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Twitter Profits


Twitter is one of the most popular social media communities online, is

currently the 9th most visited website on the internet, and is much

more than a place where you can connect to friends and family.

Twitter is a great place to connect with influencers in your market and

network with leading people within your niche.

Perhaps Twitter is so incredibly popular because of its simplicity.

Rather than having to set up detailed profiles, or post lengthy updates on

your account, you can quickly tweet out 140 character updates,

leaving you plenty of time to focus on growing your business while still

taking advantage of Twitters' global outreach.

Growing a following on Twitter is also very easy. You can incorporate

existing contacts from your email address book, join Twitter based

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community directory sites, and even look for new contacts by simply

following people in your market.

So, how can you set up effective, high performance marketing campaigns

with Twitter that will skyrocket your income and maximize your exposure?

It all begins with setting up targeted twitter accounts that are designed to

build brand awareness and truly connect with your target audience.

Optimizing For Success

It all begins with your twitter profile, since your profile is the place where

potential followers go to learn more about you, and to see what you are up to

and what you have to offer. Your profile is a simple one page outline that

includes a short bio, and your website URL.

You will want to optimize your Twitter account so that those visiting your

profile page are motivated to follow you, and you can do that by including a

direct URL to a page on your website that offers relevant, free content.

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While many marketers attempt to utilize this area to secure customers, the

most effective campaigns begin with establishing yourself within your

market, and you do that by offering quality, free incentives.

You should design a landing page exclusively for those coming from Twitter.

This will give you the opportunity to personalize their experience and to

connect with them on a deeper level.

Present yourself in a genuine and friendly way and offer something useful and

informative based around your niche. A picture of your face is what I


Twitter is primarily a social network and people frequent the community to

learn more about others who share their interests and passions.

People generally do not go to Twitter to buy products or sign up for service

offers, so you need to take an indirect route in order to really maximize your

income and stand out in the marketplace.

So, begin by creating a newsletter focused around your niche topic. Then,

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set up a simple squeeze page that offers an incentive to those who visit.

This could be a special report, a weekly newsletter or even a full length

information product. Your subscribers will receive instant access to your

incentive offer once they confirm their requests to subscribe to your list.

The next step is to build relationships with your subscribers, and you do this

by following up with additional free content and resources.

You never want to start sending out promotional based offers until you've

established rapport with your readers and have connected with your

audience. People need to trust you, and see you as a viable source for

quality information. Building trust and proving that you can deliver quality

information takes time but if you can deliver results before ever

recommending a product or service when you do make that recommendation

it will be far more effective.

If you aren't able to create your own content offers, consider using private

label content to develop high quality offers for your subscriber base.

You could compile a variety of products together to form exclusive

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compilations that offer training and information on topics that are

important to your market.

Make sure that you include a direct link to your new squeeze page right on

your Twitter profile account, and once you've established a following, start

posting updates on your website so that you can begin directing traffic


Make sure your opt-in form appears on every page of your site, and if you

really want to save time and money, consider downloading Wordpress and

creating a niche oriented blog.

Not only are they exceptionally easy to create, but you can schedule

content to auto-post on a regular basis, freeing up your time and resources.

Tip: An opt-in box should appear on the side template of your Wordpress

blog so that it's visible on every page.

Growing Your Following Base

While this may seem in reverse order, first creating your squeeze page or

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blog and then looking for followers, it actually makes sense.

It's far easier to establish a following within Twitter when you have

something to offer, and if people visit your profile page and they don't see

that you're an active member of the community, chances are they'll be

hesitant to follow you.

But when you have established a website, blog or squeeze page, and you

have somewhere to 'direct them to', it gets a whole lot easier.

When building your following base, begin by incorporating your existing

email contacts into Twitter. You'll probably be surprised at just how many

email contacts are already using Twitter and since they've already

corresponded with you, they'll be far more likely to begin following your


The next step is to participate in Twitter based communities, including We Follow is a full featured Twitter directory,

and you can quickly add your Twitter account information to the directory, as

well as categorize your focus, so that your Twitter account is placed within a

specific area of the site (based on your market). This makes it easy for people

to find you, and begin following your tweets.

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Another popular directory is found at and it

features a search tool as well as the top 100 people being followed on

Twitter, the Top 100 updaters (who updates their Twitter status

frequently), the Top 100 followers and the Top 100 favorites. You can check

out the Top 100 Followers to find people who are willing to follow you, and

the Top 100 Followed to find people that you would be interested in


Automating Your Marketing

An awesome Twitter marketing automation

program that I highly recommend is TweetAdder.

TweetAdder is an awesome software program that

allows you to build a list of people to follow on

Twitter based on keyword, followers of a user, users someone is following,

and others.

TweetAdder is a big part of the reason why I now have over 65,000 followers

of my personal account @Garin, and have been able to get well over 100,000

followers of the different accounts I have worked with.

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This TweetAdder Twitter Marketing software has several powerful features,

and has won several software awards as a result.

If you are serious about rapidly building a targeted twitter network this is the

program for you!

TweetAdder just released a brand new version, TweetAdder 3, which is more

powerful than ever.

This new program has the ability to schedule tweets, and to find targeted

followers based on location, keywords in their tweets, and even keywords

included in their profile bio information!

I created a video review of TweetAdder 3:

One easy way of automating the list building process with Twitter is by

using the tool HootSuite.

Hootsuite – Web Based Twitter Management

Hootsuite is the best way

to manage multiple

Twitter and social media

accounts from your web


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Hootsuite brands their tool as “The Professional Twitter Client” and they offer

several powerful features to back up this claim.

Tweet Scheduling is probably my favorite feature of HootSuite. To schedule a

tweet simply click “Send Later,” choose the time and date you want your tweet

to be sent, click “Schedule” and viola! Your tweet will be scheduled and kept in

the pending tweets queue.

Hootsuite offers integration of Twitter, Facebook (Pages and Profiles),

LinkedIn,, Foursquare, and (beta).

You can send out automatic direct messages to those who begin to follow

your updates. These automated messages could include a direct link to

your website, blog or better yet – your squeeze page where you offer each

Twitter user a free incentive, such as a report, ebook, article content or

guide based on your niche market.

When it comes to using Social Oomph to build your list and initiate first

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contact with those that follow you, be sure that the product you are

offering on your squeeze page is extremely focused on your niche market

and offers something of value.

You don’t want to give away a product that is already saturated online,

such as outdated PLR. Try to offer something original, even if it’s a short

report or mini-product, the more exclusive it is to your list, the more likely

that your visitors will subscribe to your newsletter.

Just like with every other social community, your marketing campaign

needs to be tweaked and offered in a slightly very different format that

caters to their desire to network with other like-minded individuals.

This means that you want to make sure your automated DM message, as

well as every tweet you broadcast is seemingly written for the benefit of

the reader, rather than direct advertisements.

Posting entertaining and useful tweets is an important part of successfully

building your online business with twitter, however you want to focus on

spending your time wisely and ensuring that each tweet is productive in

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helping you further your brand, right?

This is where twitter link bait comes into play. Rather than posting a link to

a direct news story, post a summary of it on your blog and direct people to

your page in order to read the message you are broadcasting.

This is a passive aggressive marketing tactic that works very well within

twitter, because rather than directly trying to sell to your following base,

you are simply posting about something you found interesting, useful or


Once you have them on your blog, they’ll likely explore your website and if

you’ve done your job of developing relationships with your following base

and staying active within the twitter community, it will be a lot easier to

convince them to subscribe to your newsletter or purchase your products.

Show people that you are interested in getting to know them, what they

are interested in, what they are looking for.

Focus on giving, more than receiving and you will quickly discover, just how

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effective twitter can be in helping you further your brand and building your

online business.

By answering questions and providing help, tips or advice on questions that

people have, you can establish yourself as a credible source for information

within your niche market, quickly and easily.

Tweet & Tweet Often!

When it comes to writing tweets, don’t spend a lot of time worrying about

whether it’s creative enough, witty enough, or interesting enough.

Once you have become an active member of the twitter community, you’ll

find it easier to think of entertaining and useful tweets, and will also be

able to respond to ongoing discussions from those you follow and who

follow you.

For now, post whatever’s on your mind. Working on a website? Post about

it. Perhaps you’ve found an interesting website or news story, post about it.

The idea is to simply post enough so that you become comfortable with the

twitter system, and more importantly, so that your profile page shows

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activity before you start inviting people to follow you.

Once you’ve posted your first tweet, it’s time to start following people on

twitter, so that you can build up your twitter presence, and encourage

people to follow you in return.

Don’t just sign up and blast out ads every few minutes expecting to achieve

anything but annoying those on your list.

Take the time to talk to people individually by directing messages to

specific people, post useful information or links to free products and

resources that people in your various niche markets would appreciate.

Just like anything else you need to develop a reputation on Twitter as being

someone who is interested in helping others, while developing your own

Twitter presence.

A great thing about Twitter is the ability to quickly locate other people who

are involved in your target market, or industry.

For example, if you are looking to find people to interview who may be

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experienced in specific things, you can find many people who are involved

in nearly every topic and subject online.

It’s like a rolodex of the entire online business industry, and as Twitter

continues to grow, more and more people are jumping on board, so expect

to see Twitter evolve and change to improve their system and add more

interactive, productive features that will make it even easier for use to

reach out to other users.

Posting subtle little updates about your current projects, websites, blogs

and products is an easy way to keep people up to date on what you are


Twitter is about building connections and relationships. There is an old

saying that suggests “If you make a friend, you make a sale.”

Twitter helps you make friends, and friends are more likely to buy your stuff.

But if you see Twitter simply in terms of dollars and cents there is a good

chance you won’t make any money.

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Focus on adding value to Twitter. Talk to people, retweet others who retweet

you, share cool content, and people will start noticing you more and more.

This report covers four ways that I have used Twitter to make more money:

1. Work with Businesses as a Social Media Manager

2. Sell Tweets as Advertisements

3. Use Twitter to Market Affiliate Products

4. Use Twitter to Sell Your Own Product/Service

Get Hired as a Social Media Manager

According to Inc. Magazine 91% of businesses are looking to integrate social

media into their business in 2010. The average Social Media Manager makes

between $30,000-$50,000+, depending on the company.

Check out Simply Hired for Social Media Manager opportunities near you. is another way to connect with jobs via Twitter.

As a social media manager you can charge between $500-$2,000 a month to

manage social media for a business. If you contact one business a day within a

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short period of time you should have a few clients and a nice sustainable


Check craigslist for businesses seeking social media managers.

Flip through the yellow pages and contact the businesses with big ads.

Explain to them that for a fraction of a price of that ad you can communicate

with potential customers for them on the daily.

I was able to manage social media for a website in San Francisco through a

classified listing I found on craigslist. Kijiji is another place to look for

opportunities as well.

Sell Your Tweets as Advertisements

Although this is a controversial method of monetization it can be an effective

way to earn income once you build a responsive following.

Below are the most popular advertising platforms for selling your tweets.

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Sponsored Tweets

Sponsored tweets is an awesome twitter advertising platform.

They also have a great referral program so that you can earn commission by

referring other tweeters.

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Check out beamagpie for more information.

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Use Twitter to offer a Paid Review

You can offer Paid Reviews of a product, service, or person on your blog.

Use Twitter to tell people about this opportunity for them to promote


Use Twitter to Connect with Customers

Twitter is a powerful way to connect with potential customers of your product

or service. Simply use Twitter Search, or a search column in TweetDeck, and

jump in on conversations happening around a product you promote.

Use Twitter to Capture Leads

A popular internet marketing saying is: “The money is in the list.” I know from

personal experience that this statement is true.

Create an info product (like this one) and use it as an incentive for people to

join your list.

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Then use Twitter to tell people about your incentive.

After you have an email list you can build a relationship with your readers by

using an auto-responder service (The best is Aweber). Use your auto-

responder to automatically send offers to your email list, which will make you


For many other great Twitter resources check out the Twitter Tools Book



Garin Kilpatrick


P.S. Check out my other sites: – Next level tech tips for pros – Smart Online Success Strategies – Innovative Digital Marketing – Powerful Free Facebook Tips eBook