions. What a shame! But again, to see those children, you would never know that they had any problems. I truly wish that each of you my friends could have been there and seen for yourselves.!

That brings me to a very important bit of news for you. The Blue Ridge Baptist Association will make a return trip next year with Operation Christmas Child from March 21-28, 2015. Please mark your calendars now. Do not think that this is something that you cannot do. The only costs for our team was our airline flight and incidental expenses, which were extremely nominal. Pray about participating in next year's mission trip. It will definitely change your life for the good. It will make such a tremendous difference in the lives of those children and their families. Operation Christmas Child has determined that each of those shoe boxes given to a child touches a minimum of seven people for Jesus. We gave out approximately 1,100 boxes. Do the math for yourself. This was truly the most blessed mission trip that I have ever had the privilege of participating in and I would whole heartedly recommend it to you all.!

You can see photos from the trip at

by Ken Stalls, Pastor of South End Baptist Church and DR missionary

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Building Hope MinistriesBuilding  Hope  Ministries  (BHM)  in  Maryland  is  raising  funds  for  2  church  construc9on  projects  that  need  comple9on  in  Kerala,  India.   For  one  project  -­‐  in  the  Idukki  District,  the  monetary  need  is  $6,000.00.     For  the  other  project  -­‐  in  the  KoGayam  District,  the  monetary  need  is  $9,000.00.   In  both  loca9ons  the  monies  given  will  cover  projects  for:

• a  roof • flooring • plastering  and  pain9ng

The  KoGayam  structure  doubles  as  a  church  and  a  ‘Mercy  Home’.  A  Mercy  Home  has  housing  for  the  pastor's  family  and  room  for  some  street  children  (around  10)  to  be  taken  in  on  the  boGom  floor.  They  hold  church  for  the  village  on  the  second  floor. You  can  review  the  ongoing  work  of  Building  Hope  Ministries  at  our  website,  !The  church  in  Gundur  Village  in  the  state  of  Andhra  Pradesh,  India  is  a  VERY  strategic  and  important  work  for  2  reasons:

1. This  was  the  first  church  ever  planted  in  this  village. 2. It  is  the  ONLY  evangelical  church  within  a  20  mile  radius.

Won't  you  or  your  church  consider  helping  this  vital  work  in  India,  so  that  the  gospel  can  be  preached,  missionaries  sent  out,  and  lives  can  be  transformed  for  Christ?? If  you  can  help,  you  can  give  on  line  or  dona9ons  can  be  sent  to: Building  Hope  Ministries P.O.  Box  1376 Bowie,  MD  20718-­‐1376 There  are  no  administra9ve  costs  with  BHM  ...  every  dollar  you  give  will  go  directly  to  the  effort  to  build  God's  churches  in  India.


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THE SBC is COMING TO BALTIMORE June 7-11, 2014. In the next edition of the 411 you will find a guide to everything you need to know to attend and take advantage of this meeting coming to the Free State. 


This year Chik-Fil-A presents LEADERCAST - a one day workshop and leadership event featuring a diverse lineup of speakers from around the world. Broadcast live from Atlanta, GA ... our local host is BRIDGE OF LIFE CHURCH , 14 South Potomac Street, Hagerstown, MD. The cost for attending is $59. Deadline for pre-registration is April 13th.  ! !Speakers this year include:!    * Dr. Henry Cloud!    * Andy Stanley!    * Desmond Tutu!    * Laura Bush!    * many others!!Find out more by going to

Page 10: Your 411 April May 2014

!Disaster Relief Feeding Opportunities"Crisfield, MD !Rebuilding Base Camp!Dates available: ! !

• Apr 6-12 (meals M - F)!• Apr 13 - 19 (meals M - F)!• Apr 20 - 26 ( meals M - F) !

 !Micro-feeding teams (1-2 people) are needed to support Hurricane Sandy rebuilding teams in Crisfield next month. Meal counts range from 20 - 32 depending upon the week served. Kitchen responsibilities include menu planning, preparing and serving meals, and shopping at the local grocery store. Sample menus are available. The indoor kitchen is well equipped. Specifics on kitchen, housing arrangement, address, etc. are available upon request.! !Kitchen volunteers should plan to arrive late afternoon or early evening Sunday and leave Saturday morning. Meals are served Monday breakfast through Friday dinner.  !!Contact Ellen Udovich at [email protected] or at 443-250-2555. !!

BRBA MEN'S MISSIONS BREAKFAST"Hosted by: Pleasant Valley Baptist Church!

May 24th, 2014 from 9 AM - 11 AM!Great FOOD , FUN, and FELLOWSHIP!

 !Guest Speakers:!

Rev. Mike Callahan & Rev. Keith Marston"BUILDING HOPE MINISTRIES!

... will be presenting information about building churches and orphanages in INDIA!

 !Members of the !

BRBA Dominican Republic Mission Team"...will give us an update on the March mission excursion with Samaritan's Purse Ministries!



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!!!!!!!!!!!!Birthdays!!APRIL! 4! Debbie Buchman! 9! Kevin Marsico!10! Terri Wills!18! Candice Burcher!!MAY! 2! Jennifer Powell! 2! Lori Goforth! 7! Michelle Johnston!10! Shawn Scheffers!20! Jim Goforth!21! Dan Housam!22! Bob Gerstmyer!22! Aaron Miller!26 ! Ken Stalls!!Anniversary!!April 12! Graves!May 8!! Scheffers!May 19! Argilan!May 23! Cherry

Event Calendar"!April is Ministry Assistant Appreciation Month "!April 2 at 8:00 am - Pastor/Staff Fellowship Breakfast at Bob Evans in Frederick!!April 4- 5 - Minister’s Wives Retreat at the Double Tree in Annapolis.!!April 5 - Bible Teaching / Sunday School Challenge (with David Francis from Lifeway) at the BCM/D!!April 6 - SBC Seminaries Sunday!!April 7 - 11 - Contemporary Issues Facing the Church at Skycroft!!April 11 - VBS Rally at First English Baptist Church in Frostburg, MD!!April 12 - VBS Training at Westview Baptist in Martinsburg!!April 13 - Palm Sunday!!April 13 - Language Church Mission Celebration at Global Mission Church in Silver Spring, MD!!April 13-18 - Baptist Doctrine Study (SBC)!!April 18 - Good Friday!!April 20 - Easter Sunday (Life Commitment Sunday)!!April 25 - BRBA  Church  Secretaries  Apprecia1on  Luncheon  at  Dutch’s  Daughter  in  Frederick  -­‐  See  page  12  for  details!!April 26 - BRBA Youth Leadership Roundtable at Skycroft!!!


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Events Calendar - Continued"!May 2-3 - Living Proof Live Conference with Beth Moore in Hershey, PA!!May 4 - Senior Adult Sunday!!May 5 - BRBA Youth Christian Skate Night at Turner Skate Palace in Hagerstown!!May 7 - Pastor/Staff Fellowship Breakfast at Bob Evans in Martinsburg!!May 8-9 - Simplify My Life Retreat at Skycroft!!May 10 - BRBA Outreach and Evangelism Roundtable at Skycroft!!May 11 - Mother’s Day!!May 11-17 - Christian Home Week!!May 18-24 - Blue Ridge Baptist Association Emphasis Week!!May 20 - Children’s Ministry Seminar at the BCM/D Columbia in MD!!May 24 - Men’s Mission Breakfast at Pleasant Valley - See page 10 for more information."!


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MISSION OPPORTUNITYDo you have a church family that lives in the Hancock or Clear Spring area of Maryland? Please have them contact Bruce Conley for a potential mission service opportunity!


BRBA is looking for Summer missionaries to help our churches with their various summer outreach ministries. Our churches need help with Vacation Bible Schools, performing arts camps, mission trips, etc.!!If you are a high school senior or a college student looking for a part-time paid position, and have your own transportation, please contact Mae Argilan at 240-818-8760 or at [email protected].

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In the Churches

Paramount - Hagerstown: ! After years of continued growth, the church had a ground breaking on August 21, 2005 to start construction on their new building.  !! The total cost for both the new sanctuary, offices and classrooms plus renovation of the original building was just under 2 million dollars, of !which the church borrowed 1.2 million.  !! In just over 7 years God has made it possible for Paramount to pay off their mortgage. On Sunday, March 16th, 2014 - the church held a "note burning ceremony”.!! The church had a week of Revival services with  Frank Shelton in March. In 5 total services there were 28 decisions to follow or rededicate to Christ during

the revival.!! On April 5 there is a youth movie night at 7 PM. The church will host an Easter egg hunt and Gospel magic show at 1 PM on April 12 (2,500 eggs for ages 3-6th grade).!! On April 17 the church will celebrate a Maundy Thursday Service at 7 PM.!! Come celebrate Easter Sunday with our Choir Cantata at 10:30 AM.!! On May 11 The Jacobs Brothers will be in concert 10:30 AM.!!Battlefield Bible - Fairplay: !

The church will have an Easter outreach on April 5th, 2014 from 10 AM-1 PM (rain date is April 12th) at the church.  Come out for food, games, moon bounce, egg hunt, and a creative gospel presentation.!!Summit Trace - Frederick: ! The church will host a Shot Gun Shoot on April 12, 2014. The cost is $10/per person. We will be departing from the STC Office at 8:00 AM. Shoot begins at 10:30.! Bring your own gun(s). If it's raining or snowing, the event will be canceled. Food is provided.!  !


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Our Community Easter Egg Hunt is Saturday, April 19 at Ballenger Creek Park Community Building, from 10 AM to noon.!! STC will be having our 2nd Annual Community Easter Egg Hunt. The invitations will be mailed out to the community soon and we are praying for sunshine and 200 children to attend!  We hope you can join us as we reach out & spread God's love to our community.!! If you have any questions please email Lisa Olson at [email protected]. ! !

Greenbrier Baptist - Boonsboro: ! The church will hold a Maundy Thursday foot washing service with the Lord's Supper at 7 PM. On Good Friday we will have a ‘dark' service at 7 PM. On Resurrection Sunday they plan for an outside contemporary service at 9 AM, breakfast at 10 AM, then an indoor traditional service at 11AM.!!New Hope - Falling Waters: ! We appointed two new Deacons as part of church leadership (Shepherding team) - Mark Younkins and Greg Yebernetsky.!! We paid off the property note (8.3 acres)!  Development of the property is anticipated to begin in late 2014.!! In April 2014 New Hope will celebrate it's 5th anniversary as a church - with a Saturday evening men's event and special service on Sunday. Dates to be announced soon.!! The church is hosting a marriage enrichment workshop produced by Family Life called ‘The Art of Marriage’.  The six-week series currently has 15 couples participating.!!Tri-State Community Church - Hancock: ! The church finished their Good News Club outreach at Hancock Elementary on March 27. We served an average of 25 children and will be starting up again in the fall. The last meeting was an awards ceremony handing out certificates for accomplishments like perfect attendance and memory verses.!!Faith Baptist - Knoxville: ! We are having revival services on May 3 & 4 at Faith Baptist in Knoxville. Services will be @ 6:00 PM on the 3rd, and 10:50 AM on Sunday the 4th. Dr. Lee will be our speaker. We will be having a dinner and fellowship time before the service on Saturday.!

We would like for our child care people to be able to attend and were wandering if we could seek help from the association to get folks who would volunteer to provide childcare services for us. They would be welcomed to join us for dinner.!

River’s Edge Ministries - Falling Waters, WV: We are having tent meetings this summer in Spring Mills, WV and are wondering if any churches in the association would have any avenues for loaning chairs for the meetings.  We need about 100 chairs at this point. If you can help, please contact Pastor Eric Kersten at 301-260-8645.!


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This summer 450 students from the Frederick area and elsewhere along the east coast are going to do a weeklong mission trip to repair 40-45 homes in Frederick County. The event is being hosted by Hometown Hope, which includes Lakeview Church, Summit Trace Church, and First Baptist Church of Green Valley. The Frederick County Board of Education has already given approval to use Linganore High School as a place for the students to sleep, eat, and worship. !

You have two ways that you can be part of this event. First, you can be a participating church by having your youth groups and students sign up to be part of the work crews. Second, you can become a partnering church by adopting a worksite. Adopting a worksite means your church provides lunches for the work crews. By doing so, you will be building a relationship with the homeowner and the neighborhood that will last beyond when the work crews leave. !

For more information check out the website – or send an email to [email protected]. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to IMPACT the Frederick community with the love of Christ. !


APRIL 2 @ 8 AM Pastor’s Breakfast ..."Guests will be: Randy Williams, manager at the Lifeway Store in Hagerstown who will be talking about how ordering VBS material through the BRBA can help Associational missions.!!Ken Stalls and Thom Smith will report on the recent mission trip to the Dominican Republic.! !MAY 7 @ 8 AM Pastor’s Breakfast ..."Will be at the Bob Evans in Martinsburg, WV.  We will be inviting pastors from churches in the Tri-County Association in WV, and the Shenandoah Association of VA so we can all get to know each other better and connect for the sake of the gospel.!


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Please continue to pray for the family of Sharon Mager - staff writer with the Baptist Convention of MD/DE.  Her son-in-law , Joshua Allen (a pastor in Las Crusus, NM) was killed in a auto accident in late February. Sharon's daughter Shelley and grandbaby are now in Maryland.  Pray for comfort, healing, and God's presence for that family in the days ahead.! !Pray for the following BRBA churches that are without pastors:!    !BOONSBORO BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH (Chris Walls is Interim)!!ADAMSTOWN COMMUNITY CHURCH (Dave Burt is Interim)! !Pray for safety and discernment for any students who will be traveling for spring break.  Pray also for those students who will be graduating from high school and college this spring, that God would direct their paths.!!Please pray for First Baptist Church of Brunswick as they finish up some major renovations and look for ways to reach out and serve their community. !!Please pray for the Smithsburg Valley Church mission trip to Cleveland, OH on March 30-April 4th.This will be a construction mission trip.!!Erin Youngbar is undergoing more intensive treatment for her brain tumor. The effects are debilitating, but her family and friends are standing in to care for the house and children.!!Please pray for the pastor of Summit Trace Church, Dan Housam, who has been diagnosed with cancer.!!!


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!20810A National Pike Boonsboro, MD 21713


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