Download - Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Page 1: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Roots, Critical Vocabulary, and Vocabulary Building


Teacher Copy2016-17

Page 2: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 1 (Prefixes & Critical Vocabulary)1. Root: a, an

Definition: not, without

2. Root: anteDefinition: before

3. Root: anti, antDefinition: against

4. Root: bene, bonDefinition: well, good

5. Root: biDefinition: both, double, twice

6. CV: AnalyzeDefinition: Break something down into its parts

7. CV: IdentifyDefinition: Find; point out

8. CV: InferDefinition: Conclude; use information to make educated guesses based on prior knowledge

9. CV: SupportDefinition: Hold up; prove; note

10.CV: ExplainDefinition: Show clearly

Page 3: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 2 (Prefixes & Critical Vocabulary)1. Root: co

Definition: together, with

2. Root: deDefinition: from, down

3. Root: extra, extro, exoDefinition: beyond, outside

4. Root: malDefinition: bad

5. Root: paraDefinition: beside, almost

6. CV: CiteDefinition: Note; quote

7. CV: EvidenceDefinition: Knowledge on which to base a belief

8. CV: developDefinition: Elaborate or expand in detail

9. CV: connectionDefinition: Relating what you read to something else you know

10.CV: Connotative LanguageDefinition: The association that a word brings to mind

Page 4: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 3 (Prefixes & Critical Vocabulary)1. Root: peri

Definition: around

2. Root: post Definition: after

3. Root: preDefinition: before

4. Root: proDefinition: forward, in favor of

5. Root: reDefinition: back, again

6. CV: ArticulateDefinition: Express clearly

7. CV: EvaluateDefinition: Find value; judge

8. CV: ToneDefinition: The authors outlook or attitude

9. CV: MoodDefinition: The way the author makes the reader feel

10.CV: Central Idea/Main IdeaDefinition: Most important point the author makes

Page 5: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 4 (Prefixes & Critical Vocabulary)1. Root: sub

Definition: under

2. Root: super, supr Definition: above, over, more

3. Root: syn, sym, sys, sylDefinition: with, together

4. Root: trans, traDefinition: across, beyond

5. Root: in, il, imDefinition: into

6. CV: Point of ViewDefinition: The vantage point from which a story is told

7. CV: RhetoricDefinition: The art of writing or speaking

8. CV: ContrastDefinition: Find differences

9. CV: ParaphraseDefinition: Put in different words

10.CV: AlliterationDefinition: words in a row with the same initial consonant sound

Page 6: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 5 (Roots & Critical Vocabulary)1. Root: ali, alter

Definition: other

2. Root: bioDefinition: life

3. Root: cause, cusDefinition: cause, motive

4. Root: demDefinition: people

5. Root: finDefinition: end, finished

6. CV: InterpretDefinition: Explain the meaning of

7. CV: IntegrateDefinition: Put together

8. CV: ArgumentDefinition: A reason or set of reasons that something is true

9. CV: DescribeDefinition: Tell in your own words

10.CV: SummarizeDefinition: Sum up

Page 7: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 6 (Roots & Critical Vocabulary)1. Root: geo

Definition: earth

2. Root: hydrDefinition: water

3. Root: judDefinition: judge, law

4. Root: litDefinition: letters

5. Root: manDefinition: hand

6. CV: SynthesizeDefinition: Combine to form a more complex product

7. CV: DetailsDefinition: Isolated facts; points of information

8. CV: ThemeDefinition: A unified idea

9. CV: DelineateDefinition: Describe in detail

10.CV: AnalogyDefinition: A similarity between like features of two things

Page 8: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 7 (Roots & Critical Vocabulary)1. Root: nov

Definition: new

2. Root: pacDefinition: peace

3. Root: que, quiDefinition: ask, seek

4. Root: sent, senseDefinition: feel

5. Root: thermDefinition: heat

6. CV: DistinguishDefinition: set apart

7. CV: LocateDefinition: find

8. CV: CompareDefinition: find likeness

9. CV: ReferDefinition: mention

10.CV: ComprehendDefinition: understand, find meaning

Page 9: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 8 (Roots & Critical Vocabulary)1. Root: uni

Definition: one

2. Root: viv, vita, vitaDefinition: life, alive

3. Root: autoDefinition: self

4. Root: ced, ceedDefinition: move, yield, surrender

5. Root: dic, dictDefinition: say, speak

6. CV: ConclusionsDefinition: summing up of an argument or text

7. CV: DetermineDefinition: decide

8. CV: RetellDefinition: tell in your own words

9. CV: DemonstrateDefinition: show clearly

10.CV: StanzaDefinition: A poetry term for paragraph; a section of a poem

Page 10: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 9 (Roots & Critical Vocabulary)1. Root: fac, fact, fic, fect

Definition: do, make

2. Root: genDefinition: birth, race, produce

3. Root: jectDefinition: throw

4. Root: locDefinition: place

5. Root: mar, merDefinition: sea, pool

6. CV: DrawDefinition: Take or pull out

7. CV: StructureDefinition: Organization of text

8. CV: OrganizeDefinition: Arrange; classify

9. CV: ExplicitlyDefinition: Fully or clearly expressed

10.CV: SuggestDefinition: Put forth; to say

Page 11: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 10 (Roots & Critical Vocabulary)1. Root: ped, pod

Definition: foot

2. Root: scrib, scriptDefinition: write

3. Root: tact, tang, tag, tig, tingDefinition: touch

4. Root: vale, vali, valuDefinition: strength, worth

5. Root: archDefinition: chief, first, rule

6. CV: IllustrationsDefinition: Visual material used to clarify or add to a text

7. CV: Trace1. Definition: Outline; follow the course of

8. CV: Figurative LanguageDefinition: Figures of speech used to make meaning clearer

9. CV: MetaphorDefinition: An indirect comparison

10.CV: SimileDefinition: A direct comparison using like or as

Page 12: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 11 (Roots & Building Vocabulary)1. Root: centri

Definition: center

2. 2. Root: decaDefinition: ten

3. 3. Root: fort, forcDefinition: strong

4. 4. Root: graph, gramDefinition: write, written

5. Root: juvenDefinition: young

6. BV: infatuatedDefinition: extremely attracted to something or someone

7. BV: mortifiedDefinition: humiliated; embarrassed

8. BV: vindictiveDefinition: wanting revenge; unforgiving

9. BV: minusculeDefinition: very small

10.BV: pseudonymDefinition: false name; pen name

Page 13: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 12 (Roots & Building Vocabulary)1. Root: liver, liber

Definition: free

2. Root: maniaDefinition: madness

3. Root: pathDefinition: feeling, suffering

4. Root: sciDefinition: know

5. Root: tempoDefinition: time

6. BV: intermittentDefinition: not continuous; stopping and starting

7. BV: impeccableDefinition: faultless; free of error

8. BV: compelDefinition: to force

9. BV: lacklusterDefinition: dull; lacking brightness

10.BV: intricateDefinition: complicated; involved; detailed

Page 14: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 13 (Roots & Building Vocabulary)1. Root: trib

Definition: pay, bestow

2. Root: vacDefinition: empty

3. Root: vocDefinition: call

4. Root: am, amorDefinition: love, like

5. Root: chronDefinition: time

6. BV: expectorateDefinition: to spit

7. BV: ambleDefinition: to walk slowly or leisurely

8. BV: meagerDefinition: small in amount

9. BV: guffawDefinition: a loud, coarse burst of laughter

10.BV: gumptionDefinition: initiative and courage; “get-up-and-go”

Page 15: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 14 (Roots & Building Vocabulary)1. Root: derm

Definition: skin

2. Root: fract, fragDefinition: break

3. Root: jur, jusDefinition: law

4. Root: lithDefinition: stone

5. Root: magnDefinition: great

6. BV: monotonousDefinition: boring because it is all the same

7. BV: hoodwinkDefinition: to trick, confuse or deceive

8. BV: gargantuanDefinition: huge; gigantic

9. BV: palatialDefinition: suitable for a palace or palace-like

10. BV: gluttonDefinition: someone who eats or consumes an amazing amount

Page 16: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 15 (Roots & Building Vocabulary)1. Root: micro

Definition: small

2. Root: mori, mort, morsDefinition: mortal, death

3. Root: pater, patrDefinition: father

4. 4. Root: philDefinition: love

5. Root: senDefinition: old

6. BV: vastDefinition: very large

7. BV: dumbfoundedDefinition: speechless because of shock or amazement

8. BV: tyrantDefinition: a ruler who abuses power

9. BV: blunderDefinition: a stupid or clumsy mistake

10. BV: gawkDefinition: to stare stupidly

Page 17: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 16 (Roots & Building Vocabulary)1. Root: spir

Definition: breath

2. Root: terraDefinition: earth

3. Root: toxDefinition: poison

4. Root: vid, visDefinition: see

5. Root: volDefinition: will

6. BV: vehementDefinition: forceful; full of intense feeling

7. BV: aghastDefinition: feeling great horror or dismay

8. BV: eccentricDefinition: out-of-the-ordinary; odd; unconventional

9. BV: paradoxDefinition: a statement that seems inconsistent or contradictory but may be true

10.BV: destituteDefinition: living in poverty

Page 18: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 17 (Roots & Building Vocabulary)1. Root: ag, agi, ig, act

Definition: do, move, go

2. Root: cideDefinition: kill

3. Root: cognosc, gnosiDefinition: know

4. Root: credDefinition: believe

5. Root: docDefinition: teach

6. BV: kleptomaniacDefinition: someone who is addicted to stealing

7. BV: gauntDefinition: thin and bony

8. BV: seetheDefinition: to boil; to be violently agitated or disturbed

9. BV: persnicketyDefinition: too fussy or picky

10.BV: vivaciousDefinition: full of life; spirited

Page 19: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 18 (Roots & Building Vocabulary)1. Root: leg

Definition: law

2. 2.Root: loqu, locutDefinition: talk, speak

3. Root: matri, matro, materDefinition: mother

4. Root: mob, mot, movDefinition: move

5. Root: phobiaDefinition: fear

6. BV: effervescentDefinition: bubbly; lively

7. BV: ominousDefinition: threatening

8. BV: frivolousDefinition: silly; impractical

9. BV: flukeDefinition: luck; chance

10.BV: ludicrousDefinition: laughable; absurd

Page 20: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 19 (Roots & Building Vocabulary)1. Root: photo-

Definition: light

2. Root: poli-Definition: city

3. Root: posse, potent-Definition: power

4. Root: salv, salu-Definition: safe, healthy

5. Root: sequ, secu, sue-Definition: follow

6. BV: venomousDefinition: filled with deep hatred

7. BV: boisterousDefinition: noisy and rowdy

8. BV: extemporaneousDefinition: impromptu; done or spoken with little preparation

9. BV: diligentDefinition: careful and hard-working

10.BV: obliviousDefinition: unaware

Page 21: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 20 (Roots & Building Vocabulary)1. Root: tele

Definition: far

2. Root: vert, versDefinition: turn

3. Root: ciseDefinition: cut

4. Root: corpDefinition: body

5. Root: cyclDefinition: wheel, circular

6. BV: ethicalDefinition: moral or right

7. BV: prominentDefinition: outstanding; distinguished; readily noticeable

8. BV: fickleDefinition: very changeable in affection, loyalty, etc.

9. BV: lucrativeDefinition: bringing in a lot of money

10.BV: inadvertentDefinition: unintentional

Page 22: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 21 (Roots & Building Vocabulary)1. Root: civ-

Definition: citizen

2. Root: cosm-Definition: universe, world

3. Root: dynam-Definition: power

4. Root: log –Definition: word, study, speech

5. Root: medi-Definition: half, middle, between

6. BV: fauxDefinition: false; artificial

7. BV: dilapidatedDefinition: falling to pieces; broken down

8. BV: fiascoDefinition: a complete failure

9. BV: dupeDefinition: to fool, tick or cheat someone

10. BV: cantankerousDefinition: quarrelsome; argumentative

Page 23: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 22 (Roots & Building Vocabulary)1. Root: mega-

Definition: great

2. Root: memDefinition: remember

3. Root: mon-Definition: remind, warn

4. Root: phon-Definition: sound

5. Root: port-Definition: carry

6. BV: diffuseDefinition: to spread out

7. BV: ambiguousDefinition: unclear; having more than one meaning

8. BV: futileDefinition: useless; in vain

9. BV: emulateDefinition: to strive to equal or surpass another

10. BV: epitomeDefinition: someone or something that shows all the typical qualities of a group or class

Page 24: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 23 (Roots & Building Vocabulary)1. Root: prim

Definition: first

2. Root: solo, soliDefinition: alone

3. Root: vict, vincDefinition: conquer

4. Root: anthropDefinition: man(kind)

5. Root: crat, cracyDefinition: rule, strength

6. BV: sinisterDefinition: evil

7. BV: balderdashDefinition: nonsense

8. BV: skulkDefinition: to slink or move in a slinking way

9. BV: versatileDefinition: adaptable

10.BV: grislyDefinition: terrifying; gory; gruesome

Page 25: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 24 (Roots & Building Vocabulary)1. Root: lic

Definition: permit

2. Root: morphDefinition: form

3. Root: popDefinition: people

4. Root: protoDefinition: first

5. Root: psychDefinition: mind, soul

6. BV: placateDefinition: to do something to make someone stop being angry

7. BV: quibbleDefinition: to argue over picky, unimportant details

8. BV: maladyDefinition: illness; disease

9. BV: condoneDefinition: to forgive or overlook

10. BV: obstinateDefinition: stubborn; unwilling to budge

Page 26: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 25 (Roots & Building Vocabulary)1. Root: lic-

Definition: permit

2. Root: morph-Definition: form

3. Root: pop-Definition: people

4. Root: proto-Definition: first

5. Root: psych-Definition: mind, soul

6. BV: reciprocateDefinition: to return a favor or feeling

7. BV: befuddleDefinition: to confuse

8. BV: verbatimDefinition: exactly word for word

9. BV: abhorDefinition: to hate or detest

10. BV: incensedDefinition: angry; enraged

Page 27: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 26 (Roots & Building Vocabulary)1. Root: sign-

Definition: sign, mark, seal

2. Root: spec, spect-Definition: look

3. Root: stru, struct-Definition: build

4. Root: typ-Definition: print

5. Root: ven, vent-Definition: come

6. BV: indignantDefinition: angry over something that is mean or unjust

7. BV: corpulentDefinition: obese

8. BV: despondentDefinition: dejected; hopeless

9. BV: insolentDefinition: boldly disrespectful and arrogant

10.BV: omnipotentDefinition: all-powerful

Page 28: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 27 (Roots & Building Vocabulary)1. Root: carn-

Definition: flesh

2. Root: later, lat-Definition: side, broad

3. Root: put-Definition: think

4. Root: flex, flectDefinition: bend

5. Root: hum-Definition: earth, ground, man

6. BV: stringentDefinition: severe; srict

7. BV: benevolentDefinition: kind

8. BV: belligerentDefinition: showing a readiness to argue or quarrel

9. BV: virtuosoDefinition: someone who shows great technical skill in some fine art, especially music

10.BV: coalitionDefinition: a union, group or alliance

Page 29: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 28 (Roots & Building Vocabulary)1. Root: dox

Definition: opinion, praise

2. Root: cap, cip, ceptDefinition: take

3. Root: grad, gressDefinition: step, go

4. Root: duc, ductDefinition: lead

5. Root: flu, fluc, fluvDefinition: flowing

6. BV: cliché Definition: a stale, over-used expression

7. BV: gobbledygookDefinition: words that are confusing and needlessly official-sounding

8. BV: bravadoDefinition: false, showy bravery

9. BV: facsimileDefinition: an exact copy or reproduction

10.BV: conciseDefinition: brief and to the point

Page 30: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 29 (Roots-suffixes & Building Vocabulary)1. Root: able, ible

Definition: able, can do

2. Root: alDefinition: relating to

3. Root: ar, er, orDefinition: one who, that which

4. Root: domDefinition: quality, realm

5. Root: eeDefinition: one who receives the action

6. BV: candorDefinition: honesty and straightforwardness

7. BV: filibusterDefinition: the making of long speeches to prevent a vote on a bill

8. BV: misnomerDefinition: a wrong or inaccurate name for something

9. BV: smittenDefinition: struck with a powerful feeling; inspired with love

10. BV: astuteDefinition: clever; intelligent; cunning

Page 31: Web view · 2017-02-13smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal. BV: gregarious. Definition: sociable; fond of the company of others

Week 30 (Roots-suffixes & Building Vocabulary)1. Root: ic

Definition: nature of, like

2. Root: ishDefinition: origin, nature, resembling

3. Root: ismDefinition: system, manner, condition characteristic

4. Root: ousDefinition: full of, having

5. Root: ate, fy, izeDefinition: to cause, make

6. BV: precociousDefinition: smart for his or her age; showing skills or abilities at an earlier age than normal

7. BV: gregariousDefinition: sociable; fond of the company of others

8. BV: vicariouslyDefinition: through someone else, as in experiencing something by imagined participation in someone else’s experience

9. BV: carcinogenicDefinition: cancer-causing

10. BV: altruisticDefinition: unselfishly interested in the welfare of others