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Training Workshop on Small Hydropower Development in Africa

Co organizer: UNIDO Centre for South-South

Industrial Cooperation(China), COMESA and ICSHP 5-7 Oct 2018, Lusaka, Zambia

Unlocking Zambia's small-scale hydro potential to foster increase in rural electrification & sustainable rural


Sustainable. Energy. Environment.                                                                                                                                                                                            

Chisakula KAPUTU!C.E.E – Sustainable energy & environment ltd!

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WHO WE ARE.!ν In existence since 2012���ν Incorporated in South Africa (MVplus SOLUTIONS LTD) & Zambia

(Sustainable Energy & Environment LTD)���ν Energy management consultancy���ν Environmental sustainability advisory���ν Energy Projects transaction advisory ���ν Deal origination/ business development���ν Energy projects developer���ν Projects financier���ν Energy services Company (ESCO) ���ν Technical training provider under our SEE KnowledgeHUB

( )���ν Technology procurement (e-store at )���ν M&V body ���ν EPCm������

Sustainable. Energy. Environment.                                                                                                                                                                                            

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Our expertise.!ν Certified Energy Auditors & Managers���ν Certified Measurement & Verification Professionals���ν Energy Management Systems Implementation (EnMS ISO 50001) experts���ν Green building Experts���ν Energy Project Financing���ν Project planning & management���ν Energy Retrofit project implementers���ν Energy Policy & strategy formulators���ν Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Experts���ν Carbon reduction and reporting ( CDM, CDP)���ν Process & system optimizers���ν System integrators���ν Management Systems’ Integrators (ISO50001+ISO9001+ISO18001)���ν Energy Modeling���ν Technology Feasibilities (Financial& Technical)���ν Energy Policy & Green sourcing policy formulation���ν Resource efficiency & Cleaner production Assessors

Sustainable. Energy. Environment.                                                                                                                                                                                            

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Presentation outline.!n STATUS QUO���n THE GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE���n THE UNIQUE AFRICAN SITUATION���n SUSTAINABILITY AGENDA���n ENERGY SECURITY���n BENEFITS OF INCREASED RURAL ELECTRIFICATION���n BARRIERS/ CHALLENGES TO RURAL ELECTRIFICATION���n RURAL ELECTRIFICATION DRIVERS/ ENABLERS���n SMALL HYDRO POWER���n COMPARATIVE COSTS���n ZAMBIAN OUTLOOK���n EXISTING HYDROPOWER PLANTS���n MASTERPLAN 2010���n RURAL ELECTRIFICATION MODELS/ LAYOUT���n SHP EXAMPLE���n EXAMPLE of BAT for SHP������ Sustainable. Energy. Environment.                                                                                                                                                                                            

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Status quo.!ν Economic – Energy – Sociopolitical nexus ν Energy – Water – Food nexus ν Energy discourse ν Energy poverty ν Demand fast outstripping supply ν Energy security ν Sustainability agenda ν Population growth/ resources consumption increase ν Climate change concerns/ Environmental pollution ν Carbon footprint/ GHG emissions ν Untapped resources ν Electrification models ν Energy for all

Sustainable. Energy. Environment.                                                                                                                                                                                            

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THE GLOBAL Perspective.!

Sustainable. Energy. Environment.                                                                                                                                                                                            

•  Available, reliable and affordable electricity is a major global issue •  1.3 billion people are without electricity, and over 800 million people depend

on high cost, polluting fossil fuel generators for their power

•  71% of the planet is covered with slow-moving water in rivers, canals, and ocean currents


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The unique african situation.!

Sustainable. Energy. Environment.                                                                                                                                                                                            

o  Africa’s current energy mix: •   Oil 23% •   Coal 14% •   Gas 14% •   Bioenergy 48% •  Other (Nuclear, Hydro, Renewable) 1%

Source: The African Energy Industry Report of 2018 - Market Intelligence report by ISPY PUBLISHING

  o  Hydropower currently sits in the dismal 1% of the resource contribution to

Africa’s energy mix o  Africa holds about 12% of the world's hydropower potential, with a technically

feasible output of about 1800TWh/year

o  Africa produces only about 3% of the global hydropower and exploits less than 10% of it's technical potential, the lowest proportion of any of the world's regions

o  over 600million of Africans are in a dire energy poverty  

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•  Climate change and energy are no longer purely of environmental concern but are becoming an important issue in economics and sustainable business

•  Social and Economic Sustainability •  Environmental and Energy Sustainability •  Agenda 21, Kyoto, COP, MDGs, SDGs, etc.


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The IEA defines energy security as “the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price”. 

Energy security.  

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Poverty reduction

Improved health    

Job creation & economic inclusion  

Increased productivity & competitiveness


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BARRIERS/challenges to Rural Electrification.!

Sustainable. Energy. Environment.                                                                                                                                                                                            

•  Technology •  Climate change •  Finance •  Policy •  Institutional capacity •  Dispersed population •  Affordability •  Ability to pay •  Site Conditions (head and flow rate)

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RE drivers/ ENABLERS.!

Sustainable. Energy. Environment.                                                                                                                                                                                            

•  Release of financial resources for alternative investments •  Reduced vulnerability to adverse response measures •  Standards (Compulsory & Voluntary) •  Best Available Technologies (BAT) •  Innovative & sustainable Business models •  Awareness-raising programmes •  Policy measures •  Financial instruments (subsidies,grants, low interest loans) •  Improved energy security •  Productivity improvements •  Conversion to bankability of all existing pre-feasibility

studies previously done under ZESCO, REA, OPPPI •  Granting of feasibility rights by Govt


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Sustainable. Energy. Environment.                                                                                                                                                                                            

NB: No international consensus on definition of “small hydro”; upper limit usually taken as 10 MW of installed capacity and anything in excess of this, is classified as large hydro.


MINI Between 100kW – 1MW

MICRO Between 5kW – 100kW

PICO Below 5kW

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Comparative costs.!

Sustainable. Energy. Environment.                                                                                                                                                                                            

Predicted Costs for Off-grid Electricity for various Technological Options Source: World Bank Energy Unit

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•  The Zambezi is the largest river basin in Southern Africa, covering some 1.37 million square kilometers across eight countries serving over 40million people.

•  Zambia has extensive surface water resources, with a number of large perennial rivers

•  20% of the country's surface area is covered by water ( over 20 rivers of significance)

•  Zambia’s hydropower resource potential is estimated at 6000MW

•  22% national electrification level attained to-date (3% rural, 45% Urban)

•  energy mix: approx.70% woodfuel, 14% Electricity, 12% petroleum and 2% coal


Sustainable. Energy. Environment.                                                                                                                                                                                            

Source: World Wildlife Fund HydroSHEDS; Digital Chart of the World drainage; and FAO Inland Water Bodies

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Existing hydropower plants.!

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Master plan 2010 (above 10MW).!

Sustainable. Energy. Environment.                                                                                                                                                                                            

Source:Power System Development Master Plan in Zambia (2010)

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RURAL ELECTRIFICATION MODELS. Electrification method Rural growth

Centre No. of Households

Transmission & Distribution Line extension

972 94.5%

Solar Home Systems/ Solar Mini girds

241 4.6%

Mini-hydro Power development

4 0.9%

Source: Rural Electrification Master Plan (REMP)

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SHP examples in zambia.!

Sustainable. Energy. Environment.                                                                                                                                                                                            

Courtesy of North West Zambia Development Trust ( )

•  Privately developed, vertically integrated mini utility company that supplies power to the Ikelenge District of North West Province

•  Generates renewable power from a 750kW low impact, run-of-river mini hydro-electric scheme on the upper Zambezi River

•  Transmits the power across an independent ‘island grid’/ offgrid,

•  Directly supplies and bills c. 450 customers

•  Constructed between 2004-2007

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