Download - TURNOVER Rate for FY2009 ... this Turnover report – second in the series - focuses on employee separations from Texas A&M University and the effect on


Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends Report Series


Fiscal Year 2012

Produced by Texas A&M University, Human Resources, November 2011

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends December 19, 2011 Turnover FY2012 Page 2


Executive Summary .......................................................................................................................................... 3 University Staff Workforce............................................................................................................................... 5 Turnover Analytics and Analyses Total Separations and Turnover ........................................................................................................6 Voluntary Terminations and Turnover ............................................................................................. 8 Involuntary Terminations and Turnover ..........................................................................................9 Separations by EEO Job Category ................................................................................................... 10 Separations by University Service Time .......................................................................................... 11 Separations by First Year Employees .............................................................................................. 12 Separations by Gender ...................................................................................................................... 13 Separations by Race/Ethnicity ......................................................................................................... 14 Unemployment Compensation Claims ............................................................................................ 16 Appendix 1: Overview, Scope and Methodology ........................................................................................... 17 Appendix 2: Detailed Data for University Staff Workforce .......................................................................... 18 Appendix 3: Detailed Data for Turnover Report Analytics:

Items 1 – 3: Number of Separations for FY2009 – FY2011 for Overall, Involuntary and Voluntary .......................................................................................................................................... 19 Item 4: Number of Separations for FY2009 – FY2011 by EEO Job Category and Turnover Rate for FY2009 – FY2011 for EEO Job Category ............................................................... 20 Item 5: Number of Separations for FY2009 – Fy2011 by University Service Time and Turnover Rate for FY2009 – FY2011 for University Service Time ...................................................... 22 Item 6: Number of Separations for FY2009 – FY2011 for First Year Employees and Turnover Rate for FY2009 – FY2011 for First Year Employees .......................................................... 24 Item 7: Number of Separations for FY2009 – FY2011 by Gender and Turnover Rate for FY2009 – FY2011 for Gender ..................................................................................25 Item 8: Number of Separations for FY2009 – FY2011 by Race/Ethnicity and Turnover Rate for FY2009 – FY2011 for Race/Ethnicity ..................................................................... 26

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends December 19, 2011 Turnover FY2012 Page 3

Executive Summary

Introduction The health of an organization depends in large part on the recruitment, retention and leadership of its single most-valuable resource: its employees. To that effort, the Staff Workforce and Analytics Trends report series is designed to put informative data and analyses into the hands of Texas A&M University management. Eight periodic reports provide human resource-related information on budgeted staff employees and include relevant metrics, trends and commentary. Information in this Turnover report – second in the series - focuses on employee separations from Texas A&M University and the effect on unemployment compensation claims. Turnover, expressed as a percentage of the number of separations over total employment, occurs when employees leave the university through their own voluntary termination actions such as finding a job with another organization, going back to school or retiring from the workforce, or through an employer’s actions in the form of involuntary terminations such as dismissals or layoffs. Some turnover is healthy and essential. Understanding the factors that precipitate uncontrollable departures such as loss of employees because of spousal relocation can lead to development of policies and procedures that can help lower such losses. Similarly, investigating trends in separations might help the organization identify areas in which working conditions do not support talent retention. Turnover can be a costly process affecting both the financial and cultural health of an organization. Cost of turnover includes separation processing costs, replacement hiring costs, training new hire costs, and lost productivity - as well as the intangible cost of low employee morale. Analyzing and responding to turnover rates can be tricky and management should be aware of the potential message in both high and low rates. High voluntary turnover may indicate an organization is unable to move forward because it is playing catch up with training and recruiting, is not paying competitive salaries, or is not providing a challenging atmosphere for developing employees. Low voluntary turnover may indicate the organization is stagnant, no opportunities for growth, and there is a lack of ideas from new blood. Whereas separations occurring in the first year of employment may indicate a poor match between the expectations/qualifications of the new employee and the expectation of the organization. Overall Observations The turnover data reflects a general upward trend in turnover over the past three fiscal years. The overall turnover rate increased from 11.7% in FY 2009 to 14.8% in FY2011. Voluntary turnover as calculated as a percentage of total turnover increased 2.2% between FY 2009 and FY 2011 and involuntary turnover increased 0.9% the same period. EEO job category turnover increased over the three year period across all categories except Technical / Paraprofessional which had a slight decrease in FY 2011, with Skilled Craft having the greatest percentage increase in turnover rate.

Texas A&M University has 170

departments and units with 5,900

budgeted staff employees, and

2,700 faculty supporting the core

teaching, research and service

mission of the university.

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends December 19, 2011 Turnover FY2012 Page 4

University service time turnover increased over the three year period across all service year ranges except for those employees with 16-20 years of service which saw a decrease in turnover rate during FY 2010 and an increase in FY 2011 to above the FY 2009 rate. The highest turnover rate is for employees with less than two years of university service time. First year turnover also increased over the three year period from 34.1% in FY 2009 to 34.8% in FY 2010 and again in FY 2011 to 36%. Turnover for male employees increased from 11.9% in FY 2009 to 15.0% in FY 2011 while turnover for female employees increased from 11.6% in FY 2009 to 14.7% in FY 2011. Race/ethnicity turnover increased across all race/ethnic groups over the three year period, with turnover for Asian, American Indian, Two or more, and Unknown having the largest increase in turnover rate. Total Unemployment Compensation Insurance (UCI) claims received and reviewed through the Texas Workforce Commission’s adjudication process increased each year with FY2011 reflecting a significant increase. The turnover data in the report reflects the University’s actions over the last three years to meet budget targets and suggests the need to better understand the reasons behind the increase in voluntary terminations, particularly those in the first two years of employment. Report Content There are many reasons why an employee may separate employment; this report’s primary emphasis is to display total separations, further viewing both voluntary versus involuntary termination types, and disaggregated by various demographics of separating employees. These data are purposely intended to present terminations and turnover at the highest levels of the university, and do not include transfers by employees from one department to another. Presented first are data on the university staff workforce headcount totals for 2009 through 2011, and the headcount by EEO job categories for the past fiscal year, along with observations about the data. These data provide an opportunity for comparing specific information in the Turnover report with overall employment at the university. There are nine sets of data included in the Analytics and Analyses portion of the report on the following pages: Total Separations and Turnover, Voluntary Turnover, Involuntary Turnover, Separations by EEO Job Category, Separations by University Service Time, Separations by First Year, Separations by Gender, Separations by Race/Ethnicity, and Unemployment Compensation Claims. These categories are reported at the University level for three fiscal years, 2009 through 2011. Following the nine data sets and discussion is Appendix 1 which describes the data sources and scope, Appendix 2 which provides a snapshot of the university’s workforce, and Appendix 3 which provides detailed data by executive level for all but the unemployment compensation information.

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends December 19, 2011 Turnover FY2012 Page 5













2009 2010 2011

# E




Fiscal Year

Staff Headcount Trend



Secr Cler15%

Tech Para6%

Skilled 7%


Staff in EEO Job Categories - FY2011

University Staff Workforce Budgeted staff employees make up approximately 70% of the university’s total budgeted workforce, and are generally employees who do not perform teaching responsibilities in their primary duties. Staff employees include a vast array of positions, from administrative assistant to nurse, gardener to lab technician, utility manager to director. These employees daily provide the administrative, accounting, maintenance, and other support functions in nearly 170 departments that enable the university to fulfill its core mission of teaching, research and service. In the past three fiscal years, the number of staff employees fluctuated from a low of 5,894 to a high of 6,104. Between 2009 and 2010, the total staff workforce increased 3.56%, but decreased 2.5% in 2011. This shift in overall total headcount can primarily be traced to financial constraints felt across the state as higher education funding was reduced. Texas A&M was faced with making hard budgetary and personnel decisions, resulting in reduction-in-force actions. Looking at generally recognized job categories used by Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) descriptors, the largest percentage of staff employees are consistently in the Professional Non-Faculty group with just over 45% of the workforce. During FY2011, Professional Non-Faculty was at its highest percentage at 47.5%, with the next two largest groupings being Service & Maintenance (15.4%) and Clerical & Secretarial (14.8%). During the past three years, each of the EEO job categories has changed relatively little as a percentage of total staff employees.

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2009 2010 2011

# Se




Separations Trend


















Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

# S





Separations By Fiscal Year Quarters

2009 2010 2011

Turnover Analytics and Analyses 1. Total Separations and Turnover Separations are defined for this report as the total number of unique employees who separated from the university through voluntary or involuntary actions and whose separation was processed through an Employee Payroll Action (EPA) or whose payroll records indicated a termination date within the fiscal year. These data are purposefully intended to present terminations and turnover at the highest levels of the university, and do not include transfers by employees from one department to another within the university. The number of separations increased each of the three fiscal years. In FY2010 the number of employees separating from university employment increased by 83 (10.7%) over the previous fiscal year to a total of 857 separations, and again in FY2011 by 113 (a 13.2% increase) to a total of 970 separations. As would be expected at an academic institution that operates most activities along academic semester periods, separations during the fiscal year fluctuates each quarter. The last fiscal quarter (June, July, August) had the highest number of separations each year and highest percent of total separations. Between FY2009 and FY2011, Quarter 4 had 33.5%, 33.3% and 30.1% of total separations each year, respectively. Quarter 3 (March, April, May) had 19 – 22% of total separations each year. Quarter 1, typically in the low 20% of total separations, had a significant increase during FY2011 in large part due to Reduction in Force actions.

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends December 19, 2011 Turnover FY2012 Page 7

88 81 146













2009 2010 2011

# T





Voluntary vs Involuntary Terminations

Involuntary Voluntary




2009 2010 2011

Turnover Rate of Total Separations


Separation Total Pool



2009 774 6604 11.7%

Involuntary 88 6604 1.3%

Voluntary 686 6604 10.4%

2010 857 6715 12.8%

Involuntary 81 6715 1.2%

Voluntary 776 6715 11.6%

2011 970 6546 14.8%

Involuntary 146 6546 2.2%

Voluntary 824 6546 12.6%

Turnover rate is a method of evaluating the frequency by which a position is vacated and filled during the year. Turnover rate is calculated from the total number of separations divided by the total number of budgeted staff positions which had an occupant for any portion of the fiscal year. The overall turnover rate increased each year starting with FY2009 at 11.7%, the rate increased by 1.1% in FY2010 and again in FY2011 by 2% for a turnover rate of 14.8% Separations are further defined by a broadly used termination code of either voluntary termination or involuntary termination. Voluntary terminations include employee at-will decisions to leave university employment, transfers to another Texas A&M University System Member, retirement, or other reasons such as expiration of a contractual employment arrangement. Involuntary terminations include employer at-will decisions, , Reduction In Force (RIF), or other reasons such as expiration of grant funding. The number of voluntary terminations increased each year, from 686 in FY2009 to 824 in FY2011, accounting for between 89 – 91% of all separations. The number of involuntary terminations fluctuated during the three year period with 88 in FY2009 and 146 two years later. Involuntary terminations accounted for between a low of 9.5% and a high of 15.1% of all separations. Turnover rate as viewed from either voluntary terminations or involuntary terminations indicates there was increase in the involuntary turnover rate during the three year period. Involuntary turnover was 1.3% in FY2009, rising to 2.2% for FY2011. For voluntary turnover, the rate increased from 11.7% in FY2009 to 12.8% in FY2010 and in FY2011 by another 1.0% to a rate of 12.6%. As a comparison, the systemwide turnover rate for the A&M System was 12.6% in FY2009 and 13.4% in FY2010.

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends December 19, 2011 Turnover FY2012 Page 8

2009 2010 2011

Voluntary Termination 686 776 824

Total Separation 774 857 970

Percentage Voluntary 88.6% 90.5% 84.9%

Total Separations Attributed to Voluntary Terminations

2009 2010 2011

At Will Decisions 536 585 618

Transfer Out 18 31 23

Retirement 101 139 138

Other 31 21 45

Total Voluntary 686 776 824

Thematic Reasons for Voluntary Terminations



31 2145

18 31 23

101139 138









2009 2010 2011

# T





Voluntary Termination Reasons Trend

At Will Other Transf Out Retire

2. Voluntary Terminations and Turnover Voluntary terminations are the subset of total separations for which employees were identified as voluntarily terminating from the university, further disaggregated by several broad thematic reasons for the separations. Voluntary terminations include employee at-will decisions to leave university employment, transfers to another Texas A&M University System Member, retirement, or other reasons such as expiration of a contractual employment arrangement. The number of voluntary terminations increased each fiscal year between FY2009 and FY2011. There were 776 voluntary terminations in FY2010, 90 more than the previous year for a 13% increase, and a total of 824 in FY2011, 48 more than FY2010 for an 6.2% increase. The percentage of total separations attributable to voluntary terminations fluctuated during the three years, with FY2011 the lowest at 84.9%. Four thematic reasons were identified from data to categorize the reasons employees voluntarily separated from university employment: 1) employees taking advantage of the at-will employment relationship to terminate their employment for professional or personal decisions; 2) employees transferring employment to another A&M System Member; 3) retiring from state employment; and 4) Other reasons, which includes contractual expiration and death of the employee. Looking at the trend of voluntary terminations, the number of at-will decisions increased more than other voluntary reasons. In FY2010, there were 49 more employees separating for at-will decisions than the previous year, and 33 more in FY2011. Retirement decisions increased over the three year period, with 38 additional retirements for a total of 139 in FY2010, and nearly the same number of total retirements in FY2011. In FY2011, 78% of voluntary terminations were either at-will 0r transfer out decisions, 16.8% were retirement, the remaining 5.4%for other reasons. Voluntary terminations turnover as calculated of all separations increased each year from 10.4% in FY2009, to 11.6% in FY2010 and to 12.6% in FY2011.

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends December 19, 2011 Turnover FY2012 Page 9

2009 2010 2011

At Will Decisions 61 61 55

Reduction in Force 21 7 81

Other 6 13 10

Total Involuntary 88 81 146

Thematic Reasons for Involuntary Terminations

2009 2010 2011

Involuntary Terminations 88 81 146

Total Separation 774 857 970

Percentage Involuntary 11.4% 9.5% 15.1%

Total Separations Attributed to Involuntary Terminations

61 6155
















2009 2010 2011

# Te




Involuntary Termination Reasons Trend

At Will Other RIF

3. Involuntary Terminations and Turnover Involuntary terminations are the subset of total separations for which employees were identified as involuntarily terminating from the university, further disaggregated by several broad thematic reasons for the separations. Involuntary terminations include employer at-will decisions, Reduction in Force (RIF), or other reasons such as expiration of grant funding. The number of involuntary terminations increased significantly during the three year period. There were 88involuntary terminations in FY2009, with a decrease of 7 (8%) the next year. The number of involuntary terminations rose to 146, 65 more than the previous year, for an 80.2% increase. The percentage of total separations attributable to involuntary terminations fluctuated from a low of 9.5% to a high of 15.1% Three thematic reasons were identified from data to categorize the reasons employees involuntarily terminate from university employment: 1) employers using the at-will employment relationship to terminate employment; 2) a formal RIF process by the employer; and, 3) Other reasons, which include the expiration of grant funding. Involuntary terminations attributed to RIF actions do not include those employees who ultimately retired or transferred to another position within the university or system before the effective date of the RIF termination. The number of at-will decisions accounted for most of the involuntary terminations during the first two years of the reporting period but were surpassed by RIF actions in FY2011. In FY2009, 61 at-will decisions represented 69.3% of involuntary terminations, and 61 in FY2010 represented 75.3% of involuntary terminations. In FY2011, RIF actions accounted for 81 of the 146 involuntary terminations, representing 55.5% of all involuntary terminations. The most dramatic change in the three year period was for RIF terminations which decreased from 21 in FY2009 to only 7 in FY2010. The number of RIF terminations increased by 65 to total 81 in FY2011. At will and other involuntary termination reasons fluctuated slightly during the three year period. Involuntary termination turnover as calculated of total separations remained relatively the same in FY2009 and FY2010 at 1.3% and 1.2% respectively. Turnover rate for involuntary terminations increased in FY2011 to 2.2%.

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends December 19, 2011 Turnover FY2012 Page 10

2647 57

388 399


123 136159

4965 6250


138 142 152












2009 2010 2011#





Separations by EEO Job Category

Exec Prof Secr Cler Tech Para Skilled Service

2009 2010 2011

Executive/Admin/Mgr 3.4% 5.5% 5.9%

Professional Non-Faculty 50.1% 46.6% 45.7%

Secretarial/Clerical 15.9% 15.9% 16.4%

Technical/Paraprof. 6.3% 7.6% 6.4%

Skilled Craft 6.5% 7.9% 10.0%

Service/Maintenance 17.8% 16.6% 15.7%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Total Separations Attributed to EEO Job Category

4. Separations by EEO Job Category Separations by Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) job category are the number of separating employees as viewed within the six staff-related job groupings using the EEO definitions assigned to each position’s title. The number of separations within all six EEO job categories increased in years FY2009 and FY2010, and all but the Technical / Paraprofessional group increased in FY2011. Professional Non-Faculty had the greatest number of separations each of the three years. During FY201o, there were 399 separations in Professional Non-Faculty, an increase of 11 (2.8%) over the previous year, and in FY2011 the number increased by 44 (11.0%) to total 443 separations. In FY2010 Executive / Administrative / Managerial had 21 more (80% increase) as compared to the previous year. Skilled Crafts and Technical / Paraprofessional both increased in FY2010 by nearly 20 the number of separations, for a 36% and 32.7% increase, respectively. During FY2011, Skilled Crafts had 29 more (42.6% increase) and Secretarial / Clerical 23 more (16.9%) separations than the previous year. Technical / Paraprofessional was the only group with three fewer (a 4.6% decrease) separations in FY2011 than FY2010. As a percentage of total separations, Professional Non-Faculty had the highest percentage of separating employees, although the percentage decreased during each fiscal year from a high of 50.1% to a low of 45.7%. Service / Maintenance also decreased proportional share of total separations from a high of 17.8% in FY2009 to 15.7% in FY2011. Executive / Administrative / Managerial, Secretarial / Clerical and Skilled Craft increased in percentage of total separations during the three fiscal years. The percentage of separations during FY2011 for EEO job categories closely mirrored the proportional percentage of budgeted active staff within the category except for Executive / Administrative / Managerial which was 5.9% of separations but represent 9% of employees, and in Skilled Craft which had 10% of separations, but account for about 7% of active employees. EEO job category turnover increased over the three year period across all categories except Technical / Paraprofessional which had a slight decrease in FY2011. System-wide turnover for the A&M System in FY2010 for Exec/Admin/Managerial was 8.2%, Professional Non-Faculty was 14.8%, Secretarial / Clerical was at 14.9%, Technical / Paraprofessional was 18.1%, Skilled Crafts had a 14.1% turnover rate and the rate was 15.8% for Service / Maintenance.

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends December 19, 2011 Turnover FY2012 Page 11

233 238 245




178 178191













2009 2010 2011

# Se




Separations by University Service Years

Less than 2 2 to 5 6 to 10 11 to 15 16 to 20 20 or more

2009 2010 2011

Less than 2 Years 30.1% 27.8% 25.3%

2 to 5 21.4% 24.6% 26.0%

6 to 10 23.0% 20.8% 19.7%

11 to 15 8.9% 9.5% 11.0%

16 to 20 7.6% 5.3% 6.3%

20 or more Years 8.9% 12.1% 11.8%

100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Total Separations Attributed to University Service Time

5. Separations by University Service Time Separations by university service time are the number of separating employees as viewed within six multiple-year ranges reflecting an employee’s years of employment at Texas A&M University. An employee’s service time was calculated based on their original employment date of record with the university until their separation date and does not represent total State service time for longevity purposes. During FY2009 and FY2010, employees with less than 2 years of university service had the highest number of separations, increasing from 233 in FY2009 to 238 the next year. In FY2011, those with between 2 to 5 years had the highest number of separations at 252, surpassing the number of separations for those with less than 2 years of service. The greatest increase in the number of separations between FY2009 and FY2010 was for employees separating with 20 or more years which increased from 69 to 104, a 50.7% increase over the previous fiscal year. During FY2011, all service groups increased in the number of separations from FY2010. Those with 2 to 5 years increased separations by 41 (19.4%), employees with 11 to 15 years increased separations by 26 (32.1%) and those with 16 to 20 years had 16 more (35.6% increase) separations. Employees with the three ranges totaling less than 10 years of university service continued to be the largest block of employees separating during each fiscal year. Employees with less than two years of service represented 30.1% and 27.8% of total separations in FY2009 and FY2010, respectively, the highest percentage of all six service ranges. Employees with 2 to 5 years had the highest percentage in FY2011 at 26%. Employees with 6 to 10 accounted for between 19.7% and 23.0% of total separations each year. Employees with 16 to 20 years of service had the lowest proportion of total separations during the three fiscal years. University service time turnover increased over the three year period for all service ranges except for those employees with 16 to 20 years which saw a decrease in turnover rate during FY2010. The highest turnover rate in FY2011 was 32.5% for employees with less than 2 years of university service time; the lowest rate that same year was 7.8% for those with 16 to 20 years of service.

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2009 2010 2011

# S





Employees Separating Within First Year













2009 2010 2011

# Se




Voluntary vs Involuntary TerminationsWithin First Year

Involuntary Voluntary

2009 2010 2011

Within First Year 147 131 121

Total Separation 774 857 970

Percentage First Year 19.0% 15.3% 12.5%

Total Separations Attributed to First Year Employees

6. Separations by First Year Employees Separations by first year employees are the number of employees who were employed twelve months or less in their position at time of departure based on their current employment date. The first 12 months of an employee’s experience at the university can be critical to the long-term success of the employee. Following hiring procedures and providing for a high-quality orientation process can help assure the right hire for the organization and the right start for an employee. The number of employees separating within their first 12 months decreased each fiscal year. There were 147 first year employees who separated in FY2009, which decreased by 16 to 131 in FY2010, a 10.95% decrease, and decreased by another 10 (7.6% decrease), in FY2011 for a total of 121 separations by first year employees. During FY2009, 147 (19%) of 774 total separations were by employees separating within their first twelve months on the job. That number reduced in FY2010 to 131 (15.3%) and again in FY2011 to 121 (12.5%) of total separations. The number of first year employees separating for voluntary reasons far outnumbered those separating from involuntary terminations. In FY2009, 127 (86.3%) of 147 separations by first year employees were for voluntary reasons. In FY2011 the number of voluntary terminations by first year employees decreased to 99, 81.8% of separations by first year employees. In FY2009, 20 (13.6%) of 147 involuntary terminations were by first year employees, which declined to 14 (10.7%) in FY2010. In FY2011, the number of involuntary terminations increased to 22, which was 18.1%% of separations by first year employees. First Year turnover increased over the three year period from 34.1% in FY2009, to 34.8% in FY2010 and in FY2011 to 36%.

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2009 2010 2011#





Separations by Gender

Female Male

2009 2010 2011

Female 427 458 540

Total Separation 774 857 970

Percentage Female 55.2% 53.4% 55.7%

Total Separations Attributed to Female Employees

7. Separations by Gender Separations by gender are the number of separating employees as viewed by either Female or Male gender categories identified from employee personnel records. Gender identification, as well as race and/or ethnicity shown on the next page, are demographics self-reported by each employee within their personal data recorded in the A&M System’s HRConnect online application. In a three-year period of increasing separations university-wide, the number of separations for both Female and Male increased between FY2009 and FY2011, although Female separations increased at a greater rate. The number of separations attributed to Female employees increased from 427 in FY2009 to 458 in Fy2010, a 7.3% increase, and to 540 in Fy2011, a 17.9% increase. Separations by Male increased from 347 in FY2009 to 399 in FY2010, an 8.9% increase, and to 450 in FY2011, a 12.8% increase from the previous year. The proportion of separations by gender was relatively the same during the three year period. The percentage of total separations attributed to Female employees decreased from 55.2% in FY2009 to 53.4% in FY2010, then increased in FY2011 to 55.7%. The percentage of separations by Male employees increased from 44.8% in FY2009 to 46.6% of total separations in FY2010, and decreased to 44.3% of total separations in FY2011. Gender turnover increased over the three year period. Turnover rate for Male employees increased from 11.9% in FY2009 to 15.0% in FY2011. Turnover rate for Female employees increased from 11.6% to 14.7% in FY2009 to FY2011, respectively. System-wide gender turnover for the A&M System in FY2010 was 13.83% Female, and 12.91% Male.

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends December 19, 2011 Turnover FY2012 Page 14

271 290339



2 19 26









2009 2010 2011

# S





Separations by Minority/Non-Minority

Minority Non Minority Not Specified

2009 2010 2011

Minority 271 290 339

Total Separation 774 857 970

Percentage Minority 35.0% 33.8% 34.9%

Total Separations Attributed to Minority Employees

8. Separations by Race/Ethnicity Separations by race/ethnicity (referred to hereafter as race) are the number of separating employees as viewed by one of eight race categories identified from employee personnel records. Race, as well as gender shown on the previous page, are demographics self-reported by each employee within their personal data recorded in the A&M System’s HRConnect online application. In addition to specific race categories, another view is to group race categories into Non-Minority and Minority. Non-Minority separations are for employees who self-identified as White, Non-Hispanic (White). Minority separations are aggregated data for employees who self-identified as Black or African American (Black), Hispanic or Latino (Hispanic), Asian, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander (Asian), American Indian or Alaska Native (American Indian), or Two or More Races. The category shown as Not Specified is for employees who chose to not disclose their race. The number of separations by Non-Minority and Minority increased each of the three fiscal years. Separations for Non-Minority increased by 47 from 501 in FY2009 to 548 in FY2010, a 9.4% increase, and by another 57 in FY2011, a 10.4% increase. Separations for Minority increased by 19 from 271 in FY2009 to 290 the next year, a 7.0% increase, and by another 49 in FY2011, a 16.9% increase. The number of separations by employees choosing not to disclose race increased from 2 in FY2009, to 19 in Fy2010 and 26 in FY2011. The proportion of total separations attributed to Minority fluctuated during the three year period, while Non-Minority decreased and Not Specified increased. The percentage for Minority decreased from 35% of total separations in FY2009 to 33.8% in FY2010, then increased in FY2011 to 34.9%. The percentage of total separations by Non-Minority decreased from 64.7% in FY2009 to 63.9% in FY2010, and decreased to 62.4% in FY2011. The percentage of total separations for Not Specified between FY2009 and FY2011 was 0.3%, 2.2% and 2.7%, respectively.

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends December 19, 2011 Turnover FY2012 Page 15



78 79 97110 111142

82 96 90

1 2 71 1 32 19 26









2009 2010 2011

# S





Separations by Race/Ethnicity

White Black Hisp Asian Am Ind Hw Two+ Unkn

The number of separations increased each year across all eight race categories except for Asian and Hawaiian which decreased slightly in FY2011. The greatest increases during the three years were seen in FY2011. In FY2011 separations by White increased by 57 (10.4%) to a total of 605, Black had 97 separations, 18 more (22.8% increase) than the previous year, Hispanic separations were 142, an increase of 31 (27.9%) from FY2010, American Indian accounted for 7 separations, an increase of 5, and Two or More increased by 2 to total 3 separations . Separations by Asian were 90 in FY2011, a decrease of 6 (-6.3%) and Hawaiian had no separations the last year, a decrease of 1. The number of separations for Not Specified in FY2011 increased by 7 (36.8%) to total 26 separations. The proportion of separations each year based on race fluctuated slightly during the three year period. Separations by White decreased from 64.7% of total separations in FY2009 to 62.4% in FY2011. Separations by Black decreased from 10.1% in FY2009 to 9.2% in FY2010, and increased to 10.0% in FY2011. Separations by Hispanic were 14.2% of total separations in FY2009, which decreased to 13.0% in FY2010, and increased to 14.6% in FY2011. Separations by Asian were 10.6% of the total in FY2009, 11.2% in FY2010, and decreased to 9.3% in FY2011. Race/Ethnicity turnover increased across all race/ethnic groups over the three year period, with turnover for Asian, American Indian, Two or More, and Unknown having the largest percentage increase in turnover rate. System-wide race turnover for the A&M System in FY2010 was 12.4% White, 14.64% Black, 13.68% Hispanic, 19.07% Asian, 9.82% American Indian, 15.71% Two or More Races, and 26.32% Other/Not Specified.

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends December 19, 2011 Turnover FY2012 Page 16












2009 2010 2011



UCI Benefits Expense FY2009 - FY2011

$42,825$28,103 $22,931






$209,435 $214,545








Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4



UCI Benefits Expense Paid By Fiscal Year Quarters

2009 2010 2011

2009 2010 2011

Total 132 206 354

Number Increase 74 148

Percentage Increase 56.1% 71.8%

Total UCI Claims Received and Reviewed

9. Unemployment Compensation Claims There is a cost to the university beyond turnover costs for some involuntary terminations known as unemployment compensation insurance (UCI). The UCI cost is in the form of payments made to the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) from the university’s self-funded UCI benefits process. Typically, involuntary terminations due to no cause by the employee, e.g., a RIF, could meet the requirements to receive UCI benefits. UCI claims are submitted by former employees directly to TWC and receive individual handling and adjudication by the TWC office. Regular unemployment benefit payments to recipients can last up to 26 weeks if the individual maintains eligibility. Federally funded unemployment benefit programs can allow an individual, if eligible, to remain on benefits for up to 73 additional weeks. Payments to the TWC for UCI benefits are expensed during a particular university fiscal year quarter, but may actually be for benefits paid to a former employee during the state’s previous annual year quarter. Reflective of strategic decisions within the university to reduce departmental budgets in FY2010 and FY2011, including from salaries and wages, there was significant increases in UCI benefits expense the last two years. Between FY2009 and FY2010, the expense increased about $121,000 (an 81.5% increase) and it more than doubled in FY2011 totaling just over $633,000 for a 134.3% increase over the previous year. As the expense is based on benefits during a previous three-month timeframe, viewing the quarterly payment schedule reflects the increase and decrease in UCI benefits costs as former employees entered and exited the UCI benefits process. During FY2009, there is little fluctuation between quarterly expenses. During FY2010 and FY2011, the expense spiked dramatically both years in quarter 2, and also increased in quarter 3 of FY2011. Total UCI claims received and reviewed through the TWC’s adjudication process increased each year with FY2011 increasing significantly. Total claims received does not represent the number of claims for which UCI benefits were approved and paid as some claims are determined by TWC to not warrant benefit payments.

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends December 19, 2011 Turnover FY2012 Page 17

APPENDIX 1 Overview Texas A&M University is the flagship institution of The Texas A&M University System, with $1 billion budget and an endowment that typically ranks in the top five nationally among public universities. Playing a key role in the day-to-day operations of the university are about 5,900 staff who provide administrative service and support to future, current and former students, as well as faculty, researchers and campus visitors. The Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends is a series of reports developed by the Texas A&M University Human Resources organization to provide human resource-related information on budgeted staff employees at Texas A&M University–College Station and Qatar. The reports include metrics on a variety of demographic and position-related data and commentary and are provided to university management to increase awareness of the make-up of their organization, recognize efficiencies and take advantage of opportunities to build a productive and successful organization. The report series will include: Demographics; Generations in the Workplace; Leave Benefits: Recruitment; Retirement Trends; Total Compensation; Training and Development; and, Turnover. Scope of Turnover Report

Data are for activity September 1 through August 31 for fiscal years 2009, 2010 and 2011.

Data are for Part 02 ADLOC’d active budgeted positions and employees.

Data for employee and position-related data are from The Texas A&M University System DataWarehouse.

Separations included in this report were compiled from Employee Payroll Actions (EPA) processed with

an occupant action code of IT-Involuntary Termination, VT-Voluntary Termination, TO-Transfer Out or

RE-Retire, and for employees with a termination date during the reported fiscal years.

Employees transferring between departments within Part 02 are beyond the scope of this report.

System-wide turnover rates are from The Texas A&M University System Employee Turnover report for

Fiscal Year 2010.

Data presented in this report are for the university as a total and further displayed for numerical counts

by Executive level reporting units. The Executive level reporting unit includes all the colleges, divisions,

departments and center that report within that unit. Executive Level units displayed in this report:

1) President

2) Executive Vice President and Provost – Academic Affairs

3) Vice President – Administration

4) Vice President – Marketing & Communications

5) Vice President – Research

6) Vice President – Student Affairs

7) Vice President & CFO - Finance

Methodology for Turnover Report

Turnover Rate is calculated using the total number of separations during the fiscal year divided by the

total pool of employees defined as the number of budgeted staff positions which had an occupant for any

portion of the fiscal year, the result multiplied by 100.

Termination data and turnover rates shown for various views or groups in this report were calculated

using a pool of employees with corresponding definitions, e.g. female employees were counted in the total

pool for female turnover rate. In cases where a position was filled and vacated multiple times during a

year, the characteristics, e.g., race, gender, EEO job category, etc., of the last employee in the budgeted

position were used.

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends December 19, 2011 Turnover FY2012 Page 18

APPENDIX 2 Detailed Data for University Staff Workforce

Headcount FY2009 – FY2011 by EEO Job Category and Executive Level

Exec V.P. & Provost -

Acad Affairs President

V.P. - Adm

V.P. - Mar & Com

V.P. - Research

V.P. - Student Affairs

V.P. & Cfo - Finance Total

2009 3025 268 1489 26 147 652 287 5894

Exec 296 39 33 16 21 83 40 528

Prof 1813 189 181 10 87 287 144 2711

Secr Cler 577 24 117 8 91 81 898

Service 35 5 757 11 125 16 949

Skilled 19 10 362 1 41 433

Tech Para 285 1 39 19 25 6 375

2010 3187 235 1552 28 139 666 297 6104

Exec 322 28 41 17 17 85 39 549

Prof 1919 174 205 11 87 305 148 2849

Secr Cler 602 19 120 5 86 88 920

Service 36 4 758 12 121 17 948

Skilled 18 9 389 1 44 461

Tech Para 290 1 39 17 25 5 377

2011 3141 241 1434 29 143 674 288 5950

Exec 330 33 33 16 19 84 38 553

Prof 1896 173 199 13 91 310 145 2827

Secr Cler 582 21 108 4 82 84 881

Service 32 5 726 8 131 15 917

Skilled 14 8 331 44 397

Tech Para 287 1 37 21 23 6 375

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends December 19, 2011 Turnover FY2012 Page 19

APPENDIX 3 Detailed Data for Turnover Report Analytics

Items 1 – 3

Number of Separations for FY2009 – FY2011 for Overall, Involuntary and Voluntary


Exec V.P. & Provost -

Acad Affairs

V.P. - Admin

V.P. - Mar & Comm

V.P. - Research

V.P. - Student Affairs

V.P. & Cfo - Finance

Total Separation

2009 32 449 179 2 28 66 18 774

Involuntary 10 40 30 2 6 88

Voluntary 22 409 149 2 26 60 18 686

2010 35 480 214 1 27 67 33 857

Involuntary 5 34 33 1 6 2 81

Voluntary 30 446 181 1 26 61 31 776

2011 29 533 258 23 103 24 970

Involuntary 3 52 69 6 9 7 146

Voluntary 26 481 189 17 94 17 824

Termination headcount above is for informational purposes only as to number of separations from each Executive level reporting unit and should not be used or inferred to calculate turnover rate for any executive, division or departmental reporting unit.

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends December 19, 2011 Turnover FY2012 Page 20

APPENDIX 3 Detailed Data for Turnover Report Analytics

Item 4

Number of Separations for FY2009 – FY2011 by EEO Job Category


Exec V.P. & Provost -

Acad Affairs

V.P. - Admin

V.P. - Mar & Comm

V.P. - Research

V.P. - Student Affairs

V.P. & Cfo - Finance Total

2009 32 449 179 2 28 66 18 774

Exec 5 14 3 1 2 1 26

Prof 24 298 12 1 16 28 9 388

Secr Cler 2 89 9 2 13 8 123

Tech Para 41 2 2 4 49

Skilled 2 45 3 50

Service 1 5 108 6 17 1 138

2010 35 480 214 1 27 67 33 857

Exec 5 25 3 5 4 5 47

Prof 27 294 19 1 11 32 15 399

Secr Cler 3 105 11 2 7 8 136

Tech Para 45 7 6 7 65

Skilled 5 62 1 68

Service 6 112 3 16 5 142

2011 29 533 258 23 103 24 970

Exec 4 34 5 3 9 2 57

Prof 19 332 16 12 51 13 443

Secr Cler 3 114 18 3 14 7 159

Tech Para 46 5 1 8 2 62

Skilled 1 1 89 6 97

Service 2 6 125 4 15 152

Termination headcount above is for informational purposes only as to number of separations from each Executive level reporting unit and should not be used or inferred to calculate turnover rate for any executive, division or departmental reporting unit.

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends December 19, 2011 Turnover FY2012 Page 21

APPENDIX 3 Detailed Data for Turnover Report Analytics

Item 4

Turnover Rate for FY2009 – FY2011 for EEO Job Categories

Termination headcount above is for informational purposes only as to number of separations from each Executive level reporting unit and should not be used or inferred to calculate turnover rate for any executive, division or departmental reporting unit.

Total EEO Pool Turnover Rate

2009 774 6603 11.7%

Exec 26 575 4.5%

Prof 388 3125 12.4%

Secr Cler 123 974 12.6%

Tech Para 49 409 12.0%

Skilled 50 502 10.0%

Service 138 1018 13.6%

2010 857 6715 12.8%

Exec 47 589 8.0%

Prof 399 3201 12.5%

Secr Cler 136 991 13.7%

Tech Para 65 412 15.8%

Skilled 68 510 13.3%

Service 142 1012 14.0%

2011 970 6546 14.8%

Exec 57 596 9.6%

Prof 443 3178 13.9%

Secr Cler 159 936 17.0%

Tech Para 62 403 15.4%

Skilled 97 429 22.6%

Service 152 1004 15.1%

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends December 19, 2011 Turnover FY2012 Page 22

APPENDIX 3 Detailed Data for Turnover Report Analytics

Item 5

Number of Separations for FY2009 – FY2011 by University Service Time


Exec V.P. & Provost -

Acad Affairs

V.P. - Admin

V.P. - Mar & Comm

V.P. - Research

V.P. - Student Affairs

V.P. & Cfo - Finance Total

2009 32 449 179 2 28 66 18 774

Less than 2 5 123 64 1 11 21 8 233

2 to 5 12 108 17 1 7 21 166

6 to 10 4 122 31 8 9 4 178

11 to 15 4 39 18 2 4 2 69

16 to 20 3 29 23 3 1 59

20 or more 4 28 26 8 3 69

2010 35 480 214 1 27 67 33 857

Less than 2 3 139 71 4 14 7 238

2 to 5 16 121 31 1 7 25 10 211

6 to 10 6 110 33 11 14 4 178

11 to 15 4 40 26 2 5 4 81

16 to 20 2 20 17 1 3 2 45

20 or more 4 50 36 2 6 6 104

2011 29 533 258 23 103 24 970

Less than 2 3 131 78 5 26 2 245

2 to 5 11 141 59 3 35 3 252

6 to 10 7 116 42 4 16 6 191

11 to 15 3 60 26 4 11 3 107

16 to 20 1 28 18 2 8 4 61

20 or more 4 57 35 5 7 6 114

Termination headcount above is for informational purposes only as to number of separations from each Executive level reporting unit and should not be used or inferred to calculate turnover rate for any executive, division or departmental reporting unit.

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends December 19, 2011 Turnover FY2012 Page 23

APPENDIX 3 Detailed Data for Turnover Report Analytics

Item 5

Turnover Rate for FY2009 – FY2011 for University Service Time

Termination headcount above is for informational purposes only as to number of separations from each Executive level reporting unit and should not be used or inferred to calculate turnover rate for any executive, division or departmental reporting unit.

Total Years Pool Turnover Rate

2009 774 6603 11.7%

Less than 2 233 953 24.4%

2 to 5 166 1183 14.0%

6 to 10 178 1458 12.2%

11 to 15 69 1114 6.2%

16 to 20 59 779 7.6%

20 or more 69 1116 6.2%

2010 857 6715 12.8%

Less than 2 238 909 26.2%

2 to 5 211 1285 16.4%

6 to 10 178 1403 12.7%

11 to 15 81 1133 7.1%

16 to 20 45 794 5.7%

20 or more 104 1191 8.7%

2011 970 6546 14.8%

Less than 2 245 755 32.5%

2 to 5 252 1253 20.1%

6 to 10 191 1321 14.5%

11 to 15 107 1197 8.9%

16 to 20 61 787 7.8%

20 or more 114 1233 9.2%

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends December 19, 2011 Turnover FY2012 Page 24


First Year

Pool Turnover Rate

2009 147 431 34.1%

Involuntary 20 431 4.6%

Voluntary 127 431 29.5%

2010 131 376 34.8%

Involuntary 14 376 3.7%

Voluntary 117 376 31.1%

2011 121 336 36.0%

Involuntary 22 336 6.5%

Voluntary 99 336 29.5%

APPENDIX 3 Detailed Data for Turnover Report Analytics

Item 6

Number of Separations for FY2009 – FY2011 for First Year Employees


Exec V.P. & Provost -

Acad Affairs

V.P. - Admin

V.P. - Mar & Comm

V.P. - Research

V.P. - Student Affairs

V.P. & Cfo - Finance

Total Separation

2009 2 73 46 7 15 4 147

Involuntary 10 9 1 20

Voluntary 2 63 37 6 15 4 127

2010 76 39 3 10 3 131

Involuntary 5 9 14

Voluntary 71 30 3 10 3 117

2011 2 59 42 1 17 121

Involuntary 5 13 4 22

Voluntary 2 54 29 1 13 99

Turnover Rate for FY2009 – FY2011 for First Year Employees

Termination headcount above is for informational purposes only as to number of separations from each Executive level reporting unit and should not be used or inferred to calculate turnover rate for any executive, division or departmental reporting unit.

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends December 19, 2011 Turnover FY2012 Page 25

Total Gender Pool Turnover Rate

2009 774 6603 11.7%

Male 347 2908 11.9%

Female 427 3695 11.6%

2010 857 6715 12.8%

Male 399 2953 13.5%

Female 458 3762 12.2%

2011 970 6546 14.8%

Male 430 2860 15.0%

Female 540 3686 14.7%

APPENDIX 3 Detailed Data for Turnover Report Analytics

Item 7

Number of Separations for FY2009 – FY2011 by Gender and Executive Level


Exec V.P. & Provost -

Acad Affairs

V.P. - Admin

V.P. - Mar & Comm

V.P. - Research

V.P. - Student Affairs

V.P. & Cfo - Finance Total

2009 32 449 179 2 28 66 18 774

Male 22 188 101 1 8 22 5 347

Female 10 261 78 1 20 44 13 427

2010 35 480 214 1 27 67 33 857

Male 25 185 144 1 11 19 14 399

Female 10 295 70 16 48 19 458

2011 29 533 258 23 103 24 970

Male 20 197 161 10 33 9 430

Female 9 336 97 13 70 15 540

Turnover Rate for FY2009 – FY2011 for Gender

Termination headcount above is for informational purposes only as to number of separations from each Executive level reporting unit and should not be used or inferred to calculate turnover rate for any executive, division or departmental reporting unit.

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends December 19, 2011 Turnover FY2012 Page 26

APPENDIX 3 Detailed Data for Turnover Report Analytics

Item 8

Number of Separations for FY2009 – FY2011 by Race/Ethnicity and Executive Level


Exec V.P. & Provost -

Acad Affairs

V.P. - Admin

V.P. - Mar & Comm

V.P. - Research

V.P. - Student Affairs

V.P. & Cfo - Finance Total

2009 32 449 179 2 28 66 18 774

White 27 304 90 1 22 41 16 501

Black 5 17 39 3 14 78

Hisp 49 47 1 2 9 2 110

Asian 76 3 1 2 82

Am Ind 1 1



Unkn 2 2

2010 35 480 214 1 27 67 33 857

White 28 305 122 1 23 45 24 548

Black 2 18 45 1 8 5 79

Hisp 2 56 41 10 2 111

Asian 2 85 1 3 3 2 96

Am Ind 2 2

Hw 1 1

Two+ 1 1

Unkn 13 5 1 19

2011 29 533 258 23 103 24 970

White 26 339 140 16 71 13 605

Black 3 22 47 2 19 4 97

Hisp 70 58 1 9 4 142

Asian 80 4 2 2 2 90

Am Ind 2 2 1 1 1 7


Two+ 1 2 3

Unkn 19 5 1 1 26

Termination headcount above is for informational purposes only as to number of separations from each Executive level reporting unit and should not be used or inferred to calculate turnover rate for any executive, division or departmental reporting unit.

Staff Workforce Analytics and Trends December 19, 2011 Turnover FY2012 Page 27

Total Race Pool Turnover Rate

2009 774 6603 11.7%

White 501 4548 11.0%

Black 78 641 12.2%

Hisp 110 983 11.2%

Asian 82 376 21.8%

Am Ind 1 27 3.7%

Hw 3 0.0%

Two+ 13 0.0%

Unkn 2 12 16.7%

2010 857 6715 12.8%

White 548 4560 12.0%

Black 79 630 12.5%

Hisp 111 1012 11.0%

Asian 96 368 26.1%

Am Ind 2 31 6.5%

Hw 1 4 25.0%

Two+ 1 19 5.3%

Unkn 19 91 20.9%

2011 970 6546 14.8%

White 605 4410 13.7%

Black 97 639 15.2%

Hisp 142 1014 14.0%

Asian 90 358 25.1%

Am Ind 7 30 23.3%

Hw 3 0.0%

Two+ 3 21 14.3%

Unkn 26 71 36.6%

APPENDIX 3 Detailed Data for Turnover Report Analytics

Item 8

Turnover Rate for FY2009 – FY2011 for Race/Ethnicity

Termination headcount above is for informational purposes only as to number of separations from each Executive level reporting unit and should not be used or inferred to calculate turnover rate for any executive, division or departmental reporting unit.