Download - The White Lion - Lincolnshire County · Issue 509 May 2017 Edited by Stuart Whitcombe 5 Stephenson Close,

Page 1: The White Lion - Lincolnshire County · Issue 509 May 2017 Edited by Stuart Whitcombe 5 Stephenson Close,

Issue 509 May 2017

Edited by Stuart Whitcombe 5 Stephenson Close, NG33 5GP 0777 323 0815 [email protected]

o Free personal banking(Lloyds, Barclays, Co-op HSBC etc)Commission-free foreign currency

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now stockingAncaster Butchers products

fresh meats - cooked meatsausage rolls - pasties etc

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Village Fete Saturday 1st July

Colsterworth Methodist Church & St John the Baptist Church are again organising the Village Fete to take place on Saturday 1st July. It will follow a similar format to last year with stalls, entertainment and a display of classic & collector's cars.

The organisers are appealing for donations of books, tombola prizes and cakes to be sold on the day. Please contact Pamela Harrison 01476 861864 or [email protected]

If anybody is willing to provide musical entertainment or wishes to have a stall at the Fete please contact Helen Scorror 01476 860126 or [email protected]

Enquiries for Classic & Collector's Cars entries should be sent to Robert Taylor 01476 860605 or [email protected]

A lot of hard work coming to fruition as the new Colster Way play park is officially opened

Local children putting it to the test

Colin Russell Colin Russell

Colin RussellColin Russell

The White LionColsterworth

Bank Holiday WeekendFriday 26th May

Live music with


Live music “Steve & The Stereos”

17th June 20178.30pm till late

Members £3 Non members £5Junior members £1 Junior non members £2

Colin Russell

Page 2: The White Lion - Lincolnshire County · Issue 509 May 2017 Edited by Stuart Whitcombe 5 Stephenson Close,




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Parish Council report meeting 4th April 2017Chairman thanked the outgoing clerk John Hannam for all that he had achieved over the last 9 years and wished him well in his retirement. Clerk’s Report and items arising from the Minutes:a) Colster Way Recreational Park.i) It was a fine sunny day for the official opening of the new Wicksteed Leisure play and exercise areas on the park. Local associations and groups were invited along with the Sales Director Stuart Wetheral of Wicksteed Leisure, Fund manager Cheryl Raynor of WREN FCC and District and County Councillor Bob Adams. The opening was reported in the Grantham Journal. ii) Picnic tables and benches/litter bin have been installed on the park with a grant from the Youth Club. b) LCC Highways have dealt with a couple of the many potholes around the villages and will be chased again re. the outstanding issues. c) Allotments. There are several spare allotments at Stamford Road. d) North Witham speed

restrictions. County Cllr Richard Davies has confirmed that LCC Highways will be implementing the new speed restrictions later in the year. e) Wicksteed Leisure playground safety report. Spares have been ordered for the “Pineapple Whirl” at the Woolsthorpe Road playground. The Recreation and Amenities committee will review other recommendations made in the report.At this point the clerk took the opportunity to express his thanks to past and present parish councillors for their support of the nine years he had been clerk. Also the chairpersons over that time Hilary Winstanley, Margaret Cooper, Derrick Hamilton-Hinds and Derek Cox. A special thanks to District and County Councillor Bob Adams whose help had been invaluable to him and the parish council. Nature Trail: The council approved the purchase of wild flowers for the nature trail as requested by the volunteers c.£250. Correspondence:LCC Highways - Temporary Traffic Restriction – Surface Dressing works: Honey Pot Lane; Post Lane, South Witham Road (between 10.04.17 – 08.09.17 up to 7 days) LCC Planning – notification of complaint (INV/C/0010/17).

Breach: Unauthorised WTS Land next to truck stop, ColsterworthSKDC PLANNINGThe following applications were received:S17/0366 Mr Cliff Banks Removal of conservatory and erection of single storey rear extension and decking 8 Stamford Road, Colsterworth. S17/0130 Mr Patrick McBride Erection of first floor extension and pitched roof to garage 65 Woolsthorpe Road, Woolsthorpe by ColsterworthSKDC Planning Permission ApprovalS16/2211 D2M Solutions Ltd Section 73 application to allow for Variation of Condition of S13/1776 (noise limits)S16/2524 Mr Nigel Sardeson Works to Horse Chestnut tree including cutting back North side by 5m to give clearance to driveway, raise crown to give 6m clearance to highway and 3m clearance to footpath 13 Woodland Gardens, ColsterworthAny Other Business:District and County Councillor Bob Adams expressed his thanks to the outgoing parish clerk John Hannam for his support and Councillor Margaret Cooper also thanked John on behalf of the Parish Council. a) Stainby church vergeb) School Lane – missing road name sign

Engaging local communities in planning the future of health and social care in Lincolnshire

Health and social care organisations across our county are looking at how we could change and improve care services in Lincolnshire – this programme is called the STP (Sustainability and Transformation Plan). United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust is developing its ULHT 2021 Strategy to develop the hospital-based elements of this work.

To help us on our way, we are focussing on five priority areas for improvement, and would love your input. The areas are:Ÿ Redesign our clinical services: clinical strategy, clinical services and pathwaysŸ Productive hospital: urgent care, elective work, theatres and outpatientsŸ Workforce and organisational development: recruitment, retention, education, training and skills; leadership development, appraisals, inclusion, values and behavioursŸ Productivity, efficiency and estates: how we can work smarter, save money and improve careŸ Quality Improvement: patient safety, safe staffing, reduced mortality, infection control

We welcome your feedback and ideas. There are many ways of getting involved, from keeping informed to actively contributing to the discussions. Our team is currently visiting different groups across Lincolnshire and seeking feedback from local people, our patients and their families and friends. We talk about the services provided in our hospitals (Lincoln County Hospital, Pilgrim Hospital in Boston and Grantham and District Hospital and some services in Louth Hospital) and how these services can be developed to respond to the needs of local people. If you would like us to visit your group, or have any comments or ideas for the future, please contact the ULHT Membership Office on 01522 572301 or email [email protected]

You can also join our members, a group of members of the public who are interested in keeping informed about what is going on within the Trust as well as being involved in a decision making process by attending different meetings and committees as patient representatives. If you would like to become a member, please get in touch.

Page 3: The White Lion - Lincolnshire County · Issue 509 May 2017 Edited by Stuart Whitcombe 5 Stephenson Close,

KWR SeasonedHardwood Logs

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Stuart Whitcombe

REMBLETo make things tidy DHH

I’m sure you’ll all join me in echoing Derrick Hamilton-Hinds’ words regarding our out-going Parish Clerk, Mr John Hannam. John has made a huge contribution to our community, for which we shall be forever grateful. Looking to the future, let us extend a warm welcome to our new Parish Clerk, Dawn Redmile.As you may have noticed, ULHT have placed an advert in this magazine encouraging engagement with local communities. I urge everyone to take this opportunity to become involved, after all, (and now the sarcasm) an NHS Trust with senior management that allows staffing levels to become so critical that the loss of two staff members elsewhere results in the overnight closure of Grantham A&E, added to this, Lincoln A&E was recently hours from closure due to staff shortages and staff had to be drafted in from neighbouring Trusts plus the fact that ULHT has been once again placed into “special measures” by the CQC, seems to me that the senior management need all the help they can get!

Spotlight on F.O.C.U.S (Friends Of Colsterworth United Societies)

KURLINGWell dear reader good news! I got through the first round of the competition. That’s it really, was knocked out in the second round to Cynthia who is an absolute demon. The score wasn't bad, I got five and Cynthia got, well best keep quiet about that .Anyway, it’s not about winning that counts, it's the taking part (so they say) and the trophy wouldn't go with the rest of my decor.You can tell that the weather is getting warmer. Jane has dispensed with the soft, warmer chairs and we have been relegated to the plastic ones, an excellent way of telling the temperature! Delighted to say, that Vince, who has been poorly for some time, is now on the mend and we look forward to seeing him on Monday mornings.Can I just slip in a few words about Walking Football. This starts again on April 25th. It’s indoors, you don't have to tear up and down on a muddy wet field, it's good exercise and more importantly, Ted will bring chocolate biscuits for tea break. So come along and give it a whirl.LUNCHEON CLUBThe next lunch is on May 17th and is at the White Lion. You can be assured of a warm welcome and good food. Please ring June on 861400 for all the details.






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Thursday May 11th at 10am – 12 middayFollowing the great success of our Monday sessions we are

holding a four week trial extra session.Come along and have a go!

Join our group, we do Kurling and so much more.A cost of £2 per session includes tea, coffee and biscuits.

Page 4: The White Lion - Lincolnshire County · Issue 509 May 2017 Edited by Stuart Whitcombe 5 Stephenson Close,

Women’s InstituteAt our recent meeting, our cup runneth over, five visitors and by the end of the meeting another four new members! We aimed for twenty members by the end of 2017 and we have exceeded our ambition. It seems that the place to be on a Tuesday afternoon is the Sports and Social Club when the W.l. meet. It's the calibre of speakers which must attract, or maybe the cake and company. Whichever it is everyone is welcome with open arms. Talking of speakers, we welcomed back Joyce Lucas from Oakham. She who made us laugh so much when she told us of her exploits photographing “privies”. This time she spoke on “Dewdrops to Torrents”, her photographs on the subject of water were stunning. She, herself, was more impressed with the photo of the dew on a spider's web than the magnificent Niagara Falls though. She gave us further examples of her poetry, even giving us a copy of one written by herself for our centenary, a lovey gesture. A very talented lady is Joyce. Helen Scorror chaired the meeting in the absence of the boss Janet Bennett who was indisposed, and we were given the details of our new committee. We have assistants to our officers now (not had an assistant anything for years). Does this mean that we can have a day off now and again I ask myself (not that we'd want to miss a meeting would we ladies?). Sandra Quinsee gave a report on the trip to the Leicester Buddhist Centre and the Leicester Cathedral to see Richard the Third's resting place and museum. Helen reported on the visit

to Newark theatre to see “Oliver”. Sponsor forms for the Federation anniversary and Institute's appeal were slow to be picked up but sponsors were generous to one which was circulated (thanks ladies, only thirty two hours to go). Bulb orders were collected and arrangements made for the Home Economics Group meeting in May. Federation are putting on an event entitled “Can farming survive Brexit?”. This will take place on the 5th July at Scredington Community Centre. NFU speakers will be Danny O'Shea and Anand Dossa, economist. Following lunch the speaker is Dara O'Doherty an agronomist. If anyone from our local farming community would like to attend they are very welcome. Give me a ring (l'm in the In Touch directory) and I'll get you booked in. Cost, to include coffee on arrival and a seasonal lunch, £10.50 members £11.50 non-members. Bargain! Emergency wash bags continue to come in, “twiddlemitts” not so fast. They do take time to make though. The Federation have received 800 so far and over 500 wash bags. Keep them coming please, the hospitals are very grateful for our efforts. Two of our members visited RAF Digby on the morning of our meeting; advised to put on plenty of woollies and stout walking shoes, they were shown into an indoor room complete with heating and came away sweltering. There will be another chance for those who couldn't go this time to go at a later date (watch out though, you could get the outdoor tour next time). The competition for an item with the initial A brought lots of entries, very ingenious ones too and the winner was such an example of someone thinking outside the box. Jill Whittle, our newest member submitted an Apology by writing the word Sorry which fitted the criteria perfectly. Runner-up was Lynne Patte with a tube of Arnica (the aardvark wouldn't play ball and leave his lair for me).

Flower of the month winner was Rosemarie Everitt with Sandra Quinsee in second place.

If you have seen our new programme you might have noticed that we are celebrating our centenary with a party or “big bash” in August when we are inviting members of National and County Federations and neighbouring Institutes. We would like to extend the invitation to any ex-member of the Institute, so if you would like an invitation please get in touch with me, Dot Williams, as soon as possible and I will send you an invitation. The date of the party is August 15th.

Our next meeting in the meanwhile is on May 16th in the Sports and Social Club at the usual time of two o'clock. We shall be discussing and voting on the two resolutions to be proposed at the National Annual Meeting in Liverpool. Briefing notes were distributed so that we know all about Plastic Soup - microplastic fibres one gets in all sorts of products and end up in the oceans around the globe. And what we can do about alleviating loneliness in the community. We shall also hear how the delegates got on at the Speakers' Corner event and which speakers you would like us to book in the forthcoming year. There will be time for the usual social time with a cuppa and the inevitable cake (perhaps more time than usual). So, why not join us, two o'clock at the Club, see you there then?. Fine.

Dot Williams

Pauline Kelly Bsc Hons

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Our April speaker, Richard Yates, showed us some beautiful slides to illustrate his talk and encouraged us to add variety to our gardens by looking beyond the most common spring bulbs and considering those that bloom in summer and autumn. Richard had run his own plant nursery before his retirement and bought bulbs from specialist suppliers - but he was very conscious that they could be quite costly and urged us to look for them in the high street shops which often had unusual bulbs of good quality at very reasonable prices.Our next meeting, on Monday, May 8th at 7.30, will feature a great friend and supporter of our Association, Kevin Barker, with an evening focussing on very practical topics including the use and care of tools, pruning and garden pests. Kevin was the manager of a local garden centre and is extremely knowledgeable - but also likes to surprise and amuse us. We've been asked to bring a pencil and paper with us on the night so we are waiting to see what he has in store with anticipation!Our competition is for the oldest garden tool to be brought to the Hall - but bringing elderly spouses has been specifically ruled out! As always, visitors are very, very welcome and it will only cost you £3 for a very entertaining evening. Do phone if you'd like any further information - 860312.

Rachel Popham

Little Legs NurseryColsterworth



12 [email protected]

Page 5: The White Lion - Lincolnshire County · Issue 509 May 2017 Edited by Stuart Whitcombe 5 Stephenson Close,

The most interesting bird records have come from the woods — Blackcap, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Green and Greater Spotted Woodpecker, Treecreepers and Nuthatch. Nearer to our homes Buzzards and Red Kites have been circling in pairs on the thermals. Kestrels hovered above the roads and Sparrowhawks took small birds from our gardens. A tame Robin and a Blackbird are among those who will not now be rearing a brood. Hares are still out in the fields and a Leverett reported. A Stoat seen crossing Old Post Lane and Bats seen in gardens on one warmer evening.

To Look For In May A single Swallow was seen on April 15th and others on 17th April. All records of them and House Martins nesting are valuable as are those of Swifts which are the last to return. Will we see Spotted Flycatcher, Cuckoo or Turtle Dove at all this year? The numbers of cuckoo have halved in the last twenty years and there were no records sent in of Turtle Dove in our parishes. As always all amphibian and reptile records are important. The butterflies to look forward to include the Common Blue which breeds on our best roadside verges. I look forward to all your records and observations at 61 Woolsthorpe Road, 860465, e-mail [email protected].

Jane Ostler

By the end of April the Wood Anemones in Tortoiseshell Wood are replaced by a carpet of Bluebells which allow little else to flower between them. They start into growth in the winter, their leaves spearing through the soil. They continue to grow at temperatures below the 1OC needed by many plants. Their leaves become floppy. This is because they have changed their method of growth from producing more cells to elongating the cells already there. Another way they become more efficient in utilising energy is in storing it in a different form in their bulbs which is quicker to release. At the same time they are engineering the soil to support them with the aid of fungi. The fungal threads donate phosphorus in exchange for carbon. Only they can make use of this, so depriving surrounding plants which, above ground, they have overtopped with their leaves. Bluebells are associated with woodland where the damage to them is usually from trampling. There is another threat. The garden Spanish Bluebell has spread into the wild where it hybridises with the native one, threatening extinction. The drawing shows the English Bluebell with flowers along one side and the edges of the petals turned back.

In other parts of Tortoiseshell Wood Twayblade Orchids and Wild Garlic have flowered. Cowslips are abundant on the verges. Each

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plant has its own tale to tell.

Colder days and night frosts have reduced butterfly sightings. Orange Tips, Speckled Woods, Small Whites and Commas were in smaller numbers and only one record of a Holly Blue. On the warmer days many Tawny Bees and the Bee Fly whose larvae parasitise their larvae, were seen flying. Unfortunately as well as 7-Spot Ladybirds , Harlequin Ladybirds came out of hibernation from buildings. In spite of a bird box being cleared of Earwigs, they have returned as have the Blue Tits which continue to feed on them.


Merle Dekanski MIAATAnimal Physiotherapistphone: 07855 724359email: [email protected]

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Home 01476 861862Mobile 07590 [email protected]

Page 6: The White Lion - Lincolnshire County · Issue 509 May 2017 Edited by Stuart Whitcombe 5 Stephenson Close,

ü Full and Intermediate Service.ü MOT £45 - No re-test fee.

Only £35 if booked with a full service.

ü All aspects of mechanical work undertaken to cars & light commercial vehicles.

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The Bypass, Colsterworth

Colsterworth Cricket Club

Colsterworth Cricket Club are looking for players this for

coming Season

If interested call Andy on 07583301342

LITTERWould all users of the new Colster Way park and the Nature Trail try to help to keep them free from litter. Please use the bins provided or take it home.


Applica�ons are invited for the posi�on of Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer to Skillington Parish Council.The successful candidate will have good computer skills, a knowledge of basic book-keeping, be prepared to work on a flexible basis from home and a�end evening mee�ngs on a monthly basis.

The role will involve administra�ve, financial and legal du�es on behalf of the Council, which is the lowest �er of government and covers the area of Skillington Parish, and in its role as Burial Authority for the Sproxton Road Cemetery.

Training will be given, as necessary, and a hand over period is planned.

The salary will be based on the current Na�onal Associa�on of Local Council scales and will be based on a no�onal 4.5 hours per week.

Start date by arrangement, but not later than 1st June 2017.

For a full job descrip�on and terms of employment please contact: Mrs Vicky Page, Parish Clerk and RFO, Skillington Parish Council, The Old School, Colsterworth Road, Skillington, Lincs. NG33 5HFTel: 01476 330281 e-mail:

[email protected]

Sir Isaac Newton Memorial Hall and the Co-Op Local Community Fund

Thanks to the generosity of villagers and members of the Co-Op, the Village Hall has been presented with a cheque for £896.03 from the Co-Op Community Fund. This wouldn't have been possible without all those who signed up and nominated the Village Hall for a share of the fund and we are most grateful. The cash will go towards the cost of the new central heating system, recently installed. We are already included in the next scheme and we urge everyone to sign up and support us again as we are hoping to re-vamp the kitchen. Remember, the Village Hall belongs to everyone who lives locally.Many thanksThe Chairman and Committee Members of the Village Hall.

Roy Castle Lung Foundation

The Casino Night at the White Lion last month raised the sum of £366. Many thanks go to Madeleine & Dave, Claire & Steve, Andy, Ian & Barbara and the generous patrons who took part.

William JacksonPearl Jackson and family would like to thank everyone who gave donations in memory of her late husband William. The sum of £328.30 was received for Cancer Research. Thank you.Pearl Jackson

Coffee Morningat

10 Meadow Close ColsterworthThursday 18th May 2017

10:00 – 13:00Come and have a cup of coffeeand get to know different people

in the neighbourhood All ages very welcome

Wanted“As new” clothing for the stall

at the annual village fete at Millfields on July 1st.

Contact Chris & Peter on01476 860293

Bowls Club Fence

Thanks to the generosity of the village groups, council and members we now have a new fence at the Bowls Club. I would like to give a big thanks on behalf of the Bowls Club to Mick Needham, Bill Walsh, Stuart Hatkins, Mike Warner, David Hotchin and John “The Mole” Hincks for the help in erecting the said fence.

Barrie Grosse chairman / secretary Bowls Club.

This is a message on behalf of

Grantham & District NHW AssociationOur AGM will be held on

Tuesday 16th May 2017 atWalton Girls High School, Kitty Briggs

Lane, Grantham. NG31 7JRCommencing at 7pm

If you wish to attend please respond to this message so that a seat can be

reserved for you.Please note that an election of the Committee and its Officers will take

place. Nominations for: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer

to me by 9th May 2017Following the business meeting there

will be guest speakers - TBCRefreshments will be available.All co-ordinators, members and

associates are welcome to attend.We look forward to seeing you on 16th May.

Helen Bill – Chair – [email protected] 01476 861399

Five allotments available on

Stamford Road Get growing for the new

season! Taste the difference!

Only £15 per year

Contact the Parish Clerk for details





[email protected]

Page 7: The White Lion - Lincolnshire County · Issue 509 May 2017 Edited by Stuart Whitcombe 5 Stephenson Close,

East Midlands StovesWood and multi-fuel stoves supplied

and fitted. Chimneys lined, stoves serviced. Contact Robin

on 01476 860660or 07970182171

Castlegate Practice @ Buckminster

Mark Duffree, M.Med.Sci. D.O. Registered Osteopath

Laura Daniels, MSc MCSP MMACPChartered Physiotherapist

Buckminster YardBuckminsterGrantham

Lincs NG33 5SA

Tel: 01476 590845Email: [email protected]

Pearl Wedding ServicesChauffeur driven Wedding car hire

Modern or Classic carsArrive in style and turn heads in our

White Jaguar XF or Morris minor conver�ble

Based in Colsterworth LincsCovering surrounding towns and villages

For a quote Call Cliff [email protected]

The HiveInspira�onal flowers for all occasions

Weddings, BirthdaysAnniversaries, Christenings

Or just because!Specialising in Bridal flowers and Venue

8 Stamford Road, Colsterworth, Grantham NG33 5JD

07816 [email protected]

Samantha Strudwick MCFHP MAFHP Registered Foot Health professional

I am a registered foot health professional I have over 15 years NHS nursing experience and offer a

friendly and professional home visiting practice within a 15 mile radius of Grantham.

Treatments include•Diabetic foot care • Painful corns

•Hard skin removal •Nail thickening •Nail trimming {including hands} •Fungal nail infections • Ingrowing toenails •Verrucae •Medi-Pedi

Please telephone me on 07835307552 or email [email protected] for more information and appointments.

The Retiring Clerk, John Hannam A word or two of thanks to the retiring Parish Clerk, John Hannam, from Derrick Hamilton- Hinds. Having worked closely with John up and till last May, I was in the best position to observe him at work. When tasked by the Parish Council to negotiate with the CEO of David Wilson Homes, now owned by Barretts, on the building of the now named Newton Grange estate I saw with my own eyes how professionally and impressively he dealt with Managing Director of DWH resulting in an agreement to give the Parish Council many thousands of pounds of money to be spent locally.

John is a hands on person and would muck in to get a job done like the preparation of the bus shelter for the school children's murals.

Further back we became aware that the Old Post Lane Cemetery would be full in the near future so there was a need for an extension. An extension was negotiated and gifted by Colsterworth Estates. Much more work was involved in organising the fencing and preparing the land for burials in the future.

The Colster Way Green was promised to the Parish Council in a Section 106 agreement over 30 years ago but the developers went into receivership. The SKDC Legal Department dragged its feet in sorting it out, and it was only in the last couple of years that John convinced SKDC that we would all be better off giving responsibility for the land to the Parish Council.

The old dismantled Railway Line was offered to the Parish Council by LincWaste, but there were dangers for the PC if its structures in any way failed and it might be a great expense to the Parish. FCC, the successors to LincWaste, were reluctant to gift the land to the Parish. The Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust pulled out of obtaining the west end of the line. John then negotiated a long lease with FCC where they would still retain responsibility for the embankment and the River Witham culvert which goes under it. The Nature Trail is now maintained by an enthusiastic group of volunteers for the benefit of all Parishioners.

Above is just a taster of what John has achieved for the Parishes, in all, we have benefited by over £200,000 in land and money from John's time as the Parish Clerk... much more than he has cost in salary.

Thank you JohnDerrick Hamilton-Hinds

The July 2017 issue of In TouchPlease note that due to holidays, July’s issue of In Touch will arrive 3 to 4 days later than normal. If you have events planned for the first week of July, then please forward

them so that they can be put into the June issue. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Page 8: The White Lion - Lincolnshire County · Issue 509 May 2017 Edited by Stuart Whitcombe 5 Stephenson Close,


Sports & Social Club

Now Showing Sky & BT Sports

Function Room Availablefor Parties, Meetings, Receptions

Call Rose on 860487for details, bookings


COLSTERWORTH VILLAGE HALLFor your Party, Meeting, Conference,

Wedding Reception.We offer Large Hall, Good Parking,

Kitchen, Performance Stage.With Newly installed-Mood Lighting,

Free Wi-Fi.

Call Eileen 01476 860459

Colsterworth Methodist Church

Minister: Rev’d Ian Worrall142 Princess Drive, Grantham, NG31 9PYTel: 01476 564191Email: [email protected] Contact: Pamela Harrison - 01476 861864A warm welcome to all our services and events


Contact Katie Addlesee 01476 247017 or Jane Hawksworth [email protected] Village Hall matters and bookings


May 2017Date Time Service Preacher Flowers

7th 10.30am Morning Worship John Eagles Gill Dexter14th 10.30am Morning Worship Mike Ward-Barrow Helen Scorror21st 10.30am Morning Worship Ray Hinch Alison Thulborn28th 10.30am Morning Worship Brian Jacklin Cheryl Sutcliffe

Open Door – 10th & 24th May 11am - 1.00pm - Please call in at any time for Friendship, Morning Coffee, Take-Aways, Light Lunches and the Charity Shop.Christian Aid Lunch – Thank you everyone who supported this event. A donation of £197 was sent to Christian Aid.Joint Churches Garden Fete and Classic Car Show – Saturday 1st July from 2 – 4pm at Millfield, Back Lane. Any village organisation interested in having a stall at the event, please contact Pamela Harrison on 01476 861864 for more details.

Villages Diary 2017May Tue 2nd 10am Coffee Morning 41 Colster Way

7:30pm Parish Council Colsterworth Village Hall Mon 8th 7:30pm Garden Club Colsterworth Village Hall Tue 9th 1:30pm-3:30pm Art Group Colsterworth Village HallWed 10th 11am-1pm Open Door Methodist ChurchMon 15th 8pm Book Club The White LionTue 16th 2pm Women’s Institute Sports & Social ClubThu 18th 10am-1pm Coffee Morning 10 Meadow CloseSat 20th 7pm Chapel Anniversary Methodist ChurchMon 22nd 10:30-11:00 Mobile Library Newton Court 11:15-11:45 Bourne RoadTue 23rd 1:30pm-3:30pm Art Group Colsterworth Village HallWed 24th 11am-1pm Open Door Methodist Church

JULYSat 1st Joint Churches Garden Fete and Classic Car Show

The Parish Church of St John the Baptist Colsterworth

The parish church of Isaac Newton's family

Our rector, Rev Eric Lomax has moved to a newministry at All Saints, Kempston in the Diocese of StAlbans. Pending the appointment of a new rector, please contact any of the people below.

Peter Smith 860218

Simon Jowitt 07903 390151

Peter de Voil 860811

Hazel Taylor 860605

Peter Baldock 860293

Jenny Rose 861468

William Rose 861468

Hilary Winstanley 861160

The church is open during daylight hours for visitors, meditation and private prayers.


Church Wardens



PCC Members

Mondays 9am-3pm Pre-school Methodist Hall

10am-noon Kurling Village Hall

5.30-7pm Brownies Village Hall

7.15pm Bell Ringers Church

Tuesdays 9am-3pm Pre-school Methodist Hall

10-11am Walking Football Village Hall

6-7pm Yoga Village Hall

Wednesdays 9am-3pm Pre-school Methodist Hall

11.30am-12.30pm Vitality Movement and Music Village Hall

2nd & 4th wks 11am-1pm Open Door Methodist Church

7.30-8.30pm Bootcamp Village Hall

Thursdays 9am-3pm Pre-school Methodist Hall

Term time 5.30-7pm Beavers/Cubs Village Hall

Fridays 9am-3pm Pre-school Methodist Hall

7.30-9.30pm Weekly Bingo Sports & Social Club

Saturdays 10am-12 Football Coaching Sports Field


Copy for next month’s issue of In Touch must arrive by noon on Wednesday 24th May 2017

Email contributions to [email protected] The deadline date is final and copy may not be included if there is a shortage of space.

Please submit your copy as early as possible.Images and/or artwork submitted in digital formats MUST be at a resolution of 300dpi.

Ensure that you put your contact details on any submission. Send or deliver hard copy to 5 Stephenson Close, Colsterworth NG33 5GP (Tel:07773 230815).

Remember to give dates of future meetings if you want them to appear in the Villages’ Diary.The Publishers accept no responsibility for goods or services advertised for sale in this magazine.

The acceptance of advertising does not in any way imply that the advertiser is endorsed by the Publishers.Published by Colsterworth and District Parish Council 2017

Tuesday 2nd 10am Coffee Morning at 41 Colster Way courtesy of Chris and Peter Baldock Sunday 7th 11am Group Holy Communion at Stoke RochfordSunday 14th 11am Morning PrayerSunday 21st 11am Holy CommunionSunday 28th 11am Morning Prayer



Saturday 6th May 10am – 12noonSaturday 13th May 10am – 12noonSaturday 20th May 10am – 12noonSaturday 27th May 10am – 12noon

Remember to take advantage of using thepolice office if you have anycommunity/neighbourhood

queries or concerns.Helen Bill – Police Support Volunteer


Reports indicate that there's beenan increase in unwanted callers.

BE AWARE of phone callers.Simply say NO!

Don't communicate any further and NEVER divulge any personal details.

BE AWARE of doorstep callers.DON’T open the door to anyone unknown to you. An open door is an invitation to enter. Ensure doors, front and back, are locked at all times.


Helen BillNeighbourhood Watch