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Christian Steven Software

Christian Steven Software 2013/2014

Christian Steven Software 2013/2014

Here are the +50% results actually produced with a small business. These results were achieved by only working 1 day/week with the client’s sales team, coaching the business owner every other week on sales management and without my ever talking to an end prospect or end customer of theirs (meaning I did not close any deals for them, I made them implement and run the process that extracted productivity gains from within the sales team itself). Last but not least, one sales person did not make it through the sales transformation journey (the process is no “magic”, it does reveal behavior change limitations fast and either people change or it does change people). This means that we still achieved the growth results “changing one wheel while driving”. (Note on the graph, the “producer swap” happened in 12 so the ramp up of the new producer who got on boarded on the 1+1+1=4!® process at month 12 too was quite spectacular (this resource change was planned pro-actively with minimum disruption – again - thanks to the process).

Christian Steven Software

"Philippe's scientific approach to sales management was a game changer for us. He taught us how to create an incredible growth path for our business. In less than 12 months his sales manager productivity processhas not only allowed us to grow 50% year over year but by coaching usonly 1 day/week he taught us how to run the process ourselves”.


that is guaranteed to bring

+50% SALES GROWTHto your

Sales Managers