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CHERRY WILLINGHAM NEWS – September 2011 Condensed version – (text only, no adverts) INDEX – Newsletter September 2011 1. Cherry Willingham Gardening Club 2. Cherry Willingham Ladies Group 3. Cherry Willingham W I – none this month due to holidays 4. Parish Council news 5. Knit and Natter Coffee Morning 6. Ladies Breakfast 7. Ladies Tea Club 8. The Local Men’s Breakfast 9. Lincoln Lions 10. Editor’s Notes - Due to space there are no notes this month. 11. Reepham Methodist Church 12. Gordon Wilkins - obituary 13. Age UK Lindsey – Fit as a Fiddle Group 14. Cherry Willingham Twinning Association 15. Tots on Tour – ‘Growing Talk’ 16. 3V’s Art Group 17. CW and Reepham Short Mat Bowls 18. Fairtrade Coffee Morning 19. Special Families Club 20. Willow Court Care Home 21. Cherry Willingham Bowls Club – 2 Draws (results) 22. Mother’s UNION 23. Greetwell Church – Art Exhibition 24. Cherry Willingham Methodist Church

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CHERRY WILLINGHAM NEWS – September 2011Condensed version – (text only, no adverts)

INDEX – Newsletter September 2011

1. Cherry Willingham Gardening Club

2. Cherry Willingham Ladies Group

3. Cherry Willingham W I – none this month due to holidays

4. Parish Council news

5. Knit and Natter Coffee Morning

6. Ladies Breakfast

7. Ladies Tea Club

8. The Local Men’s Breakfast

9. Lincoln Lions

10. Editor’s Notes - Due to space there are no notes this month.

11. Reepham Methodist Church

12. Gordon Wilkins - obituary

13. Age UK Lindsey – Fit as a Fiddle Group

14. Cherry Willingham Twinning Association

15. Tots on Tour – ‘Growing Talk’

16. 3V’s Art Group

17. CW and Reepham Short Mat Bowls

18. Fairtrade Coffee Morning

19. Special Families Club

20. Willow Court Care Home

21. Cherry Willingham Bowls Club – 2 Draws (results)

22. Mother’s UNION

23. Greetwell Church – Art Exhibition

24. Cherry Willingham Methodist Church

25. The Vine Community Church

26. Curate’s farewell Letter

27. Church Services

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28. Cherry Willingham Community Choir

29. New Guide Group

30. Forget-me-not (and Coffee Morning).

31. CW Village Hall – Draw results and Table-Top Sale

32. Police Advice – none this month but contact details included

33. Nettleham Medical Practice Notices

34. The Cherry Players and CATs

35. Cherry Cherubs Holiday Club

36. CW Children’s Centre

37. Reepham Cricket Club – August report

38. Royal Observer Corps – ‘Yellow Belly Reunion’

39. Scramblers Toddler’s Group

40. Teddy Bear Picnic


TOTAL 28 pages

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Hello folks, we hope you all enjoyed your Summer break and are ready for the Autumn session. Looking around the village, it seems that most people have had a rewarding year garden-wise. Remember to keep on dead-heading your flowers to prolong their "blooming period".

We meet again on Wednesday, 28 Sept. when our guest speaker Allison Walling will talk to us about...

"Working with Willow"

As usual, the meetings are held in the Church Hall on High Street with a 7.30 p.m. start. Hope to see you all there. Till then, happy gardening..

For more info, ring Alan Walker on 750349

2. CHERRY WILLINGHAM LADIES GROUPNext Meeting: 7.30pm September 7th in the Church Hall.Our guest is Stefan Novak and Guide Dog, Grant.The topic is: ‘Guide Dogs for the Blind’ Membership is due: £5 per year (over 80’s £4).Refreshments:£1 per evening for members, (non-member £2 per meeting).New members always welcome!

3. CHERRY WILLINGHAM WINothing submitted this month.

4. News & Messages from Your Parish CouncilEmergency Planning

The Council has been reflecting on the experience of last winter and the on-going risk of flooding and is looking for your assistance. Legal responsibility for responding rests with the County and District Councils but we want to do what we can to supplement their roles.

Firstly, we are looking for a volunteer Flood Warden for the village who can monitor potential emergencies and coordinate local response. No experience is necessary as training is available. The successful applicant will be supplied with appropriate equipment. You must take a keen

interest in village affairs and be willing to keep a watchful eye out for flooding possibilities.

Secondly, we were aware of the fact that some residents were particularly vulnerable during last winter’s extreme weather. We would like to set up an informal group of volunteers who would be willing to offer assistance in emergency to these residents by e.g. shopping for them or simply ensuring that they are OK. Could you be one of these volunteers?

For more information, or to volunteer, please contact the Parish Clerk (see below).

Lottery Grant to Develop Cherry Willingham’s ‘Hidden’ Heritage

The aims of this funded project include providing a historical legacy for the residents of the village before all traces of its history disappear;

encouraging our young people to learn about their village home and its history; and maintaining a

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healthy pond and surrounding area for the benefit of e.g. the great crested newt as a protected species.We have the commitment of the schools to work us on this and want to set up an advisory group to support this activity. If you have knowledge of/are

interested in the history and/or ecology of the village, would you be willing to be part of this group? For more information, or to volunteer, please contact the Parish Clerk.

Hedges Obstructing PavementsThe Members of the Council are extremely concerned at the number of hedges, shrubs and trees at the front of properties in the village which are unlawfully intruding onto the pavement. They believe that these cause a serious safety problem especially for users of wheelchairs and pushchairs and for those with sight limitations. Members wish to stress that they don’t want to take heavy-handed action but must act to protect the interests of vulnerable residents.The pavements are the property of Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) which has the powers to act to resolve these obstructions. Members have resolved to adopt the following course of action whenever such an obstruction is identified/notified to them:- The Parish Clerk will send a letter to the householder(s) on behalf of the Council expressing its

concern and requesting that the householder(s) take steps within the next six weeks to cut back the offending item to the inner line of the pavement or inform the Council of any problems in dealing with it.

This will be monitored and failure to act means that the Council will notify the appropriate officers at LCC who will write to the householder(s) again giving them a period to remedy the matter.

Failure to do so means that LCC will exercise its powers to undertake the work themselves and to bill the householder(s) for the work.

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Other Matters Vacancy on the Council: If you are passionate about living in Cherry Willingham, have

some time and skills to offer, are over 18 and have lived in the village for more than twelve months, please give some thought to putting yourself forward to be co-opted as a Councillor. To apply, please submit a letter to the Millennium Hall for the attention of the Clerk. This should indicate your connection with the village, any particular interests you have in the life of the village and detail the skills and experience you have to offer. This must be received by Monday 12 September. Applications will be considered by the Council on the 19th and all applicants notified shortly afterwards. If you want to know more before making a decision to apply, please contact the Parish Clerk.

Fiskerton Road: You may have noticed that the promised reduction in the speed limit to 40 mph has been implemented. Both the Police and Road Safety Partnership have agreed to monitor the effect of this over the next couple of months. We have been informed that an engineering solution has been suggested which would allow the construction of the ‘missing footpath’ from the bottom of Lady Meers Road towards Church Lane. We continue to work with the County Council on these issues.

Grants to Village Organisations: Through the precept we have a pot of £1,000 for 2011/12 to be accessed by voluntary groups serving the village. You will have to demonstrate that your request will benefit local residents. The maximum sum per grant will normally be £100. Further information from the Parish Clerk.

Meetings of the Council: At the Millennium Hall at 7.30 p.m. on 19 September and 17 October. You can raise issues at the commencement of these but cannot speak once the formal business is under way, although you are welcome to stay. It is helpful if questions to be raised are notified in advance of the meeting to the Parish Clerk so that a response can be prepared.

Contacting us: Cathy Ruston, our Parish Clerk, works part-time but can be contacted as follows: by phone on 01522 753398 (answerphone available), by letter to the Millennium Hall, in person at the Hall between 1.30 & 2.30 p.m. on Tuesdays or 10 to 11 a.m. on Fridays (subject to operational requirements) or by e-mail to Cathy at [email protected].


We hope that everyone has had a good summer. If life is a little flat now after the holidays why not join us at Knit and Natter at the Church Hall High Street, Cherry Willingham at 2pm. on alternate Wednesdays.September meetings are on the 14th and 28th. Bring any knitting you may have on the go or  just join us for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat.

6. LADIES BREAKFASTS September 3rd, 8 45 am, Rosie Lea Cafe, The Parade, Cherry Willingham,Ladies, come and join us for a full English Breakfast.Make new friends and meet up with old ones.

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Listen to a Christian speaker.Cost £5. Ring Ann on 01522800209 before Sept. 1st to book a place.

7. LADIES TEA CLUB In June we had a Coffee Morning which was very successful. July saw us enjoying a Faith Tea and a ‘Guess Who?’ game. Members brought snaps of themselves when young and of course there was much laughter at some of the answers. Sandra Gardner came along to receive our cheque for £150 which was raised at the Coffee Morning. We also gave a cheque for £150 to the Special Families Club in the village. To end our meeting we had a quiz provided by Margaret Coates. September sees us at our Annual Garden Party held at Laburnum Drive on the 19th at 2pm.all members and friends welcome.


The Local Men’s Breakfast

When – Saturday 17th September Where – Rosie Lea Café, The Parade, Cherry Willingham Time – 8.45am for 9.00 start.  Finish by 10.00 Cost - £5, payable when you arrive.

 Come along and enjoy a full English breakfast, meet old friends, make new friends and listen to a short talk from Andy Burrows a Methodist minister and former Salvation Army Officer. All men are most welcome.To book a place, or places, please email Neil French Tel: 753432, [email protected], or John Pycock john.pycock@btopenworld by Tuesday 13th September. Numbers are limited so please book early to ensure a place.

  9. LINCOLN LIONS Lions Launch New Programme 

Lincoln Lions have launched their programme of events for the new Club year which starts on 1st July.  The programme covers events that have proved so popular with the local public over the years, some events that have been launched recently and some brand new programmes. 

In the first category are our colourful duck races from the Brayford to Waterside, our participation in the Lincoln Steam rally, our peace poster competition, young ambassador and young people in service projects, our famous stall at the Lincoln Christmas market where we sell lanterns and cakes, and our Santa's Sleigh which will once again be out at local supermarkets. In the second category, we aim to be running the Wrinkly Rockers concert again, holding

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our alternative race nights for local organisations, supporting the Lincoln 10k and with the City Council running the "Silver Arrow" award.

 Finally our new events will include a youth cycling challenge for the under 16s, student mentoring, participating in a Lions International project to plant 1 million trees in the World, and running an awareness event on World Sight Day. 

We extend an invitation to anyone who would like to get involved in the above programme as well as enjoy our extensive social programme to ring Lincoln Lions  on 0845 8339852 or check our website out at www.lincoln.lions105e.org.uk  . 

Paul Stafford

10. EDITOR’S NOTESDue to increased input after a month’s break there is little space so no notes included this month.

11. Reepham Methodist Church

We invite you to join us at the Church for Coffee (or tea) and Chat

between 10 and 11.30 a.m. on Saturday 17 September.

Homemade cakes. FairTrade goods. Free but any donations will go towards charity.

For further details, please phone 750530.


June and family would like to thank everyone for their kind support during Gordon's illness, and for giving him such a great send off at the Crematorium and at The Cherry Tree.

Donations to 'Cancer Research UK' totalled £662

June Wilkins

13. AGE U.K. LINDSEY ‘Fit as a Fiddle Group’ – over 50’s

2nd and 4th Thursdays. 2pm in the Church HallNintendo Wii – New Age Curling – Indoor Soft Bowls – Movement to Music

Meet friends - make new ones – Chat – have funLadies and Gents. Cost £1

Contact Pat Sellwood 754584 or Roy Percy 750155

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After the hectic visit by our French friends it was July 16th before our next event, an 'At Home' at Roy and Jean Trahearne's, where 25 Twinners enjoyed a convivial evening's nattering, with drinks, nibbles and a Harry Potter quiz. August 17th saw our annual barbeque in Ken's garden - always popular, 41 members turned up this year including two French members who were here visiting their friends in Cherry. The weather was very kind, as it usually is for our Barbie, and it was a very enjoyable evening. Our next event is a bowling evening in early October - for more details contact John on 595173 or Annette on 825910.

15. TOTS ON TOUR - “Growing Talk”!

Helping all children become confident communicators in 2011, The National Year of Communication

2011 is designated the National Year of Communication and has been supported by the HELLO campaign. This campaign aims to increase understanding of how important it is for children and young people to develop good communication skills. In the 21st century, the ability to communicate - to say what you want to say and to understand what other people are saying - is fundamental. Speech, language and communication underpins everything we do in life. Babbling babies do not become talkative toddlers by chance. Everyone is involved in encouraging children’s early talk and communication, especially families and carers.

Tots on Tour-established locally in 2002-is supporting the Hello campaign. The aim of our work is to help all children become confident communicators. The Tots on Tour Growing Talk programme offered in a variety of children centres, is a lively programme of engaging activities, songs and rhymes for families/carers and their tots to share together. The activities are planned to provide fun ways to encourage talk and help children develop the important skills of listening, interaction and communication. All carers are welcome; mums, dads, grandparents, child-minders etc. Toddling Tots Walking - 2 years groups are available in Cherry Willingham at the Children’s Centre on Monday mornings 10.15-11.30am during term time.

All children are different and respond to the activities differently. The sessions are planned but we follow the children’s interests and respond to their ideas which means anything can happen in a Tots on Tour session!

For more information on the Hello campaign visit hello.org.uk

For further information on the Growing Talk programme visit the website www.totsontour.co.uk or find us on Facebook.

Book now for a place in the Autumn term call 01522 529537 or the

Cherry Willingham Children’s Centre on 01522 595980

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16. 3V’s Art Group

Feeling Arty? Why not join the 3Vs Art Group?We have vacancies, whatever your standard, beginner or advanced (help will be given if needed). All mediums.Thursdays 6.30 – 8.30pm in Reepham Methodist Hall.Free parking spaces. £3 per evening, including Tea or Coffee.Phone Marion 01522 853145


The short mat season will commence this year on Friday, 2 September 2011, 2.00-4.00 pm. Everyone welcome especially potential new members.

Please note that roll-ups will be on Wednesday (instead of Tuesday) and Friday afternoons this year following a request from a dance class which has been using the Hall on Tuesday afternoons and wishes to continue the sessions. As most of our league matches are on Tuesday evenings, this may be more convenient for league bowlers.

Evening roll-ups will continue on Sundays, 7.00-9.00 pm.

Maureen Wilson - Secretary


Our next coffee morning will be held on Saturday, 10 September from 10 am in the Church Hall. We look forward to seeing you for a cup of coffee, home-made cake and a friendly chat. You will also be able to browse our Fair Trade stall. Thank you to everyone who has supported us over the last six months. We were very pleased to have a representative from the Cherry Willingham LIVES First Responders at our July coffee morning when we presented a cheque for £408. This money will be used to buy equipment and provide training for our local First Responders and was very gratefully received.

19. SPECIAL FAMILIES CLUB - (founded in 1989)

A Social Support Group for the less able-bodied and carers. The group meets in the Church Hall, High Street, Cherry Willingham, on alternate Tuesday evenings between 7.30 and 9.30pm.

The group organises:

Social Evenings/Evenings out/Trips in summer (funds permitting)

We are supported by `Carers Connect`.

New members always welcome. For more information call;

Margaret, 01522 751628

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Cyndy: 01522 804828.

Upcoming Events this month

Aug 30th - Bingo (Church Hall).

Sept 13th - no club due to members holidays.

Sept.27th – Church Hall meeting as usual 7.30-9.30pm.

The club enjoyed a very good trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park – thanks to donations given to the Society.A trip Bowling on the 16th August was also funded by donations.The Society wishes to thank those concerned in making these trips possible.Margaret & Cindy, (on behalf of all).


We would like to thank everyone who supported our Summer Fayre on 26th June. We had a lovely sunny day and raised just over £480 for our Residents Fund. Special thanks to Wilkinson’s Butchers, Rosie Lea and Reepham Post Office for their generous donations towards the raffle.


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Our first meeting after the summer break will be the Deanery Service held at St Faith’s Church, West Parade, Lincoln, on Wednesday 15th September at 7.30 pm. Anyone who requires transport please let Ann know. (751095)

Seven members attended The Mary Summer House Open Day in London and had a very interesting and informative day. The House is behind Westminster Abbey so members walked from Trafalgar Square and down Whitehall and enjoyed many sights of London.

Mary Summer founded the Mother’s Union in 1876. The Society went on to encircle the globe. Worldwide membership today amounts to over 4 million. Mary Summer’s personal prayer is ;’All this day, O Lord, let me touch as many lives as possible for thee, and every life I touch, do thy, by my spirit quicken, whether through the word I speak, the prayer I breathe, or the life I live. Amen’.

Everyone is welcome to our meetings. All enquiries to Anne (856588), Ann (751095) or any member.


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24. CHERRY WILLINGHAM METHODIST CHURCH. http://www.cherrywillingham.org.uk/methodists

Sunday Services

Our services start at 10:30am and are normally held in the Main Hall at the Community School.

Sep 4th - Rev Mark Lawrence - Holy Communion

Sep 11th Roger Smith

Sep 18th David Stubbs

Sep 25th Rev Mark Lawrence

This will be a United Harvest Service and will be held in the Farm Barn on the High Street

Sep 18th 3pm-4.30pm at Fiskerton Village Hall: the special monthly meeting for adults with learning disabilities

Can’t make a Sunday? Then join us on another day…..

Every Tuesday, at 8pm: a group meets at 10 Belwood Grange, the home of the Stubbs family, to study the bible together. A good place to ask questions in a relaxed atmosphere. All very welcome

Last Friday evening in the month: “Solo” group for ladies-a mixture of crafts and social activities, also at the Stubbs home.

For more details please contact:

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Rev Mark Lawrence 754618

David & Dianne Stubbs 752062

or Steph Morris 808751


What makes the sun to rise? - The power of God.

What makes the seed to grow? - The love of God

What makes the wind to blow? - The Spirit of God

Power of God protect us. Love of God lead us. Spirit of God strengthen us. In all of life and all creation.David Adam

25. THE VINE COMMUNITY CHURCH Serving Cherry Willingham, Reepham and FiskertonWhat’s on in September?

All the services are family & youth friendly with a vibrant children programme- coffee served from 10:45.

Sunday Services for September4th Sept Reepham and Cherry Willingham Village Hall11th Sept Fiskerton Village Hall18th Sept Fiskerton Village Hall25th Sept Reepham and Cherry Willingham Village Hall2nd Oct Reepham and Cherry Willingham Village Hall

Connect groups Connect groups provide a social setting for you to connect with church life, develop your faith and provide opportunities for helping the community. Monday 11am & Tuesday 8pm in Fiskerton, Wednesdays 8pm in Cherry Willingham

God’s Girls for 6-11yrs is fortnightly on Mondays in Fiskerton. A time of fun friends and learning about God.

THE MIX for all 12-17’s -loads of exciting activities on FridaysA new programme of events will be starting this September


This July, a team of six people from the Vine Community Church went to Kombewa, Kenya to visit friends and church partners. We have partnered in various projects there to date, including the provision of boreholes, school desks, uniforms and toilets, and buying land to make available allotments for poor widows, together with seeds for growing their own food. We saw all of these except the seeds which were now a field of very healthy maize. We also visited the school in Akala which we support, saw the various projects, spent time with the churches of the area, talking to leader about the needs of the people and projects that would help lift them out of poverty into a sustainable independent lifestyle. Then it was on to Nairobi for a few days working with abandoned

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babies and children in the babies' home and The Ark children's home. It was great that the children remembered those of us that had gone 2 years ago and told us how much they enjoyed getting letters from the children at the Vine Church.

Of course since then we have all seen how bad the drought in East Africa has become and The Vine has sent a substantial donation to the New Life Homes and St Barnabas Trust to help with a feeding programme for those suffering, knowing that the money will go swiftly and directly to those in need. If you too would like to contribute to please contact Rev Veronica Podbury.

For more details of any of these events visit www.thevinecommunitychurch.org.uk or Telephone Rev. V Podbury on 872011

26. From Peter Collins as he leaves usI cannot believe its four years ago this month that we moved to Fiskerton. We remember following the removal van up the A46 Fosse Way beneath gathering clouds, and arriving at Fiskerton as the enveloping grey swallowed the last bit of blue. Grey became black as it began to rain. No gentle summer rain, instead the heavens opened and it pelted down, in bucket loads, for days. A stream appeared, flowing from the field above the Rectory down through the garden under the hedge, and into next doors kitchen.

The ditches flooded, water spouted from road drains and around manhole covers. A lake appeared in the middle of Fiskerton, and a river in what had once been Chapel Lane. We stood miserably at the window watching a saturated world outside. My daughters asked, ‘Dad, why have you brought us here?’ Then the electricity went off.

But one day the rain stopped, the sun appeared, and we fell in love. We fell in love with Lincolnshire, the people and countryside, villages and market towns, city and Cathedral. This is a beautiful county, a place we will deeply miss as we move back down the A46.

In August I will be licensed in Leicester Diocese to serve six parishes of the Upper Wreake, a rural area west of Melton Mowbray. These are sad times as we prepare to leave, but also exciting times as we face changes, new challenges, and a God who is full of surprises!

Thank you for your love and support, your friendship and kindness that have helped us to embrace and enjoy Lincolnshire life. Thank you for allowing me to serve you as curate, to grow in my Christian discipleship through you, and to encounter the Spirit very much at work within you.

In Christ




With ALL SAINTS, GREETWELLPriest in Charge: Rev. Penny Green 01522 595596

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Associate Priest : Rev. Sue Bradley Curate: Rev. Peter Collins Curate: Rev. Carol Bason Churchwardens: Mr. Christopher Bason 753282 & Mrs. Peggy Drakes 750279Greetwell Churchwardens : Mrs. Carol Curtis 752500 & Mr. Len Parrot 751218Church Hall Bookings : Mrs. Sandra Gardner 01522 752513There is now a website for all four churches/three parishes covered by the Benefice of South Lawreshttp://lincoln.ourchurchweb.org.uk/southlawres/


Church Hall Cherry 8.00 a.m Holy CommunionFiskerton 9.15 a.m. Holy CommunionReepham 9.15 a.m. Morning WorshipGreetwell 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion

WEDNESDAY 7th SEPTEMBERReepham 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion SUNDAY 11th SEPTEMBER

Church Hall Cherry 8.00 a.m. Morning WorshipFiskerton 9.15 a.m. Morning WorshipReepham 9.15 a.m. Holy CommunionCherry Church Hall 10.45 p.m. Holy Communion

WEDNESDAY 14TH SEPTEMBERCherry Church Hall 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion

SUNDAY 18th SEPTEMBER Cherry Church Hall 8.00 a.m. Holy CommunionFiskerton 9.15 a.m. Holy CommunionReepham 9.15 a.m. Family WorshipCherry at Greetwell 10.45 am. Holy CommunionReepham Methodist 6.30 p.m. Harvest Praise

WEDNESDAY 21st SEPTEMBERCherry Church Hall 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion

SATURDAY 24TH SEPTMEBERCherry Church Hall 7.00 p.m. Harvest Praise &


SUNDAY 25th SEPTEMBER Cherry at Reepham 8.00 a.m. Morning WorshipFiskerton 9.15 am Morning WorshipReepham 10.30 am Holy CommunionCherry Willingham 10.30 am Barn Service

WEDNESDAY 28th SEPTEMBERReepham 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion

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Services at GRAND LUCE

Monday 5th SEPTEMBER 10.30 am Morning Worship

Monday 19th SEPTEMBER 10.30 am Holy Communion

Services at WILLOW COURT

Tuesday 13th SEPTEMBER 10.30 am Holy Communion

Roof Project – Latest news

You must have noticed that the church has a covering tent protecting it from the weather. We’ve started, at long last. The old lead has been removed, and carted away, and detailed investigations on the timbering have shown we have rot – both kinds – and death watch beetle. So lots to do there.

We have also found the cupola to be a bit more wobbly than anticipated so we will have to have a (conservation!) structural engineer have a look at it and pronounce on what is to be done to key it all in again. Both our architect, and the one from English Heritage, don’t seem to think it’s a terribly big problem. They get used to these things of course but to the worried lay churchwarden the whole building looks extremely sad at the moment and it seems hard to imagine it looking as inviting as it once did, not so long ago.

We do have an alarm system fitted to the scaffolding and this will eventually be made permanent. The neighbours have been particularly tolerant as we work out the small niggles in the system which have meant several call outs in the first ten days or so. It must also be said that the neighbours have been extremely vigilant and have beaten the monitoring company in calling me when we have had an “activation”. Wonderful Neighbourhood Watchers. Keep it up chaps!!


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Unlike many organisations the Forget-me-not Club has continued meeting throughout the summer months. In July two of our own members, Mrs M. Roach and Mrs D. Piper, took us on a journey to the U.S.A .where they had recently spent a lovely holiday visiting such places

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as Denver, the Rocky mountains; Mount Rushmore; Yellowstone National Park; and many more. With the aid of post cards, brochures, and photographs they kept us entertained.At the next meeting we warmly welcomed Mrs Edna Jones who used to be an active member of the Club. In between a Quiz and our annual strawberry tea Mrs Jones gave us a short talk on how very different life was when she was young.At the first meeting in August the Rev. Alan Barker paid a return visit to the club. With his skilful playing of popular tunes on his keyboard, interspersed with humorous readings and jokes, we had a really jolly afternoon`s entertainment.Thanks were given by chairman Mrs M. Coates, refreshments were served at each meeting, and the usual raffle was held.                                

B. Coleman.

CW Forget-me-not Club Autumn Coffee MorningSaturday September 24th 10 am – 12 Noon in the Church Hall.Admission 50p incl, tea / coffee

Cake Stall – Raffle – Tombola – Bric-a-brac – Books

All WelcomePlease support your local club.




SANDRA ON (01522) 887461

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32. POLICE ADVICE – none this month but contact details included

33. NETTLEHAM MEDICAL PRACTICE (Incorporating CW Surgery)

New Phone SystemThe new phone system has now been installed and is working very well. We experienced the expected ‘teething problems’ in the first couple of weeks so thanks for your patience during this time.

We are noticing that a lot of phone calls are received at the practice between 8:00 am and 8:30 am. I would like to remind patients that the appointment lines for all routine appointments don’t open until 8:30 am, and only emergency calls are accepted from 8.00 am.

Private Forms & ReportsFees for insurance forms, “fitness to participate” letters and other non-NHS work are available from reception. Please hand these forms to reception (not one of the GPs) and also ensure that you have completed all of the claimant’s section of the form including the consent and declaration sections, as failure to complete these parts will result in the GP being unable to complete the form and an unnecessary delay. We ask for a minimum of 7 working days for completion of private forms (although at busy times of year we may need longer). The practice will contact you when the paperwork is completed and ready for collection. The fee must be paid by cheque or cash upon collection of the completed form.

Monthly Early Closure For Training 2011In order to enable our doctors and staff to be kept up to date Nettleham surgery will be closed for training at 1.00 pm on the following afternoons. Emergency help is still available by calling 111.

Tuesday 19th July 2011Tuesday 16th August 2011Tuesday 20th September 2011Tuesday 18th October 2011 Tuesday 15th November 2011 Tuesday 13th November 2011

Contact Details – Nettleham 01522 751717 When they surgery is closed ring freephone 111Website – www.nettlehammedial.co.uk Practice Manager – Helen Lunn

Patient Participation Group & Voluntary Driver SchemeWould you like to help us develop the services we provide? If so, we would like to hear your views. We are in the process of forming a ‘virtual patient reference group’ in order to find out the views of a cross section of our practice.

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If you give us your email details (or contact details if you have no email address) we will contact you a few times each year to ask your opinion on a number of matters.

If you are interested then please complete one of the join up forms at reception or contact Nicola Lamming at the practice for more details.

The voluntary driver scheme carries on being used extensively by many grateful patients, so much so that on Wednesday 15th June we set a new record for the number of patients carried to and from the surgery in one day, when there were a total of 14 clients transported.

We would like to thank all our loyal clients.

Meg Rawden – PPG Chairperson

Alan Price – VDS Co-ordinator

Flu Vaccinations Programme

 We hope to commence our flu campaign towards the end of September. Following the success of our Saturday morning flu clinics, we shall again be running our flu clinics on various Saturday mornings throughout October at both Nettleham and Cherry Willingham surgeries. We will be providing limited Thursday evening clinics at Nettleham for those patients who genuinely can not attend on a Saturday. Vaccination is available for patients who fit one of the criteria listed below:

 Aged 65 or over

Have Chronic Heart Disease

Have Chronic Respiratory Disease (including Asthma when regularly using an inhaled steroid)

Have Chronic Liver Disease

Have Chronic Renal Disease

Have Diabetes

Have Suppressed Immune Systems

Are a Carer

Have Multiple Sclerosis

Currently pregnant

 Please contact either surgery from the middle of September to book an appointment in one of the flu clinics. There is no need to wait until you receive a letter. If you fit into one of the criteria listed above, please contact the surgery to make an appointment.

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After the AGM in June, The Cherry Players decided that, venue permitting, we will definitely be performing a pantomime in February 2012. This will have an Ancient Greek feel to it and we will be looking for anyone who is interested in performance or back stage work. If you are interested in either, please call Rachel our Chairperson on 01522 752940 or 07725699542.

Instead of our normal October half term production the CATS (made up of many Cherry Players members) are putting on another of their Charity Fundraising shows. Due to problems with the school after the fire, this show has moved venues and will be performed at The Theatre Royal, Lincoln. The show, entitled ‘Too Darn Hot’ will be showing at the theatre on the 25th and 26th of October. Tickets are currently available from the Theatre Royal Box Office on 01522 519999, or for more information call Rachel on 01522 752940.

This year’s charity is the Special Care Baby Unit at Lincoln County Hospital and we also have other fundraising events between now and the show. During Bank Holiday weekend, the 2nd Cherry Aid day is taking place and we are running a bouncy castle and face painting stall and on the 30th September, we are holding a Ceilidh (with music from local band The Ploughman’s Bunch). Please call the above number for more information.

Finally, thank you to all of those who attended the quiz we held in the Cherry Willingham and Reepham Village Hall in aid of this cause. We took a lot of money during the evening and profit was nearly £300. Thank you for your support so far and we hope to see many of our patrons at our future events.

Rachel Dodson


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We offer services and activities for all families and carers with children aged 0-5 years.

Come along and join us for a fantastic variety of activities, toys, messy play, free drop-in sessions and helpful services.

Well-Baby Weigh & Stay Introducing Baby to Solids Advice Baby Peep and Tots Time Sessions Home Start Family Group Tots on Tour Toy Library (fortnightly) Child-minding Group Citizens Advice Bureau Advice (by appointment) Movers and Shakers (Bardney Village Hall) Story Sacks to borrow

We look forward to seeing you and your family at your Children’s Centre. If you register with us as a new member you will receive a free goody bag. Office hours are between 9-1pm Monday to Friday please contact Alison for session times and further information on 01522 595980


Reepham CC is having a mixed season so far. It is fantastic to have so many young players in the club now, all of them very keen and able. And they have all had opportunities to play and perform. The down side is that we have not been able to field Reepham’s strongest team this year, owing to injuries, school commitments etc and as a consequence we have struggled in the Lincoln League. We have been bottom of the league, but we are now climbing back up again as availability improves. We hope to stay in Division 3, but need a strong finish in August and September in order to secure our position in this league.

The Evening League has now finished and we have finished mid table, which is a good performance bearing in mind that this is our first year in this league since last year’s promotion.

We have also finished second in our group in the Major Hoult Cup – a notable achievement as we were in the lowest division of the four teams in our league.

Development of the club continues to take place and we have now purchased our own nets. This allows us to practice at our own ground, so hopefully our skill level will increase and results improve.

If you see a match on, pop in and have a look – we like to think that we will give all people a friendly welcome.Andy Housam (Reepham Cricket Club Secretary)

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Lincolnshire Heritage Open Days September 10th & 11th 2011

2011 marks several anniversaries for the Royal Observer Corps in Lincolnshire. It is not only the 20th anniversary of the Stand Down in 1991, it is also 75 years since the Observer Corps was established in the County and it is the 70th anniversary of both the award of the title “Royal” and the first recruitment of ladies to the organisation.

To mark this, a major event will be held in St Clements Church, Fiskerton showing the history of the Corps. The Observer Corps of Special Constables was formed in 1925 but it was 1936 before it came to Lincolnshire. Initially, the north of the county was controlled by 10 Group, York while central and southern areas of the county were controlled by 11 Group, Lincoln. From 1953 the northern posts came under 18 Group, Leeds and then reverted to 20 Group, York in 1965. Lincoln was renumbered 15 Group in 1953 and in 1968 the posts in the north were transferred to Lincoln until the stand down. The Warning Team was organised by the United Kingdom Warning & Monitoring Organisation, a department of the Home Office.

Anyone who served or had links with any of these organisations will be very welcome. There will be photographs, plotting displays, and equipment from the early aircraft plotting days as well as the underground bunkers of the Cold war. Come and try your hand at the 1958 Master Test or use the flash trainer!

A special event for the Saturday evening will be a visit to the old H Q buildings and old operations room. Primetake the present owners have agreed to give a conducted tour to former members and their partners round the old buildings and provide a buffet tea for a small charge, commencing at 1700 hrs. to 2000 hrs., numbers will be limited so tickets will be issued first come first served.

Please contact Freda Styles on 01522 750690 or email [email protected] with any information you may have and to book your visit to the old H Q. The Church will be open 11am to 4-30 pm both days, drinks and light lunches will be available.

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Cherry Willingham Children’s Centre, located on the Primary School Site, held a Teddy Bears Picnic on Sunday 10th July and would like to thank everyone that attended. Special thanks to Michael Mason, Cherry Willingham Parish Council Chairman, for opening the event and the Fire and Police Service for entertaining the children. We greatly appreciated the local companies that donated raffle prizes including: Butlins, Rand Farm Park, Lincoln Bowl, The Co-op, Wilkinson’s, The Wishing Well Pub, Rosie Lea’s Tea Shop, Fish&Chips on The Parade and Nicola’s Hair Salon.

The event was organised and run by the newly formed Parents R’Us group at the centre and raised £176! This money will be used to further develop the Cherry Willingham Children’s Centre and buy resources. If you would like to know more please contact Alison at the Children’s Centre on 01522 595980

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CW2020A Vision for the Future of Cherry Willingham

CW2020 is the title of the project to plan for the future of the village; the result will be real changes that will improve facilities and services. Firstly, however, we need to establish what residents want to see provided or improved.

The questionnaire below is the first of many opportunities for you to express your views. Please note down three of the things that you find really attractive about the village. There may be some things that really annoy you, so note those down too. Finally, you may have experienced services, facilities or events in other villages that have made you think we could really do with that in Cherry - or you may have other ideas about what needs to be improved.

As part of this project, we are working with the appropriate officers of both County and District Councils who provide many of our facilities and services. This means together we can influence their planning for the future.

Your ideas are key to this project, so please spend a few minutes of your time completing the simple survey below (also overleaf if required) – either as a household or individually. If you want more copies, please either photocopy it or e-mail us as below. If you would prefer to complete the survey electronically, please e-mail the Chair of the Steering Group at [email protected] and he will send you the form. (Cont’d overleaf)



CW2020 A Vision for the Future of Cherry Willingham

Cherry Willingham - Love It/Hate It Survey

Three things I love/like about living in Cherry Willingham:

1. ....................................................................................................................................................

2. .....................................................................................................................................................

3. ....................................................................................................................................................

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Three things I hate/dislike about living in Cherry Willingham:

1. ....................................................................................................................................................

2. .....................................................................................................................................................

3. ....................................................................................................................................................

Three things I would like to see improved in the future:

1. ....................................................................................................................................................

2. .....................................................................................................................................................

3. ....................................................................................................................................................

NB: If you wish to amplify any of your comments, please continue on a separate sheet.

Name(s): …………………………………………………………………………………………………...

Address: ……………………………………………………………………………….............................

Post Code: ……………………………….. Tel no: ………………………………….............................

Email: .............................................................................................................................................

Thank you for taking the time to give us your views.


A Vision for the Future of Cherry Willingham

(Continued from overleaf….)

The information you provide through this survey will assist the project’s Steering Group to concentrate on the issues that are of greatest concern to residents.

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If you would like to find out more about CW2020, or get involved in the project, or simply wish to be kept informed about progress, please complete your contact details below. Our preferred method of communicating is by e-mail; if you are on e-mail, then just give us your name and e-mail address. We will contact you. (NB: we will only use any contact information you give us for the purposes of CW2020.)

Please return the form preferably by September 14th (when the Steering Group next meet) and definitely by October 5th. You can post the forms through the door of the Millennium Hall on the High Street, or pop it in the special boxes at the Library, Maddison’s News, or The Cherry Tree.

Don’t miss this opportunity to make

your views known!



CW2020 A Vision for the Future of Cherry Willingham

Cherry Willingham - Love It/Hate It Survey

Three things I love/like about living in Cherry Willingham:

1. ....................................................................................................................................................

2. .....................................................................................................................................................

3. ....................................................................................................................................................

Three things I hate/dislike about living in Cherry Willingham:

1. ....................................................................................................................................................

2. .....................................................................................................................................................

3. ....................................................................................................................................................

Three things I would like to see improved in the future:

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1. ....................................................................................................................................................

2. .....................................................................................................................................................

3. ....................................................................................................................................................

NB: If you wish to amplify any of your comments, please continue on a separate sheet.

Name(s): …………………………………………………………………………………………………...

Address: ……………………………………………………………………………….............................

Post Code: ……………………………….. Tel no: ………………………………….............................

Email: .............................................................................................................................................

Thank you for taking the time to give us your views.